More news on the afganastan quran burning


Feb 15, 2011
Well the pastor says he feels no greif for those killed and just as i suspected the muslims that killed the un workers have been responcible for the death of more muslims:(

Read this artical except

Christian preacher Terry Jones, who after international condemnation canceled a plan last year to burn copies of the Koran, supervised the burning of the book in front of about 50 people at a church in Florida on March 20, according to his website.

He told the British Broadcasting Corporation he did not feel guilty over the deaths in Mazar. "We are not responsible for their actions," Jones said, when asked about the attack.

Thousands of demonstrators marched through western Herat city and about 200 in Kabul to protest the same incident, but there was no violence at either demonstration.

Long-standing anger over civilian casualties has been heightened by the Koran burning and the recent publication of gruesome photographs of the body of an unarmed Afghan teenager killed by U.S. soldiers.: End artical expert

Well looks like blood has been on both sides, this is a end to the whole whicth side is innoecent debate, both sides are both evil and corrupt no debate possible can have a winner. There have been more deaths than that, for both afganastan citizens and the U.N orker.

Yet mr jones feels no piety
He told the British Broadcasting Corporation he did not feel guilty over the deaths in Mazar. "We are not responsible for their actions," Jones said, when asked about the attack.

I think we can be sure that Jesus begs to differ.
That guy should be jailed. IIRC Obama SPECIFICALLY ordered him not to burn the Quran but he did it anyway.
Two things control a civilization, ecomemy and media.
And we all know that obama dosnt have control over that
So what? Obama is the president, not the emperor. He can't order private citizens not do this kind of stuff.


Constitution. Read it.

If the Muslims want to get back at him, burn a Bible. I'm a Christian, but if some guy 1000's of miles away burns a Bible, I'm not goingto freak out about it and have deadly protests.
Two things control a civilization, ecomemy and media.
What makes you say that? I mean what about crap like religion or military or ideology, or whatever?

Constitution. Read it.

If the Muslims want to get back at him, burn a Bible. I'm a Christian, but if some guy 1000's of miles away burns a Bible, I'm not goingto freak out about it and have deadly protests.

More to the point: burn an American flag. That induces the same feelings among many Americans, especially hicks like Jones, that Koran-burning creates among these rioters.
What makes you say that? I mean what about crap like religion or military or ideology, or whatever?

Well media can control the way people think, more important than religion, and money funds a military so who ever has control of both has control of the people and the military. Also does the U.S have any religion? No so it dosnt effect the way people think
Also does the U.S have any religion? No so it dosnt effect the way people think

The US is full of religion. Ever heard of the Bible Belt? He comes from there, BTW.
stupid comment was a stupid comment
also what i meant by no religion, i mean no dominating religion. The U.S is a mix of many faiths
Actualy many " christians" dont follow there bible. Im pretty sure that the most populus religion in america is atheism
DoI: Please read this.
Doh. Sorry for my over welming ignorance
Actualy many " christians" dont follow there bible. Im pretty sure that the most populus religion in america is atheism
Actually, I know my country better then you, thank you very much.
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