More news on the afganastan quran burning

Actualy many " christians" dont follow there bible. Im pretty sure that the most populus religion in america is atheism

Atheism is neither a religion nor dominant in the USA.
I already showed him that! :p
Look i messed up ok, please get back on subject. Again im some what retarted at times, i know this. So please just get back on subject and im sorry for any uneccesary stress i cuased
You are not ********! You simply were not raised in western society, and your knowledge of it is limited.
Er.. i was,
im only 17 though so yah i make mistakes, why is it such a big deal
I could swear you said you were raised in east Turkey? Err, then, move along, nothing to see here! :blush:

It's the internet, it's always a big deal. :D
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if most people who profess some sort of religion on the census were actually non-believers.

Anyway, about the pastor: successful troll is successful. I'd wager the only long piece of text this guy has ever read was from Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Burning the Quran is protected by freedom of speech.

You know, if people in Afghanistan had a better education system, maybe they'd understand the values of a democratic society.
Well alot do. Did you even read the artical, a innoecent afganastan teenager was shot killed by U.S soldeirs. It has nothing to do whether or not the burning of the quran is protected under free speach. The point is is that people are being killed for this, burning the quran was certanly not the only influence to drive these terrorists,

Its the occupation and lack of respect to the afgan culture. Innoecent people have been killed in afganastan more hae became even poorer. Do you hear about this stuff on cnn? No but you can hear it on al jazeera. please free go to al jazeera its good quality news
Well alot do. Did you even read the artical, a innoecent afganastan teenager was shot killed by U.S soldeirs. It has nothing to do whether or not the burning of the quran is protected under free speach. The point is is that people are being killed for this, burning the quran was certanly not the only influence to drive these terrorists,

Its the occupation and lack of respect to the afgan culture. Innoecent people have been killed in afganastan more hae became even poorer. Do you hear about this stuff on cnn? No but you can hear it on al jazeera. please free go to al jazeera its good quality news

Look, its a war. In every war there are civilian casualties, especially if some of the populace willingly let the terrorists use their homes as santuary. The same articles that state that coalition soldiers have caused some casualties also state that by far the vast majority of civilians killed have been by Taliban and terrorist forces. The civilians should hang them instead.

Give it a break, CNN is biased, but so is Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera is far more biased in the other direction.
Well alot do. Did you even read the artical, a innoecent afganastan teenager was shot killed by U.S soldeirs. It has nothing to do whether or not the burning of the quran is protected under free speach. The point is is that people are being killed for this, burning the quran was certanly not the only influence to drive these terrorists,

Its the occupation and lack of respect to the afgan culture. Innoecent people have been killed in afganastan more hae became even poorer. Do you hear about this stuff on cnn? No but you can hear it on al jazeera. please free go to al jazeera its good quality news

Look, in the modern era things are happening all the time that one may not agree with. I personally dislike when people protest at soldiers' funerals, but I also think that its protected under free speech. At the same time, I don't arrive at such a protect with a firearm and start shooting up the place, because I understand that haters are gonna hate.

I'm Roman Catholic, and if I heard about someone burning the Bible, sure I'd question the stunt. But I'm not going to kill innocent people over it. These Afghan rebels have the mind set of Dark Age thugs. Its not a lack of respect for Afghan culture; on the contrary, the Afghani people are disrespecting themselves by reacting so irrationally to this action. It makes them look like violent brutes.

I have nothing against Afghan people, or the Quran, but its time for some places in the world to catch up to the 21st century.
Yes but my point is that the afgani rebels feel like the U.S is trying to disemble there culture. Though they may not be 100 percent accurate on there thoughts. The U.S over the years has in some way disembled some nice parts of there culture. The actions of these terrorists was NOT a spur of the moment thing, they had the ammo and where dangeurus before the quran burning. This just envoked it.

Actualy many edgucated afgani women are the ones most harrassed by the american "rebels". The fact is that many american soldeirs dont speak the language both urdo and english, whilst many afgani people do. They are forced to, they need to so they can gfet along in our culture. It should be the other way around, our military needs to speak urdo expecialy when there using rather harsh stratigys to finding terrorists.
Look, its a war. In every war there are civilian casualties, especially if some of the populace willingly let the terrorists use their homes as santuary. The same articles that state that coalition soldiers have caused some casualties also state that by far the vast majority of civilians killed have been by Taliban and terrorist forces. The civilians should hang them instead.

Give it a break, CNN is biased, but so is Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera is far more biased in the other direction.

Look at least al jazeera reports the news that is critical to know. We need to know what afgani people think of us. Its not good, so the best thing to do is leave afganastan before the american people suffer the conscquences.

The thing u said about the teenager protecting terrorists. Thats kinda rude i think,are you defending the murder of a teenager?

It is true however that more civilian cajultys have been lost because of the taliban, but our precence there creates more terrorists.

Have you ever been a afgani? So no and neither have i so stop assuming that most of afganastan dosnt have edgucated civilians and there all part of the military.
Give it a break, CNN is biased, but so is Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera is far more biased in the other direction.

There's a huge difference between Al Jazeera English and Arabic. They are seperate organizations and the Arabic one is as bad as if not worse than Fox news. I have been reading and watching AJE since the protests in Egypt began and looked up information about it and they have done a pretty damn good job of trying to be unbiased. Sure no one will be completely unbiased, but they definitely seem to be one of the better networks.
Look at least al jazeera reports the news that is critical to know. We need to know what afgani people think of us. Its not good, so the best thing to do is leave afganastan before the american people suffer the conscquences.

The thing u said about the teenager protecting terrorists. Thats kinda rude i think,are you defending the murder of a teenager?
CNN reports the news. Al Jazeera english is pretty decent, but still biased. Its really not any better. Al Jazeera Arabic is just a terrorist propaganda machine and slurs things just like Fox News. You can stop pretending they present the "news" any better than CNN. The American networks have also reported that some of the Afghans don't like us being there. But many of them also don't want us to completely leave.

I personally prefer BBC for news.

If the teenager is willingly harboring the terrorists and giving them a place to shoot at our troops, then he is the enemy. If he is killed in combat, it should not be considered a "civilian casualty". You are knowingly aiding the enemy.

Have you ever been a afgani? So no and neither have i so stop assuming that most of afganastan dosnt have edgucated civilians and there all part of the military.

You should really look up some facts. Afghanistan's Literacy rate is 43% among males and like 12% among females. Its actually probably worse than that. There are many schools there where the only thing is taught is the Koran. There are far more uneducated people there than educated.
You should really look up some facts. Afghanistan's Literacy rate is 43% among males and like 12% among females. Its actually probably worse than that. There are many schools there where the only thing is taught is the Koran. There are far more uneducated people there than educated.
Which means many of them have an excuse for their provincialism, bigotry, and prejudices while the vast majority of Americans and Europeans have none. But it would appear that both groups have just as many intolerant haters.
Nope. Just that it is more understandable. Based on mobs killing innocent blacks, the US is about 60 years ahead of Afghanistan. And mob violence which resulted in deaths still occurred during the Rodney King riots.

We aren't that much more civilized and advanced, especially when you consider which countries still use the death penalty.
also what i meant by no religion, i mean no dominating religion. The U.S is a mix of many faiths

The dominate Religion by far is Christianity but there is no official state religion unlike most of the Muslim world. Also the guy in Florida is an idiot but the only ones responsible for killing those innocent people in Afghanistan are the monsters in that crowd.
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