After seeing Chugginator's Flavor War Elephants, I was inspired to make some of my own. All of them use (naturally) War Elephant animations. Big thanks to Chugginator for all his elephants, and for his Germanic worker, and also to Bakuel for his Andean skin, and to anyone else I may have forgotten. Feel free to use them however you wish and of course be sure to give me credit 
Here are six elephants made by Chugginator
Here's another Medieval elephant made by Chamaedrys
And now, without further adieu:
Download the Celtic Elephant!
Download the Inca Elephant!
North African (good for Mali, Ethiopia etc)
Download the African Elephant!
Download the Mongol Elephant!
Native American
Download the Native American Elephant!
Nordic (good for all types of European civs)
Download the Nordic Elephant!

Here are six elephants made by Chugginator
Here's another Medieval elephant made by Chamaedrys
And now, without further adieu:

Download the Celtic Elephant!

Download the Inca Elephant!
North African (good for Mali, Ethiopia etc)

Download the African Elephant!

Download the Mongol Elephant!
Native American

Download the Native American Elephant!
Nordic (good for all types of European civs)

Download the Nordic Elephant!