Every time some new OVER-POWERED leader comes into a new expansion, we end up finding out pretty quick they are not as great as they were in theory.
My head is still shaking how a few years ago everyone was panicking on how overpowered Ragnar was and that even deity would be no contest when he came out.
Buwahahha! These sorts of over-powered blabber have never left the forums, and never will it seems. There are always people who can not find anything better to do then keep screaming "Over Powered....Broken!....Zomg!!!"
A quick search on the forum will show many games on Noble setting where players had got iron in their fat crosses, built some prats, and walked over the other Noble AIs. Then they'd post their games to prove how over-powered Romans were and how the whole game was broken because of it.
The fact is, at the time none of these people could even play monarch to save their life, so what makes them an expert in the game? They simply did not know that the higher level you go the more the pratts get nerfed and nerfed, and nerfed. They also wouldn't even know what to do with a philosophical trait if you gave them a Parthenon and a national wonder to boost GPTs 100%.