Most Realistic Earth Scenario


Aug 4, 2001
New Zealand
Earth Scenario File

Note: Number 9 in the list below is not included in the zip, I forgot to add it, but it is kind of important to know!

Here is the Scenario

The file is 285KB (Includes graphics for Hard Wood Terrain Type)

Here is the text file:


Sn00py's Realistic Earth Scenario

To Install:
Copy "LMForests.pcx" to Civilization III\Conquests\Art\Terrain\ and overwrite

Copy "Earth.biq" to Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios\

To play:
Load up Conquests, go to "Scenario's" then load up "Earth"

Some Notes:

1. The American civilization has been removed.
2. All start locations have been pre-set.
3. Zulu, Mongol, Inca, Maya, Aztec and the Iroquoi each have their own tech-tree line, their own unique wonder and of course unique unit.
4. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy each have an additional city (to give them a boost, because of their lack of land).
5. All Civilizations that lack land in Europe have been given a land value boost. For example, there is now a "Lush Grassland" terrain that gives additional food; cows and wheat also give more food. There is also "Hard Wood", it is NOT a resource but a new terrain type, it will increase your productivity rate.
6. I have changed the Warrior graphic around with the Enkidu Warrior, simply because I found that the warrior unit is not really a unit that fits in at this time. I feel that the Warrior unit is something from 10000 BC, not 4000 BC. The Sumerians however, will get the original Warrior graphic for their unique unit.
7. Note that to save time, I haven't included any Civiliopedia additions.
8. Note that I have also set this to "regicide", I personally like the fact that there is a unit that if killed, brings down the whole civ, I think it is realistic to a certain degree, especially in an Earth Scenario.
9. The Zulu, Mongol, Inca, Maya, Aztec and Iroquoi can see each other's tech tree lines. If you do choose to play as one of these Civ's, you will know which Tech's to AVOID when choosing what to discover, the MesoAmerican Civ's will have "MA" next to it, the Zulu will have "Zulu" next to it and the Mongols will have "Mongolian" or "Mongol" next to it. So if for example you play as the Mongols, you choose anything with the word Mongolian or Mongol in it, or anything that doesn't have MA or Zulu in it. There are some tech's that all 6 of the civs can choose. The reason I haven't fixed this is because it's quite time consuming to set a lot of tech-tree's up. The AI CANNOT discover any of the tech's that don't belong to it, even though it can see it.

If you have a really interesting game going, please tell us at , I think keeping it to one thread is a good idea. I myself am really interested to see how accurate your games become, and how random everyone's game is. I also wonder what it would be like to be a Mesoamerican facing the Advanced Europeans and Asians, or the Mongols (who have a battle booster! In my game, despite the huge lack of Mongol Tech, they easily wiped out the Russians!)

I have just downloaded your scenario.

I want to say a great THANK YOU for the graphics
you have done.

I always use them in my own mods and would
have included them in ACWNew3.9 but had to
abstain for practical reasons.

In fact I think Firaxis should use your graphics in the
regular CIVIII/PTW/CONQUESTS since they are superior.

Once again: THANK YOU.

Best Regards

I really like the concepts you've implemented in this scenario but I've encounted a bug. If you play either the Spanish or Portuguese your starting units appear on the west coast of Africa.
LOL really?

I wonder how that happened!

I will look at that now, that is interesting
Snoopy - I have noticed that happening quite a lot in scenarios that I make. I havn't been able to download the scenario yet as I dont have conquests (I'll have to wait for christmas) but if you havn't set player starting locations try doing that. The only other way that I can think of to fix it is to not have any starting units except those that you place on the map. Sometimes even this doesn't work though and the game still gives some civs starting units even though I told it not to.
I like your Scen very much. It is really intersting to play about +-100 BC whith no map of America. This is really realistic. ;)
But I dont mastered the secred of your Resources. Wheat for exampel is an stratetic res. What can I build with it?

Carry on
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