Chapter 3
From paganism to Holy Rus' (350 BCE – 610 CE)
An except from book “The Time of Changes. From the late Antiquity to early Middle Ages” by Prof. Petr Samoilov. Publishing house "Science", Moscow, 2050:
“…and now we have a quick look at economic changes from 350 BCE (which is recognized by historians as the peak of Russian Antiquity) to 610 CE (beginning of the Christian era). At first glance, the changes are minimal. Russian borders has remained almost the same, the number of cities increased from 10 to 14. If, however, we’ll look closely... As keyword for a previous period was
expansion, this word for the epoch from 350 BCE of 610 CE was
Img 19. City infrastructure from 350 BCE to 610 CE
As we can see, the main purpose of the Boyar Duma has been changed from building of new and new cities to development of existing ones, building of roads and irrigation. This policy led to significant increase in the population: from 343.000 at 350 BCE to 1.448.000 at 610 CE. Even more notable was increased number of workers - from 1 unit at the beginning of period to 12 units at the end…
Like the previous epochs, this period was mostly peaceful, with no any significant war. The only armed conflict, worth to be mentioned, was a victorious “Karelian war” (310 - 230 BCE) against small bands of nomads (2 horsemen unit), still stayed in Russia after the plundering of Moscow.
Karelian war wasn’t yet finished, when the Boyar Duma made an important strategic decision. It was obvious that the Russian Republic can not prevent the European colonization of Southern Steppes. However, it was still possible to prevent the colonization of Northern Territories from Finland to Urals. Due to unfavorable climate and harsh natural conditions, founding of new cities was only possible in very few places. So, what if Russian troops will occupy these key points?
100 years later, this plan was completed.
Img 20. Strategic points of North Russia
In 250 BCE Russian scouts had crossed the Himalayas and met the Indians - a relatively poor and backward nation. In the same year Russian teachers of Mathematics were sent to Byzantium in exchange for their well-known instructors of
Mounted Combat and 137 gold. In addition, once again travelers and merchants have returned to Russia with news that some Europeans are already familiar with the ideas of
Monarchy and have a highly developed
Legal system.
20 years later, a very strange event took place in Yekaterinburg. City residents rose up against local authorities, which were killed or expelled from the city during disorders.
Img 21. Unexpected riots
After the India, contacts were established with some newly discovered middle-eastern civilizations: with Persia in 210 BCE, with Babylon in 50 BCE. 20 years later after that, Russian scouts met Jews, which bought the secret of Mathematics for 554 gold.
In 150 BCE Philosophy was sold to Koreans fo 118 gold and 2 gpt., and to Carthage for 87 gold. Writing sold to Mongol savages for 81 gold.
20 years later, in 130 BCE Russians discovered the
Construction technologies. Now, our ancestors were able to build aqueducts and beautiful amphitheatres. As always, some engineers were sent to Byzantium to familiarize our southern friends with new construction methods. In exchange, our ancestors have received a full copy of Byzantine
Legal system, which was adopted in Russia with minor changes. In addition, they received 339 gold and 17 gpt. In the same year, British built the
Great Library and was founded the new city of Krasnoyarsk.
In 110 BCE сity of Mecca builds the second World wonder, this time it’s
Oracle. Founded Khabarovsk - second Russian city in Western Europe. 40 years later, the French forces crossed Russian borders near St. Petersburg. Is this a prelude for a new Franco-Russian war? No… fortunately, the French decided to turn back. In the same year, Construction was exchanged for a new French religious system –
Nordic Cults. Yet this new religion didn’t leave too deep trace in Russian mentality. By this time, a lot of educated Russians (and especially the ruling class) were already the cynical skeptics, agnostics or even the atheists. Primitive Nordic cults weren't able to fill their spiritual vacuum.
In 10 BCE Austrians completed the
Hanging Gardens in Vienna. An the same time, Babylonians have built the embassy in Moscow. That was a wise decision. But not all countries were smart and peace-loving like Babylonia. Japan, for example, decided to demand tribute and, getting nothing, declared the war! Well, Russians just laughed at this "Japan threat". “First try to find us!” - that was the official reply of the Boyar Duma. This “war” was over at 250 CE, and dishonored Japan rulers had to pay 44 gold (yet, it wasn’t the “contribution of any form”, according to Japan ambassador. It was just a “friendly gift”

Img 23. Japanese arrogance
In 50 CE, idea of Republic was exchanged for Korean theory of Monarchy, 260 gold and 12 gpt. Russian freedom-loving people weren’t actually interested in this theory. Unlike Jews, who immediately bought Monarchy for 750 gold, and Carthaginians, who bought it for 340 gold and 4 gpt.
In 70 CE Romans finished the
Colossus – a giant statue in city of Pisa. 20 years later was established contact with Ottomans, and another 20 years later was founded Bryansk.
In 150 CE Russian scouts eventually met Arabs, the mysterious people, which have built the first world wonder. As it turned out, this talented people were near to total destruction. They had no one single city, except the capital Mecca. Plus, Arabs most likely were at war with someone of neighbors – Jews, Babylonians or Rersians. Scouts wished them (i.e. Arabs) good luck and went out.
The year of 170 CE is a very important date of World history. First, two new world wonder were built:
Pyramids in Egypt (contact was established at the same year) and
Epic of Gilgamesh in Washington, unknown city of unknown people. At the same year, Russian merchants and officials eventually have developed the system of state
Currency and our Republic entered the
Middle Ages. Until now, all the free-born citizens of Republic were equal before the law. But from beginning of the Middle Ages, Boyar aristocracy began to turn into a closed class, while the ordinary citizens (especially peasants) began to lose their land and civil rights. This dramatic process was only possible after discovering of
Feudalism. Besides, idea of Feudalism was exchanged for English secret of
Sailing, 169 gold and 4 gpt. Russian priests began to study Theology.
In 230 CE Byzantines completed the great
Temple of Artemis in Constantinople. At the same year the horrible
Black Death epidemic arose in Vladivostok. What was the cause of this misfortune? Maybe the gods themselves angry at Russians for their greediness? To please the gods (and the common folk), Boyar Duma decided to share knowledge with neighbors. In 250 CE:
Currensy sold to Byzantine for 128 gold and 2 gpt.
Feudalism sold to France for 274 gold and 5 gpt.
Mathematics sold to Korea 151 gold and 12 gpt.
Sailing sold to Babylon 139 и 3 гпт.
Gods were pleased. In 270 CE Black Death left Vladivostok. 40 years later, Western Russians first met with the Portuguese people – the last European nation, which stayed unknown till that day.
Among the other events, we can mention the construction of new world wonders:
Asa Temple in French city of Orleans (310 CE),
Temple of Baal in Ottoman capital Sogut (330 CE),
Stonehenge in Austrian capital Vienna (410 CE) and
Sun Tzu’s Academy in Beijing (530 CE).
In 390 CE was founded Tver’ – our 14th city, and 20 years later our ancestors have developed the
Theology. Even being the pagans, the most famous Russian theologians have finally realized that all the so-called “Nordic gods” are nothing but hypostases of a single Creator. This sacred knowledge, however, was kept a secret among the small group of intellectual elite.
In 450 CE, the art of Sailing was sold to Korea for 149 gold and 20 gpt, and to Arabs for 106 gold. In the same year, the arrogant English rulers have decided to demand the secret of Theology from Russia. But the times (and balance of powers) has changed. Boyar Duma just replied: “Never! Get out of here!” and this time Britain did not dare start a new war. 40 years later, in 490 CE, Byzantine Empire became the third nation (after Spain and Babylonia) which have built the embassy in our capital.
Img 24. English arrogance
In the year 610 CE, after the long time of spiritual searches,
disappointments and doubts, our ancestors have finally adopted the new great religion –
Img 25. The Baptism of Rus’
All the old Nordic gods were rejected and forgotten. To prove their loyalty to Christ, citizens of Moscow, Vladivostok. Yaroslavl and Krasnoyarsk stopped the building of ugly pagan amphitheaters. Instead, they started the creation of four Christian Wonders.
But that's another story…”
Application: Statistical Review of Russian Republic from 350 BCE to 610 CE
PS. The age of Crusades

is already approaching. So, what do you think, what kind of infidels must be defeated first (and why):
1) Scandinavians (access to Atlantics in future)
2) Germans (good fertile and productive lands in Central Europe)
3) European colonies in Great Steppes south of Moscow (just to liberate all the native Russian lands from foreigners)