Mother - Russia (yet another RoC story)


Dec 15, 2009
The Third Rome
Mother - Russia (yet another RoC story)

A lot of RoC-stories appeared here during last weeks. Reading them eventually inspired me to write my own one, despite even my horrible English (sorry in advance for all future errors and roughness).
Unlike Russian cosmopolite and traitor Svetomir, who decided to become a Mongolian Khan, I’ll never change my homeland, even if I have to wear women's clothes of Catherine…


Img 1. Catherine

My game settings: Russia, Emperor level, Normal AI agression, destroyed civs aren't respawns.

…and some house rules:
1) We, Russians, are kind and peace-loving people. Even the idea of war is disgusting to us. Thus, conquests per se will never be our main goal. BUT... we have the right to liberate our land from all foreigners. “Our Land” means any territory ever was a part of Russia in real history.
2) We are supporters of a multipolar world and cultural diversity. Therefore, Russia should not destroy other civilizations. In addition, we must try to stop anyone who act this way.

From Moscow culture to Russian civilization (4000 - 3000 BCE)

An excerpt from book "The Neolithic Age of Eastern Europe" by Prof. Ivan Chudinov. Publishing House “Science”, Moscow, 2050:

“…Our story begins here, on the boundless plains of Eastern Europe, where small proto-Slavic tribe left their nomadic lifestyle and founded several agricultural settlements. By the name of largest of them, we call this place the "Moscow culture". This culture isn't so differ from 30 other Neolithic cultures, which emerged at the same time (4000 BCE) in different places all around the globe.


Img 2. Russian heartland

We still don’t know much about this period. Yet we can assume the main purpose of nameless Moscowian chiefs was the study of surrounding lands. Almost immediately after the founding of Moscow, the first group of scouts was sent to the west. 250 years later (3750 BCE), a second group of scouts was sent to the north. During 3550 – 3250 BCE, inhabitants of Moscow culture have come into contacts with the peoples of Europe: Germans, Dutch, French and even the Britons.

At the same time, second group of scouts made an important discovery. They have took the secret of Mysticism from small and friendly Turkic tribe, living on the Baltic shores. Century later, this new knowledge has been exchanged for a French secret of Writing and British technology of Pottery.

Img 3. Mysticism​

But the most surprising event happened a few centuries later, around 3000 BCE. Exploring the area south of Paris, Russian scouts came into contact with another friendly tribe. Those peaceful barbarians were so shocked by Russian supremacy, that decided (after some doubts and discussions) to become a part of our emerging nation.



Img 4. Founding of St. Petersburg

That was the glorious beginning of our history. In the next chapter, we’ll look closely at...”

PS. It was just a test post. On the one hand, too many Rhye's “alternative worlds” here. Other hand, my poor English (still good for usual posting, yet not so good for AAR). So, should I continue or not? You decide...
Quantity has a quality of its own, some georgian said. I suppose your bad English can be forgiven if you finish this story and if you don't stop half way through. If you do, I will not forgive you you're bad english.

P.S. I thought the adjective of Moscow was Muscovite?
I thought the adjective of Moscow was Muscovite?

Not always. Word "Muscovite" is more suitable, yet "Moscowian" also exist. Anyway, it's not my, it's Prof. Chudinov's mistake. I'm just quoted him :lol:

I suppose your bad English can be forgiven if you finish this story and if you don't stop half way through. If you do, I will not forgive you you're bad english.

So now I'm forced to continue :(

Chapter 1
The Philosophical Race (3000 – 975 BCE)​

An except from “Russian history” textbook for high schools. Publishing house "Education", Moscow, 2050:

"...This stage of our history is actually a continuation of previous one. Our scouts have established the regular contacts with two newly discovered civilizations (Scandinavians in 2900 BCE, Austrians in 2800 BCE). Exploring of new lands became more and more dangerous thing...


Img 5. Scout crossing the Alps

...But was also very profitable:


img 6. Masonry

Our ancestors were friendly and generous people. That’s why constant cultural exchange with neighboring nations was the important part of their life. For example, about 2500 BCE, Russian people have taught Austrians the Pottery and Writing in exchange for Warrior code and symbolic price in amount of two pieces of gold. 200 years later, they came into contact with Rome and taught them Writing for just 60 pieces of gold. In addition, they sold the secret of Masonry to France for 220 gold. Another 200 years later (in 2100 BCE) they met with Greeks and sold the Writing again, this time to Scandinavians for 58 gold..."

Spoiler :
Why do I always sell a Writing? Well, the AI in Rhye’s mod have a strange research preferences. As soon as AI-civs gets Writing, they almost always begins to explore the Code of Laws, and almost never goes to Literature (which leads to Philosophy)! So my scientific strategy is obvious:
1) Discover Writing and then sell it for any price (let as much of AI’s as possible explores the Code of Laws)
2) Then studying the Literature as soon as possible.
3) Then studying the Philosophy as soon as possible, but not earlier than someone of AI’s will explore the Code of Laws (that’s the crucial moment in history. Sometimes you have to even slow the Philosophy research).
4) Then newly discovered Philosophy can be exchanged for Code of Laws and you’ll get a free Republic:


"...In 1900 BCE, Russian scouts crossed the Italy (country of horrible volcanoes) and came into contact with the first non-European civilization - Carthage. These people also bought our Writing for 62 gold. 25 years later, a new town have been founded on the Baltic coast. Our ancestors called it Novgorod (which means New City in Russian)


Img 7. Carthaginian borders

1675 BCE is an important milestone in our history. At that time, Russians has created the first examples of epic Literature - “Saga of the scouts” and “Sibiriada”. Those epic poems describes the hard and heroic journey of ancient Russian researchers in Europe and Siberia. After that, Russian sages began to study the basics of Philosophy.

Date of 1475 BCE also have an important symbolic value in Russian history. First, new important contact was established with people of Byzantine Empire. But more important was the fact, that Russian scouts, crossing the endless forests, swamps and mountains of Siberia, eventually went out to the Pacific Ocean. This discovery have confirmed the old cosmogonic theory: our world is flat and surrounded by water on all sides.


Img 8. Pacific Ocean

By the mid II millennium BCE, the Moscow cultural borders have significantly increased and Muscovites have noticed this:


Img 9. Enemy at the gates

Spoiler :
These barbarians could easily ransack Moscow and kill all of its defenders. But (for some reason) they stayed quiet and peaceful

By 1350 BCE, Russian travelers and merchants brought alarming news. According to them, the peoples of Byzantine Empire and Austria became the most developed nations of the world. For example, they knew how to smelt a new metal, called Bronze, they knew the art of horseback Riding. But most importantly - they had already developed Code of Laws, while the Russian people were still living under tyranny of chiefs, backward traditions and prejudices. To reduce the gap, Russians have decided to exchange knowledge with the Greeks and Romans. This exchange has brought them Bronze Working, Riding and 82 gold. Our ancestors entered the Bronze Age.

Thus, the whole period from 3000 to 1175 BCE could be briefly described as time of peace, progress and impressive achievements. However...


Img 10. War as it is


Img 11. The “Legendary and Invincible” Russian army

But even the war couldn’t stop or at least slow the development of our people. In the same ill-fated year, when France declared war upon Russia, our Siberian group of scouts came into contact with Mongols - weak and backward tribe. These Mongols were happy to learn the secrets of Russian mysticism (so happy, that were agree to pay 119 gold). Fourth Russian city (Rostov) have been founded In 1025 BCE.

In 975 BCE, Russian sages have eventually developed a new way of understanding the world – PHILOSOPHY. This new revolutionary knowledge was immediately sent for review to Byzantium. In return, our ancestors received the famous Byzantine Code of Laws, Iron Working and 48 pieces of gold.


Img 12. Famous Russian philosophers Kuzma The Muscovite and Lubomir The Rostovite discussing the ideal social system

So ends this chapter of our history. Russians, inspired by new ideas, overthrew the yoke of despotism. The country descended into anarchy and civil war".

Spoiler :
I still can't forgive myself for an idiotic mistake with "47 coins of Elizabeth". War will be much more expensive, regardless even of result
Chapter 2
Dawn of the Republic (975 – 350 BCE)​

An except from “Russian history” textbook for high schools. Publishing house "Education", Moscow, 2050:

"...In 950 BCE, after 25 years of anarchy, all the old rulers were driven out of Russia and new government took control over the country. New social system was very different from the previous one. Formally speaking, Russia has turned into federation of independent democratic city-states, ruled by popular assemblies (Veche). In fact, this Veche was only a local authority, while the matters of foreign and domestic policy were determined by commercial and landowning oligarchy, gathered together in the Boyar Duma. Thus, Russia has become a typical Oligarchic Republic, even though our ancestors did not even know such a term.

Spoiler :
Btw, word “duma” also mean “thought” in old-Russian. So, western word for parliament comes from “parle” – “speak”, while Russian word comes from “think”


Img 13. Old aristocracy sent into exile

The young republic has received a very difficult legacy from the previous regime: war with France and England. So the first and main goal of Duma was re-establishing of peace. Fortunately, rulers of England was impressed by changes in Russia, so they were agreed to sign a peace into exchange for new Russian Code of Laws, which was immediately sent them for review.

France, however, didn’t want to even talk about peace. Instead, French tried to take St. Petersburg, using a warrior.


Img 14. Siege of St. Petersburg

Of course, this pathetic attack have lead to nothing. Group of French warriors heroically and senselessly died on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Shortly afterwards (900 BCE), French rulers have agreed to make peace and even paid 80 gold for “compensation of Russian military expenses”. Strange war was over.

Historians are still arguing: who was the real winner? England, made no effort, yet received the Code of Laws from Russia. On the other hand, France lost 1 unit and 80 gold. But everyone agrees: the real losers were French warriors and their wives and children, who have lost their husbands and fathers. Well, “a la guerre comme а la guerre” as says the French proverb.

After the war, however, Boyar Duma has continued a peaceful foreign policy of previous chiefs. For example, contacts were established with China and Korea (950 BCE), Spain (775 BCE) and Japan (750 BCE). Since Russia has become the most developed country of the known world, Duma decided to help neighbors in their scientific development. Thus:
- In 950 BCE Literature was sold to Korea for 389 gold and 2 gpt (gold per turn)
- In 875 BCE Republic sold to Byzantines for 554 gold and 2 gpt.
- In 775 BCE Writing sold to Spain for 86 gold (too cheap, simply out of pity).
- In 750 BCE Philosophy sold to Austria for 131 gold, and to Britain for 121 gold. Code of Laws sold to Spain for 216 gold. Literature sold to Carthage for 135 gold, and to Rome for 126 gold.
- 650 BCE Republic sold to Austria for 136 gold and 6 gpt. Code of Laws sold to Korea for 181 gold and 5 gpt. Iron Works sold to Carthage for 108 gold.

So, this policy once again proves the peacefulness and generosity of our great ancestors. Ask yourself, dear reader, would be the modern world, we know today, so well developed, if not for this generosity of Russian people?

Good deeds brings good fruits. This policy brought us 2191 gold and 15 gpt for just 300 years. But how the Boyar Duma has disposed with this astronomical wealth? That's how (this is just a first examples):



Img 15. Accelerated colonization

Big country = Strong country. Accelerated colonization and construction of new cities was the main objective of Boyar Duma. This led to significant costs, but also - to significant increase of population and power:
- In 850 BCE was founded Yaroslavl
- In 690 BCE founded Yekaterinburg
- In 490 BCE founded Yakutsk
- In 430 BCE founded Vladivostok and Smolensk, and finally
- In 350 BCE founded Orenburg.

Thus, by 350 BCE Russia was already have 10 cities with total population 343 000 people (8% of world population).

The most important and promising was the founding of Yekaterinburg. Among other reasons, this city was built to demonstrate the attractive aspects of Russian culture to inhabitants of Stockholm, and, perhaps, to induce them for voluntary joining to Mother-Russia. As the great Russian poet wrote:

"Unity," proclaimed the oracle of our day,
"Is likely welded together with iron and blood..."
But we’ll try and weld it together with love,
And then we will see which is stronger...


Img 16. Cultural exchange

By 610 BCE, the first inhabitants of Stockholm were invited to visit Yekaterinburg, to read books in city library and pray gods in city temple. Scandinavians returned home in deep thought.

Any true historian must be honest. We can’t describe only the achievements and remain silent on problems and errors. One of these problems, for example, was beginning of massive barbarian migrations. From 750 to 630 BCE these barbarians crossed the great distance from modern Ukraine to modern Kareliya. But for which reason? This is still a matter of controversy and discussions among historians.


Img 17. Barbarian migrations

In 670 BCE unknown civilization have built the first World Wonder: Moai Statues in city of Mecca. 120 years later, Russian scientists have developed Mathematics, and another 140 years later (410 BCE), Spaniards decided to establish strong diplomatic relations with our country. Boyar Duma happily agreed to exchange embassies.

But soon after that, a horrific event has happened. Gathered together, barbaric hordes eventually moved on to attack Moscow! In the year 370 BCE, the whole world has witnessed how the capital of largest and strongest of the world powers has been plundered by barbarians! Although the city itself wasn't destroyed, It was the biggest humiliation from the very beginning of our history.


Img 18. Barbarians in Moscow

Well, good or bad, but barbarian problem was "solved". To compensate the losses, in 350 BCE idea of Republic was sold to French for 149 gold and 1 gpt..."

Application: Statistical Review of Russian Republic and surrounding world at 350 BCE

Spoiler :



Military forces




Maps of the Known World
Chapter 3
From paganism to Holy Rus' (350 BCE – 610 CE)

An except from book “The Time of Changes. From the late Antiquity to early Middle Ages” by Prof. Petr Samoilov. Publishing house "Science", Moscow, 2050:

“…and now we have a quick look at economic changes from 350 BCE (which is recognized by historians as the peak of Russian Antiquity) to 610 CE (beginning of the Christian era). At first glance, the changes are minimal. Russian borders has remained almost the same, the number of cities increased from 10 to 14. If, however, we’ll look closely... As keyword for a previous period was expansion, this word for the epoch from 350 BCE of 610 CE was infrastructure.


Img 19. City infrastructure from 350 BCE to 610 CE

As we can see, the main purpose of the Boyar Duma has been changed from building of new and new cities to development of existing ones, building of roads and irrigation. This policy led to significant increase in the population: from 343.000 at 350 BCE to 1.448.000 at 610 CE. Even more notable was increased number of workers - from 1 unit at the beginning of period to 12 units at the end…

Like the previous epochs, this period was mostly peaceful, with no any significant war. The only armed conflict, worth to be mentioned, was a victorious “Karelian war” (310 - 230 BCE) against small bands of nomads (2 horsemen unit), still stayed in Russia after the plundering of Moscow.

Karelian war wasn’t yet finished, when the Boyar Duma made an important strategic decision. It was obvious that the Russian Republic can not prevent the European colonization of Southern Steppes. However, it was still possible to prevent the colonization of Northern Territories from Finland to Urals. Due to unfavorable climate and harsh natural conditions, founding of new cities was only possible in very few places. So, what if Russian troops will occupy these key points?

100 years later, this plan was completed.


Img 20. Strategic points of North Russia

In 250 BCE Russian scouts had crossed the Himalayas and met the Indians - a relatively poor and backward nation. In the same year Russian teachers of Mathematics were sent to Byzantium in exchange for their well-known instructors of Mounted Combat and 137 gold. In addition, once again travelers and merchants have returned to Russia with news that some Europeans are already familiar with the ideas of Monarchy and have a highly developed Legal system.

20 years later, a very strange event took place in Yekaterinburg. City residents rose up against local authorities, which were killed or expelled from the city during disorders.


Img 21. Unexpected riots

Spoiler :
Even the AI-governors aren’t sinless

After the India, contacts were established with some newly discovered middle-eastern civilizations: with Persia in 210 BCE, with Babylon in 50 BCE. 20 years later after that, Russian scouts met Jews, which bought the secret of Mathematics for 554 gold.

In 150 BCE Philosophy was sold to Koreans fo 118 gold and 2 gpt., and to Carthage for 87 gold. Writing sold to Mongol savages for 81 gold.

20 years later, in 130 BCE Russians discovered the Construction technologies. Now, our ancestors were able to build aqueducts and beautiful amphitheatres. As always, some engineers were sent to Byzantium to familiarize our southern friends with new construction methods. In exchange, our ancestors have received a full copy of Byzantine Legal system, which was adopted in Russia with minor changes. In addition, they received 339 gold and 17 gpt. In the same year, British built the Great Library and was founded the new city of Krasnoyarsk.

In 110 BCE сity of Mecca builds the second World wonder, this time it’s Oracle. Founded Khabarovsk - second Russian city in Western Europe. 40 years later, the French forces crossed Russian borders near St. Petersburg. Is this a prelude for a new Franco-Russian war? No… fortunately, the French decided to turn back. In the same year, Construction was exchanged for a new French religious system – Nordic Cults. Yet this new religion didn’t leave too deep trace in Russian mentality. By this time, a lot of educated Russians (and especially the ruling class) were already the cynical skeptics, agnostics or even the atheists. Primitive Nordic cults weren't able to fill their spiritual vacuum.


Img 22. Border incident

In 10 BCE Austrians completed the Hanging Gardens in Vienna. An the same time, Babylonians have built the embassy in Moscow. That was a wise decision. But not all countries were smart and peace-loving like Babylonia. Japan, for example, decided to demand tribute and, getting nothing, declared the war! Well, Russians just laughed at this "Japan threat". “First try to find us!” - that was the official reply of the Boyar Duma. This “war” was over at 250 CE, and dishonored Japan rulers had to pay 44 gold (yet, it wasn’t the “contribution of any form”, according to Japan ambassador. It was just a “friendly gift”).


Img 23. Japanese arrogance

In 50 CE, idea of Republic was exchanged for Korean theory of Monarchy, 260 gold and 12 gpt. Russian freedom-loving people weren’t actually interested in this theory. Unlike Jews, who immediately bought Monarchy for 750 gold, and Carthaginians, who bought it for 340 gold and 4 gpt.

In 70 CE Romans finished the Colossus – a giant statue in city of Pisa. 20 years later was established contact with Ottomans, and another 20 years later was founded Bryansk.

In 150 CE Russian scouts eventually met Arabs, the mysterious people, which have built the first world wonder. As it turned out, this talented people were near to total destruction. They had no one single city, except the capital Mecca. Plus, Arabs most likely were at war with someone of neighbors – Jews, Babylonians or Rersians. Scouts wished them (i.e. Arabs) good luck and went out.

The year of 170 CE is a very important date of World history. First, two new world wonder were built: Pyramids in Egypt (contact was established at the same year) and Epic of Gilgamesh in Washington, unknown city of unknown people. At the same year, Russian merchants and officials eventually have developed the system of state Currency and our Republic entered the Middle Ages. Until now, all the free-born citizens of Republic were equal before the law. But from beginning of the Middle Ages, Boyar aristocracy began to turn into a closed class, while the ordinary citizens (especially peasants) began to lose their land and civil rights. This dramatic process was only possible after discovering of Feudalism. Besides, idea of Feudalism was exchanged for English secret of Sailing, 169 gold and 4 gpt. Russian priests began to study Theology.

In 230 CE Byzantines completed the great Temple of Artemis in Constantinople. At the same year the horrible Black Death epidemic arose in Vladivostok. What was the cause of this misfortune? Maybe the gods themselves angry at Russians for their greediness? To please the gods (and the common folk), Boyar Duma decided to share knowledge with neighbors. In 250 CE:
Currensy sold to Byzantine for 128 gold and 2 gpt.
Feudalism sold to France for 274 gold and 5 gpt.
Mathematics sold to Korea 151 gold and 12 gpt.
Sailing sold to Babylon 139 и 3 гпт.

Gods were pleased. In 270 CE Black Death left Vladivostok. 40 years later, Western Russians first met with the Portuguese people – the last European nation, which stayed unknown till that day.

Among the other events, we can mention the construction of new world wonders: Asa Temple in French city of Orleans (310 CE), Temple of Baal in Ottoman capital Sogut (330 CE), Stonehenge in Austrian capital Vienna (410 CE) and Sun Tzu’s Academy in Beijing (530 CE).

In 390 CE was founded Tver’ – our 14th city, and 20 years later our ancestors have developed the Theology. Even being the pagans, the most famous Russian theologians have finally realized that all the so-called “Nordic gods” are nothing but hypostases of a single Creator. This sacred knowledge, however, was kept a secret among the small group of intellectual elite.

In 450 CE, the art of Sailing was sold to Korea for 149 gold and 20 gpt, and to Arabs for 106 gold. In the same year, the arrogant English rulers have decided to demand the secret of Theology from Russia. But the times (and balance of powers) has changed. Boyar Duma just replied: “Never! Get out of here!” and this time Britain did not dare start a new war. 40 years later, in 490 CE, Byzantine Empire became the third nation (after Spain and Babylonia) which have built the embassy in our capital.


Img 24. English arrogance

In the year 610 CE, after the long time of spiritual searches,
disappointments and doubts, our ancestors have finally adopted the new great religion – Christianity:


Img 25. The Baptism of Rus’

All the old Nordic gods were rejected and forgotten. To prove their loyalty to Christ, citizens of Moscow, Vladivostok. Yaroslavl and Krasnoyarsk stopped the building of ugly pagan amphitheaters. Instead, they started the creation of four Christian Wonders.

But that's another story…”

Application: Statistical Review of Russian Republic from 350 BCE to 610 CE

Spoiler :




Military forces

PS. The age of Crusades :c5war: is already approaching. So, what do you think, what kind of infidels must be defeated first (and why):
1) Scandinavians (access to Atlantics in future)
2) Germans (good fertile and productive lands in Central Europe)
3) European colonies in Great Steppes south of Moscow (just to liberate all the native Russian lands from foreigners)
Chapter 4
Middle Ages (610 – 1100 CE)​

An except from “Russian history” textbook for high schools. Publishing house "Education", Moscow, 2050:

“…and so we call this epoch the Middle Ages. Of course, its boundaries are conventional. Some historians claims that starting point of Middle Ages was the year 170 CE, but majority of them agrees that true Middle Ages began after the adoption of Christianity, and ended with discovery of Firearms and New World. Thus, date of 1100 CE is accepted as end of this epoch.

The adoption of Christianity didn’t mean that Russian Republic stopped all contacts with neighboring pagans. In the year 650 CE, Construction was sold to Korea for 250 gold and 26 gpt, and Theology sold to Israel for 217 gold. 20 years later, Jews has built the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and English - the famous Great Lighthouse in London.

In the same 670 CE was founded the city of Kazan’, and all the territory of Finland came under control of growing Russian Republic.


Img 26. Russian Finland

Until now, Russian people were just the modest witnesses of how other nations are building World wonders. But in 690 CE, the pious inhabitants of Vladivostok have eventually created The Hagia Sophia - the greatest Christian temple. And that was just the first of wonders, which brought the eternal fame to Holy Rus’. In the same year envoys of Babylonia came to Moscow with proposal of alliance against Persia. Boyar Duma didn’t want to intervene in bloody and pointless Middle Eastern war. So, Babylonians were assured of eternal friendship, but their proposal has been politely rejected.


Img 27. Hagia Sophia

This war continued to 770 CE, when both countries decided to make peace. In the same year Russian people have indignantly learned that the Byzantines built a pagan Statue of Zeus in their capital. At the same time was founded another Russian city - Novosibirsk

In 810 CE, Russian scientists have developed the theory of Education. Since then, any talented young man, regardless of social status, could theoretically get a university degree and join the intellectual elite. In fact, however, the vast majority of students were children of boyars and rich merchants. Theory of Education was given to Britain in exchange for Invention and 629 gold. The British were happy, despite the fact that their famous Great Library has become obsolete. In the same year, Russian missionaries were sent to France for preaching Christianity. In exchange, the grateful French neophytes taught our priests the Siegecraft and gave them 21 gpt.

In the same year Russian settlers have founded the city of Magadan.

In 870 CE, Education was given to Austria in exchange for idea of Chivalry. This new way of life, however, doesn’t become popular among our peace-loving ancestors, inclined more to science and commerce, than to war.

In 930 CE Koreans has built the Great Wall in their capital, city of Seoul. 40 years later, in 970 CE, the newborn Papal States emerged in the centre of Moscow. High-priest Ermolay declared himself the "Pope of Moscow, infallible vicar of St. Peter, head of all Christians, pastor of all Russia & of all the Humanity". His real power, however, was much more modest than his pompous title, since the real rulers of Russia stayed the rich landowners and commercial oligarchy.


Img 28. The Papal States

20 years later, in 990 CE Russian merchants have created the idea of Banking. This new idea has been sent to England in exchange for their secrets of Alchemy, 726 gold and 1 gpt. "Why do we need those banks, as we will soon have an unlimited source of gold?" has decided the Boyar Duma. Yet… shortly thereafter, all the invited English alchemists were publicly executed as “foreign fraudsters”. Also, Banking has been sent to France in exchange for Magnetism and 266 gold. Russian scientists began to study Astronomy.

Spoiler :
Btw, it was my mistake (or inaccurate research strategy). Foreign scientists also studied Astronomy (and have finished it first). All the years of our research were lost.

Year of 1000 CE has an important symbolic value. At first, it's approximately the 5000-th year of Russian history, and secondly, it’s the first year of a new great era, called Age of Discoveries. This year two Russian caravels, blessed by Pope Ermolay, began their journey from the shores of Baltic Sea. In addition, Koreans decided to buy Theology for 248 gold and 37 gpt.

30 years later, in the year 1030 CE, people of Krasnoyarsk have completed the St. Peter’s Basilica.


Img 29. St. Peter’s Basilica

Unfortunately, in the same year Russian travelers returned home with news that the British and the French have already discovered Astronomy. and created a new, heliocentric model of Universe. Besides, this revolutionary knowledge allows to create world maps and share them with neighbors! All the astronomical ideas of Russian scientists immediately became useless and obsolete. Fortunately, Britain agreed to give Astronomy and world map in exchange for Russian world map and 437 gold.

However, it wasn’t the first and only shock to Russian scientists. Shortly thereafter, studying English maps, they realized that British sailors in fact discovered a new unknown large island, or perhaps even a continent!


Img 30. British discovery

It was obvious that Russian geographical knowledge was incomplete and outdated. But now, the Boyar Duma would quickly correct the situation. Agreements of map exchange have been signed with Scandinavia, Rome, Greece, Carthage, Egypt, Arabs, Byzantium, Ottomans, India, Persia, Mongolia, China, Japan and Korea. Generally, all these countries purchased the Russian territorial map in exchange for their world maps and a small amount of gold.

This exchange has led to significant increase of Russian geographical knowledge. This exchange has led to significant increase of Russian geographical knowledge. According to research, conducted by “Civassist institute”, only 11% of the world surface has been studied by Russian scouts in the year 1020 CE. 10 years later, after the “Great map exchange” of 1030 CE, this number had increased to 31%!

In 1040 CE, citizens of Yaroslavl’ have completed the Crusades. But this event was almost unnoticed by ordinary people.


Img 31. Crusades

Spoiler :
Because they have built it too late (or vice versa, my technological progress was too fast). Now I prefer to wait for Lancers or Cossacks (no more than 10-15 turns)

10 years later, was founded the city of Murmansk. At the same time, first Russian caravel reached the shores of New World. As it turned out, these shores were not empty...


Img 32. Unknown civilizations

In the year 1080 CE, the first Russian settlers came to the New World. They landed on the island of Cuba, full of new and exotic resources. It was just a group of peaceful colonists, looking for new life. Yet, their arrival triggered a conflict with Mayan people, which arrogantly and falsely claimed this island belongs to their Empire.


Img 33. First Caribbean crisis

First contacts with Maya were successful and promising: for example, they bought Russian territorial map in exchange for their world map and 27 gold. But as soon as first Russian colony (city of Irkutsk) was founded, arrogant and aggressive Mayan rulers declared war with no significant reason! Of course, Russia was much stronger than these savages, but Russia was far away from here. To protect themselves from Mayan aggression, colonists began to look for allies in the New World. In the same year they find Aztecs – another Mesoamerican civilization. After the usual map exchange (our territorial map for their world map and 34 gold), Russian colonists sold Mathematics for 502 gold, then established embassy in Tenochtitlan, and finally signed a military alliance against Maya in exchange for Philosophy. So, the arrogant Maya were punished for disrespect to legitimate interests of Russian Republic.

10 years later was established contact with another civilization of New World. This new people called their land "America". Since then, the name of this civilization also used to refer to the whole continent. Russian Republic and America have agreed to exchange their world maps.

In 1100 CE, experiments with gunpowder have eventually led Russian masters to creation of the first samples of Firearms. Of course, this didn’t mean an immediate rejecting of bows and crossbows. In fact, the first muskets were no more than expensive toys of aristocracy. For example, one of the first Russian muskets was sent as gift for English Queen. In exchange, her Majesty sent us the newest English world map, 1923 gold and 20 gpt.

In the same year Chivalry was sold to Korea for 297 gold and 27 gpt. World map sold to France for their world map and 196 gold…”

Application: Statistical Review of Russian Republic at 1100 CE

Spoiler :


G7. Top 7 world powers by score




Military forces
Btw, word “duma” also mean “thought” in old-Russian. So, western word for parliament comes from “parle” – “speak”, while Russian word comes from “think”

Brilliant! :goodjob:

I really like this story. The ESL English doesn't bother me cause the story is so interesting. Good job of coming to dominate Christianity (and converting those heathen Frogs). I've never played the RoC mod, but now I totally want to.

Russia seems to be suffering from the same old geopolitical problem it's always had: back up against the ice and totally surrounded by enemies. Once you play Risk, you realize that world conquest can only be executed from a starting point in Australia. Thank goodness Yahoo Serious has too much Jesus in his heart.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
I've never played the RoC mod, but now I totally want to.

Yes, I would highly recommend to try it. This mod designed as some kind of "History simulator", as much as it possible in Civ 3.

I really like this story. The ESL English doesn't bother me cause the story is so interesting. Good job... Looking forward to the next chapter.

Thanks for your kind words, but I don't plan to continue. Not now, at least...
These days I've lost my dog. At July 1, he had a stroke, and then slowly dying within 10 days, until I had to euthanize him. I never thought this would happen (first 5-7 days I even thought he is recovering). Just have no mood to play right now. So, perhaps this story is over. Or, maybe I'll come back later.

Spoiler :


My dog
Соболезную. Крепись! Потеря друга всегда очень тяжела...
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Atoll. Dogs are such wonderful friends--they teach us such pure acceptance and love. You have my deepest sympathies.
Ñîáîëåçíóþ. Êðåïèñü! Ïîòåðÿ äðóãà âñåãäà î÷åíü òÿæåëà...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Atoll. Dogs are such wonderful friends--they teach us such pure acceptance and love. You have my deepest sympathies.

Thanks, guys. Yes, he was my true friend. I never imagined that I would have to do that. it would be wonderful to choose between good and bad, but sometimes we have to choose between awful and awful.
Chapter 5
The Time of Troubles (1100 – 1290 CE)

An except from “Russian history” textbook for high schools. Publishing house "Education", Moscow, 2050:

“…thus this period of our history isn’t so long, but eventful. The first time our country was suddenly involved in a great European war. Our ancestors weren’t ready for this, yet they honorably overcame all the difficulties and dangers. Let's look at this period in more detail.

The first 70 years of this period were peaceful, and nothing foreshadowed the future troubles. In 1110 CE Chinese have built the Terracotta Army in Beijing. The Chinese were very proud of this “great” achievement, but Russia more needed in live soldiers than terra-cotta statues. That’s why Boyar Duma made a wise (but a bit belated) decree on military reform: all the remained archers and crossbowmen should be retrained and reorganized into the musketeers.

In 1120 CE was established contact with Iroquois, which bought Russian world map for their map plus 77 gold and 3 gpt. Persians bought it too, for incense, 54 gold and 1 gpt.

20 years later, In 1140 CE, Russian colonists have built the first outpost in Africa – the city of Chita:


Img 34. African outpost

In 1150 CE Russian explorers met new African people, called Ethiopians. In the same year Aztecs bought idea of Republic for world map and 1068 gold. Another 20 years later Russian scientists have finally developed the Metallurgy and the next Russian colony (city of Samara) was founded in South America.

That was the last peaceful year. As you can see, there were no any signs of future troubles, until…


Img 35. British invaders

They said they came in peace, but even the 5-year-old kid could easily guess why they came, isn’t it?…”

An excerpt from book "Ambassador’s notes. Chronicles of the European war through the eyes of contemporaries" by Petr Somov. Publishing House “Science”, Moscow, 2050:

“1180 CE – Horrible (but 100% predictable) news. Britain declares war on us and Novosibirsk was immediately captured by British invaders. Our Aztec friends has built the Temple of Sun in Teotihuacan.


Img 36. British Novosibirsk

1190 CE - British diplomacy at work: England and Spain have formed a “defensive” alliance against Russia, so Spain declares war on us! Britons has lost a unit of knights while trying to develop the offensive. That’s not bad. And then (out of a clear sky)…


Img 37. Russian patriotism in action

So, Novosibirsk liberated. Now there is some work for our diplomats. Stupid British, do you really think you're the only ones who can form alliances? Well, let's see…
New embassies were built in France, Austria, Rome, Germany, Holland and Portugal.
Alliances against Spain:
with Germany, for Siegecraft
with Rome, for Russian territorial map
with Netherlands, for Russian world map
with Portugal, for free
with Austria, for the world map


Img 38. Anti-Spanish coalition

Well, Spain, how do you feel now?

1200 CE – Anglo-French alliance! France joins British aggression against Russia. OK, treacherous Gauls, now you have to pay for this! We have built a new embassy in Mongolian capital and have signed several anti-French alliances:
with Mongolia, for Feudalism
with Germany, for the Right of passage and Christianity
with Netherlands, for Theology
with Portugal, for free (again)
with Austria, for Alchemy
with Rome, for the world map


Img 39. Anti-French coalition

In addition, the Siegecraft sold to Korea for 135 gold and 43 gpt. Currency sold to Aztecs for 384 gold and their world map.

1210 CE – More and more countries go to war. Byzantium and France signed an alliance against Austria, so Byzantium attacked Austria. Portugal and England formed an alliance against us (thus, Portugal now at war with Russia, Spain and France at the same time! Well done, brave Portuguese). Carthage also joined to Britain and attacked us! In response, we have built an embassy in Egypt and signed alliance against Cartage. In addition, we met with Zulu people.

Our worker was captured by French knights near St. Petersburg. At the same time, our troops captured the Portuguese settler.


Img 40. Exchange

1220 CE – Greece have declared war on Rome. The Leaning Tower was built in Seoul. Our sailors noticed that the Dutch blocked the passage from Atlantic Ocean to the Baltic Sea, so our caravel just can’t return home! That’s the perfect “gift” from our “allies”.


Img 41. Naval blockade

1230 CE – Our military leaders have developed the idea of Military tradition. Now we can build the Lancers!

1240 CE – Sluggish positional warfare continues… French knight attacked the St. Petersburg (unsuccessfully). City defenders counterattacked and destroyed the French knight and swordsman. British ship drowned Russian caravel near Rotterdam (thank you again, our Dutch friends).

The only event not related to this war: our explorers have finished the complete map of Eurasia.

1250 CE – Education sold to Korea for 164 gold and 19 gpt. Construction sold to Aztecs for their world map, 145 gold and 1 gpt.

1260 CE– No Comment:


Img 42. Russian Leipzig

Thus, our policy of "unity through love" (our enemies call this “cultural pressure”) have suddenly brought some fruits. On the one hand, Russia always respected Germany and its territorial integrity. Other hand, how could we go against the will of German people? So, Boyar Duma gladly accepted the request of Leipzig residents.

The Magellan's voyage have been finished in British city of Hastings. At the same tine, our explorers met with Incas, (the last of 30 foreign civilizations) which bought our world map for 641 gold and their world map. In addition, we have finished the complete map of Africa and founded Archangelsk in southern Scandinavia.

This year, the Boyar Duma accepted an unpopular, but wise decision: peace with England. As a supplement to this peace treaty, Britons received Russian world map in exchange for just 23 gold. Obviously, it was a hidden form of tribute, that led to frustration and resentment among the military: "How and why? Cowardly moneybags, sitting in Boyar Duma, made peace with our eternal enemy when we are so close to victory!"

1280 CE – War between Aztecs and Maya was also ended without any appreciable result, so Boyar Duma decided to sign peace with Maya. Russian envoy was instructed to make peace on terms of status quo (as Russians and Maya never even met on the battlefield). But, to his great surprise, terrified Maya were agree to give the city of Copan, world map and all their treasures (not so big in fact, just 3 gold).

In the same year 2 units of French swordsmen were destroyed, trying to storm St. Petersburg. Poor stupid guys…

1290 CE – Portugal have also finally decided to make peace with Russia and paid us the symbolic contribution (22 gold and world map). Time for peace has been chosen wisely, because…

Our engineers have discovered the Flintlock, that led to new military reform. All 8 horse archer units were immediately retrained into Cossacks. All 5 pikemen units were retrained into Fusiliers. Flintlock have been exchanged for British world map, Mercantilism and 846 gold…”

Application: Statistical Review and Maps at 1290 CE

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Military forces


Maps of Russian Republic at 1290 CE:





Application: European Campaign plan (Top Secret, for Boyar Duma members only)
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