Mouse's TODO List


Jan 31, 2012
Since all the cool kids have one... :crazyeye: And finally there something more then just "Making Buildings".

My plans for the V35 cycle:

- Read through all events and fix them / adjust them to C2C. -> Almost done.
- Make Hydro's "Migration" events for new resources. Yes, this also incluedes metals! :crazyeye:
- Make culture specific events suggested by Sparth.
- Make more very eraly Prehistoric events -> This will reduce volcanoes and burned down Smokehouses!
- Make Natural Wonder related events.
- Make Alternative Timeline events.
- Apply dynamic :gold: cost and incomes from events.

- Make Stories and Story buildings for DH.
- Go through buildings and have a look how we could increase the Education in the Renaissance on onwards.
- Go through buildings and see how we can apply the Expression System to give Properties more dynamic.
- Work on my "Supercomputer" idea.

- Making up stats for Atom Punk units and try to make my two promotions for Atom Punk.

Long term projects

- Learn enough python to make a very basic setup for the (long forgotten) Cultural Heritage Project.
- Work on Units, CC's, Civics, Buildings and Promotions to enhance the capturing mechanism (Promos, Civics, Units and Buildings can increase/decrease the chance for capturing)
And I can understand why... I'm like 1/3 done with reviewing the events and it took me like 12 hours to do so. And since I can hardly understand python sometimes I just sit there:

"Jeah... this event does something...hmm...Let's move to the next one" :crazyeye:
- Make Hydro's "Migration" events for new resources. Yes, this also incluedes metals! :crazyeye:

Don't forget that there is already a mechanism for metals, stones and some plants that spawn new ones. It is not an event. It is defined on the improvement. So that mines not on a resource will spawn a stone or metal every so often. I think this is happening far to often on snail, but it may just be because I then have to go and replace mines with quarries when a stone/marble/salt/fine clay resource appears on a mine.
@Faustmouse as you may have noticed I have moved all my Myth and Story lines of buildings into a separate folder DancingHoskuld/Subdue_Animals/Myth_and_Story. I did this so you could wok on them while I work on other aspects of the Subdued Animals.

Changes to Myths Step 1 - The Elements.
Currently we have 3 of the 5 Myth buildings as no animal represents the last two (Stone and Fire). Each Myth building consists of two parts The Elemental Myth and the Elemental Song this is so that they act like national wonders without taking a national wonder slot.

The Earth, Air and Water Myth and Song buildings need to not go obsolete. The :science: on the Myth needs to go obsolete with Trade and be replaced with one education on the Song building.

The Myth and Song of Fire has the same stye as the others but the Fire Myth is buildable at hard Controlled Fire.

The Myth and Song of Stone has the same stye as the others but the Stone Myth is buildable at hard Hammer Percussion.

The Myth and Song of Metal is similar and available at Copper Working. It's :science: changes to education at Bronze Working.

The Strategy text for the Myth and Song buildings needs to indicate that they are required for the Grand Elemental Festival and for sky and earth the Nazca Lines.​

The Grand Elemental Festivals need to require the elemental Song building in the city. Do that in the same folder by
I am suggesting that you do it here so we can test that it works as intended.;)

The AndDependencyTypes is just good modular programming practice so that if the building is removed or not in game then no XML errors will occur.

The question then becomes what else do we want to do with these elements?

Summary: So that is change the three elemental Myth and Song buildings and add three more. Then change the strategy text and add the elemental buildings as required for the Grand Festivals.
Can you put all the belief XML in a folder under your building folder so that I can have a look at it and mess around with it trying to find why it is not without getting in your way with the other buildings you are doing. Thanks.

Changes to Myths Step 2 - Red Panda.

This animal is a bear so it needs the same buildings as the other bears.

Changes to Myths Step 3 - Story Teller line - The Bard.

The Bard is supposed to be able to build the "Story of animal" (BUILDINGCLASS_animal_STORY) in any city if it has been built in any city. The animal can also build this building but does not require the existence of the building somewhere in the nation.

The only way I can figure of getting this to work is to have an invisible "Story of animal" (BUILDINGCLASS_animal_STORY_BARD) which is an upgrade to the other, has the same stats as the other, can't be built in a city with the other and can only be built by the Bard.
Can you put all the belief XML in a folder under your building folder so that I can have a look at it and mess around with it trying to find why it is not without getting in your way with the other buildings you are doing. Thanks.

Changes to Myths Step 2 - Red Panda.

This animal is a bear so it needs the same buildings as the other bears.

Changes to Myths Step 3 - Story Teller line - The Bard.

The Bard is supposed to be able to build the "Story of animal" (BUILDINGCLASS_animal_STORY) in any city if it has been built in any city. The animal can also build this building but does not require the existence of the building somewhere in the nation.

The only way I can figure of getting this to work is to have an invisible "Story of animal" (BUILDINGCLASS_animal_STORY_BARD) which is an upgrade to the other, has the same stats as the other, can't be built in a city with the other and can only be built by the Bard.

How about having the building give a free promotion (like we currently handle 'equipments' - free when the unit is in the city) to UNITCOMBAT_ENTERTAINER. The promotion allows the unit the ability to get an outcome mission that allows it to attempt to spread the tale elsewhere - it may or may not 'stick' as a local favorite tale if the storyteller sucks. If they succeed they get an XP. XP can be spent on other promotions that give them increased chances to spread stories.

Thus, they go and learn stories, add to their reportoire of tales known, then go about attempting to spread them throughout the empire. We could even have detrimental 'tales' which they could attempt to spread throughout opponent territories... And perhaps some tales could overwrite others in a given city.
To complex, since the next upgrade of the unit can build a pseudo national wonder that gives the building free in all cities. It would also mean 200+ new promotions and outcomes one for each animal! Also they are currently one shot units like the missionaries.

The entertainer line does have a promotion that means it survives the mission "Entertain City". We could use that and a single outcome "Spread Stories" which may spread one of the nation's known stories allowing it yo gain experience if it succeeds. We could also use the diplomat promotion Silver Tongue as a modifier extending its use to this line. The problem is that this outcome would be all in Python or about 1000 lines of XML if we want the AI to know about it. Unfortunately the XML would be hard coded which is not good while the Python could use simple string manipulation to loop through all the buildings finding the correct ones.

Which reminds me. I put OV's ai for the Immigrant in but people complain about it going through hostile territory and getting killed. Koshling said that we don't have any other units that do things that way but he is wrong both Missionaries and Corporate Execs do. They find a target city, go to that city and then do their thing.

1) can that be changed so that they request a escort
2) can this be extended to other units eg subdued animals and story tellers, IE the bit that currently says "go to city" becomes "go to city requesting an escort if needed" is available to Python in some way.
3) is it possible for the player to assign some units as permanently available as escorts or have the unit ask the player for an escort since currently you have to assign units as escorts and don't have some function that the ai has.
To complex, since the next upgrade of the unit can build a pseudo national wonder that gives the building free in all cities. It would also mean 200+ new promotions and outcomes one for each animal! Also they are currently one shot units like the missionaries.

The entertainer line does have a promotion that means it survives the mission "Entertain City". We could use that and a single outcome "Spread Stories" which may spread one of the nation's known stories allowing it yo gain experience if it succeeds. We could also use the diplomat promotion Silver Tongue as a modifier extending its use to this line. The problem is that this outcome would be all in Python or about 1000 lines of XML if we want the AI to know about it. Unfortunately the XML would be hard coded which is not good while the Python could use simple string manipulation to loop through all the buildings finding the correct ones.

I think you and I are in agreement here on making entertainers NOT one shot units in general. Right? Maybe limit some of its missions so that it can't re-use that mission on a given city until it levels up again or something to maintain some balance on those missions that currently seem like they should be a one shot for the unit. From what I could recall, we'd both like to see a number of currently one-shot units become something far more interesting this way. This is one of a few major projects of a similar nature.

Perhaps rather than promotions we should simply track the tales as tales themselves (as defined by the tale building). As the unit learns the tales a tag tracks which ones the unit has learned. Unit Knows: x,y,z, etc... Then, a mission to learn them would make sense too. So we have one mission to spread a known tale that CAN be spread in that city still (which would either send a popup to select the tale from the list of those known and aren't currently in the city) and another to learn a tale that it doesn't know that's already in the city - adding it to its reportoir.

AIAndy made it possible for a bit of python to be called in the xml so that you wouldn't need tons of lines of xml to pull that off but it could certainly use some streamlining. However, this may be all more easily handled inside the dll since I think some work there's going to be necessary either way to provide for a streamlined approach. What would be best is if we could define a vector in the dll that identifies all the 'tale' buildings so we don't have to cycle through ALL buildings - only those that are pertinent. I'd bet AI for this would be much easier handled in the dll as well.

I'm also thinking that if we get it setup like this an upgraded or improved tale that would take more spreading would be more enjoyable to play with than a deuc-ex-machina all cities get it type of effect for a later form.

Such a project wouldn't take much time to setup from the coding side I don't think and would add a lot to play. I'd like to work on that. I suppose if you're really wanting to implement something along these lines very soon then I'd better prioritorize the project much higher - like immediately. I might be able to address it this weekend or next if you want. Only thing is I think that the Outcome missions may encapsulate the concept better so it might just mean I need to give some functions and unit storage capacity for known tales that would then be able to interact with the python driven outcome missions. I think those may be a better method since there we have setup capabilities for % chances and modifying those chances for success or failure already.

Which reminds me. I put OV's ai for the Immigrant in but people complain about it going through hostile territory and getting killed. Koshling said that we don't have any other units that do things that way but he is wrong both Missionaries and Corporate Execs do. They find a target city, go to that city and then do their thing.

1) can that be changed so that they request a escort
2) can this be extended to other units eg subdued animals and story tellers, IE the bit that currently says "go to city" becomes "go to city requesting an escort if needed" is available to Python in some way.
3) is it possible for the player to assign some units as permanently available as escorts or have the unit ask the player for an escort since currently you have to assign units as escorts and don't have some function that the ai has.
I've seen some elements of how units request escort in passing in the ai codes as I've updated things for other projects but I'm not terribly familiar with it. Koshling would be a far better modder for the requests you have right now but I might be able to work something out given time. If they aren't requesting escort now at 0 str (which I thought was all that it would take to trigger escort services - (lol)) then I think yes some more development must be necessary BUT I also think that giving them (storytellers, missionaries, executives) a minimal amount of strength like 1 pt may not be a bad idea then. IIRC the main reason they shouldn't have any strength on those units is exactly because its supposed to get them to request escort.

I've been thinking that a tag on a unit that states that unit will always want an escort for whatever it does would be very useful for us and would be one helpful step towards breaking free from needing any 0 pt units at all. (This is a goal of mine as I can't stand that some animals like pigeons get some strength while even an unarmed human would not be threatened by such a creature - don't want to take away the minimal strength on the bird so much as I want to give a small degree of fight capacity on all units without screwing up all the coding that relies on 0 str to determine the effect. I know some capture mechanisms rely on 0 str to determine that it would take place too.)

#3: weuw... that would be quite an interesting endeavor to develop that I think. An interesting concept of course... and I can certainly see its usefulness. You'll have to wait for me to be more thoroughly familiar with some of the automation codes in the first place and that's probably not happening tooooo soon. I'll keep that in mind as something to do at some point though.
1) If you are still making events could I have one or a set of events for "Bountiful Herds". Happens in a city with any herd building or pasture or camp (or upgrade) in the vicinity. Gives one appropriate subdued animal for each herd building and vicinity improvement.

For example a city with buildings herd - poultry, herd - horse and improvements horse pasture, camp - mammoth would get two subdued horses, a subdued duck and a subdued mammoth.

2) Is it possible to have an event on a plot not in anyone's cultural borders? If so then after the tech Animal Husbandry can an event occur on a Mammoth resource plot that removes the resource?
1. So that you get all at once? it is possible to have two events per animal, one per herd and on per pasture.

2. Should work. I'll try. And do we only want to remove mammoths without a pasture? that would be rather cool I think^^

But I'm short on time and events takes a lot of time since I'm not that skilled.
1. that is what I thought when I tried to set one up. I have it about half done.

2. yes but since the camp (not pasture) upgrades it needs to be no improvement.

I have been watching "Giants of the Ice Age" which tries to explain the extinction of the mega fauna. I did not realise that the horse evolved in North America and migrated throughout Asia and Europe then on to Africa where it became the Zebra.
1. oh good. I can set one up if you want to and you could just copy it for the other animals

2. Yes, I'd make an event that targets a plot, requires Mammoth and "no improvement" on it. But then you get a message like "our hunters saw no more mammoths in this area", even when you are in south africa and "this area" that goes instinct is in south chile...

Unless you'd do the same you did for volcanoes, this could be avoided by having the prereq "one of your units is on this plot", but this makes it easy to avoid...
I have been watching "Giants of the Ice Age" which tries to explain the extinction of the mega fauna. I did not realise that the horse evolved in North America and migrated throughout Asia and Europe then on to Africa where it became the Zebra.


Yup. The whole Great American Interchange of animals between North and South America is interesting too.


One crazy thing is before North and South America came together it had lots of Marsupials like Australia did such as Thylacosmilus (a saber toothed Marsupial), however when placental mammals came they displaced them.
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