Multiplayer keep disconnecting


Feb 19, 2022

A friend of mine and I have played a lot of multiplayer maps for a good amount of time and we never encountered any problems. That is until a couple of days ago, when the game won't stop disconnecting us.
After giving up, we started another map and all was fine right up to the same round as the first time, around round 80. Can't move units, can't manage idle cities and no events are popping up. After a minute or two, I'm being sent to the menu and my friend gets a "player disconnected"-message. And when I can move units and play the game, he disconnects. Some times we can get a couple rounds going after a couple of loads before the disconnecting starts. But that's no way to play the game. It all started for us after the latest patch, but that may be a coincidence as far as I know.

I've trimmed down the logs a bit, but here are a couple:

------------------- Error ----------------------------
13:21 - Lost network message: part 22 of 75 followed part 20 of 75
13:26 - Requesting game state resend from server...
13:31 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
------------------- Error ----------------------------
13:37 - Lost network message: part 133 of 1324 followed part 131 of 1324
13:41 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
13:43 - Requesting game state resend from server...
------------------- Error ----------------------------
13:43 - Lost network message: part 189 of 1324 followed part 187 of 1324
13:48 - Requesting game state resend from server...
------------------- Error ----------------------------
13:48 - Lost network message: part 198 of 1324 followed part 196 of 1324
13:51 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
13:53 - Requesting game state resend from server...
------------------- Error ----------------------------
13:53 - Lost network message: part 211 of 1324 followed part 209 of 1324
13:58 - Requesting game state resend from server...
14:01 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
14:12 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
14:12 - Lost connection to server.
------------------- Error ----------------------------
14:12 - Network error. Resetting connection.
14:12 - MatchMakingClient DropConnection :
------------------- Error ----------------------------
14:13 - [Assert]
14:13 - [NetworkComponent] Joined match connection failed: Failed unity_GetRelayHostInformationForNodeId for appId=3356501
14:18 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :


00:00 - [LOG] Logfile is located at: C:/Users/olsen/OneDrive/Dokumenter/My Games/OldWorld/Logs/output.txt
00:00 - [App] TenCrowns Version: 1.0.57919 (2/16/2022)
00:00 -
-------------------------------------- Device Properties ---------------------------------
Unity Version: 2020.3.25f1
Unity Platform: WindowsPlayer
DeviceType: Desktop
ProcessorType: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
OperatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19042) 64bit
ProcessorCount: 16
SystemMemorySize: 32714MB
GraphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
GraphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA
GraphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
GraphicsMemorySize: 10077MB
GraphicsShaderLevel: 50
SupportsShadows: True
SupportsComputeShader: True
00:00 - [Epic] platform already configured
00:00 - PlatformManager initialized for EPIC
00:00 - [OptionsSave] Loading: C:/Users/olsen/OneDrive/Dokumenter/My Games/OldWorld/GraphicsOptionsSave.xml and C:/Users/olsen/OneDrive/Dokumenter/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
00:00 - [GraphicsSettings] Apply Options
00:00 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/olsen/OneDrive/Dokumenter/My Games/OldWorld/GraphicsOptionsSave.xml
00:00 - [GraphicsSettings] Apply Options
00:00 - [Rendering] Resolution changed, Previous: 2560x1440 (Borderless Windowed), Target: 2560x1440 (Borderless Windowed), Actual: 2560x1440 (Borderless Windowed), Monitor: 0->0
00:00 - [Discord] Discord detected
00:05 - [Epic] Successfully logged into Epic Online Services
00:05 - [Epic] Connect - CopyUserAuthToken succeeded
00:06 - [Epic] local ProductUserId=000281bee92f42a5aa4f8a08d59dc961
00:06 - [Epic] local EpicAccountId=80dfcfcda6eb414594f8658ea15c9ead
00:06 - [] User Data Directory set: C:/Users/olsen/AppData/LocalLow/MohawkGames/OldWorld\modio-634\users\80dfcfcda6eb414594f8658ea15c9ead
00:08 - [Discord] Presence connected
00:35 - MatchMakingClient Create :
00:35 - [NetworkComponent] Match c3332ad8-aeb1-4331-975c-78674b1b13cf::olsen created at 23:11:44
00:36 - [LobbyEPIC] Successfully Created Lobby
00:44 - Over 50000 pool allocations for TenCrowns.GameCore.Text.TextVariable. There might be a resource leak.
00:54 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
01:04 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
01:06 - Resend request received - adding send interval
01:15 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
01:16 - Resend request received - adding send interval
01:24 - Attempt to send to not connected connection {1}
------------------- Error ----------------------------
01:24 - Failed to send internal buffer channel:0 bytesToSend:1161
------------------- Error ----------------------------
01:24 - Send Error: WrongConnection channel:0 bytesToSend:1161
01:25 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :
01:25 - Match no longer on match server. Recreating...
01:25 - MatchMakingClient Create :

This one: 00:44 - Over 50000 pool allocations for TenCrowns.GameCore.Text.TextVariable. There might be a resource leak. May this be the culprit?
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