Multiplayer with different DLCs


Mar 13, 2020
Hello, I am thinking about buying all DLCs in the current steam sale and asked myself the question how that would work out in Multiplayer.

Currently, me and my friends all play with vanilla + Gathering Storm. What will happen if I now buy:

- The DLC civilizations like Poland etc. They will probably not be able to pick them but can I play them?

- Rise and Fall, since we all own Gathering Storm no new mechanics are added but what about the civilizations and the wonders? Will everyone for example be able to build the Statue of Liberty if I host the game?

Thanks in advance
Civilization 6 works differently than civilization 5.

Host determines what mods are used. Players joining are automatically downloading these mods while in lobby. If no X wonder, well no X wonder for everyone.

If host settles a game with Gathering Storm players have to get it as well.

And finally for DLCs it doesnt matter if you have them or not. But of course if you don't have for example Jaguira you can't play her but the game can go on.
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