Murder of British MP Jo Cox -- will it decide the Brexit referendum?

It's pretty obvious to me that it is sarcasm about certain public reactions to other politically-motivated murders of non-nazi variants.

Just as well neo-Nazis and "right-wing nutjobs" don't have people baying for their blood when someone in the same Venn area does something regrettable, then.
Yeah, but separating "Ireland-related causes" is a fairly big asterisk. "Well, we've avoided political violence for two hundred years apart from the brutal civil war that we spent a century fighting!"

My point was less that there hasn't been political violence, but this far right violence is something that would not have happened without the political climate that certain groups have whipped up in the referendum. I don't think looking at assassinations for reasons unrelated to Ireland is unreasonable here.

In fact, this is the only assassination of an MP by a far right nut case ever in British history, the only other non-Ireland killing was due to a personal debt.
This is far from a certainty, but some people think they've spotted Mair in a rally photo on the Britain First website.

I think it's clear this is just a lone-wolf attack by a man suffering from severe mental illness, and shouldn't be used as an excuse to slander and marginalize all nazis and far-right nutjobs, who for the most part live their lives peacefully and never murder anyone.
A decent point. Now in this case, it depends on exactly the kind of comparison you want to make. Obviously we're comparing the concern about marginalizing right-wing people or some subset of them to the concern about marginalizing Muslims or some subset of them after an extremist commits an act of political violence.

As long as people draw a fairly similar line against Islamism that they do against neofascism, I don't see any reason to complain. It is true that the current political left seems to demonize neofascism to a greater degree than they do equally totalitarian forms of Islamism, though, while the right is the other way around.

One of the more interesting things I've seen is that leftists often do try to understand why Muslims would become radical, but they rarely try to understand in the same terms why the far right get radicalized. It seems to my mind that there's a common thread. Both ideologies appeal to people who are in the lower-middle sections of their societies and are getting left behind by the current economic system. They're both reactions to rapid changes in the modern world, by people who are suffering as a result of them.

Not that that justifies either of those ideologies, of course, but I think we need to understand what's actually going on rather than just posting the sorts of banal condemnations that we always see after some act of political violence. If I have any real prediction to make about the next few decades, it's that they'll involve a rising level of violence from both the far right and Islamists, unless we somehow manage to ameliorate the relative conditions of people who are left behind by progress.
What makes you so sure he was mentally ill? His actions seem pretty consistent with a politically motivated assassin.

how about killing someone just before a referendum which the side you supposedly support appears to be winning and while doing that you shout your voting intentions. I'm surprised he didn't shout something about muslims being all terrorists while he did it.
Talk about convenient.

I think it's clear this is just a lone-wolf attack by a man suffering from severe mental illness, and shouldn't be used as an excuse to slander and marginalize all nazis and far-right nutjobs, who for the most part live their lives peacefully and never murder anyone.

how about killing someone just before a referendum which the side you supposedly support appears to be winning and while doing that you shout your voting intentions. I'm surprised he didn't shout something about muslims being all terrorists while he did it.

I'm sure you'll elaborate on this.
I'm sure you'll elaborate on this.

Right stabbing her and shouting that in the run up to the referendum is not a sign of mental illness. If he thought that was going to convince people he was mentally ill.
That his pathetic action obviously was never going to help the Leave vote is rather certain. You don't help a side by getting them associated with murder -and his other CVs are not stellar either :mischief: Question is if he really is just so complete an imbecile to fail to notice even this basic fact.
Won't be surprised if he is. But it taints the referendum, which is bad in itself.
^I think that a far more crucial issue is the practical side of things. Do you agree the referendum is tainted? It is a shame.

By tainted, you mean that it will no longer be a fair result? If so, I think it was tainted quite a while back by the ludicrous (and sometimes outright dishonest) claims being made and the caustic behaviour displayed by the politicians (who should know better).

No I said it was convenient timing, which is undeniable.

As you well know, "convenient" implies darker motives.
By tainted, you mean that it will no longer be a fair result? If so, I think it was tainted quite a while back by the ludicrous (and sometimes outright dishonest) claims being made and the caustic behaviour displayed by the politicians (who should know better).

It still is a shame, though, cause you won't be getting another referendum any time soon, so having it tied to an event of such prominence as the murder of an MP is rather the worst that could happen in regards to expecting an actual vote on the EU and not a side-effect of murder.
As you well know, "convenient" implies darker motives.

What are you angling for? What are you after? Do you want me to reword it or something
Right stabbing her and shouting that in the run up to the referendum is not a sign of mental illness. If he thought that was going to convince people he was mentally ill.

Also, Obama ordered Adam Lanza to be brainwashed into committing the Sandy Hook shootings.
It still is a shame, though, cause you won't be getting another referendum any time soon, so having it tied to an event of such prominence as the murder of an MP is rather the worst that could happen in regards to expecting an actual vote on the EU and not a side-effect of murder.

It will only be a vote on the perceived nature of the EU of course, but yes, I'd much rather deceit, hysteria or anger 'won' a campaign rather than murder.

What are you angling for? What are you after? Do you want me to reword it or something

In as much as it may well unduly influence people in the last week of campaigning, yes, I would agree that it is certainly convenient, but in my experience, people use the phrase "well, that's convenient" when they suspect more than has been revealed.
Also, Obama ordered Adam Lanza to be brainwashed into committing the Sandy Hook shootings.

Who rattled your cage, I was responding to someone who said who said the guy wasn't mentally ill by pointing out the he did something very counter productive to his professed cause.
(let's not make this off-topic; the discussion is about tainting the vote, not examining why the murder happened) :)

Maybe british people will react sentimentally, as they did/do in the case of Diana. But this vote should never have been about murders.
Who rattled your cage, I was responding to someone who said who said the guy wasn't mentally ill by pointing out the he did something very counter productive to his professed cause.

And indeed it wasn't.

What I did find out was that apparently, Jo Cox asked police protection shortly before her assassination which she didn't receive.
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