Originally posted by darkChild
those are SO not pop bands!!! (this is the first time ive used !s online, btw...)
each of those bands, writes their own songs: music AND lyrics, got started by hard WORK trying to make a living and because they LOVE MUSIC...
GRRR, that makes me MAD...
btw, its darkChild... and if i really WAS the darkChild, you would be SO DEAD...
EDIT: that was very immature, im sorry...
Darkboy, go and tell yer mummy...
In the real rock world sonny, these bands are laughed at.
As ohwell so inteligently pointed out, they are manufactued
bands designed to appeal to a unimaginative demographic...
They are geared to sell to kids like you, Darkchild.
Now If you look at Limp Bizkit for instance;
They are ran by a gimp (A Mr. Fred Durst) who incidently;
1 Owns his own record label,
2 Is old enough to be your dad,
3 Scoffs at his young and awestruck fans,
4 Is just in it for the dough,
Yep, kid, quite a role model you got there.
The man ain't a rebel, he's a suit in disguise!
Take my advice, look beyond the corporate conditioning
and remove the barcode from your head!
The media machine is just using you kids to make cash,
but you are all just too blind to see it.
And I'm no 'So dead'...as you amusingly put it.
I'm actually very alive and enjoying REAL rock, you loser.
And don't dis bands you so obviously don't understand or are too
damn-close minded to bear.
I am a Metalhead who also dislikes pop music,
I am not a big fan of Rammstein either,
but I respect the feelings of the fans of other genres.
Darkboy and any other teeny immature nu-metal fans,
Kindly grow up...