Jarek Noschese
Prince Gordon
My standing as of M.Y. 2598 on Citizen Difficulty...
Faction: University Of Planet (Academician Prokhorov Sakharov)
Map Settings: all their defaults
City Radius, plus surrounding countryside: all Forests
Nutrients: 106 (Stagnant w/ 53 Workers) [+62/Base, 14 Hydro Labs {+1 Nutrient/Lab} & +3 Nutrients/Deployed Crawler {10 Crawlers} so +30 for +44 Bonus Nutrients]
Minerals: 84 Total (1 for Support, 83 for Industry)
Commerce: +16 (+6 from the Peacekeepers, and +5 each from the Gaians & Spartans [The Spartans get +2 Commerce from me.])
Bank Account: 29,553 Energy Credits (+899/turn [+65 Loan Income from surviving nations])
Base Energy: 89
Economy: 834 (53 Energy+781 Bonus [60% Allocation])
Labs: 2,401 (36 Energy+2,365 Bonus [40% Allocation {Breakthrough Time: 1 Turn/>1 Discoveries/1 Turn}])
Psych: 198 (32 Transcendi; each one produces +2 Psych. This yields +64 Psych {+164 more from Base Facilities and Secret Projects} [no Allocation])
Score: 4,954
Rating: 185% (Lady Deirdre's Lover)
Eco-Damage: 47
U.N. Votes: 158
Rules: Look First (most important)/Iron Man (doubles our score, & ends save-reload spam)/Directed Research (also important)/Unity Survey [kind of important]
Integrity: Noble (0 "black marks" [i.e. no willful/intellectual betrayals, or Atrocities])
Might: Potent (2nd)
Reasons for playing this challenge as the University...
+2 RESEARCH (always crucial)
The -2 PROBE is negated w/ the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm Secret Project.
Starting Techs: Info. Networks + One Bonus Level 1 Tech (so critical, it isn't funny)
Free Base Facility: Network Node (Words can't describe how possible this bonus makes the One City Empire Challenge.)
+1 Drone/+4 Citizens is moot once Drones are Workers/Talents.
Aversion: Theocracy (good; 'cause trust me. Theocracy is worse than +2 PROBE & +1 MORALE. It's the Believers' Agenda.)
Social Engineering...
Politics: Democratic (The +2 EFFICIENCY is always important. The +2 GROWTH helps early on. The -2 SUPPORT is moot from peace. This is the Peacekeeping Forces' Agenda. It's the Human Hive's Aversion.)
Economy: Green/Planned (+2 GROWTH of Democracy; The +1 INDUSTRY makes the OCC possible via the Secret Project Stacking Strat. The +2 PLANET helps early on. The -2 to GROWTH and EFFICIENCY are moot. The +2 EFFICIENCY combined w/ that of Democracy makes our Economy PARADIGM[!!]. This lets us increase Energy Allocation for Labs w/o disadvantage. The Green Economy is Deirdre's Agenda. The Planned Economy is the Morganites' Aversion.)
Values: Knowledge (The +2 RESEARCH combined with that of Zak yields +4 RESEARCH [Energy Costs for Labs -40%]. The +1 EFFICIENCY combined with Democracy's & the Cybernetic Future's +2 EFFICIENCY yields =<+3 EFFICENCY [Exemplary!]. The -2 PROBE still cancels. This is the AI University's Agenda. It's the Lord's Believers' Aversion.)
Future Society: Cybernetic (The -3 POLICE is negated by The Network Backbone. The +2 PLANET combined w/ that of a Green Economy yields Ecological Wisdom(!!) w/o the Gaians. This lets us sustain Forests w/ Facilities & Projects vs. Blooms.)
"leftover" Engineering Models...
Politics: Police State (The +2 to SUPPORT & POLICE don't help. The -2 EFFICIENCY combined w/ that of a Planned Economy ends any faction but the Hive. This is the Peacekeepers' Aversion. It's the Hive's Agenda.)
Economy: Market (Cybernetic gives -1 [Increased] instead of -3 PLANET [Willful/Intellectual Eco-damage]. Even w/ pacifism, Drone Riots go away. Sparta can have The Ascetic Virtues & Police State Politics for -1 POLICE [1 Cop/no Nerve Stapling]. The +2 ECONOMY isn't worth the PLANET & -5 POLICE, especially w/ Forests. This is the Gaians' Aversion. It's the Morganites' Agenda.)
Values: Power (The +2 to SUPPORT & MORALE suck. The -2 INDUSTRY kills production w/o The Cloning Vats. This is the Spartans' Agenda.) & Wealth (The +1 ECONOMY is inferior to EFFICIENCY. The +1 INDUSTRY is from the Planned Economy w/o the -2 MORALE. This is the Spartan Federation's Aversion. They were my closest neighbor. It's important, because 1. Inefficient Energy doesn't help, & 2. The CPU Spartans get strong. They did during my OCEC run. This makes Wealth Values a liability.)
Future Society: Eudaimonia (The +2 ECONOMY is useless thanks to low Labs Costs. The +2 GROWTH is moot because of few Nutrients. The +1 INDUSTRY from the Planned Economy is adequate. -2 EFFICIENCY is better than -2 MORALE.) and Thought Control (The +2 to PROBE, POLICE and MORALE don't help. The -3 SUPPORT cripples until The Cloning Vats.)
Societal Scores...
EFFICIENCY: +3/+7 (Exemplary/PARADIGM Economy![!] {>+4 EFFICIENCY is moot in the One City Nation Challenge. Otherwise, the bonus stacks, even after the default maximum.})
SUPPORT: -2 (1 free lightly-armored or better unit; "no free minerals for new base" means nothing in the One City Empire Challenge.)
POLICE: +1 (max: 2 "cops")
GROWTH: 0/+4 (either -40% Nutrient Cost, or Normal Growth Rate [need Surplus])
PLANET: +2/+4 (either Ecological Harmony[!] or Ecological Wisdom[!!])
PROBE: -4 (-50% cost of enemies' Probe Teams' actions vs. you; best odds of their success w/o the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm)
INDUSTRY 0/+1 (either Normal Production Rate, or -10% Mineral Cost)
RESEARCH: +6 (-50% Labs Costs; so I don't pay the full 3,601.5 Energy for new discoveries.)
Miscellaneous Active Military...
Land Units: 1 Elite Laser Squad
Terraforming: 1 Super Singularity Former
Total Military Size: 12 Units
Remaining CPU Factions' Might...
Peacekeepers: Unsurpassed (1st)
Spartans: Formidable (3rd)
Gaians: Sufficient (4th)
Believers: Wanting (5th)
Converting the in-game population to real-life numbers: No "worker" can represent >145,000 individuals, so our population can't be >7,685,000. That's taller than the Colombian Capital District (designated City Limits) of Bogota [source: List of cities proper by population - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core]! It's shorter than cities thereafter, however.
The Fission Planet Buster destroys anything w/in 2,000km (8 "squares") of the target [tested w/ the Scenario Editor on a New Game]. Therefore, each "square" represents 250km on each side. Multiplied for area, each "square" represents 62,500km^2. If the scale's correct, pop. density would've been 122.96 people/km^2 (1 person/~8,000 sq. meters). [That's nothin'.]
The City Radius occupies 21 "squares", a patch of land not >5,250 km. wide. Scaling for it & the city, it extends for ~1,375,000km^2. W/ so little land, it's crucial to make it & your city as good as possible. As reference, I finished with 31 Squares. That's 2,000,000km^2. We must do it correctly, therefore. However, our Science will crush the AIs' once we do.
Bluntly put, I'll say I'm 99.9,999% certain it's impossible to have a better city. If anyone can prove there's was good enough to boost the "holo-book" on Citizen w/ no Scenario Editor, then please send me both your finished save file and a snapshot of your score as proof.
Faction: University Of Planet (Academician Prokhorov Sakharov)
Map Settings: all their defaults
City Radius, plus surrounding countryside: all Forests
Nutrients: 106 (Stagnant w/ 53 Workers) [+62/Base, 14 Hydro Labs {+1 Nutrient/Lab} & +3 Nutrients/Deployed Crawler {10 Crawlers} so +30 for +44 Bonus Nutrients]
Minerals: 84 Total (1 for Support, 83 for Industry)
Commerce: +16 (+6 from the Peacekeepers, and +5 each from the Gaians & Spartans [The Spartans get +2 Commerce from me.])
Bank Account: 29,553 Energy Credits (+899/turn [+65 Loan Income from surviving nations])
Base Energy: 89
Economy: 834 (53 Energy+781 Bonus [60% Allocation])
Labs: 2,401 (36 Energy+2,365 Bonus [40% Allocation {Breakthrough Time: 1 Turn/>1 Discoveries/1 Turn}])
Psych: 198 (32 Transcendi; each one produces +2 Psych. This yields +64 Psych {+164 more from Base Facilities and Secret Projects} [no Allocation])
Score: 4,954
Rating: 185% (Lady Deirdre's Lover)
Eco-Damage: 47
U.N. Votes: 158
Rules: Look First (most important)/Iron Man (doubles our score, & ends save-reload spam)/Directed Research (also important)/Unity Survey [kind of important]
Integrity: Noble (0 "black marks" [i.e. no willful/intellectual betrayals, or Atrocities])
Might: Potent (2nd)
Reasons for playing this challenge as the University...
+2 RESEARCH (always crucial)
The -2 PROBE is negated w/ the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm Secret Project.
Starting Techs: Info. Networks + One Bonus Level 1 Tech (so critical, it isn't funny)
Free Base Facility: Network Node (Words can't describe how possible this bonus makes the One City Empire Challenge.)
+1 Drone/+4 Citizens is moot once Drones are Workers/Talents.
Aversion: Theocracy (good; 'cause trust me. Theocracy is worse than +2 PROBE & +1 MORALE. It's the Believers' Agenda.)
Social Engineering...
Politics: Democratic (The +2 EFFICIENCY is always important. The +2 GROWTH helps early on. The -2 SUPPORT is moot from peace. This is the Peacekeeping Forces' Agenda. It's the Human Hive's Aversion.)
Economy: Green/Planned (+2 GROWTH of Democracy; The +1 INDUSTRY makes the OCC possible via the Secret Project Stacking Strat. The +2 PLANET helps early on. The -2 to GROWTH and EFFICIENCY are moot. The +2 EFFICIENCY combined w/ that of Democracy makes our Economy PARADIGM[!!]. This lets us increase Energy Allocation for Labs w/o disadvantage. The Green Economy is Deirdre's Agenda. The Planned Economy is the Morganites' Aversion.)
Values: Knowledge (The +2 RESEARCH combined with that of Zak yields +4 RESEARCH [Energy Costs for Labs -40%]. The +1 EFFICIENCY combined with Democracy's & the Cybernetic Future's +2 EFFICIENCY yields =<+3 EFFICENCY [Exemplary!]. The -2 PROBE still cancels. This is the AI University's Agenda. It's the Lord's Believers' Aversion.)
Future Society: Cybernetic (The -3 POLICE is negated by The Network Backbone. The +2 PLANET combined w/ that of a Green Economy yields Ecological Wisdom(!!) w/o the Gaians. This lets us sustain Forests w/ Facilities & Projects vs. Blooms.)
"leftover" Engineering Models...
Politics: Police State (The +2 to SUPPORT & POLICE don't help. The -2 EFFICIENCY combined w/ that of a Planned Economy ends any faction but the Hive. This is the Peacekeepers' Aversion. It's the Hive's Agenda.)
Economy: Market (Cybernetic gives -1 [Increased] instead of -3 PLANET [Willful/Intellectual Eco-damage]. Even w/ pacifism, Drone Riots go away. Sparta can have The Ascetic Virtues & Police State Politics for -1 POLICE [1 Cop/no Nerve Stapling]. The +2 ECONOMY isn't worth the PLANET & -5 POLICE, especially w/ Forests. This is the Gaians' Aversion. It's the Morganites' Agenda.)
Values: Power (The +2 to SUPPORT & MORALE suck. The -2 INDUSTRY kills production w/o The Cloning Vats. This is the Spartans' Agenda.) & Wealth (The +1 ECONOMY is inferior to EFFICIENCY. The +1 INDUSTRY is from the Planned Economy w/o the -2 MORALE. This is the Spartan Federation's Aversion. They were my closest neighbor. It's important, because 1. Inefficient Energy doesn't help, & 2. The CPU Spartans get strong. They did during my OCEC run. This makes Wealth Values a liability.)
Future Society: Eudaimonia (The +2 ECONOMY is useless thanks to low Labs Costs. The +2 GROWTH is moot because of few Nutrients. The +1 INDUSTRY from the Planned Economy is adequate. -2 EFFICIENCY is better than -2 MORALE.) and Thought Control (The +2 to PROBE, POLICE and MORALE don't help. The -3 SUPPORT cripples until The Cloning Vats.)
Societal Scores...
EFFICIENCY: +3/+7 (Exemplary/PARADIGM Economy![!] {>+4 EFFICIENCY is moot in the One City Nation Challenge. Otherwise, the bonus stacks, even after the default maximum.})
SUPPORT: -2 (1 free lightly-armored or better unit; "no free minerals for new base" means nothing in the One City Empire Challenge.)
POLICE: +1 (max: 2 "cops")
GROWTH: 0/+4 (either -40% Nutrient Cost, or Normal Growth Rate [need Surplus])
PLANET: +2/+4 (either Ecological Harmony[!] or Ecological Wisdom[!!])
PROBE: -4 (-50% cost of enemies' Probe Teams' actions vs. you; best odds of their success w/o the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm)
INDUSTRY 0/+1 (either Normal Production Rate, or -10% Mineral Cost)
RESEARCH: +6 (-50% Labs Costs; so I don't pay the full 3,601.5 Energy for new discoveries.)
Miscellaneous Active Military...
Land Units: 1 Elite Laser Squad
Terraforming: 1 Super Singularity Former
Total Military Size: 12 Units
Remaining CPU Factions' Might...
Peacekeepers: Unsurpassed (1st)
Spartans: Formidable (3rd)
Gaians: Sufficient (4th)
Believers: Wanting (5th)
Converting the in-game population to real-life numbers: No "worker" can represent >145,000 individuals, so our population can't be >7,685,000. That's taller than the Colombian Capital District (designated City Limits) of Bogota [source: List of cities proper by population - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core]! It's shorter than cities thereafter, however.
The Fission Planet Buster destroys anything w/in 2,000km (8 "squares") of the target [tested w/ the Scenario Editor on a New Game]. Therefore, each "square" represents 250km on each side. Multiplied for area, each "square" represents 62,500km^2. If the scale's correct, pop. density would've been 122.96 people/km^2 (1 person/~8,000 sq. meters). [That's nothin'.]
The City Radius occupies 21 "squares", a patch of land not >5,250 km. wide. Scaling for it & the city, it extends for ~1,375,000km^2. W/ so little land, it's crucial to make it & your city as good as possible. As reference, I finished with 31 Squares. That's 2,000,000km^2. We must do it correctly, therefore. However, our Science will crush the AIs' once we do.
Bluntly put, I'll say I'm 99.9,999% certain it's impossible to have a better city. If anyone can prove there's was good enough to boost the "holo-book" on Citizen w/ no Scenario Editor, then please send me both your finished save file and a snapshot of your score as proof.
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