My best One City Empire Challenge game yet!

Jarek Noschese

Prince Gordon
May 5, 2019
Hancock Point, Maine
My standing as of M.Y. 2598 on Citizen Difficulty...

Faction: University Of Planet (Academician Prokhorov Sakharov)

Map Settings: all their defaults

City Radius, plus surrounding countryside: all Forests

Nutrients: 106 (Stagnant w/ 53 Workers) [+62/Base, 14 Hydro Labs {+1 Nutrient/Lab} & +3 Nutrients/Deployed Crawler {10 Crawlers} so +30 for +44 Bonus Nutrients]

Minerals: 84 Total (1 for Support, 83 for Industry)

Commerce: +16 (+6 from the Peacekeepers, and +5 each from the Gaians & Spartans [The Spartans get +2 Commerce from me.])

Bank Account: 29,553 Energy Credits (+899/turn [+65 Loan Income from surviving nations])

Base Energy: 89

Economy: 834 (53 Energy+781 Bonus [60% Allocation])

Labs: 2,401 (36 Energy+2,365 Bonus [40% Allocation {Breakthrough Time: 1 Turn/>1 Discoveries/1 Turn}])

Psych: 198 (32 Transcendi; each one produces +2 Psych. This yields +64 Psych {+164 more from Base Facilities and Secret Projects} [no Allocation])

Score: 4,954

Rating: 185% (Lady Deirdre's Lover)

Eco-Damage: 47

U.N. Votes: 158

Rules: Look First (most important)/Iron Man (doubles our score, & ends save-reload spam)/Directed Research (also important)/Unity Survey [kind of important]

Integrity: Noble (0 "black marks" [i.e. no willful/intellectual betrayals, or Atrocities])

Might: Potent (2nd)

Reasons for playing this challenge as the University...
+2 RESEARCH (always crucial)
The -2 PROBE is negated w/ the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm Secret Project.

Starting Techs: Info. Networks + One Bonus Level 1 Tech (so critical, it isn't funny)
Free Base Facility: Network Node (Words can't describe how possible this bonus makes the One City Empire Challenge.)
+1 Drone/+4 Citizens is moot once Drones are Workers/Talents.

Aversion: Theocracy (good; 'cause trust me. Theocracy is worse than +2 PROBE & +1 MORALE. It's the Believers' Agenda.)

Social Engineering...

Politics: Democratic (The +2 EFFICIENCY is always important. The +2 GROWTH helps early on. The -2 SUPPORT is moot from peace. This is the Peacekeeping Forces' Agenda. It's the Human Hive's Aversion.)

Economy: Green/Planned (+2 GROWTH of Democracy; The +1 INDUSTRY makes the OCC possible via the Secret Project Stacking Strat. The +2 PLANET helps early on. The -2 to GROWTH and EFFICIENCY are moot. The +2 EFFICIENCY combined w/ that of Democracy makes our Economy PARADIGM[!!]. This lets us increase Energy Allocation for Labs w/o disadvantage. The Green Economy is Deirdre's Agenda. The Planned Economy is the Morganites' Aversion.)

Values: Knowledge (The +2 RESEARCH combined with that of Zak yields +4 RESEARCH [Energy Costs for Labs -40%]. The +1 EFFICIENCY combined with Democracy's & the Cybernetic Future's +2 EFFICIENCY yields =<+3 EFFICENCY [Exemplary!]. The -2 PROBE still cancels. This is the AI University's Agenda. It's the Lord's Believers' Aversion.)

Future Society: Cybernetic (The -3 POLICE is negated by The Network Backbone. The +2 PLANET combined w/ that of a Green Economy yields Ecological Wisdom(!!) w/o the Gaians. This lets us sustain Forests w/ Facilities & Projects vs. Blooms.)

"leftover" Engineering Models...

Politics: Police State (The +2 to SUPPORT & POLICE don't help. The -2 EFFICIENCY combined w/ that of a Planned Economy ends any faction but the Hive. This is the Peacekeepers' Aversion. It's the Hive's Agenda.)

Economy: Market (Cybernetic gives -1 [Increased] instead of -3 PLANET [Willful/Intellectual Eco-damage]. Even w/ pacifism, Drone Riots go away. Sparta can have The Ascetic Virtues & Police State Politics for -1 POLICE [1 Cop/no Nerve Stapling]. The +2 ECONOMY isn't worth the PLANET & -5 POLICE, especially w/ Forests. This is the Gaians' Aversion. It's the Morganites' Agenda.)

Values: Power (The +2 to SUPPORT & MORALE suck. The -2 INDUSTRY kills production w/o The Cloning Vats. This is the Spartans' Agenda.) & Wealth (The +1 ECONOMY is inferior to EFFICIENCY. The +1 INDUSTRY is from the Planned Economy w/o the -2 MORALE. This is the Spartan Federation's Aversion. They were my closest neighbor. It's important, because 1. Inefficient Energy doesn't help, & 2. The CPU Spartans get strong. They did during my OCEC run. This makes Wealth Values a liability.)

Future Society: Eudaimonia (The +2 ECONOMY is useless thanks to low Labs Costs. The +2 GROWTH is moot because of few Nutrients. The +1 INDUSTRY from the Planned Economy is adequate. -2 EFFICIENCY is better than -2 MORALE.) and Thought Control (The +2 to PROBE, POLICE and MORALE don't help. The -3 SUPPORT cripples until The Cloning Vats.)

Societal Scores...

EFFICIENCY: +3/+7 (Exemplary/PARADIGM Economy![!] {>+4 EFFICIENCY is moot in the One City Nation Challenge. Otherwise, the bonus stacks, even after the default maximum.})
SUPPORT: -2 (1 free lightly-armored or better unit; "no free minerals for new base" means nothing in the One City Empire Challenge.)
POLICE: +1 (max: 2 "cops")
GROWTH: 0/+4 (either -40% Nutrient Cost, or Normal Growth Rate [need Surplus])
PLANET: +2/+4 (either Ecological Harmony[!] or Ecological Wisdom[!!])
PROBE: -4 (-50% cost of enemies' Probe Teams' actions vs. you; best odds of their success w/o the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm)
INDUSTRY 0/+1 (either Normal Production Rate, or -10% Mineral Cost)
RESEARCH: +6 (-50% Labs Costs; so I don't pay the full 3,601.5 Energy for new discoveries.)

Miscellaneous Active Military...

Land Units: 1 Elite Laser Squad

Terraforming: 1 Super Singularity Former

Total Military Size: 12 Units

Remaining CPU Factions' Might...

Peacekeepers: Unsurpassed (1st)
Spartans: Formidable (3rd)
Gaians: Sufficient (4th)
Believers: Wanting (5th)

Converting the in-game population to real-life numbers: No "worker" can represent >145,000 individuals, so our population can't be >7,685,000. That's taller than the Colombian Capital District (designated City Limits) of Bogota [source: List of cities proper by population - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core]! It's shorter than cities thereafter, however.

The Fission Planet Buster destroys anything w/in 2,000km (8 "squares") of the target [tested w/ the Scenario Editor on a New Game]. Therefore, each "square" represents 250km on each side. Multiplied for area, each "square" represents 62,500km^2. If the scale's correct, pop. density would've been 122.96 people/km^2 (1 person/~8,000 sq. meters). [That's nothin'.]

The City Radius occupies 21 "squares", a patch of land not >5,250 km. wide. Scaling for it & the city, it extends for ~1,375,000km^2. W/ so little land, it's crucial to make it & your city as good as possible. As reference, I finished with 31 Squares. That's 2,000,000km^2. We must do it correctly, therefore. However, our Science will crush the AIs' once we do.

Bluntly put, I'll say I'm 99.9,999% certain it's impossible to have a better city. If anyone can prove there's was good enough to boost the "holo-book" on Citizen w/ no Scenario Editor, then please send me both your finished save file and a snapshot of your score as proof.
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Here you go! Iron Man, turn 2584, score 6208, rating 232%.

You should only have workers at boreholes. Everything else should be Transcends. Feed them with satellites or crawlers on farms+condensers+soil enhancers. Outside of your city, sky crawlers can farm or mine fungus on unclaimed tiles.

You don't get any Victory Points for having a horde of money. The Database explains that you get 1 VP for every citizen, tech and commerce point and 25 for each wonder. However, you lose 2 VPs per turn for a Transcendence Victory, but you gain 10 VPs for each Transcendent Thought tech.

Normal tech and wonder points are finite. Commerce is never great, because the other factions will probably be Seething at yours and you only have one city. Citizen growth is weak, because the food production is problematic. Hydroponic sats can be wiped out by an event, crawlers can be attacked and fungus can ruin farms. Then your citizens starve. So, a population above 50 is a liability. Thus, the only reason to push turns to the end is if you are discovering a Transcendent Thought tech at least every other turn. You need Transcend citizens for that, not workers on forest tiles, because the research cost scales up. I had over 100 Transcendent Thought discoveries.

I left some room by ending before the last turn. You might be able to get 100+ VPs more than my score. Good luck!


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As your score is legit, I can rightly say that your strategy is better than mine. I even used “Resign” on the save that you provided to double-check.

You’re right. An in-depth comparison between our strategies really would take too much explaining. For me however, your approach is a bit much; so for now, I’m satisfied with my current pb score.
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Update: That does it. Increase the Ocean Coverage. I can't think of anything else...

Another update: Wait! I've finally realized just how good the Free Market Economy can really be!

And for proof, these are my two save files from my first ever successful One City Challenge on Specialist Difficulty. One was created on the final turn of the game before building The Ascent To Transcendence; and the other was the auto-generated one, from the truly final year outright. First is the former one (you can only attach one file to a single post)…


Overall, I'm really proud of my victory here. I even had less trouble with Mind Worms than I initially expected; much to my surprise. I guess Chiron then finally, just; decided to otherwise: accept it's fate too. Undoubtedly though, neither of us were ever particularly happy about it. I went into rioting a few times, but always managed to get back out of it. I would've definitively played longer if the others just voted "yes" to Solar Shade, and thus; saved my odds of getting any taller. In fact, I didn't even build the Habitation Dome this time; and got the lowest scoring bonus from my population. (I only got 16 Population Icons during this game; as opposed to ~1000 from my super-bloated Citizen score, and 50 from my best Citizen One City Challenge game.)

My map was game-generated; with Average Natives Overall, 1/2-70% Ocean Coverage, Standard Size, Sparse Clouds & Strong Erosive Forces. How I managed to get tiny islands and The Borehole Cluster, anyway?!… I honestly don't know. It's likely better if none of us even ask.

So unless somebody comes up with a new strategy, then it's likely impossible to play this challenge on a higher level; let alone increase the final score.
My final Engineering...

Politics: Democratic
Economics: Planned
Values: Wealth
Future: Eudemonic

ECONOMY: +3 (+1 Energy/square, +1 Commerce)
ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY: 0 (Normal Inefficiency)
SUPPORT: -2 (support 1 constructed, lightly-armored-or-better unit for free)
MORALE: -4 (-3 Morale, 1/2 to all + modifiers)
POLICE: +1 (not >2 "cops" [Hand Weapons or better], -1 Drone/+1 "cop")
GROWTH: +6 (Don't ask...)
PLANET: 0 (normal eco-tension)
PROBE: -2 (-50% cost to enemies' Probe Teams' actions against you, and their success rate increases w/o The Hunter Seeker Algorithm; +50% cost to your Probe Teams' actions against other nations, and their success rate is decreased.)
INDUSTRY: +4 (-40% to Mineral Costs)
RESEARCH: +2 (-20% to Labs Costs)
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