My franchise can beat up your franchise

It would have been glorious...(wistfull smile)

  • The Enterprise! Fire photon torpedoes Mr. Sulu!

    Votes: 30 61.2%
  • The Millenium Falcon! The Force can beat anybody!

    Votes: 19 38.8%

  • Total voters

Bozo Erectus

Master Baker
Jan 22, 2003
Alright, enough already with the democrats vs republicans, liberals vs conservatives etc. Time for a really important issue. Who would win in a fight? The Enterprise or the Millenium Falcon?
The infamous midget stone thrower
Millenium Falcon. Why? Because Harrison Ford was really hot when he was younger and he can kick Jean Luc's old, wrinkled butt. :goodjob:
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
The infamous midget stone thrower

Or spearman on a mountaintop. Both seem to be able to defeat "tanks", human or otherwise.
Falcon, and I'm not biased in any way. It's not like I had an avatar of Ford or anything.
From a purely tactical/technical POV, the Enterprise.

Why? It's a full starship, with a full crew, whereas the Falcon is a much smaller craft, used for 'alternate' purposes. :)
I can win in a melee, I'll take them both on!

Oh, these are ships...well, I'll find a way!
Unforunatly, the Enterprise. :(
The Enterprise's targeting systems and shields far outclass the Falcon's.

The only way the Falcon could win is if it had a crew of Jedi Knights aboard, and it managed to dock with the Enterprise somehow....
Han could evade Star Destroyers. The Enterprise seems alot less of a threat than SDs. Like Gull said, the Falcon would probally have to dock, though. The Falcon could also try for some weak spots on the Enterprise. Since I don't know much about it, maybe some Trekies could expose some weaknesses.
Yeah, it's true that the Falcon could evade Star Destroyers but it couldn't beat them in a fight.

In an actual straight-up fight, there's no doubt the Enterprise would open a can of whup-ass on the Falcon.
The entreprise is like a battleshipe, while the Falcon is like a fregates, fast but still small. So if they both engage in a battle, the entreprise will surely win.
Enterprise would blast a new one for the Falcon.

That's not exactly a fair fight. They're totally in two different weight classes.

Now, the cool fight would be between Enterprise E and Andromeda. Woah! :eek:
Originally posted by Zarn
Han could evade Star Destroyers. The Enterprise seems alot less of a threat than SDs. Like Gull said, the Falcon would probally have to dock, though. The Falcon could also try for some weak spots on the Enterprise. Since I don't know much about it, maybe some Trekies could expose some weaknesses.

The Phaser arrays on the Enterprise from The Next Generation are way more powerfull and accurate than the rinky-dink turbo laser turrrets found on Star Destroyers.

I'd even say the Enterprise could easily take out even the the Death Star with a dozen Photon Torpedos. Star Trek technology is overall far superior to Star Wars tech.
For sure, the Enterprise would wipe the floor with the Deathstar. But to be fair, Darth Vader could probably choke Captain Kirk to death using the Force before he gets a chance to launch the photon torpedos. Or alternately, Kermit and Miss Piggy could beam over and try to convince Commander Data to betray the Federation and join the Star Wars Muppets:lol:
Originally posted by Dumb pothead
For sure, the Enterprise would wipe the floor with the Deathstar. But to be fair, Darth Vader could probably choke Captain Kirk to death using the Force before he gets a chance to launch the photon torpedos.

you cannot use Force Choke over great distances. a dark jedi needs a visible target in order to visualize someone's neck.

if Vader had such powers, during the battle of Endor, all he would have had to do was just start choking the individual ship commanders in the rebel fleet.

I am sensing that I am the only one here taking this as a SERIOUS QUESTION. :rolleyes:
Laughing, even with its shielding, the Enterprise might have a tough time with swarms of Tie-Fighters. As any Trekkie worth his salt knows, the Enterprises shields start to lose strength under constant bombardment. Since Ties arent long range craft, the only option open to the Enterprise would be to destroy the Ties mothership, which it could probably do rather easily.
i think a shuttle from startreck (though maybe a well equiped one, like voyager's main shuttle, whatever its called) could take on the falcon no problem. that thing was a hunk of junk.

i'm biased though, i only watched episodes 4-6 once and proly wont watch them again till after episode 3 comes out and i can watch all 6 in one day.
startreck serieses i've been watching for years though.

startreck doesnt seem to use the "carrier with fighters" concept at all. so a deathstar may be problematic for a starship, but considering that they were able to beat a borg cube (atleast once), the deathstar itself should be a peace of cake, and then the fighters are left without a dock to go back to and at best will make it a draw (destroy the ship, but then all die of suffication or something).
Originally posted by Dumb pothead
Laughing, even with its shielding, the Enterprise might have a tough time with swarms of Tie-Fighters. As any Trekkie worth his salt knows, the Enterprises shields start to lose strength under constant bombardment. Since Ties arent long range craft, the only option open to the Enterprise would be to destroy the Ties mothership, which it could probably do rather easily.

have you ever seen the Enterprise's phaser array in action against several small targets? its like: zap. zap. zap. *yawn* zap. zap. *reclines back in battle deck chair, cracks knuckles, flicks piece of lint off of shirt sleeve* zap. zap. zap. zap. "ooo I got 2 with one shot on that one" zap. zap. zap zap. -end threat-

Tie bombers may work after ahwile, but they are much too slow. Tie interceptors weapons are too weak to overload the deflector shields.
The falcon is the fastest ship in the galaxy.. Don't forget that it did the kessel run in less than 12 parsec :ack:
I am thinking of a fight between Spock and the wookie. Neat.
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