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Flashgordon's "Gospel of Truth"
Humanity is defined by its dependence on knowledge for survival. Because the stars and planets are a major part of the reality of this universe, stars and planets were a big part of humanity coming from vague knowledge to rigorous knowledge. We know this from Stonehenge and recently there was this Nebra sky disk found in Europe no less!. It was dated into the 1500 B.C. timeframe. In other words, the Europeans were just as intelligent as the Mesopotamians and Egyptians of the same time periods. What happened to them?
Well, recently, Tarshish seems to have been found. Some argue that this was the city of Atlantis. Plato notes that the city of Atlantis was around the pillars of Hercules, or the Rock of Gibralter. I think there's an element of truth in this. But, I think Plato was really rolling up the stories of all kinds of Island cultures that were wiped out due to natural disasters before his time. There was also the Minoans on the Island of Crete. But, back to Tarshish.
Tarshish is mentioned in the bible. For instance 9:21 For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the
servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing
gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.
What I find interesting about Tarshish mentioned in the bible is that archaeology has shown that metallergy started in spain first. Tarshish is on the bottom of Spain. What happened to allow the Middle East cultures to take the front lead in the course of civilization? Natural disaster! What's remarkable is that Tarshish is mentioned in the Bible anyways. Tarshish was not the dominant culture of the Old testament. Egypt and the Mesopotamians were!
One more thing before i get more into the Bible. The Phoenicians are generaly credited with the invention of the alphabetic language. I would argue that the Phoenicians come from Minoa by the way. The thing is that two cultures picked up on that alphabetical innovation - the Greeks and the Hebrews. These two cultures went in remarkably different cultural paths. They met again under Hellenistic civilization after Alexander the Great conquered the known world - the mediterraenen.
The fact that the six days of creation of the book of Genesis follows closely the Epic of Gilgamesh and the flood story is also clearly a redo of that more ancient story is well known and well established. But, I've found that the Egyptian influence on the Torah is perhaps underrated. Actualy this part is farely well known also. It seems that the Hymn to Akhenaten is reproduced in the Psalm 104. The Hymn to Akhenaten is about sunworshipping. Well, I've found that this Hymn to Akhenaten is more integrated in the Torah(the first five books of the Old Testament) than just this little curiosity.
Some of the influences of the religion of Akhenaton are how Yahweh created the languages, the seasons, and how Yahweh begat King Soloman. See Andrew Benson's "The Origins of Christianity and the Bible" for the Hymn of Aton equivalents.
What's interesting about Akhenaton Aton creating the seasons is this is in Genesis; for instance, 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of
the heaven to divide the day from the night;" and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: " Yes, God is being an astrologer here.
Stonehenge almost certainly shows those people worshipped the sun and stars as gods. Amos was one of the earliest Hebrew religious writers. In his book, we see that the Lord is just the stars,
5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the
shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that
calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the
earth: The LORD is his name:
Here's more proof that the supernatural religions of our past are astrotheological. Herodotus 2:4(the histories) The Egyptians personified the twelve constellationsof the zodiac.
There's so much Egyptian astrotheology that pre-dates the Christian religion that I'm just going to give one more evidence of astrotheology. The Leiden Hymn to amun!
All gods are three:
Amun, Re, Ptah, they have no equal.
His name is hidden as Amun,
he is Re in the face,
and his body is Ptah."
Well, I have one more thing before getting into some purely archaeological problems of the bible. The twelve tribes of Israel are just the twelve constellations personified!
Genesis 49 has various characteristics of the twelve tribe of Israel; remarkably astrologers have found they match up with the characteristics of the twelve constellations of the zodiac!
-Rueben = aquarius because of "the beginning of my strength . . . unstable as water."
-Simen and Levi = Gemini because of the twins of Gemini
-Judah = Leo beause of the "lions welp"
-Zebulun = libra because of "who shall be far an haven of ships; or the ship sign, ark"
-Issachar = Taurus because of "strong ass, workhorse"
-Dan = Scorpio because it is between sagitarrious and capricornious
-Gad = Pisces because Gad is the reversal of dag, a fish god
-Asher = Virgo because of "rich food or fat bread"
-Naphtali = Capricornus because he's a "hind let loose, the goat
-Joseph = Safittarious because he was fiercely attacked by archers
-Benjamoin = Aries becuase "the ravenous wolf who divides the spoils
-------------------------------------this marks where I've been redoing my Gospel of Truth. I'm thinking I want to point out old testament statements that of astrology.
I want to interpolate a bit here. Mathematical science tries to match its theory with observational/experimental facts. Mythology tries to move everything to hard to reach places. First it was the heavens, maybe even volcanoes and oceans(places that can get kind of hard to deal with). Mathematical science is constructive. Mythology is often as willy nilly as it can be; the mythologists often try to say whatever they want. I should say that both mathematical science and mythology have a commonality in their use of analogy. Mathematics is an abstraction(a common form between two structures; the easy and quick example is two oranges and two apples share the abstract concept number two). Mythology is clearly poetry, and poetry is about metaphor and similies. Clearly, mythology has its use of analgy. But, these two have a difference. One is constructive, and the other is vague and fudge factoring. The mythologists tries to brush the questions of the world under the rug. An example from the bible I'd like to point out right now is Exodus 3:14 where Moses asks God for his name, and God says "I am that I am." I'll now get to various things of note, and then get into the New testament.
The first mention of Israelites seems to be around 1200 B.C. These Israelites seem to have grown quite rich. I should back up here actually. It should be noted that there was a northern rich agricultural lands that was called Israel, and a poor lower highlands called Judah. The northerners seemed to be rich for awhile. But, eventually, some aggresive Mesopotamian Assyrians destroyed them. When this happened, some of the Israelites moved south into Judah. But, it wasn't for two hundred years that Judah become a powerfull state around 700 B.C. I need to stress here that when the Assyrians vanquished the first Israelite state, they took in the population for slaves - both manual labor and arts and sciences; this was the way things were done back then; it's why states went to war - for slaves; the Israelites were probably attacked more because they were in the way of the Assyrians battle with Egypt than anything else. I stress this point more because outside of maybe a few original Israelites moving to Judah around this time, the majority were absorbed into the Assyrian culture; they were no more; their seed was, but their identity was not. So, when two hundred years later in Judah, when they finally became a full-fledged state, they were seeing the ruins around them from a purelly Judahite perspective. It must also be stressed more forceably here that when the Assyrians took out the Israelite state, they didn't bother or care about the agrarian judahites; they were so few and poor; they weren't even worth a mention or a fight. There seems to be much scriptural evidence for this date as when the torah of the Old Testament was first formed. For one, there is much mention of Abraham riding around on camels; archaeological evidence shows that Camels only became domesticated around 700B.C. A lot of the place names of the surrounding other cultures were only in existence around this time(like the Emobites). Also, those peoples conflicts with each other and with the Judahites has been shown by archaeology to have only taken place around 700 B.C.(i'm mostly talking about the descriptions of peoples mentioned in the book of Genesis). In Genesis 25:23 two nations are born in the womb of a woman.
Why was the Torah really first composed around 700 b.c.? I'd like to mention a couple more quotes from the Bible. In 2Kings 22:8-23:24, High Priest Hilkiah miraculously finds the torah in his back room(kind of convenient, ha!?), and in Genesis 49:8-10, it is said that Judah is to be the center of the world really; it says the skeptre shall never depart Judah. Considering all the detailing of the peoples politics with one another(in an allegorical way) and that whoever wrote that the Sceptre shall never depart Judah, it should be quite clear what the Old testament for one is . . . a political pamphlet. While Thales is busy touring the great learning centers of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, the Judahites are declaring themselves the chosen ones.
When Judah became a fullfledged state, a division of labor to the level of allowing an educated class of scribes, a government to govern agriculture and a military, was as I said before two hundred years after Israel(really the Omrides who were not viewed by the Judahites very well because they were rich at the time . . . 900 B.C. . . and the Judahites weren't; i hope to get back to this point! I just redid this above!) was destroyed. When they got around to composing their political pamphlet, there were ruins everywhere - far and near. What to make of it all? Of course, King Soloman must have built all these ruins(they were Omride, an Israelite dynasty), and, where did we come from? Of course, we must have come from Egypt! How could we have done that? There must have been a parting of the seas! I want to stress here something about the way humans think here. I mean, we have to figure things out from our current perspective. This is what Jacob Bronowski is trying to say in his "Origins of Knowledge and Imagination." I mean when we first started out trying to understand the stars, we thought the earth was the center of the universe and flat(most ancient people); we'd make up our mathematics accordingling; Everyone from Eudoxus to Ptolemy would explain the motions of the planets by making epicycles upon epicycles no matter how unweildy the final contraption. Just like our first thoughts about the sun, stars, and planets going around the immovable Earth, the Judahites made sense of their surroundings and predicaments from their current perspective or time and space. It should be stressed here that the Judahites were jealous of almost everyone around them; whoever was rich were portrayed as bad(I forget the archaeological evidence, but those who know the archaeological accounts can see quite clearly that the Judahites portrayed anybody who was successfull as blasphemus and to be destroyed by God.), and whoever helped them as good. When Cyrus the Great(according the Judahites) let the Jews go from their Babylonian exile, they called him the annointed one - Or, Christ Cyrus.(Isaiah 45:1 . . . 44:28 has Cyrus as God's sheppard). So early on, Christ was a common title for kings in the middle east.
Here's an interesting biblical point about the Judahites politics compared to the northern Israelites . . . 2kings14:9, the Israelite king calls the Judahite king a thistle who goes to Lebanon for help because they can't take care of themselves. This is pretty much out of context after may latest re-edits. To say the least, even the Israelites didn't much like the Judahites anti-every one else's religion.
About that Exodus . . . well, there appears to have been an exodus of Hyksos around 1570 B.c. They went into canaan and all; but, this is over a hundred years earlier than when the Bibical exodus is suppose to have happened. In fact, during the supposed biblical exodus, Egypt was enjoying a resurgence of power(before the coming of the mysterious sea peoples . . . Minoans who were to settle down as Phoenicians? . . . and the coming resulting dark ages); this was the time Abu Simble and the great columns at Karnak were built. At that time, Egypt was more powerfull than ever; they built because of the Hyksos walls manned by armies that would travel up and down these walls; they had gates, and they had scribes who would keep track of the comings and goings of those who would go through those gates; guess what? There's no mention of an Exodus at this time.
There's plenty more to say about the inaccuracies of the Old testament. But, I'd like to point out some of the various things mentioned. Things like how the Patriarches would take the gods away from poor little locals, Genesis 31:30, God hardens hearts Exodus 4:2-1, 7:4-5, Deut 2:30; this one, God hardens some tribeman's heart so that Moses has to strike him down. He does it again at Joshua 11:20. The exodus passages has God hardening the heart of the Egyptian Pharoh.
After all the above, in Dueteronomy has the ten commandments in chapter 5. What are these ten commandments? Well, they're certainly no different from the code of hammerabi and chapter 125 of the Egyptian book of the dead. But, I find something else to say about those ten commandments. They are, I'm a jealous god, don't worship other gods(what? I thought there was only one god? Smooth move their god . . . oops, or is that Elohim? Yea, it's Elohim!). Then, it's don't kill your mother; i'm being facetious here, but, the point is that after four plus books of some of the most barbaric writing(and reading), god asking for burnt offerings, jews in sinai eating a halluecegenic mushroom, Exodus 16:14 . . . it came by night after dew had settled in the soil . . . and a little round thing appeared, and all the passages mentioned above, the great cosmic wisesaying from the all powerfull, all wise god is . . . don't rape your mother. Anything else on your mind there god? Well, here's one . . . in 1Samuel chapter 8:10-22, Samuel offers democracy, but the people and ultimately God shouts him down; no, we want to be judged by you Samuel!
----------------------somewhere in here must begin talk about Plato--------------------
My whole point about the Judahites and the Greeks both taking on the Phoenician alphabet comes into full force here. Both of them used their natural language alphabets for their number symbolism as well. This is what scholars call 'Gematria.' Gematria goes back to Plato really. Plato tried to mathematically calculate love, hate, and morality from numbers and geometry. He started this tradition which went on for almost a thousand years really . . . right into the Gospel of John and his Jesus Christ is the 'word' of god. On the Jewish side of this was actually King Josiah around 622 B.C. He was considered of the Davidic line. The religion . . . basically Dueteronomy . . . was that he was to lead them to the future. Well, a Pharoh cut him down, and the Jews had to rethink their religion; they did so while in exile in Babylon. All the prophet literature like Isaiah, Zechariah and so on come about around this time. Their literature was used by somebody, we don't really know who definitively to misrash first the Gospel of Mark. A point that needs emphasizing here is that the Judaic/Christian religion is dictatorship and Messianic/end of the world. But, that's still getting ahead of the story. I can't help asking a question about Jesus and the Davidic line here though. How is Jesus Christ of the Davidic line if he was born of a virgin?
Almost all the social politics and the mytholigization described above occurred long before the Greeks became what we popularly consider the Greeks. The great Soloman temples were Omride; and, theyre amazing. I mean the Israelite temple building goes from like nine hundred to eight hundred B.C. long before the Greeks started coming out of their dark ages. Could there be a relation between the Greek enlightenment and the fall of Israel? Ive never seen anybody make or persue this question. But, Even Judah was destroyed and the Judahites were taken off the Babylon while Thales was running around from 620B.C to 560B.C. For whatever reason, Thales and Pythagoras got much more excited about mathematics than most other people.
As Ive said, the Greeks and the Hebrews picked up on the Phoenician alphabetical language system and they went in for the most part radicaly different ways. The Greeks generaly tried to understand the universe. The Hebrews generaly tried to just sweep problems about the universe under the rug with a vague concept, god, that and prove all things without proving anything. This doesnt mean the Greeks were immune to the whole supernatural religion thing though! Diodorus of Sicily says the Pythagoreans got their religious ideas from the Egyptians(book one, 98).
Diodorus of Sicily is interesting here because hes b.c. time and notes that hell is made up to keep people inline(book 1.2.2 -For if it be true that the myths which are related about Hades, in spite of the fact that their subject-matter is fictitious, contribute greatly to fostering piety and justice among men,). Platos hell is Tartarus(Plato, Phaedo 113e). Curiously, the writer of 2Peter says tartarus at 2:4.
More correlations between Plato and the New Testament are . . .
-keeping the soul unspotted(Plato Republic Book 10, 621B-C also found in
Epistle of James 1:27
-believe and you will be saved(Plato Republic, book 10, 621B-C also found in Luke 8:12)
-Lake of fire(Plato, Phaedo, 113A also found in Revelation 20:10)
-all things work together for the best(Plato Republic Book 10, 613A and Romans 8:28
I think having that many cant be an accident; but, one last Plato/New testament tidbit is most shocking of all! "the just man will have to endure the lash, the rack, chains, the branding-iron in his eyes, and finally, after every extremity of suffering, he will be crucified" (Plato Republic II. 361D-362A)
The thing about Platos Republic is that it was found amongs the Nag Hammadi library. The Nag Hammadi library was found in like the 1940s. It is a bunch of christian texts that were considered illegal around Emperor Constantines time; so, somebody decided they didnt want them destroyed; so, they hid them in the ground for us to dig up in the 1940s! This is certainly proof enough of the influence of Plato on Christianity! Of course, theres more to be said.
Interpolating here(I've interpolated my own text many times now!). I've now found evidence in Plato's Republic(again! Plato's Republic is turning into one of the major evidences of the Christian conspiracy!). Socrates through Plato apparently argued that the god passages in Homer sound suspiciously made up!(Plato Republic, Book 2, 377D-E, 378A.) Socrates then further argued that to make the passages legit, one should allegorize(this seems weird; why allegorizing makes things more legit? This too me goes back to the fact as Plato stressed about the nature of mathematics, that all knowledge whether mathematics or poetry is analogy). The Socrates passage through Plato is Republic, Book 2, 380A-B.
- I interpolate here this proof of allegorizing because before, during, and after the supposed life of Jesus Christ, there lived a Philo. Philo has some curious history. His nephew was a general when Titus went to destroy Jerusalem in around 60A.D. What's more, Philo lived in the city of Alexandria. What was he doing there? He was allegorizing the Greek gods(with Plato's religious views as a guide! as explained in this "Gospel of Truth" below) based on the Old Testament. We know that mythologizing of sungods was going on before, during and after the supposed life of Jesus Christ!
- I'm going to continue my latest interpolating right here. Another curious historical individual with some bearing one way or another on whether Jesus Christ ever existed was a Josephus. Josephus says he tried out all mystery schools, and different Jewish groups including the Essenes. Then, as a military general, he choose to become Roman. He says that a Roman legion was coming to him and a few others in a cave. They drew straws; and, miraculously to him he drew the right straw. The plan was for whoever drew the right(or wrong depending on your point of view) straw to cut the throats of the others and then commit suicide. Josephus apparently had different plans. He felt the Jews had brought the roman legions upon themselves due to their messianic beliefs in a savior god that will come and sweep all other peoples away and leave them heaven on Earth. Josephus decided the Jews(at least some of them) were crazy and he would rather be a roman. So, he slew his fellow Jews and promptly waved a white flag at the approaching roman legion.
- The story of Josephus gets even more curious. The Roman legion took him immediately to Titus where Josephus told him that the Jews believe due to a Numbers twenty four passage i do believe that they believe a savior will come to wipe away all their perceived enemies. Now, due to the dead sea scrolls and the linguistic comparison of them with the Pauline epistles and some works of Clement of Rome by Robert Eisenman, well I've often felt that it just seems that Josephus was Paul! Robert Eisenman describes in his "James Brother of Jesus" how it seems that Paul killed a "James the Just" who was the leader of the Essenes of the time. Robert Eisenman shows correlations between the Dead sea scrolls, Pauline epistles, Acts, Clementine recognitions, and Josephus's "Antiquities of the Jews." In Josephus's Antiquities by the way, Josephus annoints Titus as the Christ for the Jews to follow. However the above may be the case, the writing style of Josephus and the Pauline epistles are remarkably different. Josephus is very modern and scientific. Pauline writings are very rath of god stuff. So, this appears to kill my idea. But then, I found this remarkable correspondence between the biographies of Paul and Josephus,
Humanity is defined by its dependence on knowledge for survival. Because the stars and planets are a major part of the reality of this universe, stars and planets were a big part of humanity coming from vague knowledge to rigorous knowledge. We know this from Stonehenge and recently there was this Nebra sky disk found in Europe no less!. It was dated into the 1500 B.C. timeframe. In other words, the Europeans were just as intelligent as the Mesopotamians and Egyptians of the same time periods. What happened to them?
Well, recently, Tarshish seems to have been found. Some argue that this was the city of Atlantis. Plato notes that the city of Atlantis was around the pillars of Hercules, or the Rock of Gibralter. I think there's an element of truth in this. But, I think Plato was really rolling up the stories of all kinds of Island cultures that were wiped out due to natural disasters before his time. There was also the Minoans on the Island of Crete. But, back to Tarshish.
Tarshish is mentioned in the bible. For instance 9:21 For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the
servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing
gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.
What I find interesting about Tarshish mentioned in the bible is that archaeology has shown that metallergy started in spain first. Tarshish is on the bottom of Spain. What happened to allow the Middle East cultures to take the front lead in the course of civilization? Natural disaster! What's remarkable is that Tarshish is mentioned in the Bible anyways. Tarshish was not the dominant culture of the Old testament. Egypt and the Mesopotamians were!
One more thing before i get more into the Bible. The Phoenicians are generaly credited with the invention of the alphabetic language. I would argue that the Phoenicians come from Minoa by the way. The thing is that two cultures picked up on that alphabetical innovation - the Greeks and the Hebrews. These two cultures went in remarkably different cultural paths. They met again under Hellenistic civilization after Alexander the Great conquered the known world - the mediterraenen.
The fact that the six days of creation of the book of Genesis follows closely the Epic of Gilgamesh and the flood story is also clearly a redo of that more ancient story is well known and well established. But, I've found that the Egyptian influence on the Torah is perhaps underrated. Actualy this part is farely well known also. It seems that the Hymn to Akhenaten is reproduced in the Psalm 104. The Hymn to Akhenaten is about sunworshipping. Well, I've found that this Hymn to Akhenaten is more integrated in the Torah(the first five books of the Old Testament) than just this little curiosity.
Some of the influences of the religion of Akhenaton are how Yahweh created the languages, the seasons, and how Yahweh begat King Soloman. See Andrew Benson's "The Origins of Christianity and the Bible" for the Hymn of Aton equivalents.
What's interesting about Akhenaton Aton creating the seasons is this is in Genesis; for instance, 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of
the heaven to divide the day from the night;" and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: " Yes, God is being an astrologer here.
Stonehenge almost certainly shows those people worshipped the sun and stars as gods. Amos was one of the earliest Hebrew religious writers. In his book, we see that the Lord is just the stars,
5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the
shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that
calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the
earth: The LORD is his name:
Here's more proof that the supernatural religions of our past are astrotheological. Herodotus 2:4(the histories) The Egyptians personified the twelve constellationsof the zodiac.
There's so much Egyptian astrotheology that pre-dates the Christian religion that I'm just going to give one more evidence of astrotheology. The Leiden Hymn to amun!
All gods are three:
Amun, Re, Ptah, they have no equal.
His name is hidden as Amun,
he is Re in the face,
and his body is Ptah."
Well, I have one more thing before getting into some purely archaeological problems of the bible. The twelve tribes of Israel are just the twelve constellations personified!
Genesis 49 has various characteristics of the twelve tribe of Israel; remarkably astrologers have found they match up with the characteristics of the twelve constellations of the zodiac!
-Rueben = aquarius because of "the beginning of my strength . . . unstable as water."
-Simen and Levi = Gemini because of the twins of Gemini
-Judah = Leo beause of the "lions welp"
-Zebulun = libra because of "who shall be far an haven of ships; or the ship sign, ark"
-Issachar = Taurus because of "strong ass, workhorse"
-Dan = Scorpio because it is between sagitarrious and capricornious
-Gad = Pisces because Gad is the reversal of dag, a fish god
-Asher = Virgo because of "rich food or fat bread"
-Naphtali = Capricornus because he's a "hind let loose, the goat
-Joseph = Safittarious because he was fiercely attacked by archers
-Benjamoin = Aries becuase "the ravenous wolf who divides the spoils
-------------------------------------this marks where I've been redoing my Gospel of Truth. I'm thinking I want to point out old testament statements that of astrology.
I want to interpolate a bit here. Mathematical science tries to match its theory with observational/experimental facts. Mythology tries to move everything to hard to reach places. First it was the heavens, maybe even volcanoes and oceans(places that can get kind of hard to deal with). Mathematical science is constructive. Mythology is often as willy nilly as it can be; the mythologists often try to say whatever they want. I should say that both mathematical science and mythology have a commonality in their use of analogy. Mathematics is an abstraction(a common form between two structures; the easy and quick example is two oranges and two apples share the abstract concept number two). Mythology is clearly poetry, and poetry is about metaphor and similies. Clearly, mythology has its use of analgy. But, these two have a difference. One is constructive, and the other is vague and fudge factoring. The mythologists tries to brush the questions of the world under the rug. An example from the bible I'd like to point out right now is Exodus 3:14 where Moses asks God for his name, and God says "I am that I am." I'll now get to various things of note, and then get into the New testament.
The first mention of Israelites seems to be around 1200 B.C. These Israelites seem to have grown quite rich. I should back up here actually. It should be noted that there was a northern rich agricultural lands that was called Israel, and a poor lower highlands called Judah. The northerners seemed to be rich for awhile. But, eventually, some aggresive Mesopotamian Assyrians destroyed them. When this happened, some of the Israelites moved south into Judah. But, it wasn't for two hundred years that Judah become a powerfull state around 700 B.C. I need to stress here that when the Assyrians vanquished the first Israelite state, they took in the population for slaves - both manual labor and arts and sciences; this was the way things were done back then; it's why states went to war - for slaves; the Israelites were probably attacked more because they were in the way of the Assyrians battle with Egypt than anything else. I stress this point more because outside of maybe a few original Israelites moving to Judah around this time, the majority were absorbed into the Assyrian culture; they were no more; their seed was, but their identity was not. So, when two hundred years later in Judah, when they finally became a full-fledged state, they were seeing the ruins around them from a purelly Judahite perspective. It must also be stressed more forceably here that when the Assyrians took out the Israelite state, they didn't bother or care about the agrarian judahites; they were so few and poor; they weren't even worth a mention or a fight. There seems to be much scriptural evidence for this date as when the torah of the Old Testament was first formed. For one, there is much mention of Abraham riding around on camels; archaeological evidence shows that Camels only became domesticated around 700B.C. A lot of the place names of the surrounding other cultures were only in existence around this time(like the Emobites). Also, those peoples conflicts with each other and with the Judahites has been shown by archaeology to have only taken place around 700 B.C.(i'm mostly talking about the descriptions of peoples mentioned in the book of Genesis). In Genesis 25:23 two nations are born in the womb of a woman.
Why was the Torah really first composed around 700 b.c.? I'd like to mention a couple more quotes from the Bible. In 2Kings 22:8-23:24, High Priest Hilkiah miraculously finds the torah in his back room(kind of convenient, ha!?), and in Genesis 49:8-10, it is said that Judah is to be the center of the world really; it says the skeptre shall never depart Judah. Considering all the detailing of the peoples politics with one another(in an allegorical way) and that whoever wrote that the Sceptre shall never depart Judah, it should be quite clear what the Old testament for one is . . . a political pamphlet. While Thales is busy touring the great learning centers of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, the Judahites are declaring themselves the chosen ones.
When Judah became a fullfledged state, a division of labor to the level of allowing an educated class of scribes, a government to govern agriculture and a military, was as I said before two hundred years after Israel(really the Omrides who were not viewed by the Judahites very well because they were rich at the time . . . 900 B.C. . . and the Judahites weren't; i hope to get back to this point! I just redid this above!) was destroyed. When they got around to composing their political pamphlet, there were ruins everywhere - far and near. What to make of it all? Of course, King Soloman must have built all these ruins(they were Omride, an Israelite dynasty), and, where did we come from? Of course, we must have come from Egypt! How could we have done that? There must have been a parting of the seas! I want to stress here something about the way humans think here. I mean, we have to figure things out from our current perspective. This is what Jacob Bronowski is trying to say in his "Origins of Knowledge and Imagination." I mean when we first started out trying to understand the stars, we thought the earth was the center of the universe and flat(most ancient people); we'd make up our mathematics accordingling; Everyone from Eudoxus to Ptolemy would explain the motions of the planets by making epicycles upon epicycles no matter how unweildy the final contraption. Just like our first thoughts about the sun, stars, and planets going around the immovable Earth, the Judahites made sense of their surroundings and predicaments from their current perspective or time and space. It should be stressed here that the Judahites were jealous of almost everyone around them; whoever was rich were portrayed as bad(I forget the archaeological evidence, but those who know the archaeological accounts can see quite clearly that the Judahites portrayed anybody who was successfull as blasphemus and to be destroyed by God.), and whoever helped them as good. When Cyrus the Great(according the Judahites) let the Jews go from their Babylonian exile, they called him the annointed one - Or, Christ Cyrus.(Isaiah 45:1 . . . 44:28 has Cyrus as God's sheppard). So early on, Christ was a common title for kings in the middle east.
Here's an interesting biblical point about the Judahites politics compared to the northern Israelites . . . 2kings14:9, the Israelite king calls the Judahite king a thistle who goes to Lebanon for help because they can't take care of themselves. This is pretty much out of context after may latest re-edits. To say the least, even the Israelites didn't much like the Judahites anti-every one else's religion.
About that Exodus . . . well, there appears to have been an exodus of Hyksos around 1570 B.c. They went into canaan and all; but, this is over a hundred years earlier than when the Bibical exodus is suppose to have happened. In fact, during the supposed biblical exodus, Egypt was enjoying a resurgence of power(before the coming of the mysterious sea peoples . . . Minoans who were to settle down as Phoenicians? . . . and the coming resulting dark ages); this was the time Abu Simble and the great columns at Karnak were built. At that time, Egypt was more powerfull than ever; they built because of the Hyksos walls manned by armies that would travel up and down these walls; they had gates, and they had scribes who would keep track of the comings and goings of those who would go through those gates; guess what? There's no mention of an Exodus at this time.
There's plenty more to say about the inaccuracies of the Old testament. But, I'd like to point out some of the various things mentioned. Things like how the Patriarches would take the gods away from poor little locals, Genesis 31:30, God hardens hearts Exodus 4:2-1, 7:4-5, Deut 2:30; this one, God hardens some tribeman's heart so that Moses has to strike him down. He does it again at Joshua 11:20. The exodus passages has God hardening the heart of the Egyptian Pharoh.
After all the above, in Dueteronomy has the ten commandments in chapter 5. What are these ten commandments? Well, they're certainly no different from the code of hammerabi and chapter 125 of the Egyptian book of the dead. But, I find something else to say about those ten commandments. They are, I'm a jealous god, don't worship other gods(what? I thought there was only one god? Smooth move their god . . . oops, or is that Elohim? Yea, it's Elohim!). Then, it's don't kill your mother; i'm being facetious here, but, the point is that after four plus books of some of the most barbaric writing(and reading), god asking for burnt offerings, jews in sinai eating a halluecegenic mushroom, Exodus 16:14 . . . it came by night after dew had settled in the soil . . . and a little round thing appeared, and all the passages mentioned above, the great cosmic wisesaying from the all powerfull, all wise god is . . . don't rape your mother. Anything else on your mind there god? Well, here's one . . . in 1Samuel chapter 8:10-22, Samuel offers democracy, but the people and ultimately God shouts him down; no, we want to be judged by you Samuel!
----------------------somewhere in here must begin talk about Plato--------------------
My whole point about the Judahites and the Greeks both taking on the Phoenician alphabet comes into full force here. Both of them used their natural language alphabets for their number symbolism as well. This is what scholars call 'Gematria.' Gematria goes back to Plato really. Plato tried to mathematically calculate love, hate, and morality from numbers and geometry. He started this tradition which went on for almost a thousand years really . . . right into the Gospel of John and his Jesus Christ is the 'word' of god. On the Jewish side of this was actually King Josiah around 622 B.C. He was considered of the Davidic line. The religion . . . basically Dueteronomy . . . was that he was to lead them to the future. Well, a Pharoh cut him down, and the Jews had to rethink their religion; they did so while in exile in Babylon. All the prophet literature like Isaiah, Zechariah and so on come about around this time. Their literature was used by somebody, we don't really know who definitively to misrash first the Gospel of Mark. A point that needs emphasizing here is that the Judaic/Christian religion is dictatorship and Messianic/end of the world. But, that's still getting ahead of the story. I can't help asking a question about Jesus and the Davidic line here though. How is Jesus Christ of the Davidic line if he was born of a virgin?
Almost all the social politics and the mytholigization described above occurred long before the Greeks became what we popularly consider the Greeks. The great Soloman temples were Omride; and, theyre amazing. I mean the Israelite temple building goes from like nine hundred to eight hundred B.C. long before the Greeks started coming out of their dark ages. Could there be a relation between the Greek enlightenment and the fall of Israel? Ive never seen anybody make or persue this question. But, Even Judah was destroyed and the Judahites were taken off the Babylon while Thales was running around from 620B.C to 560B.C. For whatever reason, Thales and Pythagoras got much more excited about mathematics than most other people.
As Ive said, the Greeks and the Hebrews picked up on the Phoenician alphabetical language system and they went in for the most part radicaly different ways. The Greeks generaly tried to understand the universe. The Hebrews generaly tried to just sweep problems about the universe under the rug with a vague concept, god, that and prove all things without proving anything. This doesnt mean the Greeks were immune to the whole supernatural religion thing though! Diodorus of Sicily says the Pythagoreans got their religious ideas from the Egyptians(book one, 98).
Diodorus of Sicily is interesting here because hes b.c. time and notes that hell is made up to keep people inline(book 1.2.2 -For if it be true that the myths which are related about Hades, in spite of the fact that their subject-matter is fictitious, contribute greatly to fostering piety and justice among men,). Platos hell is Tartarus(Plato, Phaedo 113e). Curiously, the writer of 2Peter says tartarus at 2:4.
More correlations between Plato and the New Testament are . . .
-keeping the soul unspotted(Plato Republic Book 10, 621B-C also found in
Epistle of James 1:27
-believe and you will be saved(Plato Republic, book 10, 621B-C also found in Luke 8:12)
-Lake of fire(Plato, Phaedo, 113A also found in Revelation 20:10)
-all things work together for the best(Plato Republic Book 10, 613A and Romans 8:28
I think having that many cant be an accident; but, one last Plato/New testament tidbit is most shocking of all! "the just man will have to endure the lash, the rack, chains, the branding-iron in his eyes, and finally, after every extremity of suffering, he will be crucified" (Plato Republic II. 361D-362A)
The thing about Platos Republic is that it was found amongs the Nag Hammadi library. The Nag Hammadi library was found in like the 1940s. It is a bunch of christian texts that were considered illegal around Emperor Constantines time; so, somebody decided they didnt want them destroyed; so, they hid them in the ground for us to dig up in the 1940s! This is certainly proof enough of the influence of Plato on Christianity! Of course, theres more to be said.
Interpolating here(I've interpolated my own text many times now!). I've now found evidence in Plato's Republic(again! Plato's Republic is turning into one of the major evidences of the Christian conspiracy!). Socrates through Plato apparently argued that the god passages in Homer sound suspiciously made up!(Plato Republic, Book 2, 377D-E, 378A.) Socrates then further argued that to make the passages legit, one should allegorize(this seems weird; why allegorizing makes things more legit? This too me goes back to the fact as Plato stressed about the nature of mathematics, that all knowledge whether mathematics or poetry is analogy). The Socrates passage through Plato is Republic, Book 2, 380A-B.
- I interpolate here this proof of allegorizing because before, during, and after the supposed life of Jesus Christ, there lived a Philo. Philo has some curious history. His nephew was a general when Titus went to destroy Jerusalem in around 60A.D. What's more, Philo lived in the city of Alexandria. What was he doing there? He was allegorizing the Greek gods(with Plato's religious views as a guide! as explained in this "Gospel of Truth" below) based on the Old Testament. We know that mythologizing of sungods was going on before, during and after the supposed life of Jesus Christ!
- I'm going to continue my latest interpolating right here. Another curious historical individual with some bearing one way or another on whether Jesus Christ ever existed was a Josephus. Josephus says he tried out all mystery schools, and different Jewish groups including the Essenes. Then, as a military general, he choose to become Roman. He says that a Roman legion was coming to him and a few others in a cave. They drew straws; and, miraculously to him he drew the right straw. The plan was for whoever drew the right(or wrong depending on your point of view) straw to cut the throats of the others and then commit suicide. Josephus apparently had different plans. He felt the Jews had brought the roman legions upon themselves due to their messianic beliefs in a savior god that will come and sweep all other peoples away and leave them heaven on Earth. Josephus decided the Jews(at least some of them) were crazy and he would rather be a roman. So, he slew his fellow Jews and promptly waved a white flag at the approaching roman legion.
- The story of Josephus gets even more curious. The Roman legion took him immediately to Titus where Josephus told him that the Jews believe due to a Numbers twenty four passage i do believe that they believe a savior will come to wipe away all their perceived enemies. Now, due to the dead sea scrolls and the linguistic comparison of them with the Pauline epistles and some works of Clement of Rome by Robert Eisenman, well I've often felt that it just seems that Josephus was Paul! Robert Eisenman describes in his "James Brother of Jesus" how it seems that Paul killed a "James the Just" who was the leader of the Essenes of the time. Robert Eisenman shows correlations between the Dead sea scrolls, Pauline epistles, Acts, Clementine recognitions, and Josephus's "Antiquities of the Jews." In Josephus's Antiquities by the way, Josephus annoints Titus as the Christ for the Jews to follow. However the above may be the case, the writing style of Josephus and the Pauline epistles are remarkably different. Josephus is very modern and scientific. Pauline writings are very rath of god stuff. So, this appears to kill my idea. But then, I found this remarkable correspondence between the biographies of Paul and Josephus,