My Multiplayer Military Mod

Officer Reene

It hates you all
Jan 21, 2006
In the middle of nowhere


Version 1.02


This Version includes 3 new National Military Wonders. (Including Custom Models and Sounds)
Existing Buildings and Wonders were tweaked in order to diversify certain military aspects of this mod.
Some Tech Costs were reduced.
Bureaucracy Civic was changed to better fit this mod and balance it with respect to other civic choices.
Credits were updated to include new contributors to V1.02 and to correct incomplete credits in V1.0.
More Custom Maps were added.
Some other minor tweats and corrections added.
Some Custom Building Models were added to existing Custom Wonders/Buildings (Check out Civilopedia for Models)

Detailed Information:

Spoiler :


Boer Commando Camp
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+7 XP for Mounted Units Only
+5 XP for Land Units Only
Free Flanking I Promotion
Requires Rifling Tech
Requires 1 Boot Camp
Requires 3 Military Recruiting Stations
Cost: 700

Colonel Chamberlain's Command
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+5 XP for Gunpowder Units Only
Free Guerilla II Promotion
Requires Black Gunpowder Tech
Requires 1 Weapons Range
Requires 3 Military Recruiting Stations
Requires 1 Military Recruiting Station in City
Cost: 350

Soviet Red Fleet
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+10 for Naval Units Only
Requires Nautical Engr Tech
Requires 1 NROTC in City
Requires 2 Military Reserve Base
Cost: 800


- Chief of Naval Operations
- REDUCED to 2 NROTC Requirements

- Gunship Combat School
- REDUCED Tech Cost to 400

- Naval War College
- REDUCED to 2 NROTC Requirements

- Admiral Horatio Nelson Naval Academy
- REDUCED to 2 Lighthouse Requirements

- Arc De Triomphe
- Extra +5 XP Bonus to Siege Type Units Only

- National Epic
- Extra +4 XP Bonus to Archer Type Units Only

- Barracks
- Extra +2 XP Bonus to Melee Type Units Only


- Musketry: 1500

- Military Science: 7000

- Military Combined Arms: 10000

- Military Power: 9000


- Bureaucracy Civic
- CHANGED -10% Culture to -15% Research

- Ambush III Promotion
- Replace Mounted Attack Bonus with Gunship Attack Bonus +10%

- ADDED Zuul to Credits
- Promotions and Promotion Buttons

- ADDED strategyonly to Credits
- Nazi Flag
- Custom Maps Pack:
Homer 128X80 Standard
Gryphon 80X128 Standard
Fantasy Island Floating Continent_Final_FantasyIII 80X60with starting points 90X56(Clean)
Heroes III 80X60
Dune Caladan 55X45
Sleepy Eye 35X25
Fall of Atlantis 54X40
Atlantis 57X39

- ADDED Scizor2120 to Credits
- Industrial Trait Mod

- ADDED jdog5000 to Credits
- TechCost Mod

- ADDED asioasioasio to Credits
- Various Building Models

- ADDED Sevo
- Various Building Models

(Missing from Version 1.0)

Any Civilization to discover Religion receives TWO Missionaries after 1st Discovery

Jungle now yields production when chopped (Less than Forest Yield)

4 Plot Spaces are now needed between EACH CITY

Peace Treaty is now for 20 Turns (Instead of 10)


This Mod was created for a better military experience in Civilization 4. This mod was specifically designed to work in mulitplayer and to allow a better balance between military units and gameplay.

Although this Mod is based on realism, due to the restraints of mulitiplayer capabilities and code, this Mod is not realistic in comparision to real life. Basically some of the changes/additions make better and balanced gameplay, but may not be absolutely comparable to their real life counterparts. This is the limitations of working with the code/files and mulitiplayer options.

This Mod is designed for "Conquest" Victory but other victories such as "Time" and "Domination" Victory can be used.

"Diplomacy" Victory has been disabled. (See Buildings Posts/Spoilers)

This has been tested in the "Normal" Gamespeed mode with two human players for multiplayer.
The human players are not on the "Team Based" MP but they work cooperatively to win against the AIs.

Although this mod is specifically designed for MP, it will work for SP games too. :)

This mod has worked in both LAN and Direct IP settings.


Spoiler :
I will update this mod to Warlords Expansion once I figure how to. :p


The main reason for the creation of this Mod is three problems I found with the vanilla version:

1) Lack of Military Aspect and Depth in Vanilla CIV4

2) Lack of Mulitplayer-friendly Mods

3) Tanks! (See Spoiler)


Some other issues:

1) No complete kill of land units by air (not gunship) units

2) Lack of Era type Battles/Wars

3) No Great Generals and lack of Military type buildings

4) Promotions were limited and could not be fully utilized

5) Global Warming

6) No Gold at the start of Civilization

7) Cities do not make money

8) Promotions - Lack of achieving XP

9) Imbalance between Units and uselessness of some units

10) Only Mines Improvements have a chance at finding bonuses

11) Lack of Military Naval Unit/Building Focus

My Mod give out ALOT of XP. The reason is two fold:
A) It allows less "Tech Advanced" Civs to defend/attack better against superior Civs. (Thus making them harder to eliminate and extending gameplay)
B) It allows players to access more promotions faster. (See spoiler)

Many of the reasons for the changes/editions will be explained in the spoilers section of each post.

Spoiler :
PART I 1) This Mod provides more military based Wonders/Buildings which are lacking in the vanilla version. See other posts for details.

PART I 2) I decided to most of my changes in XML so that there will not be Out-Of-Sync (OOS) errors in Multiplayer. Therefore I has restrained my changes and adding balance by changing some units that would not be realistic. It would balance the the gameplay and not affect multiplayer and therefore better suited to the main purpose of my mod. This is not perfect but it has been tested to get the best balance possible without tampering with any files that would cause MP issues.

Disclamer: We are still testing it out! ;)

PART I 3) The biggest problem that I had with CIV4 was tanks. Yeah that's right I said tanks! I usually play "Conquest" Victory Mode and am sick and tired of the idea that objective is to create/discover tanks (modern tanks) to win the game. I beleive that the game is unbalanced where tanks rule everything. To win the game... all you need is tanks. All the other units are not worth it. Gunships hardly stand the tank onslaught and if you can crank out tanks... you dont need any other units! So I decided to make a mod to balance out the units, reduce the absolute power of tanks and provide more era type battles.

PART II 1) I never understood why airplanes could not destroy land units. That was totally unrealistic! I fixed this and countered this by allowing more land units to gain better evasion/interception percentages.

PART II 2) I felt that crossbowman/axeman/swordsman/pikeman/etc. were useless units since once you get to musketman/rifleman they became out dated. This mod slows down the techs research for weapons techs (Gunpowder/rifling - explained in other posts) where you must create non-gunpowder units to survive and thrive. Therefore you will have more era-based battles that do not include gunpowder units.

PART II 3) I used other mod components to bring back the Great General. I was not too impressed with Warlords Expansion concept of GG but I will incoporate it when I update to the Warlord Expansion.
I also added more military buildings that give more XP and GG Coinage. Many will also provide more "Free Promotions" and focus more on miliary and war production.

PART II 4) THIS MOD PROVIDES ALOT OF XP!!! I increased all XP where more promotions are available and stronger units are produced at the beginning rather than at the end. I felt there were alot of cool promotions to get, but of them would not be used because they required alot of experience points and most military units do not survive that long to attain them. This also works two-fold because it will allow less advanced civilizations survive (and make tougher to eliminate) when facing more advanced civilizations. This will be also explained in more detail in later posts.

PART II 5) I hate global warming so I removed it. 'Nuff said.

PART II 6) Every Civilization gets 300 Gold at the start of the game. I believe that when a civilization is created, the have to produce gold to survive. Therefore starting the game with no gold seems unrealistic.

PART II 7) The purpose of making a city is to create a civilization and to produce money (Gold). Therefore, as stated in later posts, I created special building/specialists to have cities create gold as opposed to add to your civilization's debt.

PART II 8) There are alot of great promotions offered, however many them require too much experience to receive before one of the games' victories occur. I have made this mod to give out alot of XP when units are created. It balances the mod better and allow for more promotions to be readily available sooner.

PART II 9) In my experience the military units were very unbalanced. As with the tanks, I found some units too strong or too weak. One example is the swordsman. It was a useless unit, but with the changes I made (see other posts) I made it more useful. This goes for earlier siege weapons. When I played "vanilla" CIV4, I would never have to make catapults, cannons, and (most of the time) artillery. I would just crank out other melee/archery units and overwhelm the cities. Now that I have increased city defenses, balanced the units better, allowed more promotions earlier (upon construction of a unit), it is very difficult to attack cities without creating siege weapons.
I also allowed for siege weapons to be "defensive-offensive" city defenders. They still do not have defense bonuses, but you can use them to attack (and in most cases sacrifice) enemy units just outside your city. By applying collateral damage promotions, you can use these siege units to weaken your enemy stacks so that regular defenders can finish off survivors. This also make cities tougher to capture/raze! I hope to balance out the combat system and also promote using former useless military units.

PART II 10) Now Farms have a small chance of finding bonuses. (Since Farms are more prevalent than mines, farms have an even smaller chance of finding bonuses than mines do. ;)

PART II 11) I felt the Naval Warfare aspect was lacking. I was limited to XML, but I made some promotions only for Naval Units and some buildings/wonders based for Naval Units only.
In the future I may separate the Navy from the Army by introducing the Grand Admiral and Admiral City Specialist that will only be used for Naval Options. Also I may introduce more Naval Units, depending how balanced it will be and how the feedback to this mod is given. However, for now I decided to enhance the Naval Combat through Buildings and promotions.

Some Information listed below may not be complete!

Download Link and Images here:


These Military World Wonders focus on the military aspect of CIV4

Admiral Horatio Nelson Naval Academy
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+9 XP for Naval Units only
Free Naval Assault I Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
-1 Health
Requires Military Tech
Requires Harbor
Requires 2 Weapons Ranges
Requires 2 Lighthouses (V1.02)
Requires Military Base in Cities
Requires Unit with 4 Level XP
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 650

Brooklyn Naval Yard
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Production on All Sea Tiles
+10 XP for Naval Units Only
Free Naval Bombardment I Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
-2 Health
Requires Nautical Engineering Tech
Requires National Naval Academy
Requires 2 NROTCs
Requires Seaport In City
Requires Military Drydock in City
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Cost: 1600

Carl Von Clausewitz Military Academy
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+2 XP
+6 XP for Land Units only
-1 Health
Constructs Land Units 50% Faster
Requires Military Doctrine Tech
Requires Barracks
Requires Unit with 5 Level XP
Cost: 600

Fort Knox
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+2 XP
-1 Health
Requires Banking Tech
Requires Barracks
Allows +1 Merchant City Specialists
Allows in Industrial or Earlier Starts
Cost: 750

Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden War College
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+2 XP
+6 XP Land Units Only
-1 Health
Free Barrage I Promotion
Requires Military Discipline Tech
Requires 3 Shooting Ranges Built
Requires Barracks
Requires Unit with 6 Level XP
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 700

Hippocrates Medical Academy
+1 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+3 XP
+2 XP for All Cities
+2 Health
+20% Military Production
Provides +3 Medicine Bonus (+1 Healthy)
Free March Promotion
Requires Phytotherapy Tech
Requires Hospice
Requires Unit with 4 Level XP
Cost: 400

Imperial Naval Shipyard
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+12 XP for Naval Units only
Free Naval Bombardment II Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
-10% War Weariness in All Cities
-2 Health
Requires Marine Science Tech
Requires Merchant Marine Academy
Requires 2 Seaports
Requires Military Drydock in City
Requires NROTC In City
Requires Unit with 9 Level XP
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 1800

+1 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+10% GP Birth Rate in All Cities
+2 Happiness
-2 Health
+15% Defense in All Cities
+1 Free Tech
Requires Military Special Warfare Tech
Requires Halls of Justice
Requires Jail
Requires 4 Police Headquarters
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 950

Magellan's Expedition
+3 GM Coinage
+4 Culture
+8 XP for Naval Units only
Free Navigation I Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
Requires Optics Tech
Requires 2 Harbors
Requires Naval War School
Requires Lighthouse in City
Requires Harbor in City
Requires Unit with 5 Level XP
Allows + General City Specialists
Cost: 500

Mannerheim's General Headquarters
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+4 XP in All Cities
+3 XP
-1 Health
Free Precision I Promotion
+ 1 Free General City Specialist
Requires Artillery Tech
Requires 3 Military Bases
Requires National Guard
Requires Barracks in City
Requires Military Base in City
Requires Unit with 9 Level XP
Cost: 1500

+1 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+2 XP for All Cities
+2 XP
-1 Health
Requires Smokeless Gunpowder Tech
Requires Scotland Yard
Requires 3 Police Headquarters
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 900

+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+3 XP
+2 XP for in All Cities
+1 Happiness in All Cities on Continent
+10% Military Production
-2 Health
Requires Computers Tech
Requires Combat Firearms School
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Requires Uranium Bonus
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 1000

Special Operations Aviation Regiment
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
-2 Health
+12 XP Helicopter Units Only
Free Air Attack I Promotion
Requires Aeronautics Tech
Requires Gunship Combat School
Requires Combat Firearms School In City
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialist
Cost: 1500

Sun Tzu's Art of War
+1 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+6 XP
Free Art of War Promotion
Requires Feudalism Tech
Requires Unit with 5 Level XP
Requires 3 Military Recruiting Stations
Requires Military Weapons Range in City
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 600

The Naval War College
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+50% Naval Production
+8 XP for Naval Units only
Free Naval Assault III Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
-1 Health
Requires Military Strategy Tech
Requires 2 NROTCs (V1.02)
Requires Merchant Marine Academy
Requires National Naval Academy
Requires National Naval War School
Requires Military Drydock in City
Requires Unit with 6 Level XP
Cost: 800

The Great Wall
+1 GG Coinage
+8 Culture
+4 XP
+25% Defense (Except Gunpowder Units)
Free Walls in All Cities
Requires Masonry Tech
Requires Unit with 2 Level XP
Requires Walls
Cost: 250

Walter Reed Army Medical Center
+1 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+3 XP
Free Medic III Promotion
+2 Health
+1 Health in All Cities
+10% Unit Healing
Requires Pharmacology Tech
Requires 3 Pharmacies
Requires 2 Military Bases
Requires University of Medicine
Requires Pharmacy in City
Requires Military Base in City
Requires Unit with 7 Level XP
Allows +2 General City Specialists
Cost: 1200

Spoiler :


There World Wonders balance out the existing Wonders and New Military Wonders.

Adam Smith's Trading Company
+3 GM Coinage
+6 Culture
+100% Trade Modifier
+1 Global Trade Routes
Requires Economics Tech
Requires Merchant Marine Academy
Requires 2 NROTCs
Requires Harbor in City
Allows +1 Merchant City Specialists
Cost: 500

Darwin's Voyage
+3 GS Coinage
+2 Culture
+2 Free Technologies
Requires Railroad Tech
Cost: 2500

Dutch East India Company
+3 GM Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 All Coastal Trade Routes
+5% Gold
+25% Trade Route Yield
Only allowed at Coastal Cities
+1 Coastal Trade Routes
Requires Oceanography Tech
Obsolete Marine Science
Requires Lighthouse in City
Requires Harbor in City
Cost: 650

Eli Whitney Mass Production Plant
+3 GE Coinage
+6 Culture
-3 Health
+10 Gold
+50% Production
Allows +2 Engineer City Specialists
PreReqTech: Steam Power
Requires 3 Grinding Mill*
Requires Grinding Mill in City*

Flavian Amphitheatre (The Colosseum)
+3 GA Coinage
+8 Culture
+1 Happiness in All Cities
+1 Happiness per 5% Culture Rate
Requires Construction Tech
Requires 2 Arenas*
Requires 1 Arena in City
Cost: 250

International Cancer Foundation
+2 GAgr Coinage
+8 Culture
Allows Cure for Cancer Bonus (+1 Health)
Requires Genetics Tech
Only Built in Modern and Earlier Starts
Cost: 1000

Jaguar Temple
+2 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
Enables ALL Religion Civics
Requires Construction Tech
Only Built in Classical and Earlier Starts
Cost: 450

Japanese Institute of Technology
+3 GE Coinage
+1 Free Engineer City Specialist
+10% Worker Speed
+10% Production
-1 Health
Requires Mechanics Tech
Requires 3 Factories
Requirees Factory in City
Requires Manufacturing Plant in City
+50% Uranium Production Bonus
Allows +2 Engineer City Specialists
Cost: 2000

Leonardo's Workshop
+3 GE Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Production for All Engineer City Specialists
Requires Machinary Tech
Allows +3 Engineer City Specialists
Only Built in Medieval and Earlier Starts
Cost: 500

Marco Polo's Embassy
+3 GM Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Trade Routes in All Cities
Requires Paper Tech
Obsolete Steam Power Tech
Requires 4 General Stores
Requires Trading Post in City
Cost: 300

Park von Muskau
+3 GE Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Population In ALL cities
+2 Health In ALL cities
+20% Commerce
Requires Biology Tech
Requires Central Park
Requires 4 City Parks
Cost: 600

Smith's Trading Company
+3 GM Coinage
+6 Culture
+100% Trade Route Yield
+1 Trade Routes in All Cities
Requires Economics Tech
Requires Harbor
Built in Classical and Earlier Starts
Allows +1 Merchant City Specialists
Cost: 500

Temple of Artemis
+2 GAgr Coinage
+6 Culture
Free Granary in All Cities
Stores 100% of Food after Growth
Requires Archery Tech
Requires Granary
Allows +2 Farmer City Specialists
Cost: 400

Spoiler :


There are many New National Wonders where it becomes more important to decide where and when to build wonders.
The National Wonders per City is increased to 8 to account for the increased National Wonders available.

Arc De Triomphe
+1 GG Coinage
+10 Culture
+2 XP
+2 XP in All Cities
+5 XP to Siege Type Units Only (V1.02)
Requires Military Intelligence Tech
Allowed only in Renaissance and Earlier Starts
Starts Golden Age
Cost: 750

Boer Commando Camp (V1.02)
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+7 XP for Mounted Units Only
+5 XP for Land Units Only
Free Flanking I Promotion
Requires Rifling Tech
Requires 1 Boot Camp
Requires 3 Military Recruiting Stations
Cost: 700

Canadian Joint Task Force Two
+2 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+3 XP
+3 XP in All Cities
+1 Free General City Specialist
Free Attack I Promotion
Requires Aerodynamics Tech
Requires SF Center
Requires 3 Recruiting Stations
Requires 1 Combat School in City
Requires Unit with 7 Level XP
Cost: 1300

Central Park
+2 GE Coinage
+15% Culture
+2 Happiness
+10% Gold
Starts Golden Age
Requires Astronomy Tech
Requires 4 City Parks

Chief of Naval Operations
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
-1 Health
-20% War Weariness
+5 XP Naval Units Only
Free Naval Operations I Promotion
Only in Coastal Cities
Requires Musketry Tech
Requires 2 Navy ROTCs (V1.02)
Requires 1 NROTC in City
PreReqLvl 6
Cost: 550

Chinese Trade Consortium
+3 GM Coinage
+1 Global Trade Routes
+20% Commerce Modifer
+1 Happiness
Requires Combustion Tech
Requires 3 Commercial Docks
Requires Merchant Marine Academy
Requires Harbor in City
Commercial Docks in City
Cost: 800

Colonel Chamberlain's Command (V1.02)
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+5 XP for Gunpowder Units Only
Free Guerilla II Promotion
Requires Black Gunpowder Tech
Requires 1 Weapons Range
Requires 3 Military Recruiting Stations
Requires 1 Military Recruiting Station in City
Cost: 350

Duke of Wellington Military Academy
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+3 XP
Free Combat II Promotion
Free +1 General City Specialist
Requires Military Doctrine Tech
Requires Weapons Range
Requires Unit with 4 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 250

Environmental Protection Agency
+2 Health
No Pollution from Buildings
+1 Health in All Cities
Requires Ecology Tech
Cost: 1000

Gunship Combat School
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
-1 Health
+10 XP Helicopter Units Only
Free Air Assault I Promotion
Requires Avionics Tech
Requires 2 Combat Firearms School
Requires Combat Firearms School In City
Requires Unit with 7 Level XP
Cost: 400 (V1.02)

Halls of Justice
+1 GG Coinage
+25% Culture
+20% Military Unit Production
+50% Trade Route Yield
+3 Happiness
-1 Health
+2 Global XP
Requires 4 Police Headquarters to be Built
Cost: 800

Lal Qil'ah (Red Fort)
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+2 XP in All Cities
+4 XP for Land Units Only
+100% Defense (Except Gunpowder Units)
Requires Engineering Tech
Requires Walls
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 250

Merchant Marine Academy
+1 GE Coinage
+4 Culture
-1 Health
+50% Commerce
+1 Coastal Trade Routes
+1 Free Wine Bonus
+4 XP Naval Units Only
Free Seafaring I Promotion
Only in Coastal Cities
Requires Constitution Tech
Requires 1 NROTC
Requires 1 Harbor in City
Allows 1 Engineer City Specialist
Cost: 500

National Guard Command
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+4 XP in All Cities
+15% City Defense in All Cities
+1 Free General City Specialist
Free City Garrison I Promotion
Requires Military Strategy Tech
Requires Combat Firearms School
Requires 3 Military Reserve Base
Requires 1 NROTC
Requires Unit with 6 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 600

National Naval Academy
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Production on Water Tiles
+8 XP for Naval Units only
Free Naval Assault II Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
Requires Military Reconnaissance Tech
Requires Harbor
Requires Unit with 4 Level XP
Allows + General City Specialists
Cost: 500

National Naval Dockyard
+1 GE Coinage
+4 Culture
+20% Commerce
+8 XP to Naval Units
+1 Production on Sea Tiles
Free Naval Engineering I Promotion
Only in Coastal Cities
Requires Oceanography Tech
Requires Harbor in City
Requires Naval War School
Requires 2 Lighthouses
Cost: 400

National Naval Warfare School
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
Free +1 General City Specialist
+7 XP for Naval Units only
Free Naval Tactics I Promotion
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
Requires Military Code Tech
Requires Lighthouse
Cost: 200

National Sports Complex
+3 GA Coinage
+50% Culture
+ 10% Commerce
+1 Happiness
+1 Happiness per 4% of Culture Rate
Requires Scientific Method Tech
Requires Fitness Center
Cost: 450

Order of Joan of Arc
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+2 XP
+3 XP for Land Units only
+1 Happiness
Requires Military Logistics Tech
Requires Barracks
Requires Unit with 3 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 200

Penicillin Scientific Laboratory
+3 GS Coinage
+2 Culture
+5 Health
No Pollution from Population
No Pollution from Buildings
Free +1 Medicine Bonus
Requires Osteopathy Tech
Requires 3 Laboratories
Requires 3 Apothecary
Requires 1 Laboratory in City
Requires Apothecary in city
Cost: 600

Pony Express
+3 GM Coinage
+20% Culture
+1 Trade Routes in All Cities
Requires Compass Tech
Obsolete RailRoad Tech
Requires 3 Trading Posts
Requires 1 Trading Post in City
Requires 3 Cities
Cost: 175

Rommel Tactical Proving Grounds
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
FREE City Raider I Promotion
+ 8 XP for Armored Units only
Provides Power with Oil Bonus
Requires Military Science Tech
Requires Reserve Base in City
Requires 2 Firearms Combat Schools
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 1100

Soviet Red Fleet (V1.02)
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+10 for Naval Units Only
Requires Nautical Engr Tech
Requires 1 NROTC in City
Requires 2 Military Reserve Base
Cost: 800

The Special Warfare Training Center
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+3 XP in All Cities
+2 XP for Land Units Only
Free Berserker I
Requires Military Special Warfare Tech
Requires Barracks
Requires Combat Firearms School
Requires Unit with 7 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialist
Cost: 450

University of Medicine
+1 GG Coinage
+2 Culture
+3 XP
Free Medic I Promotion
Free +2 Medicine Bonuses
+1 Health
Requires Herbology Tech
Requires Apothecary
Requires Hospice in City
Requires Unit with 4 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 250

Spoiler :


These Wonders are special military type wonders that provide military units unique to each religion.
These wonders need the correct STATE Religion to be built

Knights Templar
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Christianity State Religion
Allows Training for Templar Knight
Requires Theology Tech
Obsolete Steam Power Tech
Requires Christianity as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialist
Cost: 400

The Castle at Alamut
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Islam State Religion
Allows Training for Hashshashin
Requires Military Doctrine Tech
Obsolete Musketry Tech
Requires Islam as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialist
Cost: 300

The Kingdom of David
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Jewish State Religion
Allows Training for Israelite
Requires Military Code Tech
Obsolete Military Intelligence Tech
Requires Judaism as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 200

The Royal Indian Army School
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Hindu State Religion
Allows Training for Sepoy
Requires Musketry Tech
Obsolete Smokeless Gunpowder Tech
Requires Hinduism as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 1300

The School of the Scholars
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Confucianism State Religion
Allows Training for Junzi
Requires Logistics Tech
Obsolete Military Reconnaissance Tech
Requires Confucianism as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 250

The Shaolin Grand Temple
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Buddhism State Religion
Allows Training for Shaolin Monk
Requires Herbology Tech
Obsolete Military Tradition Tech
Requires Buddhism as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 500

The T'ai Chi Ch'uan Martial Arts Academy
+3 GP Coinage
+6 Culture
+1 Happiness for Taoism State Religion
Allows Training for Taiji
Requires Philosophy Tech
Obsolete Military Leadership Tech
Requires Taoism as STATE Religion
Allows +2 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 600


These Unique Military Religious Units were designed to add depth to State Religions in the military aspect of this mod

Strength: 7
Movement: 1
+20% City Attack
Free Urban Assault I Promotion
Requires Iron Working Tech
Requires Islam State Religion
Requires The Castle at Alamut
Upgrades to Musketman
Cost: 50

Strength: 5
Movement: 1
+50% City Defense
+35% Hill Defense
Free Drill I Promotion
Requires Archery Tech
Requires Judaism State Religion
Requires The Kingdom of David
Upgrades to Musketman
Cost: 30

Strength: 7
Movement: 1
Can Only Defend
+35% City Defense
+10% Withdrawal Chance
Free City Amphibious Promotion
Requires Iron Working Tech
Requires Confucianism State Religion
Requires The School of the Scholars
Upgrades to Musketman
Cost: 45

Strength: 14
Movement: 1
+25% vs Mounted Units
Free Pinch I Promotion
Requires Rifling Tech
Requires Hinduism State Religion
Requires The Royal Indian Army School
Upgrades to Infantry
Cost: 115

Shaolin Monk
Strength: 7
Movement: 1
+100% vs Mounted Units
Free Shock I Promotion
Immune to First Strikes
Requires Engineering Tech
Requires Buddhism State Religion
Requires The Shaolin Grand Temple
Upgrades to Musketman
Cost: 70

Strength: 8
Movement: 1
Can Only Defend
1 First Strike
+25% City Defense
+25% Defense vs Swordsman, Axeman, Maceman, and Pikeman
Free City Garrison I Promotion
Requires Philosophy Tech
Requires Taoism State Religion
Requires The T'ai Chi Ch'uan Martial Arts Academy
Upgrades to Musketman
Upgrades to Machine Gun
Cost: 80

Templar Knight
Strength: 12
Movement: 1
Immune to First Strikes
Free Commando I Promotion
Requires Guilds Tech
Requires Christianity State Religion
Requires Knights Templar
Upgrades to Cavalry
Cost: 60

Spoiler :
Since many religions did not have Military-type Units, I used existing religious classes and modified them to Military Units. This was done to balance the New Religious Military Type Wonders/Units.


These Religious Wonders counter the Military Religious Wonders

+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+50% Great Person Birth Rate in All Cities
+1 Happiness in All Cities
Requires Polytheism Tech
Requires Hinduism in City
Allows +1 Priest City Specialist
Cost: 400

Alt-neu Shul
+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+100% Commerce
+1 Happiness in All Cities
Requires Music Tech
Requires Judaism in City
Allows +1 Priest City Specialist
Cost: 650

Minobu-san Temple
+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+1 Happiness in All Cities
+50% Research
Requires Literature Tech
Requires Taoism in City
Allows +1 Priest City Specialist
Cost: 350

Porcelain Tower
+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+1 Happiness in All Cities
+2 Trade Routes
Requires Compass Tech
Requires Buddhism in City
Requires Unit with Level XP
Allows +1 Priest City Specialist
Cost: 200

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+1 Health
+1 Health in All Cities
Starts Golden Age
Requires Monarchy Tech
Allows +1 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 700

Umayyad Mosque
+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+1 Happiness
+1 Happiness in All Cities
Starts Golden Age
Requires Divine Right Tech
Allows +1 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 700

Yihe Yuan
+2 GP Coinage
+10 Culture
+1 Health
+1 Happiness in All Cities
Reduces Maintenance in Nearby Cities
Requires Military Logistics Tech
Allows +1 Priest City Specialists
Cost: 200

Spoiler :


These add more options for the Great Prophet in creating Wonders.

Me'arat HaMakhpela (Cave of the Patriarchs)
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Judaism
Spreads Judaism
Requires City to have Judaism
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Judaism State Religion

Mount Hua Monastery
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Taoism
Spreads Judaism
Requires City to have Taoism
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Taoism State Religion

St. Peter's Basilica
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Christianity
Spreads Christianity
Requires City to have Christianity
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Christianity State Religion

Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii/Blue Mosque)
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Islam
Spreads Islam
Requires City to have Islam
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Islam State Religion

Tian Tan Buddha
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Buddhism
Spreads Buddhism
Requires City to have Buddhism
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Buddhism State Religion

The Cemetery of Confucius
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Confucianism
Spreads Confucianism
Requires City to have Confucianism
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Confucianism State Religion

Walkeshwar Temple
+2 GP Coinage
+4 Culture
+1 Gold Per City with Hinduism
Spreads Hinduism
Requires City to have Hinduism
Requires Great Prophet
Allows +3 Priest City Specialists
Requires Hinduism State Religion

Spoiler :


These increase the importance of religion and where to place the Great Prophet Buildings
It also allows Religion to spread faster.

Religious Pilgrimage
(For ALL Religions)
+2 GP Coinage
+1 Happiness for State Religion
+2 Religion Change
Requires (Respective) Religion
Requires GP
Allows 2 Priest City Specialists

Buddhist Pilgrimage
Requires Meditation Tech

Christian Pilgrimage
Requires Priesthood Tech

Confucian Pilgrimage
Requires Pottery Tech

Hindu Pilgrimage
Requires Polytheism Tech

Islamic Pilgrimage
Requires Horseback Riding Tech

Jewish Pilgrimage
Requires Monotheism Tech

Taoist Pilgrimage
Requires Sailing Tech

Spoiler :


These buildings balance out the many aspects of the CIV4 and the many changes that were added in this mod.

+2 Health
+1 Happiness
Requires Herbology Tech
Cost: 150
Obsolete by Pharmacology Tech

Boot Camp
+2 XP
+5 XP to Land Units
Requires Military Tradition Tech
Requires 2 Barracks
Allows 2 General City Specialist
Cost: 150

+1 Health
+5% Food with Clam
+5% Food with Crab
+5% Food with Fish
Requires Steel Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Cost: 160

City Park
+1 Health
+1 Happiness
+5% Culture
-5% Gold
Cost: 125

Combat Firearms School
+4 XP
-1 Health
+5% Culture
Requires Military Tactics Tech
Requires Military Reserve Base in City
Cost: 250

Fitness Center
+1 Happiness
+5% Production
+5% Culture
Requires Chemistry Tech
Cost: 200

+5% Commerce
+1 Happiness
+4 XP
+75% Defense (Except Gunpowder Units)
Requires Military Intelligence Tech
Requires Walls in City
Requires Castle in City
Cost: 175

General Store
+10% Gold
+1 Trade Route
-1 Health
+1 Health from Deer or Salt Bonuses
+1 Happiness from Cotton Bonus
Requires Paper Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Allows 1 Merchant City Specialist
Obsolete Refrigeration Tech
Cost: 175

+1 Health
+5% Food from Banana, Corn, Rice, or Wheat Bonuses
Requires Civil Service Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Cost: 120

Grinding Mill
+1 GE Coinage
+10% Production
-1 Health
+5% Production from Aluminum, Coal, Copper, Horse, Iron, Marble, Oil, Stone, Uranuim, Granite, or Salt Bonuses
Allows 1 Engineer City Specialist
Requires Engineering Tech
Requires Forge
Cost: 180

+2 Health
+5% Gold
Heal Rate Change 5%
Obsolete by Medicine Tech
Requires Pythotherapy Tech
Cost: 100

Manufacturing Plant
-2 Health
+20% Production
+15% Gold
+20% Production with Power
Requires Assembly Line Tech
Allows 2 Engineer City Specialists
Cost: 350

Mass Transit
+2 Health
Requires Railroad Tech
Requires Mechanics Tech
Cost: 350

Military Recruiting Station
+1 Culture
-1 Health
Requires Barracks
+2 XP
Requires Military Code Tech
Cost: 40

Military Reserve Base
+5% Gold
-1 Health
+20% Military Production
+4 XP
Allows 1 General City Specialist
Requires Military Discipline Tech
Requires Military Recruiting Station, Barracks, and Granary in City
Cost: 200

Military Weapons Range
+3 XP
+5% Culture
-1 Health
Requires Military Code Tech
Obsolete Military Tactics Tech
Requires Military Recruiting Station in City
Cost: 40

Offshore Platform
+1 Water Tiles
-1 Health
Requires Nautical Engineering Tech
Cost: 240

Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps
+10% Naval Production
+3 XP Naval Units Only
Only in Coastal Cities
Requires Constitution Tech
Cost: 90

+2 Health
-5% Gold
Requires Pharmacology Tech
Cost: 175

Police Headquarters
+2 Culture
+1 Happiness
-1 Health
+3 XP
+10% Gold
Requires Military Discipline Tech
Requires Jail in City
Cost: 180

+1 Health
+5% Food with Cow, Deer, Pig, or Sheep Bonuses
Requires Animal Husbandry Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Cost: 80

+50% Trade Route Yield
+3 XP Naval Units
-1 Health
Requires Astronomy Tech
Requires Harbor
Cost: 180

Sewer System
+2 Health
Requires Osteopathy Tech
Cost: 100

Solar Plant
+1 Health
Provides Power
Requires Composites Tech
Requires Factory in City
Cost: 350

+10% Trade Route Yield
+5% Commerce with Dye, Gems, Gold, Incense, Ivory, Silk, Silver, Spices, Sugar, or Wine Bonuses
-1 Health
Requires Combustion Tech
Allows +2 Merchant City Specialists
Cost: 240

Trading Post
+10% Gold
+15% Trade Route
-1 Health
+1 Health from Deer Bonus
+1 Happiness from Tobacco Bonus
Requires Animal Husbandry Tech
Obsolete Banking Tech
Cost: 50

Spoiler :


These Special Buildings open more options to the other Great Persons

Academy of Science
+4 Culture
+50% Research
Requires GS

Art Museum
+4 Culture
+2 Happiness
+25% Culture
Requires GA
Requires Liberalism Tech

Botanical Garden
+2 Culture
+2 Happiness
+3 Health
+10% Healing Units
Requires GAgr
Requires Biology Tech

Commodity Exchange
+4 Culture
+50% Gold
Requires GM
Requires Corportation Tech

+4 Culture
+20% Food
Requires GAgr

Masonic Hall
+4 Culture
+25% Production
-25% Military Production
ALLOW +1 Engineer City Specialist
Requires GE
Requires Replaceable Parts Tech

Military Academy
+4 Culture
+1 GG
+5 XP
+25% Military Production
Requires GG

National Monument
All Starting Civs Automatically have it in Capitol
Allows Free Town Square in All Cities
+5 XP
10% Military Production Modifier
+1 GG Coinage
Allows +1 General City Specialist

Science Museum
+4 Culture
+50% GP Birth Rate
Requires GS
Requires Scientific Method Tech

Town Square
Free in All Cities
+2 Culture
+1 Happy
+1 Free City Founder Specialist

Religious Seminary
(For ALL Religions)
+3 Culture
+5% Research
+1 Religion Change
+1 GP Coinage
Requires Printing Press Tech
Requires (Respective) Religious Temple in City
Replaces Monastery
Can train (Respective)Modern Missionary
Cost 100

Buddhist Sangha
Allows Buddhist Monk - Requires Education Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Confucian Order
Allows Confucian Scholar - Requires Education Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Christian Seminary
Allows Christian Priest - Requires Nationalism Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Hindu Academy
Allows Brahmin - Requires Education Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Madrasah School
Allows Islamic Imam - Requires Nationalism Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Rabbinical Seminary
Allows Jewish Rabbi - Requires Nationalism Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Taoist Study
Allows Taoist Priest - Requires Education Tech (Modern Missionary)
Cost: 50
Moves: 3

Religious Mission
(For ALL Religions)
+2 GP Coinage
+1 Health
+5% Gold
+25% Culture
+1 Happiness for State Religion
+1 Happiness from Incense Bonus
+1 Religion Change
Requires Astronomy Tech
Requires (Respective) Religion
Requires Seminary in City
Requires 3 Temples
Requires 3 Seminaries
Allows 2 Priest City Specialists

Spoiler :
The National Monument is a free building provided to all civilization players at the beginning of the game. It provides a free Town Square in all cities, thus allowing all cities to generate gold when they are created. The National Monument and Town Square can not be built when playing the game.
You can edit in personal/custom civilizations... if you so desire. Just remember to include the National Monument as a free building in your civilization info... or you will not get that free bonus as other civilizations do! :D


These Techs were added to increase the depth of the Military Aspect of this mod.

Allows: Stealth Bomber/Canadian Joint Task Force Two
Requires Aeronautics and Military Science Techs

Allows: Jet Fighter/Special Operations Aviation Regiment
Requires Military Special Warfare, and Avionics or Aviation Tech

Allows: Bomber
Requires Flight, Mechanics, and Artillery Techs

Allows: Gunship/Gunship Combat School
Requires Flight, and Electricity or Scientific Method Techs

Black Gunpowder
REPLACES Gunpowder Tech
Allows: Cannon
Enables: Separation of Powers Civic
Requires Military Discipline, Military Code, and Guilds or Engineering Techs

Allows: Grenadier/Frigate
Requires Black Gunpowder, Military Discipline, Military Doctrine, Musketry, and Military Tradition, or Replaceable Parts Techs

Allows: Univeristy of Medicine/Apothecary/Shaolin Grand Temple
Can Cultivate a Tree Nursery
Requires Monarchy and Pythotherapy or Literature Tech

Marine Science
Allows: Battleship/Imperial Naval Shipyard
Obsoletes Dutch East India Company
Requires Nautical Engineering and Electricity Tech

Allows: Mass Transit/Bomb Shelter/Japanese Institute of Technology
Requires Assembly Line, Military Special Warfare, and Electricity or Explosives Tech

Military Code
Allows: Military Recruiting Station/National Naval Warfare School/Military Weapons Range/The Kingdom of David
Requires Archery Tech

Military Combined Arms
Allows: Mechanized Infantry/Mobile Artillery/Mobile SAM
Requires Military Science, Plastics, Smokeless Gunpowder, and Satellites or Computer Techs

Military Discipline
Allows: Military Reserve Base/Admiral Horatio Nelson Naval Academy/Police Headquarters/Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden War College
Requires Calender, Military Doctrine, and Metal Casting or Currency Techs

Military Doctrine
Allows: Duke Of Wellington Military Academy/Jail/Carl Von Clausewitz Military Academy/The Castle of Alamut
Requires Military Logistics and Monotheism Techs

Military Intelligence
Allows: Fortress, Arc de Triomphe
Requires Military Discipline and Music or Philosophy Techs

Military Leadership
Allows: Machine Gun/Pentagon
First Discovery - Free Great General
Obsoletes: The Great Lighthouse/The T'ai Chi Ch'uan Martial Arts Academy
Requires Military Strategy, Military Tradition, Rifling, and Explosives or Nationalism Techs

Military Logistics
Allows: The School of the Scholars/Castle/Yihe Yuan/Order of Joan of Arc
Requires Military Code, and Horseback Riding or Meditation Techs

Military Power
Allows: Modern Armor
Requires Military Combined Arms, Computers, Composites, Explosives, and Radio, Rocketry, Steel, or Military Tradition Techs

Military Reconnaissance
Allows: National Naval Academy
Obsoletes: Obelisk/Stonehenge/The School of the Scholars
Enables: Military Training Civic
Requires Military Intelligence and Divine Right, or Paper Techs

Military Science
Allows: Tank/Panzer/Rommel Tactical Proving Grounds
First Discovery - Free TECH
Requires Military Special Warfare, Rifling, Explosives and Refrigeration, or Assembly Line Techs

Military Special Warfare
Allows: Navy Seal/Marine/Special Warfare Training Center/Interpol
Requires Military Leadership, Military Tradition, Smokeless Gunpowder, and Scientific Method or Assembly Line Techs

Military Strategy
Allows: National Guard Command/The Naval War College/Military Dry Dock/National Guard Command/Naval War College
+1 Trade Routes per City
Requires Explosives and Military Tactics Techs.

Military Tactics
Allows: Cavalry/Cossack
Allows: Halls of Justice/Combat Firearms School
Requires Military Tradition, Rifling, Musketry, and Education or Military Discipline Techs

Originally Gunpowder Tech
Allows: Musketman/Musketeer/Chief of Naval Operations
Requires Black Gunpowder Tech

Nautical Engineering
Allows: Offshore Platform/Brooklyn Navy Yard/Destroyer
Requires Smokeless Gunpowder and Physics or Assembly Line Techs

Allows: Galleon/Dutch East India Company/National Naval Dockyard
Requires Paper or Optics Techs

Allows: Sewer System/ Penicillin Scientific Laboratory
Can Build Farms without Irrigation
Farm: +1 Food
Requires Herobology and Mathematics or Alphabet Techs

Allows: Pharmacy/Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Obsoletes: Apothecary
Requires Herbology/Explosives and Corporation, Chemistry or Rifling Techs

Allows: Hippocrates Medical Academy/Hospice
Farms Spread Irrigation
Requires Mysticism Tech

Smokeless Gunpowder
Allows: Infantry/Agent/Mossad
Obsoletes: The Royal Indian Army School
Requires Rifling, Military Tactics, Steam Power, Scientific Method, and Military Strategy, Explosives, Musketry, or Pharmacology Techs

Spoiler :
I only posted the NEW Techs that I added. Some old Techs have been changed, but mainly units/buildings/civics which the Techs have been changed. These changes are listed in the other posts.
Please tell me if I missed any!



The changes in the Civics allow for more flexibility and value to the Civics as compared to the original civics.

Unlimited Engineer City Specialists; +20% Birth Rate; Workers Build +20% Faster; Requires Guilds Tech
-5% Food in All Cities

Bid for Contract
+25% Hammers in Capital; +30% Commerce from Trade Routes in All Cities; Requires Corporation Tech
-15% Research in All Cities

+50% Production and +50% Trade In All Cities
+10% Gold in All Cities
-15% GP Birth Rate
-15% Research in All Cities (V1.02)
Requires Civil Service Tech

Caste System
Unlimited Artist, Scientist, or Merchant City Specialists
+10 Research and +20 Culture in All Cities
-10% Production in All Cities
Requires Code of Laws Tech

+100% Growth for Cottage, Hamlet or Village
Unhappiness Penalty for Civilizations without this Civic
+10% Food in All Cities
-10% Gold in All Cities
+10% Production in All Cities
Requires Democracy Tech

+6 Health in All Cities
+1 Happiness from Jungles or Forests
+25% Culture in All Cities
-15% Production in All Cities
-15% Production in All Cities
Requires Medicine Tech

Free Market
+1 Trade Routes per City
+15% Commerce in All Cities
-1 Health In All Cities
Requires Economics Tech

Free Religion
Workers Build Improvements +10% Faster
No State Religion
+1 Happiness per Non-State Religion in a City
+15% Research in All Cities
-25% Culture in All Cities
Requires Liberalism Tech

Free Speech
+15% GP Birth Rate
+100% Culture in All Cities
+2 Commerce from Towns
+25% War Weariness
-35% Military Production
Requires Liberalism Tech

Hereditary Rule
+10% Military Production
+1 Happiness per Military Unit in City
-1 Health In All Cities
Requires Monarchy Tech

+50% Culture in All Cities; Requires Mysticism Tech
+5% Production in Cities
-10% Gold in All Cities

Ignorance Civic
Default Education Civic
No Bonuses

+2 Unhealthy in All Cities; +25% Hammers in All Cities; Requires Industrialism Tech
+10% Gold in All Cities

Manifest Destiny
No Maintenance Costs from Number of Cities; Requires Military Intelligence Tech
+5% Research in All Cities
+10% Production in All Cities
-1 Health in All Cities

+1 Free City Specialist per City
No Foreign Trade Routes
+10% Gold in All Cities
-15% Culture in All Cities
Requires Banking Tech

Military Training
Unlimited Generarl City Specialists; +4 XP; Requires Military Reconnaissance Tech
+25% Military Production
-1 Health in All Cities

+20% Military Unit Production
Can Draft 3 Units Per Turn
+2 Happiness from Barracks
-10% Culture in All Cities
Requires Nationalism Tech

No Healthcare Civic
Default Healthcare Civic
No Bonuses

Organized Religion
Can Build Missionaries with Monastery
Cities with State Religion COnstruct Buldings +25% Faster
+10% Research in All Cities
-10% Culture in All Cities
Requires Monotheism Tech

+100% GP Birth Rate with State Religion
+25% Culture in All Cities
+1 Gold Support Cost per Unit
+60% War Weariness
Requires Philosophy Tech

Police State
+25% Military Production
-50% War Weariness
+10% in All Cities
-20% GP Birth Rate
Requres Fascism Tech

Primary Healthcare
+3 Health in All Cities; +1 Food from Town; Requires Medicine Tech
+10% Research in All Cities
-10% Production in All Cities

Private Healthcare
+3 Healthy in All Cities; +1 Unhappy in 5 Largest Cities; Requires Theology Tech
+15% Research in All Cities
-10% Gold in All Cities

Private Schooling
+1 Free Specialist per City; +1 Unhappy in 5 Largest Cities; Requires Printing Press Tech
-10% Gold in All Cities

Public Schooling
+2 Happy from Library; Requires Computers Tech
+10% Culture in All Cities
+20% Production in All Cities
-10% Food

+10% Culture in All Cities
+3 Research per City Specialist
+2 Happiness in 5 Largest Cities
-1 Happiness from Military Recruiting Station
Requires Constitution Tech

No State Religion; -1 Happiness per Non-State Religion; +10% Science in All Cities; +1 Happy from Theatre and Jail; +2 Happy from Courthouse; Requires Constitution Tech
-20% Production in All Cities

Separation of Powers
+10% Food, +15% Production, +10% Commerce in All Cities; Requires Black Gunpowder Tech
-15% Culture in All Cities

Workers build improvements 50% Faster
-10% Research in All Cities
+10% Food in All Cities
Requires Freudalism Tech

Cities with State Religion Train Units +25% Faster; Requires Meditation Tech
+2 Health in All Cities

Can sacrifice population to finish production in a city
+15% Production
+1 Production from Plantation
-2 Happiness in 5 Largest Cities
Requires Bronze Working Tech

Socialized Medicine
+4 Health in All Cities; Unhappiness Penalty for Civs without; +1 Happiness in 5 Largest Cities; Requires Biology Tech
-25% Gold in All Cities

State Property
No maintenance cost from distance to palace; +1 food from workshop, watermill
-1 Happiness per Police Headquarters
10% Production in All Cities
Requires Physics Tech

+3 XP in cities with state religion; No non-state religion spread
-20% Research in All Cities
+15% Military Production
-35% War Weariness
Requires Theology Tech

Two-Tier Healthcare
Unlimited Farmer City Specialist; +3 Health in All Cities; Requires Democracy Tech
-15% Gold in All Cities
+1 Happiness in 5 Largest Cities

Universal Suffrage
+1 Production in each Town; Can spend gold to finish production; +10% Culture in All Cities
+30% War Weariness
Requires Democracy Tech

New units receive +2 experience points; Lower Unit Support Costs
-1 Health in All Cities
+5% Food in All Cities

Spoiler :
I felt that the civics were originally designed to force the player use one type of civic at the end.
I felt that this was unfair and too restrictive especially for my military focused mod.
I also felt that a lot of the civics were lame and useless
Therefore I changed/modified all the civics to add to their value and allows the players more flexibility and choices.
With that in effect, I changed the UN Wonder where all civics can be voted on.

I added the Gold Cost to reduce the amount of units produced by ALL civilizations. This was a way to reduce lag in MP games. I included a file at removes this feature. See the NOTES Post[/SPOILER]

There Great People add to the depth of the mod, including the Military aspect.
The City Founder was specifically designed so that Cities can produce gold.

City Founder
+1 Gold
+2 Culture
Only Created with Town Square

Great Agriculturalist
Can Start a Golden Age
Can Discover a Technology
Can Join City as Great Agriculturalist
Can Construct Grange and Botanical Garden

Great General
Can Start a Golden Age
Can Discover a Technology
Can Join City as Great General
Can Construct Military Academy
Starts with Leadership Promotion
Can be upgraded to any Melee, Archery, or Gunpowder unit

Spoiler :
The City Founder is generated to create Gold when a city is created. (As opposed to vanilla version where gold is lost on creation of a city)
I did not want to mess around with python so the easiest way to allow additional gold was the creation of the City Founder Specialist.
The GG will be integrated with the Warlords version...

+1 Commerce
+1 Happy
+2 Commerce with Plantation

Cure for Cancer
+1 Healthy
Requires International Cancer Foundation (Unlimited Bonus)

+1 Hammer
+1 Hammer and +1 Commerce with Quarry

+1 Healthy
Requires University of Medicine (+2 Free Bonus)
Requires Hippocrates Medical Academy (+3 Free Bonuses)
Reqiures Walter Reed Medical Hospital (+3 Free Bonuses)

+1 Food, +1 Commerce; +1 Healt
+1 Food and +2 Commerce with Quarry

Sugar is now a Farm instead of Plantation

+1 Commerce
+1 Happy, +1 Unhealthy, and +3 Commerce with Plantation
Expires with Medicine

Spoiler :


United Nations
Diplomacy Victory Disabled
Allows all Civics to be voted on

The Kremlin
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
-50% Hurry Production Cost
+3 XP
Requires Communism Tech
Obsolete Fiber Optics Tech
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 1000

The Pentagon
+2 GG Coinage
+6 Culture
+3 XP
+2 XP in All Cities
Only Allowed in Coastal Cities
Requires Military Leadership Tech
Requires 2 Military Reserve Bases
Requires 1 Combat Firearms School
Requires Military Recruiting Station in City
Requires Military Reserve Base in City
Requires Unit with 8 Level XP
Cost: 1250

Spoiler :


Forbidden Palace
+2 GM Coinage
+4 Culture
Reduces Maintenance in Nearby Cities
Requires Civil Sevice Tech
Requires at least 6 Cities
Cost 200*

Heroic Epic
+2 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+2 XP for All Cities
+100 Miltary Production
Requires Literature Tech
Requires Barracks
Requires Unit with 4 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 200

National Epic
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+2 XP
+4 XP to Archer Type Units Only (V1.02)
+100% GP Birth Rate
Requires Literature Tech
Requires Library
Requires Unit with 5 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 250

+1 GM Coinage
+2 Culture
+1 Happiness
Makes City Capital
Requires 4 Cities
Reduce Maintenance in Nearby Cities
Cost: 160

Red Cross
+2 GG Coinage
+2 Culture
+2 XP
Free Medic II Promotion
+1 Health
10% Unit Healing
Requires Medicine Tech
Requires 4 Hospitals
Requires Hospital in City
Requires Unit with 6 Level XP
Cost: 600

Scotland Yard
+1 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+2 XP
+1 XP in All Cities
Requires Communism Tech
Required to Train Spy
Allows +1 General City Specialists
Cost: 500

West Point
+2 GG Coinage
+4 Culture
+5 XP
+3 XP in All Cities
Requires Military Tradition Tech
Requires Unit with 7 Level XP
Allows +1 General City Specialist
Cost: 800

Spoiler :


+1 GM Coinage
+50% Gold
Requires Banking Tech
Cost: 200

+10 Defense (Except Gunpowder Units)
+2 XP to Melee Type Units Only (V1.02)
Cost: 25

-75% Damage from Air Units
Requires Artillery Tech
Cost 100

Bomb Shelter
-75% Damage from Nukes
Requires Mechanics Tech
Cost: 100

+1 Culture
+50% Defense (Except Gunpowder Units)
+3 XP for Land Units
Requires Military Logistics Tech
Requires Walls
Allows 1 General City Specialist
Cost 100

Coal Plant
+50% Production
+20% Commerce
Provides Power with Coal
-2 Health
Requires Assembly Line Tech Tech
Requires Factory
Cost: 150

+25% Production
+25% with Power
-1 Health
Requires Assembly Line Tech
Cost: 250

+25% Gold
+1 Health from Banana, Spices, Sugar, or Wine Bonuses
Requires Guilds Tech
Requires Currency Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Allows 1 Merchant City Specialist
Cost: 150

+50% Trade Route Yield
+1 Health from Clam, Crab, or Fish Bonuses
+5 XP to Naval Units Only
Requires Compass Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Cost: 80

Hydro Plant
Provides Power
Requires Plastics Tech
Requires Factory
Cost: 200

+1 Happiness
-25% War Weariness
Requires Military Doctrine
Cost: 120

+1 GS
+50% Research
-1 Health
Requires Alphabet
Cost: 75

+1 Food on Water Tiles
+4 XP Naval Units Only
Requires Sailing Tech
Cost: 60

+25% Gold
+1 Happiness from Fur, Ivory, Silk, or Whale Bonuses
Requires Currency Tech
Allows 1 Farmer City Specialist
Allows 1 Merchant City Specialist
Cost: 150

Military Drydock (Drydrock)
-1 Health
+6 XP Naval Units Only
+50% Naval Production
Requires Military Strategy Tech
Cost: 100

(For ALL Religions)
+2 Culture
+10% Research
Can Train (Respective) Religious Missionary
Requires Meditation Tech
Obsolete Replaceable Parts Tech
Cost: 60

+1 Culture
Requires Mysticism Tech
Obsolete Military Reconnaissance Tech
Cost: 20

+25% Research
Requires Astronomy Tech
Requires Laboratory in City
Allows 1 Scientist City Specialist
Cost: 150

Reycling Plant
+3 Health
Requires Plastics Tech
Cost: 300

+15% Gold
+1 Health from Cow, Deer, Pig, Sheep, or Salt Bonuses
+1 Happiness from Tobacco or Cotton Bonuses
Requires Refrigeration Tech
Requires Grocer
Allows +2 Farmer City Specialists
Cost: 150

Spoiler :


Free Medic I, Sentry, Berserker I
2 Max Units
Movement: 2
Cost: 100
Requires Smokeless Gunpowder Tech
Unique Unit for Mossad World Wonder

+30% vs Melee Units

+20% Intercept Aircraft Chance
Requires Marine Science Tech

Now Allowed to kill Land Units
Requires Aviation and Radio Techs

Strength: 10
Cost: 70
+10% vs Rifleman/Sepoy
+20% vs Musketman
-50% vs Melee Units
Requires Black Gunpowder and Nationalism Techs

(Renamed to Aircraft Carrier)
+30% Intercept Aircraft Chance
Cargo: 5 Fighters
Strength: 28
Moves: 7

Strength: 8
Movement: 2
Does not Receive Defensive Bonuses
Requires Monarchy and Horseback Riding Tech and Horse Bonus

-250% City Attack
Requires Military Tactics Tech

-250% City Attack
Requires Military Tactics Tech

Upgrades to Musketman instead of Rifleman

+25% Attack vs Submarine
+40% Chance Intercept Aircraft
Requires Nautical Engineering Tech

Strength: 2
Movement: 3
Requires Hunting Tech
Upgrades to Longbowman
Cost: 20

Now Allowed to kill Land Units
Requires Aviation Tech

Requires Explosives and Astronomy Tech

Requires Oceanography

+50% Attack vs Sepoy
Requires Explosives Tech

+125% vs Armored Units
+50% Defense vs Tank and Modern Armor
Requires Avionics and Rocketry Techs

30% Chance Evade Aircraft Interception
+10% City Defense
Requires Smokeless Gunpowder and Military Tactics Tech

Jet Fighter
Now Allowed to kill Land Units
Requires Aeronautics and Satellites Techs

Upgrades to Musketman instead of Rifleman

Upgrades to Musketman instead of Rifleman

Machine Gun
Requires Military Leadership Tech

40% Chance Evade Aircraft Interception
Requires Military Special Warfare and Smokeless Gunpowder Techs

Mechanized Infantry
45% Intercept Aircraft Chance
20% Chance Evade Aircraft Interception
+25% City Defense
Requires Military Combined Arms and Computers Techs

Mobile Artillery
Stength: 30
Movement: 2
Cannot Capture Enemy Cities
Does Not Receive Defensive Bonuses
50% Withdrawal Chance
+50% vs Seige Weapons
-30% Damage to Bombard City Defenses
Requires Military Combined Arms and Artillery Techs
Cost: 220

Mobile SAM
Strength: 24
Movement: 2
Range: 2
80% Intercept Aircraft Chance
+50% vs Helicopter Units
Requires Military Combined Arms and Rocketry Techs
Cost: 200

Modern Armor
CANNOT Enter Enemy Jungle or Forest
-35% City Defense
+25% vs Siege Weapons
Requires Military Power, Composites, Robotics, and Refrigeration Techs

+20% vs Archery Units
+30% vs Melee Units
Requires Musketry Tech

Navy Seal
40% Chance Evade Aircraft Interception
Requires Military Special Warfare and Smokeless Gunpowder Techs

65% Intercept Aircraft Chance

Upgrades to Archer

Defensive Only Unit
Default Defenses
Forests +50%
Jungles +50%
Receives Negative Bonuses on flat Terrian (To balance the Combat 1 status)

Stealth Bomber
Requires Areodynamics, Composites, and Robotics Tech

Movement: 8
+50% Attack vs Battleship
+30% Evade Interception Chance
+60% Withdrawal Chance

+50% City Attack

Tank (Panzer)
CANNOT Enter Enemy Jungle or Forest
-50% City Defense
Requires Military Science, Radio, and Combustion Techs

Cargo Space 6
10% Aircraft Intercept Chance

Spoiler :
I only listed the changes to existing units (to save me time :p)
I added either intercept/evasion capabilities to some units as a defense (and more balanced) to the "Complete" kill options of Air Units
Pikeman Upgrades only to rifleman also because of AI Cavalry Fascination, therefore even if you get musketman, you can still create pikeman.
However Crossbowman, Maceman, and Longbowman get obsoleted by muskemen because in reality all progressive nations switched to muskets once it was available.
The Cavalry and Cossack Unit has -250% City Attack because I believe it was unrealistic for this unit to take a city when the purpose of cavalry was to scout or city raid. They were not designed to seige and hold a city.
Due to my limitations I decided to make the odds so unfavorable, the AI will not use these units to attack a city.
I limited the tanks and modern armor movements because going through forests and jungles by these units in unrealistic. Unfortunately due to XML limitations I could not change this if there was a road on the forest/jungle.
I thought the musketman was rather weak and did not reflect the changes of gunpowder to warfare. I also changed the unit model to look like the Continentals in the Revolution Mod, because I did not like how the vanilla version looked.
I added Settler Combat Attributes because I felt settlers were tougher against animals than the vanilla version allows. However they are still pretty weak and should not be moved unescorted. :p


Removed Wonder production increased 50% Bonus
Added +1 Production to any City Plot with +3 Production

Great People birth rate decreased to 50%

Spoiler :
I felt some of the Vanilla Traits were too powerful.


Now 8 NATIONAL WONDERS allowed in EACH City


Accuracy I and Accuracy II
Now Allows Naval Units to use this Promotion

Air Assault I Promotion
+15% vs Land Units
Requires Gunship Combat School for Promotion
Available to Helicopter Units

Air Attack I Promotion
+10% vs Land Units
+20% vs Helicopter Units
Requires Special Operations Aviation Regiment for Promotion

Ambush III (V1.02)
+10% vs Gunship Units

Barrage II
+30% Collateral Damage
+10% vs Melee Units
+5% vs Gunpowder Units
Requires Barrage I Promotions
Available to Siege and Armor Units

Barrage II
+50% Collateral Damage
+10% vs Gunpowder Units
+5% vs Siege Units
Requires Barrage II Promotions
Available to Siege and Armor Units

Berserker I
+1 Movement Range
+10% Withdrawal Chance
+15% vs Land Units
Requires Combat II
Available to Archery, Melee, and Gunpowder Units

Berserker II
Can Attack Twice per Turn
+5% vs Land Units
Requires Berserker I
Available to Archery, Melee, and Gunpowder Units

Commando I
Can Use Enemy Roads
+10% City Attack
+10% vs Land Units
Requires Combat II or Berserker I Promotion
Available to Archery, Melee, Mounted, Gunpowder, Recon, and Armored Units

Commando II
+10% Withdrawal Chance
+10% City Attack
+15% vs Gunpowder, Armored, and Helicopter Units
Requires Commando I Promotion and Military Science Tech
Available to Archery, Melee, Mounted, Gunpowder, Recon, and Armored Units

Can Attack Twice per Turn
No Combat Penalty from Attacking Across River or Sea
Can Use Enemy Roads
Can Heal while Moving
Immune to First Strikes
+1 Visibility Range
+1 Movement Range
+20% Withdrawal Chance
+10% Collateral Damage
+1 Extra First Strike
+1 Extrea First Chance
Heals 10% Friendly/Neutral/Enemy Lands
Heals units Same Tile 10%
+50% Strength
Requires Combat VI Promotion
Free Promotion to Great General

Naval Assault I
+10% Strength
Available to Naval Units

Naval Assault
+20% Strength
+1 First Strike Chance
Requires Naval Assault I Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Assault III
+30% Strength
+1 Visibility
Requires Naval Assault II Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Bombardment I
+20 Collateral
Available to Naval Units

Naval Bombardment II
ADD +30 Collateral
Requires Naval Bombardment I Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Bombardment III
+50 Collateral
+10% City Bombard
+10% vs Naval Units
Requires Naval Bombardment II Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Bombardment IV
+100% Collateral
+20% City Bombard
+10% vs Naval Units
Requires Naval Bombardment III Promotion

Naval Operations I
+1 Navigation
+1 First Strike
Requires Chief of Naval Operations for Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Engineering I
+10% Friendly Lands Unit Heal
+10% Withdrawal Chance
Requires National Naval Dockyard Wonder for Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Tactics I
+1 Move
+15% vs Naval Units
+10% Withdrawal Chance
Requires Naval Assault I Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Naval Tactics II
Can Attack Twice per Turn
+10% vs Naval Units
Requires Naval Tactics I Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Precision I
+20% vs Air Units
Requires Combat I Promotion and Flight Tech
Available to Gunpowder Units

Precision II
+10% vs Helicopter Units
+30% vs Air Units
Requires Precision I Promotion and Flight Tech
Available to Gunpowder Units

Seafaring I
+1 Visibility
Terrain Double Moves: Coast
Requires Merchant Marine Academy for Promotion
Available to Naval Units

Tactics I
+20% vs Helicopter Units
Requires Combat II Promotion and Avionics Tech
Available to Gunpowder, Armored, and Helicopter Units

Tactics II
+30% vs Helicopter Units
Requires Tactics I or Combat IV Promotion and Avionics Tech
Available to Gunpowder, Armored, and Helicopter Units

Tactics III
+10% vs Armor Units
+50% vs Helicopter Units
Requires Tactics II or Combat VI Promotion and Avionics Tech
Available to Gunpowder, Armored, and Helicopter Units

Tactics IV
+100% vs Helicopter Units
-10% vs Archery, Mounted, Melee, Siege, and Gunpowder Units
Requires Tactics III Promotion

Urban Assault I
+10% Strength
+10% City Attack
-10% vs Air Units
Requires Beserker I Promotion
Available to Melee and Gunpowder Units

Urban Assault II
+10% Strength
+10% City Attack
-10% City Defense
-10% vs Air Units
Requires Urban Assault I or Combat IV Promotion
Available to Melee, Mounted, and Gunpowder Units

Urban Assault III
1 Exgra First Strike
+10% Strength
+10% City Attack
-10% Hills Defense
-10% vs Air Units
Requires Urban Assault II Promotion
Available to Melee, Mounted, and Gunpowder Units

Spoiler :
I did not include all the promotions that were changed. Those not listed here were minor changes like different PreReq Promotions and the like...
I only listed the ones with major changes.

Naval Promotions were added so that the New Naval Wonders have a free promotion designed only for Naval Units
With that respect the following changes were implemented to separate Land from Naval Units in the promotion structure:

- Berserker I & II Promotions
- Removed Naval Attributes

- Combat I-VI Promotions
- Removed Naval Attributes

- Barrage I-IV Promotions
- Removed Naval Attributes

I will probably add more Naval Promotions later.

More Info:

Spoiler :
MORE GP Coinage

Terrain Info:
All Flatlands receive +10 Defense Bonus
All Hills receive +10 Defense Bonus

Fair Start
More Workers
Explorers Instead of Scouts

Tree Nursery
Allows Trees to be Planted
Requires Herbology Tech

Modern Roads
All roads look like asphalt instead of Dirt Roads

Modern Worker Skin

Now has Modern Skin (Wagons)

Dry Dock renamed to Military Dry Dock

Musketman Model and Button changed to American Revolutionary Continental

Graphics were reduced to limit lag in MP.

All Units (Except Settler Unit) have ONLY one Icon (no groups) to limit lag in MP.

Although I have taken alot of other people's mod components/graphics, I have also edited/modifed/changed them to better fit my mod.
There is no Early/Late types of roads so all roads are modern regardless of time period.

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