Mîtiu Ioan
I post this already, but now I have some new ideea ...
Let's have instead of actual simplistic form of governement ( which isn't nor historically or socio-politically corect nor increase gameplay feeling ) the next panel named Politics with the next subcategories :
Political organisation :
- Tyrany ( default ) -
- Aristocratic
- Police state - will allow pop-rush any time.
- Representative democracy
- Descentralised governement - great for culture and little corruption, but bad for production of military offensive units and BIG wonder.
Economical policy:
- Simple or survival ( default )
- Oligarhic/Corporatist ( in modern time )
- Planned
- Welfare liberalism - more happines, but some waste and also decrease science output.
- Anti-trust free market
Cultural dominant value :
- Fundamentalistic ( default )
- Power - units are automatically produced at veterean level, increased chance to get military liders, +25 bonus to attack.
- Wealth
- Knowledge
- Comfort
Future utopia
- Moral fundamentalism
- Orwellian society
- Ecologistic harmony and hedonism
- Utopical communism
- Virtual government
Also a major change : in revolution concept. Revolutions will ocurred randomly in a period of 100-150 turns ( sorry, but no governement seems to be perfect and almost there existed protest against any kind of governement ). A revolution will change the society to
VARIANT A - default status
VARIANT B - opposed form - this is a personnaly historical observation .
Insteed of actual revolutions there will be transition period which will costs 3-4 turns, money and/or lives of some citizens.
Chances of revolution :
- decreased if combine some form of Politics - e.g. Police State with Free Anti-trust market will be a extremly unstable combination - ussually there are
a) or a popular revolt => change of Police State Status;
b) oligarhic "putch" ( I'm not sure if this is the english term ) => change of Free Market Status !
- existance of some city-improvements or small Wonders for some of this aspects :
e.g. - Cinema - for a wealth society - presents model of "succes people"
- Secret Police Center - for Police State
- Inquisition Tribunal - for Fundamentalistic and so on.
VARIANT - This buildings may also have impact in aspect of a revolution.
- stability increased if you use a leader ( military one or a new created category - political leader ) for this. This will assure you let's say a 100 turns of stability !!
I'm also a programmer - this changes shouldn't be very hard to implement - but the major problem will be that from that stupid AI players will be hard to implement a decent style to play ...
Any feed-back is welcome ...
P.S. : Please excuse my bad english ...
P.S.S. : The main problem with such style is that will move the "attention" from millitary aspects ( still predominant in my opinion and experience ... ) to micro-management - but that's exactly my intention ...
Let's have instead of actual simplistic form of governement ( which isn't nor historically or socio-politically corect nor increase gameplay feeling ) the next panel named Politics with the next subcategories :
Political organisation :
- Tyrany ( default ) -
- Aristocratic
- Police state - will allow pop-rush any time.
- Representative democracy
- Descentralised governement - great for culture and little corruption, but bad for production of military offensive units and BIG wonder.
Economical policy:
- Simple or survival ( default )
- Oligarhic/Corporatist ( in modern time )
- Planned
- Welfare liberalism - more happines, but some waste and also decrease science output.
- Anti-trust free market
Cultural dominant value :
- Fundamentalistic ( default )
- Power - units are automatically produced at veterean level, increased chance to get military liders, +25 bonus to attack.
- Wealth
- Knowledge
- Comfort
Future utopia
- Moral fundamentalism
- Orwellian society
- Ecologistic harmony and hedonism
- Utopical communism
- Virtual government
Also a major change : in revolution concept. Revolutions will ocurred randomly in a period of 100-150 turns ( sorry, but no governement seems to be perfect and almost there existed protest against any kind of governement ). A revolution will change the society to
VARIANT A - default status
VARIANT B - opposed form - this is a personnaly historical observation .
Insteed of actual revolutions there will be transition period which will costs 3-4 turns, money and/or lives of some citizens.
Chances of revolution :
- decreased if combine some form of Politics - e.g. Police State with Free Anti-trust market will be a extremly unstable combination - ussually there are
a) or a popular revolt => change of Police State Status;
b) oligarhic "putch" ( I'm not sure if this is the english term ) => change of Free Market Status !
- existance of some city-improvements or small Wonders for some of this aspects :
e.g. - Cinema - for a wealth society - presents model of "succes people"
- Secret Police Center - for Police State
- Inquisition Tribunal - for Fundamentalistic and so on.
VARIANT - This buildings may also have impact in aspect of a revolution.
- stability increased if you use a leader ( military one or a new created category - political leader ) for this. This will assure you let's say a 100 turns of stability !!
I'm also a programmer - this changes shouldn't be very hard to implement - but the major problem will be that from that stupid AI players will be hard to implement a decent style to play ...
Any feed-back is welcome ...
P.S. : Please excuse my bad english ...
P.S.S. : The main problem with such style is that will move the "attention" from millitary aspects ( still predominant in my opinion and experience ... ) to micro-management - but that's exactly my intention ...