My Unique Powers judgement

But this "not real power of senate" is representation. Until third age in Rome was still republic. I don't know, how it's named in English but in Polish it's named "comedy of the republic". Rule of councils, then emperor (who was Princeps Senatus, council and other republican offices) is Representation, same as absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy are form of Hereditary Rule...
Rome expanded because of republic. But republic couldn't be practiced in such a big empire, so form of government had to change. Emperors was using power made by republic...
But do we really want a UP that is nearly the same as the UP of Egypt?

Would it really help Rome creating an empire?

I mean Representation would be a nice boost but I'm pretty sure it's not enough (Hereditary Rule wouldn't make a difference at all because Roman cities are very small in the game).
iirc, the major Roman cities do get a bit unhappy and Hereditary Rule is a must for Pax Romana games.
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