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- Feb 19, 2002
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After playing several games of Civ 3 and getting a feel for the combat statistics of all the various units, I decided to look into modifying certain stats that I had concerns about. Below is a list of the various changes I made. While the changes are numerous, I think I maintained a fairly good balance and I would welcome any comments or ideas, good or bad that anyone might have.
MODERN FOOT UNITS a-d-m [original stats]
-Musket Man 3-5-1 [2-4-1]
For guys with muskets, they're pretty weak compared to the guys with pikes which doesn't sit right with me.
-Rifleman 4-8-1 [3-6-1]
When rifled weapons came around, they were supposedly many times more superior than muskets, the game doesn't reflect that too well. Besides, if I tweaked the Musket Man, I had to do so with these guys too.
-Infantry 8-12-2 [6-10-1]
When I think of infantry, I think of modern troops with jeeps and APC's and stuff like that to get around with. I also ticked the zone of control flag in the editor. I tweaked his other stats to keep the edge over the Rifleman.
Marine 12-10-1 [8-6-1]
Marines were woefully weak the way they were, not what I would expect for guys as well trained and equipped as them.
-Paratrooper 10-12-1 [6-8-1]
The paradrop ability is enough to pay for the added cost they have over infantry in my opinion, so why should they be weaker?
-Cavalry 8-4-3 [6-3-3]
There should have been a dragoon unit like in civ 2 with the Cavalry's original stats. These guys strike me as a little too weak compared to knights.
-Tank 18-10-2 [16-8-2]
I didn't want to keep Tanks so weak compared to my upgraded Cavalry, so I incresed them too.
-Mechinized Infantry 14-20-3 [12-18-2]
Reason is along the same lines as the Rifleman, Infantry, and Cavalry. Increased the movement to justify their mechinized title, since Infantry now move at 2, and so they can keep up with the modern armor.
-Modern Armor 28-18-3 [24-16-3]
See Mechinized Infantry
ARTILLERY UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Radar Artillery 0-0-2 [0-0-1] (16-2-2 [16-2-2] ) zone
I'm no expert on modern artillery, but the animation for the unit lookes like a type of vehicle to me, so I increased the movement.
ANCIENT NAVAL UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Frigate 3-3-4 [2-2-4] (4-1-2 [2-1-2] )
Frigates were pathetic before, so I beefed them up a bit. Also, I think a boat with tons of cannons on it would at least be a little more effective than the rock throwing catapult (2-1-2) at bombardment.
MODERN NAVAL UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Transport 1-4-6 [1-4-5]
I think a ship with a mechanical engine should be a little faster and reliable than a Galleon
-Carrier 1-14-6 [1-8-4]
I'd think a massive carrier would be able to sustain much more damage than a destroyer 1 quarter its size. I think that a carrier is also faster than a sailing ship, hence the movement increase.
-Destroyer 12-8-10 [12-8-5] (8-1-2 [6-1-2] )
In Civ 2, destroyers were the fastest ship of all. The Civ 3 civilopedia also indicates their faster than most other ships. Think 10 is too much anyone?
-AEGIS Cruiser 18-14-8 [12-10-5] (8-2-2 [4-2-2]
Isn't an AEGIS Cruiser a really advanced warship? It Isn't much better that a destroyer in Civ 3, except that it can detect subs, so I enhanced it significantly.
-Battleship 30-24-6 [18-12-5] (12-2-2 [8-2-2] )
The civilopedia says it's the queen of the seas, yet if a destroyer attacks it, it can go 1 on 1 which just isn't very realistic. Hmm, well maybe if it used a harpoon missile it could......oh well, I think the battleship should be much more powerful than it was anyway.
-Submarine 14-2-4 [8-4-3]
Submarines were so pointless before, I just had to do something about it.
-Nuclear Sub 18-4-5 [8-4-4]
I may have let this editing get to my head, but here's my version of the Nuclear Submarine. I also gave it the ability to carry an extra tactical missile. See Cruise Missile below.
AIR UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Jet Fighter 8-4-0 [8-4-0] (6-6*-2 [2-6*-2] interceptor
Why would a "JET" fighter be as pathetic as a prop plane fighter at bombardment?
-Cruise Missile 0-0-1 [0-0-1] (18-6-3 [16-2-3]
Was it the 1.17f patch that increased the bombardment value of this, I can't remember? I also gave it a range of 6, cause 2 was ridiculous for a cruise missile. To make things a little more realistic, I made it a tactical missile so submarines can carry it.
CIV SPECIFIC UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Musketeer 3-5-2 [3-4-1]
Musketeers were the third worst special unit before, so I increased their movement to make them much better. Didn't I see the Musketeers riding horses in the movies? I upgraded the a-d to match the Musket Man.
-Cossack 8-5-3 [6-4-3]
Just wanted to keep him the same as the Cavalry, but added +1 defence. Unfortunately he remains pretty crappy as a special unit.
-Panzer 18-10-3 [16-8-3]
Matches the Tank tweak.
-Man-O-War 5-3-4 [3-2-4] (6-1-2 [3-1-2] )
The absolute worst special unit before, I suped it up big time to eliminate the problem of getting Ironclads 4-4-4 (4-1-2), before you even get a chance to use the Man-O-War.
-F-15 8-4-0 [8-4-0] (6-6*-2 [4-6*-2] )
There wasn't much to do with this really, it was the second worst unit before, but because the Man-O-War is much better now, the F-15 sadly becomes the absolute worst.
*for aircraft, this denotes the operational range instead of the bombardment range, which is really zero according to Firaxis.
Those units that I did not include, remain unchanged, accept for all the archer types (archer, bowman, longbowman) in which I added a zone of control.
Here are a few additional unit ideas I have, but sadly can not create due to my confusion on how to effectively do so:
-I heard someone on the forum mention that the English special unit should be the longbowman. I think it's a great idea. In turn, the normal longbowman should be changed to a crossbowman, and retain its stats, while the English longbowman should get be 5-1-1 or maybe even 6-1-1.
-I was playing around with the idea that the American special unit should be the paratrooper, while the normal one should be removed altogether. That would actually make helicopters a little more useful. Or perhaps make a navy seal or a ranger unit for the Americans. I don't know what you would call it, but maybe even give them a unit that can use the amphibious assault and the paradrop ability. Or maybe the F-15 should be changed to a spy plane and give it an insane range, but no attack, defence, or bombardment, all it would do is perform recon missions.
-An attack helicopter would be nice. It would be an air unit that can actually kill ground units instead of bombarding them. Speaking of helicopers, it would so sweet if u could load a helicopter on to an aircraft carrier and at the same time, have a foot soldier loaded on the helicopter.
Heres a summery of all the changes I made just so it can be seen more easily in its entirety.
a-d-m (b-r-f)
INFANTRY 8-12-2 zone
MARINE 12-10-1 amphibious, zone
PARATROOPER 10-12-1 paradrop, zone
CAVALRY 8-4-3 zone
TANK 18-10-2 zone, blitz
MECH. INFANTRY 14-20-3 zone
MODERN ARMOR 28-18-3 zone, blitz
RADAR ARTILLERY 0-0-2 (16-2-2)
TRANSPORT 1-4-6 carry 8
FRIGATE 3-3-4 (4-1-2)
CARRIER 1-14-6 carry 4 aircraft, radar
DESTROYER 12-8-10 (6-1-2)
AEGIS CRUISER 18-14-8 (8-2-2) sonar, radar
BATTLESHIP 30-24-6 (12-2-2)
SUBMARINE 14-2-4 sonar
NUCLEAR SUB 18-4-5 carry 2 tactical missiles, sonar
JET FIGHTER 8-4-0 (4-6*-2)
CRUISE MISSILE 0-0-1 (18-6-3) tactical missile
COSSACK 8-5-3 zone
PANZER 18-10-3 zone, blitz
MAN-O-WAR 5-3-4 (6-1-2)
F-15 8-4-0 (6-6*-2) precision bombing
All archer units recieve a zone of contol
MODERN FOOT UNITS a-d-m [original stats]
-Musket Man 3-5-1 [2-4-1]
For guys with muskets, they're pretty weak compared to the guys with pikes which doesn't sit right with me.
-Rifleman 4-8-1 [3-6-1]
When rifled weapons came around, they were supposedly many times more superior than muskets, the game doesn't reflect that too well. Besides, if I tweaked the Musket Man, I had to do so with these guys too.
-Infantry 8-12-2 [6-10-1]
When I think of infantry, I think of modern troops with jeeps and APC's and stuff like that to get around with. I also ticked the zone of control flag in the editor. I tweaked his other stats to keep the edge over the Rifleman.
Marine 12-10-1 [8-6-1]
Marines were woefully weak the way they were, not what I would expect for guys as well trained and equipped as them.
-Paratrooper 10-12-1 [6-8-1]
The paradrop ability is enough to pay for the added cost they have over infantry in my opinion, so why should they be weaker?
-Cavalry 8-4-3 [6-3-3]
There should have been a dragoon unit like in civ 2 with the Cavalry's original stats. These guys strike me as a little too weak compared to knights.
-Tank 18-10-2 [16-8-2]
I didn't want to keep Tanks so weak compared to my upgraded Cavalry, so I incresed them too.
-Mechinized Infantry 14-20-3 [12-18-2]
Reason is along the same lines as the Rifleman, Infantry, and Cavalry. Increased the movement to justify their mechinized title, since Infantry now move at 2, and so they can keep up with the modern armor.
-Modern Armor 28-18-3 [24-16-3]
See Mechinized Infantry
ARTILLERY UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Radar Artillery 0-0-2 [0-0-1] (16-2-2 [16-2-2] ) zone
I'm no expert on modern artillery, but the animation for the unit lookes like a type of vehicle to me, so I increased the movement.
ANCIENT NAVAL UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Frigate 3-3-4 [2-2-4] (4-1-2 [2-1-2] )
Frigates were pathetic before, so I beefed them up a bit. Also, I think a boat with tons of cannons on it would at least be a little more effective than the rock throwing catapult (2-1-2) at bombardment.
MODERN NAVAL UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Transport 1-4-6 [1-4-5]
I think a ship with a mechanical engine should be a little faster and reliable than a Galleon
-Carrier 1-14-6 [1-8-4]
I'd think a massive carrier would be able to sustain much more damage than a destroyer 1 quarter its size. I think that a carrier is also faster than a sailing ship, hence the movement increase.
-Destroyer 12-8-10 [12-8-5] (8-1-2 [6-1-2] )
In Civ 2, destroyers were the fastest ship of all. The Civ 3 civilopedia also indicates their faster than most other ships. Think 10 is too much anyone?
-AEGIS Cruiser 18-14-8 [12-10-5] (8-2-2 [4-2-2]
Isn't an AEGIS Cruiser a really advanced warship? It Isn't much better that a destroyer in Civ 3, except that it can detect subs, so I enhanced it significantly.
-Battleship 30-24-6 [18-12-5] (12-2-2 [8-2-2] )
The civilopedia says it's the queen of the seas, yet if a destroyer attacks it, it can go 1 on 1 which just isn't very realistic. Hmm, well maybe if it used a harpoon missile it could......oh well, I think the battleship should be much more powerful than it was anyway.
-Submarine 14-2-4 [8-4-3]
Submarines were so pointless before, I just had to do something about it.
-Nuclear Sub 18-4-5 [8-4-4]
I may have let this editing get to my head, but here's my version of the Nuclear Submarine. I also gave it the ability to carry an extra tactical missile. See Cruise Missile below.
AIR UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Jet Fighter 8-4-0 [8-4-0] (6-6*-2 [2-6*-2] interceptor
Why would a "JET" fighter be as pathetic as a prop plane fighter at bombardment?
-Cruise Missile 0-0-1 [0-0-1] (18-6-3 [16-2-3]
Was it the 1.17f patch that increased the bombardment value of this, I can't remember? I also gave it a range of 6, cause 2 was ridiculous for a cruise missile. To make things a little more realistic, I made it a tactical missile so submarines can carry it.
CIV SPECIFIC UNITS a-d-m [original stats] (b-r-f [original stats])
-Musketeer 3-5-2 [3-4-1]
Musketeers were the third worst special unit before, so I increased their movement to make them much better. Didn't I see the Musketeers riding horses in the movies? I upgraded the a-d to match the Musket Man.
-Cossack 8-5-3 [6-4-3]
Just wanted to keep him the same as the Cavalry, but added +1 defence. Unfortunately he remains pretty crappy as a special unit.
-Panzer 18-10-3 [16-8-3]
Matches the Tank tweak.
-Man-O-War 5-3-4 [3-2-4] (6-1-2 [3-1-2] )
The absolute worst special unit before, I suped it up big time to eliminate the problem of getting Ironclads 4-4-4 (4-1-2), before you even get a chance to use the Man-O-War.
-F-15 8-4-0 [8-4-0] (6-6*-2 [4-6*-2] )
There wasn't much to do with this really, it was the second worst unit before, but because the Man-O-War is much better now, the F-15 sadly becomes the absolute worst.
*for aircraft, this denotes the operational range instead of the bombardment range, which is really zero according to Firaxis.
Those units that I did not include, remain unchanged, accept for all the archer types (archer, bowman, longbowman) in which I added a zone of control.
Here are a few additional unit ideas I have, but sadly can not create due to my confusion on how to effectively do so:
-I heard someone on the forum mention that the English special unit should be the longbowman. I think it's a great idea. In turn, the normal longbowman should be changed to a crossbowman, and retain its stats, while the English longbowman should get be 5-1-1 or maybe even 6-1-1.
-I was playing around with the idea that the American special unit should be the paratrooper, while the normal one should be removed altogether. That would actually make helicopters a little more useful. Or perhaps make a navy seal or a ranger unit for the Americans. I don't know what you would call it, but maybe even give them a unit that can use the amphibious assault and the paradrop ability. Or maybe the F-15 should be changed to a spy plane and give it an insane range, but no attack, defence, or bombardment, all it would do is perform recon missions.
-An attack helicopter would be nice. It would be an air unit that can actually kill ground units instead of bombarding them. Speaking of helicopers, it would so sweet if u could load a helicopter on to an aircraft carrier and at the same time, have a foot soldier loaded on the helicopter.
Heres a summery of all the changes I made just so it can be seen more easily in its entirety.
a-d-m (b-r-f)
INFANTRY 8-12-2 zone
MARINE 12-10-1 amphibious, zone
PARATROOPER 10-12-1 paradrop, zone
CAVALRY 8-4-3 zone
TANK 18-10-2 zone, blitz
MECH. INFANTRY 14-20-3 zone
MODERN ARMOR 28-18-3 zone, blitz
RADAR ARTILLERY 0-0-2 (16-2-2)
TRANSPORT 1-4-6 carry 8
FRIGATE 3-3-4 (4-1-2)
CARRIER 1-14-6 carry 4 aircraft, radar
DESTROYER 12-8-10 (6-1-2)
AEGIS CRUISER 18-14-8 (8-2-2) sonar, radar
BATTLESHIP 30-24-6 (12-2-2)
SUBMARINE 14-2-4 sonar
NUCLEAR SUB 18-4-5 carry 2 tactical missiles, sonar
JET FIGHTER 8-4-0 (4-6*-2)
CRUISE MISSILE 0-0-1 (18-6-3) tactical missile
COSSACK 8-5-3 zone
PANZER 18-10-3 zone, blitz
MAN-O-WAR 5-3-4 (6-1-2)
F-15 8-4-0 (6-6*-2) precision bombing
All archer units recieve a zone of contol