The humor, the life, and the fun of this NES has died. I, as a writer, have more or less died, hollowed out by cynicism. I can't imagine what I'm supposed to do now, with players leaving more often than ever, an update that just won't flow, a school who's assigning more and more work. I suppose you could say I've finally been defeated. Yah, I can see the replies to this post now--I'm an irresponsible, overly awful mod, who can't be trusted to keep anything open more than five seconds. Well, perhaps that's the case, but. Eh. I can't get motivated for NESing at all anymore. In the next couple of hours I'll probably decide wether or not to quit NESing altogether. I suppose I should apologize. And I do. But I know the players won't care; that all they cared about was the game and not the mod. A little inherently melodramatic, that statement was, but still. I don't feel motivated, I don't feel confident, and any intentions I once had of being a writer have withered and died. Why the hell am I even bothering with writing this? Because I know that very few of you will care; like I said, the majority of my players at this point have never written a story for this; have never gotten engaged. I suppose my apology is to those few of you who care, who actually realize that you're watching the trainwreck that is the end of a NESing career. To those few of you who were actually my friends; who actually cared more about me and my NESing than when the next update came--I'm deeply, and truly sorry. I wish I could do something about it, but real life is the real killer of fun.