Naeralith Reborn: Civ 5 Mod

Civilisation Design Part 1
Civilisation Design Part 2
Unit Design

Units in NR will be designed to complement each other such that masses of a single type of troop will be weaker than a tactically balanced army.

Basic units will be available at the start which will upgrade to more powerful versions. For the core, recon and siege lines, units from tier 3 and beyond may only be acquired through the upgrade of units. For example, with the core units, you will only ever be able to build Militia Axeman, Militia Swordsman, Militia Spearman and Militia Archer. Only once these have acquired enough experience may they be upgraded to the more powerful units beyond. This will be possible through both combat and through training with certain buildings (more to be announced on this later).

When specialising units, there are various paths at which the "career" of a unit can be sent down. Many of these are an offensive and defensive path, whereas others are simply varied upgrade options to allow for tactical variation.

Below are the basic unit trees with statistics for each unit (subject to change).

Enjoy for now and please feel free to comment or critique what has been shown so far :)

Spoiler Units :

Spoiler Core Units :


Spoiler Era 1 :

Unit Class: Melee
Str: 6
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 40
First Military Unit

Spoiler Era 2 :

Militia Axeman
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 10
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 80
Receives a +25% combat bonus against Melee Units. -15% vs Ranged Units.

Militia Swordsman
Unit Class:
Melee Str: 10
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 80
Receives a +25% combat bonus against City Attack

Militia Spearman
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 8
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 70
Receives a +50% combat bonus against Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry

Militia Archer
Unit Class: Ranged
Str: 4
Ranged Str 6
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 90
May not melee attack. Performs Ranged attacks

Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 8
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 3
Cost: 80
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking.

Spoiler Era 3 :

Axeman Warband
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 16
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 120
Receives a +25% combat bonus against Melee Units. -15% vs Ranged Units.

Swordsman Warband
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 18
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 150
Resource Req: Iron
Receives a +25% combat bonus against City Attack

Spearman Warband
Unit Class: Melee Str: 12
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 100
Receives a +50% combat bonus against Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry

Archer Warband
Unit Class: Ranged
Str: 6
Ranged Str 12
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 120
May not melee attack. Performs Ranged attacks

Nivae Riders
Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 12
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 3
Cost: 100
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking. +15% vs Melee.

Nivae Chargers
Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 10
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 3
Cost: 90
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking. +50% vs Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry

Nivae Archers
Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 7
Ranged Str 10
Range: 2
Moves: 3
Cost: 80
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking. Performs Ranged attacks

Spoiler Era 4 :

Axeguard Defenders
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 21
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 160
Receives a +25% combat bonus against Melee Units. +1 HP

Unit Class:
Melee Str: 21
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 160
Receives a +25% combat bonus against Melee Units. Can move after attacking. Can attack twice, -15% vs Ranged Units.

Blade Dancers
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 25
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 240
Resource Req: Iron
Receives a +25% combat bonus against City Attack

Swordsman Regiment
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 25
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 240
Resource Req: Iron
Receives +10% strength for every adjacent friendly unit

Javalineer Warband
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 16
Ranged Str 12
Range: 1
Moves: 2
Cost: 150
Receives a +50% combat bonus against Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry. Performs Short Ranged attacks

Unit Class: Melee
Str: 16
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 140
Receives a +50% combat bonus against Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry. +1 HP

Unit Class: Ranged
Str: 10
Ranged Str 20
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 180
May not melee attack. Performs stronger Ranged attacks

Unit Class: Ranged
Str: 10
Ranged Str 17
Range: 3
Moves: 2
Cost: 180
May not melee attack. Performs Further Ranged attacks

Mounted Infantry
Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 22
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 3
Cost: 200
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking. +15% vs Melee.

Nivae Lancer
Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 22
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 3
Cost: 200
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking. +50% vs Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry

Nivae Cavalry
Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 15
Ranged Str 18
Range: 2
Moves: 3
Cost: 190
Resource Req: Ni'Vae
Can move after attacking. Performs Ranged attacks

Spoiler Era 5 :

Unit Class: Melee
Str: 35
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 290
Receives a +33% combat bonus against Melee Units. +2 HP

Unit Class: Melee
Str: 35
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 290
Receives a +33% combat bonus against Melee Units. Can attack twice. -15% vs Ranged Units.

Unit Class: Melee
Str: 40
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 320
Resource Req: Iron
Receives a +33% combat bonus against City Attack

City Guard
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 40
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 320
Resource Req: Iron
Receives +10% strength for every adjacent friendly unit. +25% city defence.

Assault Javalineers
Unit Class: Melee
Str: 30
Ranged Str 21
Range: 1
Moves: 2
Cost: 260
Receives a +100% combat bonus against Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry. Performs Short Ranged attacks

Unit Class: Melee
Str: 30
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 260
Receives a +100% combat bonus against Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry. +1 HP

Unit Class: Ranged
Str: 19
Ranged Str 34
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 230
May not melee attack. Performs stronger Ranged attacks

Unit Class: Ranged
Str: 19
Ranged Str 31
Range: 3
Moves: 2
Cost: 230
May not melee attack. Performs Further Ranged attacks. Can attack twice

Unit Class: Heavy Cavalry
Str: 34
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 3
Cost: 280
Resource Req: Ni'vae + Iron
Can move after attacking. +15% vs Melee, Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry

Spoiler Recon Units :


Spoiler Era 1 :

Unit Class: Recon
Str: 4
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 25
Ignores terrain movement costs.

Spoiler Era 2 :

Unit Class: Recon
Str: 6
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 60
Ignores terrain movement costs. +15% strength in Rough Terrain

Unit Class: Recon
Str: 6
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 60
Ignores terrain movement costs. +15% strength in Open Terrain

Spoiler Era 3 :

Unit Class: Recon
Str: 11
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 90
Ignores terrain movement costs. +33% strength in Rough Terrain

Unit Class: Recon
Str: 11
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 90
Ignores enemy Zone of Control. Invisible. Targets non military units first (Civilians, General, Sorcerers etc.)

Skirmish Archers
Unit Class: Recon
Str: 8
Ranged Str 10
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 90
May not melee attack. Ignores terrain movement costs. +20% strength in Open Terrain. Performs Ranged Attacks

Skirmish Infantry
Unit Class: Recon
Str: 11
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 90
Ignores terrain movement costs. +10% strength in Open Terrain. +10% vs Recon Units

Strider Scouts
Unit Class: Light Cavalry
Str: 9
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 4
Cost: 80
Resource Req: Striders
Ignores terrain movement costs, Can move after attacking. +50% vs Siege

Strider Skirmishers
Unit Class: Light Cavalry
Str: 9
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 4
Cost: 80
Resource Req: Striders
Ignores terrain movement costs, Can move after attacking. +25% vs Ranged Units

Spoiler Era 4 :

Unit Class: Recon
Str: 15
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 120
Ignores terrain movement costs. +33% strength in Rough Terrain. +50% vs Beasts. Defeated Beasts are converted to your side

Master Assassin
Unit Class: Recon
Str: 15
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 120
Ignores enemy Zone of Control. Can enter rival territory without incurring diplomatic penalties. Invisible. Targets non military units first (Civilians, Generals, Sorcerers etc.)

Sniper Squad
Unit Class: Recon
Str: 11
Ranged Str 15
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 120
Ignores terrain movement costs. +33% strength in Open Terrain. +25% defense against ranged attacks. Performs Ranged Attacks

Guerilla Band
Unit Class: Recon
Str: 15
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 120
Ignores terrain movement costs. +20% strength in Open Terrain. +20% vs Recon units

Strider Stalkers
Unit Class: Light Cavalry
Str: 20
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 4
Cost: 170
Resource Req: Striders
Ignores terrain movement costs, Can move after attacking. +50% vs Siege.

Strider Chargers
Unit Class: Light Cavalry
Str: 20
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 4
Cost: 170
Resource Req: Striders
Ignores terrain movement costs, Can move after attacking. +25% vs Ranged Units

Spoiler Siege Units :


Spoiler Era 2 :

Unit Class: Siege
Str: 4
Ranged Str 14
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 100
Resource Req: Iron
May not melee attack. Receives a +10% combat bonus versus cities, performs ranged attacks, and must “set up” to attack.

Spoiler Era 3 :

Unit Class: Siege
Str: 6
Ranged Str 20
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 250
Resource Req: Iron
May not melee attack. Receives a +10% combat bonus versus cities, performs ranged attacks, and must “set up” to attack.

Unit Class: Siege
Str: 7
Ranged Str 19
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 250
May not melee attack. Receives a +10% combat bonus versus Melee, Heavey Cavalry and Light Cavalry. performs ranged attacks.

Spoiler Era 4 :

Unit Class: Siege
Str: 14
Ranged Str 32
Range: 3
Moves: 2
Cost: 320
Resource Req: Iron
May not melee attack. Receives a +10% combat bonus versus cities, performs ranged attacks. May perform indirect fire.

Unit Class: Siege
Str: 16
Ranged Str: 32
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 320
Resource Req: Iron
May not melee attack. Receives a +20% combat bonus versus cities, performs ranged attacks.

Bolt Thrower
Unit Class: Siege
Str: 18
Ranged Str 30
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 320
May not melee attack. Receives a +20% combat bonus versus Melee, Heavey Cavalry and Light Cavalry. performs ranged attacks.

Spoiler Era 5 :

Unit Class: Siege
Str: 16
Ranged Str 46
Range: 4
Moves: 2
Cost: 420
Resource Req: Iron
May not melee attack. Receives a +15% combat bonus versus cities, performs ranged attacks. May perform indirect fire.

Grand Cannon
Unit Class: Siege
Str: 18
Ranged Str 46
Range: 3
Moves: 2
Cost: 420
Resource Req: Iron
May not melee attack. Receives a +33% combat bonus versus cities, performs ranged attacks.

Repeater Bolt Thrower
Unit Class: Siege
Str: 21
Ranged Str 42
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 420
May not melee attack. Receives a +20% combat bonus versus Melee, Heavey Cavalry and Light Cavalry. performs ranged attacks. Can attack twice.

Spoiler Naval Units :


Spoiler Era 2 :

Unit Class: Naval
Str: 8
Ranged Str 6
Range: 2
Moves: 4
Cost: 80
First combat ship. May not melee attack. Cannot enter ocean.

Unit Class: Naval
Str: 6
Moves: 6
Cost: 60
First recon ship. May not melee attack. Cannot enter ocean. -50% damage from nautical features (storms etc).

Spoiler Era 3 :

Warship Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 18
Ranged Str 12
Range: 2
Moves: 4
Cost: 150
May not melee attack. Cannot enter ocean. +25% verses Barbarian Units.

Explorer Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 12
Ranged Str 6
Range: 2
Moves: 6
Cost: 100
May not melee attack. -75% damage from nautical features (storms etc).

Spoiler Era 4 :

Raider Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 25
Ranged Str 18
Range: 2
Moves: 4
Cost: 320
May not melee attack.

Defense Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 30
Ranged Str 16
Range: 2
Moves: 3
Cost: 350
May not melee attack. +25% verses Barbarian Units. +15% Naval Bombardment. Interception (20).

Blockade Runners
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 20
Ranged Str 12
Range: 2
Moves: 5
Cost: 300
May not melee attack. Ignores zone of control. Can cross reef feature (uses all remaining moves).

Unit Class: Naval
Str: 18
Ranged Str 12
Range: 2
Moves: 6
Cost: 250
May not melee attack. +1 extra sight. -75% damage from nautical features (storms etc).

Unit Class: Naval
Str: 20
Ranged Str 16
Range: 2
Moves: 4
Cost: 300
Can move after attacking. Hidden nationality.

Merchant Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 25
Ranged Str 10
Range: 2
Moves: 3
Cost: 280
May not melee attack. Ability to generate gold based on distance to nearest city, used next to friendly cities and must recharge ability in one of your own cities.

Spoiler Era 5 :

Assault Armarda
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 50
Ranged Str 30
Range: 3
Moves: 4
Cost: 500
May not melee attack. +25% to land bombardment. Indirect Fire.

Unit Class: Naval
Str: 60
Ranged Str 22
Range: 3
Moves: 3
Cost: 500
May not melee attack. +25% vs Barbarian ships. +50% strength on coast. Indirect Fire. Can see hidden naval units. Interception (40).

Wave Riders
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 45
Ranged Str 20
Range: 2
Moves: 8
Cost: 400
May not melee attack. Indirect Fire. Ignores zone of control. Can cross reef feature (uses all remaining moves).

Pioneer Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 30
Ranged Str 16
Range: 2
Moves: 7
Cost: 380
May not melee attack. +3 Extra Sight. -100% damage from nautical features (storms etc). Can found cities. Can 'sacrifice' up to 3 settlers to increase the base population of the founded city by 1.

Renegade Fleet
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 45
Ranged Str 18
Range: 2
Moves: 6
Cost: 400
+1 Extra Sight. Can move after attacking. Hidden nationality. Can capture defeated ships.

Naval Opportunits
Unit Class: Naval
Str: 40
Ranged Str 18
Range: 2
Moves: 5
Cost: 380
May not melee attack. +1 Extra Sight. Ability to generate gold based on distance to nearest city, used next to friendly cities and must recharge ability in one of your own cities.

Spoiler Magical Units :


Spoiler Era 1 :

Emergent Sorcerer
Unit Class: Arcane
Str: 4
Ranged Str 4
Range: 1
Moves: 2
Cost: 90
May not melee attack. Can cast spells and performs weak Ranged Attacks.

Spoiler Era 2 :

Sorcerer Apprentice
Unit Class: Arcane
Str: 8
Ranged Str 8
Range: 1
Moves: 2
Cost: 130
May not melee attack. Can cast spells and performs Ranged Attacks.

Spoiler Era 3 :

Unit Class: Arcane
Str: 12
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 180
Resource Req: Starmetal
May not melee attack. gains 'Enchanter' promotion (cast spells and Provides Buffs to nearby units.) which can be carried over to other unit classes on upgrade

Unit Class: Arcane
Str: 10
Ranged Str 12
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 180
Resource Req: Starmetal
May not melee attack. Can cast many spells and performs Ranged Attacks.

Unit Class: Arcane
Str: 10
Ranged Str 14
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 190
Resource Req: Starmetal
Gains 'Battlemage' promotion (Can cast spells and performs strong Ranged Attacks.) which can be carried over to other unit classes on upgrade

Spoiler Era 4 :

Sorcerer Lord
Unit Class: Arcane
Str: 18
Ranged Str 22
Range: 2
Moves: 2
Cost: 220
Resource Req: Starmetal
May not melee attack. Can cast powerful spells and performs Ranged Attacks.

Spoiler Divine Units :


Spoiler Era 1 :

Unit Class: Divine
Str: 5
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 60
Medic 1, can cast some divine buffing spells

Spoiler Era 2 :

Unit Class: Divine
Str: 9
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 110
Medic 1 and 2, can cast divine buffing spells

Spoiler Era 3 :

Unit Class: Divine
Str: 14
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 160
Resource Req: Incense
Gains 'Inquisitor' promotion (Medic 1 and 2, Can influence rival cities, can quell annexed cities.) which can be carried over to other unit classes on upgrade

High Priest
Unit Class: Divine
Str: 12
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 150
Resource Req: Incense
Medic 1 and 2, can cast divine buffing spells

Unit Class: Divine
Str: 12
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 150
Resource Req: Incense
Gains 'Healer' promotion (Medic 1, 2 and 3. can cast divine Healing spells.) which can be carried over to other unit classes on upgrade

Spoiler Era 4 :

Unit Class: Divine Str: 20
Ranged Str -
Range: -
Moves: 2
Cost: 210
Resource Req: Incense
Medic 1 and 2, can cast powerful divine buffing spells

Building Design

Here is the new design for the buildings in Naeralith Reborn.
Many of the buildings have been tweaked to allow for proper utilisation of resources.
As always community feedback is vital to the evolution of this mod, so please be critical of how we have designed these buildings.
Tech requirements are still pending the initial tech tree design, but will be added with time.
Many thanks to TheChanger who re-wrote our initial building design to include the resources!

Enjoy :)

Spoiler Buildings :

Spoiler Standard Buildings :

Spoiler Era 1 :

Building Type: Military
Cost: 80
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
EXP Changes: +15XP to all land units

Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 60
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Yield changes: +2 Culture

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 80
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Yield changes: +1 food from each worked Alendus
Other Notes: Heals units adjacent to the city +1 HP per turn.

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Nearby Resource Req: Maelo, Slui, Sporral, Yumba
Yield changes: +2 food, +1 food for each worked Maelo, Slui, Sporral and Yumba

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Nearby Resource Req: Brazain, Mulgorf, Shibbil, Wezsqui
Yield changes: +2 food, +1 food for each worked Brazain, Mulgorf, Shibbil and Wezsqui

Fishing Village
Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Nearby Resource Req: Copuls, Eels, Fish, Lumanins
Nearby Terrain Req: Coastal City
Yield changes: +2 food, +1 food for each worked Copuls, Eels, Fish and Lumanins

Elder Council
Building Type: Research
Cost: 70
Maintenance: 1
Specialist Slots: +1 Sage
Yield changes: +2 Science

Watch Towers
Building Type: Defence
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Defence Changes: +5 Defence

City Square
Building Type: Economic
Cost: 80
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Specialist Slots: +1 Merchant
Yield changes: +4 gold

Street Entertainers
Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Specialist Slots: +1 Bard
Happiness: +2 Happiness

Spoiler Era 2 :

Training Yard
Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Melee units

Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks
Nearby Resource Req: Ni'Vae/Striders
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Heavy Cavalry and Light Cavalry units

Archery Range
Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Archer units

Hunting Lodge
Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks
Yield changes: +1 food for each worked Avuulin. +1 Gold for each worked Kratan.
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Recon units

Building Type: Military
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Nearby Resource Req: Iron
Production Changes: +20% production of land Units

Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 2
Building Req: Monument
Specialist Slots: +1 Priest
Yield changes: +3 Culture

Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 140
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Street Entertainers
Happiness: +2 Happiness
Yield changes: +3 Culture

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Nearby Resource Req: Japula, Kalkus Fruit, Malumi, Tropical Fruits
Yield changes: +2 food, +1 food for each worked Japula, Kalkus Fruit, Malumi, Tropical Fruits

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 80
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: Coastal City
Yield changes: +1 Food from Water tiles

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: River/Lake
Specialist Slots: +1 Bard
Yield changes: +25% GPP. +1 science and Culture from worked Fraeyalillies

Water Mill
Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: Next to a River
Specialist Slots: +2 Engineer
Yield changes: +2 Production

Building Type: Research
Cost: 80
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Specialist Slots: +2 Sage
Yield changes: +1 Science for every 2 citizens in the city

Building Type: Defence
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Defence Changes: +5 Defence

Guard Towers
Building Type: Defence
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Watch Towers
Defence Changes: +5 Defence. Adjacent enemies take 1 damage.

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 130
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: City Square
Nearby Resource Req: Silk, Fine Feathers, Dyes, Kacilla, Kratan, Gems
Yield changes: +2 gold and culture from worked Silk, Fine Feathers, Dyes, Kacilla, Kratan, Gems

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: City Square
Specialist Slots: +2 Merchant
Yield changes: +25% gold, +1 gold from worked Spices, Sugarcups, Rizii, Mutibi Flies, Mayasa, Lavulo

Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Granery
Nearby Resource Req: Maelo, Slui, Sporral, Yumba
Happiness: +1 Happiness for each worked Maelo, Slui, Sporral, Yumba

Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 130
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Carnival
Nearby Resource Req: Ni'Vae/Striders
Happiness: +3 Happiness

Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 200
Maintenance: 5
Tech Req: -
Happiness: Eliminates Unhappiness from an occupied City

Spoiler Era 3 :

Siege Workshop
Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks and Forge
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Siege units

Parochial School
Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks and Temple
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Divine units

Arcanum Schola
Building Type: Military
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks and Library
Nearby Resource Req: Starmetal
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Arcane Units

Building Type: Military
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks
Happiness: +1 Happiness
EXP Changes: +15XP to all land units

Building Type: Military
Cost: 130
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Barracks and Forge
Production Changes: +20% production of land Units

Bath House
Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: River/Lake
Specialist Slots: +1 Bard
Happiness: +1 Happiness
Yield changes: +2 Culture, +10% GPP.

Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Temple
Specialist Slots: +1 Priest
Yield changes: +2 Culture. +2 culture from each nearby Incense and Maussberries.

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 80
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Lighthouse
Nearby Terrain Req: Coastal City
Yield changes: +1 Gold for each worked Wifyli, Magladors, Lilmwae Crystal, Copuls, Eels, Fish and Lumanins
EXP Changes: +15XP to all Naval Units
Other Notes: Forms Naval trade route with capital

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Yield changes: +1 production from river tiles

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Specialist Slots: +1 Engineer
Production Changes: +20% production of buildings

Sorcerers Convent
Building Type: Research
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Library
Specialist Slots: +2 Sorcerer
Yield changes: +3 Pigments

Building Type: Research
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Library
Specialist Slots: +1 Sage
Yield changes: +20% Science

High Walls
Building Type: Defence
Cost: 180
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Walls
Defence Changes: +7 Defence

Siege Towers
Building Type: Defence
Cost: 200
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Guard Towers
Defence Changes: +5 Defence, Adjacent enemies take 1 damage (cumulative with Guard Tower).

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: City Square
Specialist Slots: +1 Merchant
Yield changes: +100% Gold from trade routes through this city. +2 Gold.

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 120
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Nearby Resource Req: Gold or Silver
Yield changes: +3 Gold from each worked source of Gold and Silver

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Guard Towers
Yield changes: -15% maintenance costs

Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 300
Maintenance: 5
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Street Entertainers
Happiness: +3 Happiness, +1 happiness for each worked Dye and Fine Feathers

Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 250
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Happiness: +3 Happiness, +1 happiness for each worked Kenji and Silk
Production Changes: -10% production

Spoiler Era 4 :

Building Type: Military
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Harbour
Nearby Terrain Req: Coastal City
Production Changes: +25% production of Naval Units
EXP Changes: +25XP to all Naval Units

Military Base
Building Type: Military
Cost: 350
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Armory and Arena
EXP Changes: +15XP to all land units

Building Type: Military
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Forge
Nearby Resource Req: Iron
Yield changes: +1 Gold for worked iron
Production Changes: +15% production of land Units

Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Monestary
Specialist Slots: +2 Priest
Yield changes: +5 Culture. +3 Culture for each worked Marble and Obsidian

Inventor's Workshop
Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 220
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Workshop
Specialist Slots: +1 Bard, +1 Engineer
Yield changes: +25% culture
Other Notes: -25% upgrade cost for units nearby

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 100
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: City on a Hill
Specialist Slots: +1 Engineer
Production Changes: +15% Production

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 400
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Yield changes: +1 food to worked farms
Other Notes: -25% Food needed for City Growth

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 300
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: Next to a mountain
Yield changes: Mountains provide +2 production and +1 pigments, city can work mountains.

Public School
Building Type: Research
Cost: 350
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Library
Specialist Slots: +1 Sage
Yield changes: +50% Science

Alchemists Lab
Building Type: Research
Cost: 350
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Sorcerers Convent
Specialist Slots: +1 Sorcerer, +1 Sage
Yield changes: +2 Pigment from Sulphur, Gold, Copper, Lilmwae Crystal, Obsidian

Arcane Academy
Building Type: Research
Cost: 350
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Sorcerers Convent
Nearby Resource Req: Starmetal
Specialist Slots: +2 Sorcerer
Yield changes: +25% pigments, +1 Pigment from all resources.

Building Type: Defence
Cost: 400
Maintenance: 4
Tech Req: -
Building Req: High Walls
Defence Changes: +13 Defence

Drug Den
Building Type: Economic
Cost: 300
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Inn
Nearby Resource Req: Fraeyalillies, Kenji, Rizii, Shashana
Happiness: +1 Happiness from worked Fraeyalillies, Kenji, Rizii and Shashana
Yield changes: +2 gold from worked Fraeyalillies, Kenji, Rizii and Shashana

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 220
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Inn
Specialist Slots: +1 Merchant
Yield changes: +1 gold from specialists

Building Type: Economic
Cost: 220
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Market
Specialist Slots: +1 Merchant
Yield changes: +25% gold

Enchanter's Emporium
Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 180
Maintenance: 4
Building Req: Arcane Academy
Nearby Resource Req: Starmetal
Specialist Slots: +1 Sorcerer
Happiness: +3 Happiness

Race Track
Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 150
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Circus
Nearby Resource Req: Ni'Vae/Striders
Happiness: +4 Happiness
Yield changes: +2 Culture from Ni'Vae and Strider resources nearby

Spoiler Era 5 :

Military Academy
Building Type: Military
Cost: 450
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Military Base
EXP Changes: +15XP to all land units

Building Type: Military
Cost: 230
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Ironmonger
Nearby Resource Req: Iron
Production Changes: +20% production of land Units

Art College
Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 350
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Monument
Specialist Slots: +1 Bard
Yield changes: +6 Culture

Creative Institute
Building Type: Cultural
Cost: 600
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Art College
Specialist Slots: +2 Bard
Yield changes: +100% Culture

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 140
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Harbour
Nearby Resource Req: Sea Bonus Resource
Nearby Terrain Req: Coastal City
Yield changes: +2 Production for each worked Wifyli, Magladors, Lilmwae Crystal, Copuls, Eels, Fish and Lumanins
Production Changes: +25% production of Naval Units

Building Type: Yield
Cost: 500
Maintenance: 1
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Herbalist
Specialist Slots: +1 Priest
Happiness: +1 Happiness from worked Alendus
Other Notes: -50% Food needed for City Growth

Industrial Complex
Building Type: Yield
Cost: 500
Maintenance: 3
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Foundery and Shafts
Nearby Resource Req: consumes 1 iron
Nearby Terrain Req: Next to a mountain
Specialist Slots: +2 Engineer
Production Changes: +33% production

Building Type: Research
Cost: 200
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Public School
Specialist Slots: +1 Sage
Yield changes: +50% Science, +2 Science from worked Jungle tiles.

Astral Chamber
Building Type: Research
Cost: 600
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Building Req: University
Nearby Resource Req: Consumes 1 starmetal
Specialist Slots: +1 Sage, +1 Sorcerer
Yield changes: +75% Science, +25% pigments

Building Type: Research
Cost: 180
Maintenance: 2
Tech Req: -
Nearby Terrain Req: Next to a mountain
Yield changes: +50% Science

Building Type: Defence
Cost: 450
Maintenance: 5
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Castle
Specialist Slots: +1 Engineer
Defence Changes: +20 Defence

Trade District
Building Type: Economic
Cost: 650
Maintenance: 0
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Bank
Specialist Slots: +1 Merchant
Happiness: -
Yield changes: +33% gold, +100% gold from foreign trade.

Building Type: Happiness
Cost: 450
Maintenance: 5
Tech Req: -
Building Req: Theatre and Arena
Happiness: +4 Happiness

Spoiler Wonders :

Spoiler Era 1 :

The Mausoleum of Aurelle
Cost: 110
Tech Req: Folklore
Building Req: Monument in all cities
GPP: Great Bard 1
Effects: +8 Culture

Makhala's Circle
Cost: 150
Tech Req: Faith
GPP: Great Sage 1
Effects: +1 Culture, 1 Free social policy

Ralius's School of Herbalism
Cost: 120
Tech Req: Agriculture
GPP: Great Sage 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +33% growth in city, +1 Population in all cities

The Glistening Caverns
Cost: 200
Tech Req: Mining
Nearby Resource Req: Gems
GPP: Great Merchant 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +5 Gold, +1 gold from all worked gems in all cities

Jafaal's Visage
Cost: 175
Tech Req: Masonry
GPP: Great Engineer 1
Effects: +1 Culture, Worker construction speed increased by 50%

The Twin Oracles
Cost: 120
Tech Req: Masonry
GPP: Great Sage 1
Effects: +1 Culture, 1 Free technology

Spoiler Era 2 :

The Alluwan Pyramids
Cost: 300
Tech Req: Calender
GPP: Great Bard 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +33% generation of great people in all cities

Form of the Empress
Cost: 450
Tech Req: Metal Casting
GPP: Great Noble 1
Effects: +1 Culture, Length of golden ages increased by 50%

Tomb of Almah
Cost: 350
Tech Req: Construction
GPP: Great Engineer 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +5 Defense, Randomly spawns Tomb Guardians (TBA)

Saliah's Cove
Cost: 300
Tech Req: Sailing
Nearby Terrain Req: Coastal City
GPP: Great Merchant 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +1 gold from water tiles worked by this city

The Sanctuary
Cost: 300
Tech Req: Priesthood
GPP: Great Priest 1
Effects: +1 Culture, Culture cost of aquiring new tiles reduced by 75% in all cities

Dabaelia's Garden
Cost: 600
Tech Req: Philosophy
Building Req: Garden in all cities
GPP: Great Bard 2
Effects: +1 Culture, +33% culture in all cities

Carnival of Wonder
Cost: 500
Tech Req: Festivals
GPP: Great Bard 2
Effects: +1 Culture, +7 Happiness

The Archives of Time
Cost: 400
Tech Req: Literature
GPP: Great Sage 2
Effects: +1 Culture, 1 Free Technology

The Mahaza Spire
Cost: 550
Tech Req: Patterns
GPP: Great Sorcerer 2
Effects: +1 Culture, A great sorcerer appears outside the city

Faces of the Gods
Cost: 600
Tech Req: Sculpture
GPP: Great Priest 2
Effects: +4 Culture, +25% combat strength for units fighting in friendly territory

Spoiler Era 3 :

Temple of the One
Cost: 650
Tech Req: Theology
GPP: Great Priest 1
Effects: +3 Culture, All divine units receive +1 movement and +1 sight

The Crystal Chamber
Cost: 600
Tech Req: Manaphysics
GPP: Great Sorcerer 2
Effects: +1 Culture, +50% production of magical rituals and artefacts

Den of Pleasure
Cost: 600
Tech Req: Commerce
Building Req: Brothel in all cities
GPP: Great Merchant 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +4 happiness, +20% gold from trade routes

Palace of Eternity
Cost: 600
Tech Req: Engineering
GPP: Great Engineer 2
Effects: +1 Culture, The empire enters a 15 turn golden age (scalable)

The Senate
Cost: 800
Tech Req: Renaissance
GPP: Great Noble 2
Effects: +1 Culture, Cost culture of adopting new policies reduced by 33%

Royal Opera House
Cost: 750
Tech Req: Entertainment
GPP: Great Bard 2
Effects: +4 Culture, +1 culture from bard specialists in every city

Warlord Stables
Cost: 650
Tech Req: Mounted Warfare
GPP: Great Noble 1
Effects: +1 Culture, All mounted units receive +2 strength and +1 movement

Palace of Illusions
Cost: 700
Tech Req: Aesthetics
GPP: Great Noble 2
Effects: +1 Culture, 2 great bards appear near the capital

Yensi's Pool
Cost: 650
Tech Req: Decadence
GPP: Great Bard 1
Effects: +1 Culture, +3 happiness, +25% growth in all cities

The Lost Catacombs
Cost: 650
Tech Req: Archeology
GPP: Great Sage 1
Effects: +4 Culture, Defensive buildings in all cities are 50% more effective

Assellio's Workshop
Cost: 850
Tech Req: Machinery
Building Req: Workshop in all cities
GPP: Great Engineer 2
Effects: +1 Culture, 2 free technologies

Cradle of Bliss
Cost: 850
Tech Req: Religious Law
Building Req: Temple in all cities
GPP: Great Priest 2
Effects: +4 Culture, +1 science from priest specialists in every city

Bastion of Light
Cost: 800
Tech Req: Religious Law
GPP: Great Priest 2
Effects: +4 Culture, All divine units receive +4 strength when fighting daemons or undead

The Sphere
Cost: 750
Tech Req: Arcane Warfare
GPP: Great Sorcerer 1
Effects: +1 Culture, Enemy land units must spend 1 additional movement point when inside your territory

Specialist Design

Spoiler Specialists :

Yield: +2 production
Special Ability: Hurry production
Improvement: Manufactory
Improvement Effect: +4 production

Yield: +2 science
Special Ability: Research free technology
Improvement: Academy
Improvement Effect: +8 science

Yield: +3 gold
Special Ability: Trade mission
Improvement: Customs House
Improvement Effect: +7 gold

Yield: +3 culture
Special Ability: Culture bomb
Improvement: Landmark
Improvement Effect: +4 culture, +2 gold

Yield: +2 pigments
Special Ability: Boosts the effect of nearby sorcerer spells
Improvement: Prismatic Node
Improvement Effect: +3 pigments, +1 pigments on all adjacent tiles

Yield: +1 production, +1 culture, +1 gold
Special Ability: +20% longer golden age yield when sacrifised
Improvement: Shrine
Improvement Effect: +2 gold, Nearest city's trade routes generate +0.5 culture for every gold

Yield: +2 culture, +2 gold
Special Ability: Quell annexed unhappiness
Improvement: Villa
Improvement Effect: +2 gold, +2 culture, +1 happiness from each adjacent luxury resource

Yield: +3 production, -1 food
Special Ability: N/A (slaves generate no GPP)
Improvement: N/A (slaves generate no GPP)
Improvement Effect: N/A (slaves generate no GPP)

Yield: N/A (no normal specialists)
Special Ability: Boosts military unit effectiveness
Improvement: Citadel
Improvement Effect: +2 production, +2 gold, +100% tile defense, 3 damage to adjacent enemy units
Terrain, Resources and Improvements Design

Here is the initial terrain, resource and improvements design for Naeralith Reborn.

The concept of pigments will be expanded on soon as will the details of improvements and unique features :)

Originally we thought of quantifying luxuries like strategic resources but decided against it.
Now, various buildings (as detailed in the building design) will take advantage of resources found nearby or worked by a city.

I have briefly outlined the nature of each resource described below so that people know what they are actually supposed to be ;)

I am aware that there are a fair number of luxuries and some may have to be culled.
I welcome community feedback on this and on the yields of all the resources shown (both luxury or otherwise) :)

Further details on terrain and improvements will follow in time.

Spoiler Terrain, Resources and Improvements :

Spoiler Terrain :

Spoiler Base Terrain :

Type: Base
Yield: 2 Food, 1 Pigments

Type: Base
Yield: 1 Food, 1 Production, 1 Pigments

Type: Base
Yield: 1 Pigments

Type: Base
Yield: 1 Food, 1 Pigments

Type: Base
Yield: None

Type: Altitude
Yield: 2 Production

Type: Altitude
Yield: None

Type: Altitude
Yield: None

Type: Nautical
Yield: 2 Food, 1 Gold

Type: Nautical
Yield: 1 Food, 1 Gold

Type: Nautical
Yield: None

Spoiler Features :

Terrain Required: Grassland or Plains
Yield: 1 Production, 1 Pigments

Terrain Required: Plains
Yield: 1 Food, 1 Pigments

Terrain Required: Forest
Yield: 1 Food, 1 Production, 2 Pigments

Terrain Required: Grassland or River
Yield: -1 Food, 1 Production, 1 Pigments

Terrain Required: Desert and River
Yield: 3 Food

Terrain Required: Desert
Yield: 3 Food, 1 Gold, 1 Pigments

Terrain Required: Any
Yield: 1 Gold, 1 Pigments

Spoiler Nautical Features :

Yield: 2 Production, 1 Pigments

Storms (Temporary)
Yield: -2 Food, -2 Production, -2 Gold

Fog (Temporary)
Yield: -2 Gold

Calms (Temporary)
Yield: -2 Production

Rips (Temporary)
Yield: -2 Food

Spoiler Unique Features :

Coming Soon :)

Spoiler Resources :

Spoiler Bonus Resources :

Spoiler Crops :

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Plains
Improvement Required: Farm
Description: A xerophytic, grain-producing plant with large, leaf-wrapped pods and thick, sturdy stems.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Marsh or Flood Plains adjacent to rivers
Improvement Required: Farm
Description: A water-based plant from the cuppa family that produces balls of red, orange or beige grain.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Grasslands
Improvement Required: Farm
Description: A hardy, grass-like plant with fine, grained heads and thin, whispy stems.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Desert
Improvement Required: Farm
Description: A leafy plant that forms rich orange or purple tubers.

Spoiler Livestock :

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Tundra, Plains or Desert
Improvement Required: Pasture
Description: Highly docile, large animals, covered in feathers with a variety of horn sizes, known for their climatic tolerence.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Plains or Desert
Improvement Required: Pasture
Description: Sizable, lightly-feathered herd animals with tusks and wide feet found in the more arid regions of Naeralith.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Hilly Grasslands or Tundra
Improvement Required: Pasture
Description: Small, docile animals with feathered necks, large ears and wide tails.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Grassland or Plains
Improvement Required: Pasture
Description: Stocky, tempremental animals with large fat stores, sizable horns and dull, scruffy feathers.

Spoiler Nautical :

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Production, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Enormous, fast-growing, shelled creatures that are rooted to the sea bed and are held together by tender, succulent muscles.

Bonus: +1 Food, +2 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Commonly occuring, brightly coloured eels, found throughout the waters of Naeralith.

Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Umm... fish :p

Bonus: +3 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Flourescent, translucent organisms that move with the sea currents and feed of microscopic organisms attracted to their natural glow.

Spoiler Other :

Avuulin (Wild)
Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Forest
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: Wild, feathered quadrapeds with fine beaks, known for their tender, lean meat.

Japula (Fruit)
Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Forest
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Large, sour orange fruits, filled with pips and saturated with juice. They grow on large, sturdy trees.

Kalkus Fruit (Fruit)
Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Desert
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Succulent red or orange fruits derived from a cactus-like plant known as Kalkus.

Malumi (Fungus)
Bonus: +3 Pigments
Terrain: Hilly Grassland or Plains
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: A flourescent, primarily subterranean fungus that sprouts large heads that release sparkling spores into the air.

Tropical Fruits (Fruit)
Bonus: +2 Food, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Jungle
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Naeralith's finest, juiciest tropical fruits, including traditional Scarthian delights such as Asiju, Jupama and Naabi.

Spoiler Strategic Resources :

Bonus: +3 Production
Terrain: Any featurless terrain
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Iron

Bonus: +2 Production, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Grassland or Plains
Improvement Required: Pasture
Description: Horse-like animals with feathered manes and tufts of hair around their hooves.

Primordial Eggs
Bonus: +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Forest or Jungle
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: Eggs belonging to the more ancient and primordial creatures of Naeralith such as various Naglumi.

Bonus: +8 Pigments
Terrain: Any featureless terrain
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: A rare, colour-enriched crystal with metallic properties originating from fallen pieces of Naeralith's double rings.

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Production, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Jungle, Marsh or Desert
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: Tall, flamingo-like animals with webbed feet and skinny legs, varieties of which can be found in both boggy and desert-like terrain.

Bonus: +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Plains or Desert or any land adjacent to volcanoes
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Sulphur

Bonus: +2 Production, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Grassland and Jungle
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: Large, tusked animals with spiked tails and hardened shells.

Wyawk Young
Bonus: +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Any Hills
Improvement Required: Pasture
Description: Huge, winged animals with impressive plumage and massive wing-spans. Very dangerous but highly loyal to trainers.

Spoiler Luxury Resources :

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Grassland or Forest
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: A leafy herb with therapeutic properties. Often brewed to make drinks and used in medicine.

Bonus: +1 Gold, +2 Pigments
Terrain: Forest or Jungle
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Dyes

Fine Feathers
Bonus: +1 Gold, +2 Pigments
Terrain: Grassland, Forest or Jungle
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: A source of creatures possessing some of the more luxurious, fine feathers used in Southern Asatanian fashion.

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Grassland or Plains or Forest
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: An incredibly rare and powerful hallucinogen with powerful medicinal properties and highly addictive qualities. Known for it's characteristic pink-purple flowers and sweet smell.

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Any Hills
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Gems

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Any Hills
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Gold

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Desert or Plains
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Incense

Bonus: +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Grassland or Plains
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: A hardy plant that produces fluffy buds (similar to cotton) and has strong stems useful in the production of rope and textiles.

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Forest, Jungle or Marsh
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: A large-leafed narcotic with bright orange and yellow flowers known for it's sensual, euphoric properties and pungent smell when smoked.

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Tundra or Ice
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: A marvel to Naeralith's inhabitants, this white-furred animal is the only creature on the planet to have evolved bodily hair.

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Forest
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Small, olive sized fruits, possessing a particularly bitter taste, regarded by many as a delicacy.

Lilmwae Crystal
Bonus: +1 Gold, +2 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Coral-like organisms that form elaborate, organic crystal structures and feed in a similar way to sea anemones.

Bonus: +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Any Hills
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Marble

Bonus: +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Large marine animals prized for their long, singular horns and blubber.

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Grassland or Plains
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Plum-sized, juicy fruits used in the production of Naeralithian wine. Comes in various reds, blues and purples.

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Jungle or Marsh
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Mayasa seeds are used in the production of Sulu; a thick, sour-tasting purple paste with an almost roasted quality.

Mutibi Flies
Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Desert
Improvement Required: Camp
Description: Two-three inch long flies with fat, swollen abdomens filled with honey. These critters pack a nasty bite and live in colonies.

Bonus: +2 Production, +1 Gold
Terrain: Any Hills adjacent to volcanoes
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Obsidian

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Jungle
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: A bamboo-like stimulant, often distilled into drinks or eaten raw.

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Plains or Flood Plains
Improvement Required: Farm
Description: A lush, leafy narcotic, providing mild stimulation when smoked.

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Forest or Jungle
Improvement Required: Plantation
Description: Silk

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Any Hills
Improvement Required: Mine
Description: Silver

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Jungle
Improvement Required: Jungle
Description: Spices

Bonus: +1 Food, +1 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Flat Grasslands or Flood Plains adjacent to rivers
Improvement Required: Farm
Description: Tulip-like, water plants from the cuppa family that produce sticky, sugary mixtures to capture flies.

Bonus: +2 Gold, +1 Pigments
Terrain: Coast
Improvement Required: Fishing Boats
Description: Translucent white leaches that feed off the sea bed, forming pearls in their gut as sand is consumed.

Spoiler Improvements :

Coming Soon :)

Tech Tree Design

Spoiler Tech Tree :

Spoiler Available At Game Start :

Resources Revealed: Maelo, Slui, Sporral, Yumba, Copuls, Eels, Fish, Lumanins, Brazain, Mulgorf, Shibbil, Wezsqui, Dyes, Mutibi Flies
Units Unlocked: Warrior, Emergent Sorcerer, Worker

Spoiler Era 1 :

Spoiler Tier 1 :

Cost: Free on game start
Requires: None

Spoiler Tier 2 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Rebirth
Buildings Unlocked: Monument
Wonders Unlocked: The Mausoleum of Aurelle

Cost: TBA
Requires: Rebirth
Resources Revealed: Japula, Kalkus Fruit, Tropical Fruits, Kacilla, Lavulo, Maussberries
Improvements Unlocked: Trading Post

Cost: TBA
Requires: Rebirth
Units Unlocked: Scout

Cost: TBA
Requires: Rebirth
Resources Revealed: Avuulin, Stiders, Fine Feathers, Kratan
Improvements Unlocked: Jungle Camp

Cost: TBA
Requires: Rebirth
Effects: Can chop down forest

Spoiler Tier 3 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Folklore
Buildings Unlocked: Elder Council
Effects: Allows open borders treaties

Cost: TBA
Requires: Gathering
Resources Revealed: Alendus, Kenji, Mayasa, Rizii, Shashana, Silk, Spices
Buildings Unlocked: Herbalist

Cost: TBA
Requires: Exploration
Units Unlocked: Settler
Buildings Unlocked: Street Entertainers

Cost: TBA
Requires: Hunting
Resources Revealed: Ni'vae, Primordial Eggs, Tuvaur, Wyawk Young
Improvements Unlocked: Camp

Military Training
Cost: TBA
Requires: Hunting
Buildings Unlocked: Barracks

Cost: TBA
Requires: Woodcrafting
Resources Revealed: Marble, Obsidian
Buildings Unlocked: City Square

Cost: TBA
Requires: Woodcrafting
Resources Revealed: Lilmwae Crystal, Wifyli
Units Unlocked: Work Boat
Buildings Unlocked: Fishing Village
Effects: Can create fishing boats

Spoiler Tier 4 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Writing
Resources Revealed: Incense
Units Unlocked: Novice
Wonders Unlocked: Makhala's Circle

Cost: TBA
Requires: Naturopathy, Colonisation
Resources Revealed: Fraeyalillies, Sugarcups
Improvements Unlocked: Farm
Buildings Unlocked: Granery
Wonders Unlocked: Ralius's School of Herbalism

Animal Husbandry
Cost: TBA
Requires: Colonisation, Trapping
Improvements Unlocked: Pasture
Buildings Unlocked: Smokehouse
Effects: Worker construction speed increased by 25%

Cost: TBA
Requires: Military Training, Woodcrafting
Buildings Unlocked: Watch Towers

Cost: TBA
Requires: Stonecrafting
Resources Revealed: Malumi, Gems, Gold, Silver
Improvements Unlocked: Mine
Wonders Unlocked: The Glistening Caverns

Cost: TBA
Requires: Stonecrafting
Improvements Unlocked: Quarry
Wonders Unlocked: Jafaal's Visage, The Twin Oracles
Effects: Can clear a marsh

Spoiler Era 2 :

Spoiler Tier 5 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Writing, Agriculture
Improvements Unlocked: Plantation
Buildings Unlocked: Grocers
Wonders Unlocked: The Alluwan Pyramids

Cost: TBA
Requires: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry
Buildings Unlocked: Watermill
Effects: Can construct a road

Cost: TBA
Requires: Animal Husbandry
Units Unlocked: Tracker
Buildings Unlocked: Hunting Lodge

Cost: TBA
Requires: Vigilance
Units Unlocked: Militia Spearman
Buildings Unlocked: Training Yard, Guard Towers

Metal Casting
Cost: TBA
Requires: Mining
Resources Revealed: Iron
Buildings Unlocked: Forge
Wonders Unlocked: Form of the Empress
Effects: Can remove a jungle

Cost: TBA
Requires: Masonry
Buildings Unlocked: Walls
Wonders Unlocked: Tomb of Almah
Effects: Allows bridges over rivers

Cost: TBA
Requires: Fishing
Resources Revealed: Magladors
Units Unlocked: Warship, Explorer
Wonders Unlocked: Saliah's Cove

Spoiler Tier 6 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Faith, Calender
Units Unlocked: Priest
Buildings Unlocked: Temple
Wonders Unlocked: The Sanctuary

Cost: TBA
Requires: Calender
Buildings Unlocked: Garden
Wonders Unlocked: Dabaelia's Garden
Effects: Allows research agreements

Cost: TBA
Requires: Calender, Infrastructure
Buildings Unlocked: Carnival, Brewery
Wonders Unlocked: Carnival of Wonder
Effects: Allows civilisation festival projects

Cost: TBA
Requires: Infrastructure, Tracking
Units Unlocked: Skirmishers
Buildings Unlocked: Tailor
Effects: +5% production of land units in all cities

Cost: TBA
Requires: Tracking, Warfare
Units Unlocked: Charoit
Buildings Unlocked: Hippodrome, Circus

Cost: TBA
Requires: Warfare
Units Unlocked: Militia Archer
Buildings Unlocked: Archery Range
Effects: +1 Defense in all cities

Cost: TBA
Requires: Warfare, Metal Casting
Units Unlocked: Militia Axeman, Militia Swordsman
Effects: Allows defensive pact treaties

Spoiler Tier 7 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Philosophy
Buildings Unlocked: Library, National Epic
Wonders Unlocked: The Archives of Time
Effects: Enables conversion of production to research

Cost: TBA
Requires: Philosophy
Resources Revealed: Starmetal
Units Unlocked: Sorcerer Apprentice
Wonders Unlocked: The Mahaza Spire
Effects: Unlocks the Palette Tree (TBA)

Cost: TBA
Requires: Infrastructure
Buildings Unlocked: Market, Courthouse
Effects: Enables conversion of production to wealth, Enables foreign trade (TBA)

Cost: TBA
Requires: Conquest, Construction
Units Unlocked: Catapult
Effects: Can purchase the Seige Towers promotion for 50 gold in friendly territory for melee units. The promotion provides +15% city attack and -1 movement. It is lost after attacking a city.

Cost: TBA
Requires: Construction
Wonders Unlocked: Faces of the Gods
Effects: Allows civilisation architecture project

Cost: TBA
Requires: Sailing
Buildings Unlocked: Lighthouse
Effects: Allows land units to embark and cross water tiles. All units which enter friendly territory gain this ability.

Spoiler Era 3 :

Spoiler Tier 8 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Priesthood, Literature
Units Unlocked: High Priest
Buildings Unlocked: Parochial School
Wonders Unlocked: Temple of the One

Cost: TBA
Requires: Literature, Patterns
Units Unlocked: Sorcerer
Buildings Unlocked: Sorcerer's Convent
Wonders Unlocked: The Crystal Chamber

Cost: TBA
Requires: Festivals, Currency
Buildings Unlocked: Inn, Brothel
Wonders Unlocked: Den of Pleasure

City Planning
Cost: TBA
Requires: Currency, Logistics
Buildings Unlocked: Levee
Effects: Food from the Farm increased by 1 on tiles with access to Fresh Water

Cost: TBA
Requires: Logistics, Charioteering
Units Unlocked: Ni'vae Riders, Strider Scouts
Effects: Faster movement on Road

City Defense
Cost: TBA
Requires: Archery, Siege
Units Unlocked: Spearmen Warband, Archer Warband
Buildings Unlocked: Siege Towers

Cost: TBA
Requires: Sculpture
Improvements Unlocked: Fort, Lumbermill
Buildings Unlocked: High Walls
Wonders Unlocked: Palace of Eternity

Spoiler Tier 9 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Theology, Manaphysics, Commerce
Wonders Unlocked: The Senate
Effects: First to discover enters a 15 turn golden age (scalable), +10% culture towards acquisition of social policies

Cost: TBA
Requires: Commerce
Units Unlocked: Enchanter
Buildings Unlocked: Theatre
Wonders Unlocked: Royal Opera House

Mounted Warfare
Cost: TBA
Requires: Riding, City Defense
Units Unlocked: Ni'vae Archers, Ni'vae Chargers
Wonders Unlocked: Warlord Stables

War Machines
Cost: TBA
Requires: City Defense, Engineering
Units Unlocked: Trebuche, Ballista
Buildings Unlocked: Siege Workshop

Cost: TBA
Requires: Engineering
Buildings Unlocked: Mint
Wonders Unlocked: Palace of Illusions

Spoiler Tier 10 :

Divine Service
Cost: TBA
Requires: Renaissance
Units Unlocked: Healer
Buildings Unlocked: Monestary

Cost: TBA
Requires: Renaissance, Entertainment, City Planning
Units Unlocked: Assassin
Buildings Unlocked: Bath House
Wonders Unlocked: Yensi's Pool
Effects: +5 happiness

Cost: TBA
Requires: City Planning, Riding
Resources Revealed: Lost Cities (TBA)
Units Unlocked: Ranger
Buildings Unlocked: Archives
Wonders Unlocked: The Lost Catacombs
Effects: All units may explore ruins

Cost: TBA
Requires: Mounted Warfare, War Machines
Units Unlocked: Skirmish Archers, Skirmish Infantry, Strider Skirmishers
Effects: +5XP for all new and existing units

Cost: TBA
Requires: War Machines, Aesthetics
Buildings Unlocked: Workshop
Wonders Unlocked: Assellio's Workshop

Cost: TBA
Requires: Engineering, Optics
Units Unlocked: Warship Fleet, Explorer Fleet
Buildings Unlocked: Harbour

Spoiler Tier 11 :

Religious Law
Cost: TBA
Requires: Divine Service
Units Unlocked: Inquisitor
Wonders Unlocked: Cradle of Bliss, Bastion of Light

Arcane Warfare
Cost: TBA
Requires: Renaissance
Units Unlocked: Battlemage
Buildings Unlocked: Arcanum Schola
Wonders Unlocked: The Sphere

Cost: TBA
Requires: Tactics
Units Unlocked: Axeman Warband
Buildings Unlocked: Arena, Dungeon

Cost: TBA
Requires: Tactics, War Machines
Units Unlocked: Swordsman Warband
Buildings Unlocked: Armoury, Heroic Epic
Effects: Allows puppet cities

Spoiler Era 4 :

Spoiler Tier 12 :

Cost: TBA
Requires: Religious Law, Arcane Warfare
Resources Revealed: Dimensional Rifts (TBA)
Wonders Unlocked: Circle of Souls
Effects: Can destroy Daemonic Gates (TBA)

Cost: TBA
Requires: Decedance
Buildings Unlocked: Drug Den, Tavern
Wonders Unlocked: Maze of Eternal Slums
Effects: +1 commerce from camp, +1 commerce from jungle camp

Cost: TBA
Requires: Decadence, Archeology, Enforcement
Buildings Unlocked: Public School
Wonders Unlocked: Organ of Mahrh

Cost: TBA
Requires: Enforcement, Imperialism
Units Unlocked: Beserkers, Strider Chargers
Buildings Unlocked: Military Base
Wonders Unlocked: The Pit

Cost: TBA
Requires: Imperialism, Machinery
Units Unlocked: Crossbowman, Bolt Thrower
Buildings Unlocked: Inventor's Workshop

Light Industry
Cost: TBA
Requires: Machinery
Buildings Unlocked: Windmill, Shafts
Wonders Unlocked: Shafts of Haliah
Effects: +1 producion from lumbermills, +1 production from mines

Cost: TBA
Requires: Seafaring
Resources Revealed: Remote Islands (TBA)
Units Unlocked: Voyagers
Wonders Unlocked: Glistening Pinnacle
Effects: Faster embarked movement, Allows embarked units to cross oceans

Spoiler Tier 13 :

Arcane Discipline
Cost: TBA
Requires: Cosmology
Buildings Unlocked: Arcane Academy, Enchanter's Emporium

Natural Studies
Cost: TBA
Requires: Education
Units Unlocked: Beastmaster
Buildings Unlocked: Aqueduct
Wonders Unlocked: Statue of Fertility
Effects: +1 food from plantations, +1 food from pastures

Cost: TBA
Requires: Education
Units Unlocked: Master Assassin, Privateers
Wonders Unlocked: The Keeper's College

Gears of War
Cost: TBA
Requires: Fanaticism, Ballistics, Light Industry
Units Unlocked: Swordsman Regiment, Longbowman, Javalineer Warband
Buildings Unlocked: Ironmonger

Grand Defenses
Cost: TBA
Requires: Light Industry
Units Unlocked: Axeguard Defenders, Pikeman
Buildings Unlocked: Castle
Wonders Unlocked: The Imperial Palace

Advanced Shipbuilding
Cost: TBA
Requires: Light Industry, Navigation
Units Unlocked: Raider Fleet, Blockade Runners
Buildings Unlocked: Shipwright
Effects: +1 commerce from fishing boats

Spoiler Tier 14 :

Divine Commune
Cost: TBA
Requires: Cosmology
Units Unlocked: Pontifex
Buildings Unlocked: Cathedral
Wonders Unlocked: The Great Obelisk

Dimensional Manaphysics
Cost: TBA
Requires: Arcane Discipline, Opportunism
Improvements Unlocked: Portal (TBA)
Units Unlocked: Sorcerer Lord
Wonders Unlocked: Astral Wave Translator
Effects: First to discover receives a Great Sorcerer

Cost: TBA
Requires: Opportunism, Natural Studies
Units Unlocked: Merchant Fleet
Buildings Unlocked: Bank
Wonders Unlocked: United Guild Vault
Effects: +1 commerce from trading post

Guerrilla Warfare
Cost: TBA
Requires: Subterfuge, Gears of War
Units Unlocked: Guerrilla Band, Sniper Squad, Strider Stalkers

Cost: TBA
Requires: Gears of War
Units Unlocked: Mounted Infantry, Ni'vae Cavalry, Ni'vae Lancer
Buildings Unlocked: Race Track

Cost: TBA
Requires: Gears of War
Resources Revealed: Sulphur
Units Unlocked: Mortar, Cannon
Buildings Unlocked: Alchemist Lab
Effects: +1 production from quarries, Provides Gunpoweder promotion to all naval units (+3 ranged strength)

Naval Defenses
Cost: TBA
Requires: Grand Defenses, Advanced Shipbuilding
Units Unlocked: Defense Fleet
Wonders Unlocked: Overwatch Citadel
Effects: +2 defense in all coastal cities

Spoiler Tier 15 :

Path of the Learned
Cost: TBA
Requires: Divine Commune, Dimensional Manaphysics, Economics, Subterfuge
Wonders Unlocked: Hall of Faces, Hathen's Telescope
Effects: First to discover receives a Great Sage

Path of the Warrior
Cost: TBA
Requires: Guerrilla Warfare, Chivalry, Gunpowder, Naval Defenses
Units Unlocked: Bladedancers
Wonders Unlocked: Doji Halls, Fortress of Faith
Effects: First to discover receives a Great General

Spoiler Era 5 :

Spoiler Tier 16 :

Brave New World
Cost: TBA
Requires: Path of the Learned, Path of the Warrior
Units Unlocked: Pioneer Fleet
Wonders Unlocked: Colossus of Freedom
Effects: +1 population in all newly founded cities, +10 happiness

Spoiler Tier 17 :

Defense of the Realm
Cost: TBA
Requires: Brave New World
Units Unlocked: Shieldwall, City Guard
Buildings Unlocked: Fortress

Cost: TBA
Requires: Brave New World
Buildings Unlocked: University, Observatory
Wonders Unlocked: The Pentridge Asylum

Foreign Interests
Cost: TBA
Requires: Brave New World
Units Unlocked: Coastguard
Buildings Unlocked: Seaport
Effects: Effects of Foreign Trade Enhanced (TBA)

Spoiler Tier 18 :

Relentless Warfare
Cost: TBA
Requires: Defense of the Realm
Units Unlocked: Reavers, Assault Javalineers
Buildings Unlocked: Military Academy

Battlefield Superiority
Cost: TBA
Requires: Defense of the Realm
Units Unlocked: Halbardiers, Flurry
Wonders Unlocked: Labyrinth of the Damned

Heavy Industry
Cost: TBA
Requires: Academics
Units Unlocked: Repeater Bolt Thrower
Buildings Unlocked: Foundery, Industrial Complex

Cost: TBA
Requires: Academics
Buildings Unlocked: Healers
Effects: Food from the Farm increased by 1 on tiles without access to Fresh Water

Social Politics
Cost: TBA
Requires: Academics
Buildings Unlocked: Art College
Wonders Unlocked: The Jewelled Lady
Effects: First to discover receives 2 social policies

Cost: TBA
Requires: Foreign Interests
Units Unlocked: Renegade Fleet, Naval Opportunists
Buildings Unlocked: Trade District
Wonders Unlocked: Fraeyalilly Emporium

Spoiler Tier 19 :

Military Elite
Cost: TBA
Requires: Relentless Warfare, Battlefield Superiority
Units Unlocked: Blademasters, Marksman, Knight, Wave Riders

Cost: TBA
Requires: Battlefield Superiority, Heavy Industry
Units Unlocked: Artillery, Grand Cannon, Assault Armarda

Colour Supremacy
Cost: TBA
Requires: Heavy Industry, Rejuvination
Buildings Unlocked: Astral Chamber
Wonders Unlocked: The Nexus
Effects: Portals provide +3 science

Cost: TBA
Requires: Social Politics, Mercantilism
Buildings Unlocked: Creative Institute, Stadium
Wonders Unlocked: The Tower of Illumination

Spoiler Tier 20 :

Naeralith Reborn
Cost: TBA
Requires: Military Elite, Devastation, Colour Supremacy, Tourism
Effects: A repeating technology that will increase your score and grant +3 happiness each time it is researched

What are your thoughts on the 1 Unit per Tile??

will the "military" be basic mass-infantry units .... while specialty monsters, demons, and commanders take up the "civilian" slot??

Or will there be a Commander slot, Monster slot, AND unit slot for each tile ....

OR ... will Monsters and Mass-infantry use the single "military" slot, while casters and generals use the single "domestic" slot.

Basically, I feel that differentiating what combinations you can have on a single tile will have important significance.

For instance, whats to stop heroes/ generals/ demons to have *commander bonuses* for Mass-Infantry units ... yet ALSO have their own combat ability if their bodyguards (the military unit in their tile) get killed.

For instance ... there is a grid of "military units" which, for sake of argument, is both mass-intantry units and large monsters.

Then, underneath that, the central unit has an Intelligent Demon Commander in a separate slot-> giving commander bonuses to most of the military units on the grid.

Surrounding units get killed ... then finally the central unit is attacked by an enemy military unit. The central unit dies ... but the General is still underneath, with his own combat abilities. Assuming he had spells, he could have cast spells during the entire combat ... but now that he is no longer "protected" by military units, instead of being helpless he has his own combat value (for physical attacks).

The average commander wouldn't be completely helpless, and might even be much stronger than Early units ... however over the course of the game, perhaps about half as strong (or less) than an average military unit.

Not only having sizable (1/3 of normal unit) physical strength .... but also having (perhaps) spells, having high withdrawal rates (to escape wounded), and generally having higher movement than the average unit. Higher movement, greater longevity, etc.

Now, having a physical strength (possibly different Attack vs Defense powers) ... theoretically he could attack military units (even while being civilian). This has the effect of a Naval attacking a Military-in-water (which means its possible) ... but in reality it is the general going on the front-lines and fighting the military directly ... with or without any support from his own military.

Some commanders might have attack bonuses if they have a military unit to "give him cover" or "back him up" ... however generally its the other way around (presence of general increases combat abilities of units)

However, we don't need to limit this to just "generals" ... we can also have Flag-Bearers, Magicians, etc. Any intelligent support officer or hero, which isn't mainstream enough to be considered a "military unit".

Basically you can move around generals, magicians, flag-bearers, heroes ... and powerful Commanders which are like a General/Hero/magician superhybrid.

As in ... you could have individualistic characters ... or just faceless support guys ... you can have them physically helpless, or with their own Combat ratings. You can give them spells, bonuses to allied units ... penalties to nearby enemy units (fear rating), etc.

Perhaps by utilizing the "Civilian slot" ... you can add Heroes, Generals, and other RPG-like characters into the military scene (instead of just the lore)

IE: Demons ...

Military Units: Giant Monster Demons .... + Units of Demon Infantry

Special Units: Demon Casters, Demon Tacticians, Demon Overlord (powerful fighter, caster, and tactician)

IE: Humans

Military Units: Mass-Infantry .... + Cannons .... + Steam Tanks

Special Units: Heroes, Bards, Magicians, Tacticians, Political Leaders
And you are back, Alzara :D
I got to ask you, what are you planning on adding as a major setting into the game? Major concepts such as FfH 2 Armeggedon, are you going to add something major into the game that could make the game more fun and interesting? If you can add a special major important element into the game, your mod will be more special instead of just a mod with different packs. Since this is a fantasy mod, that will most likely won't occur, so what are your plans on adding a special feature into your game?
The art in the flags is really good. Really evokes the personality of the new civs. I can already guess what a few of them are...but the ones that really intrigue are the ones where I have no idea what their faction looks like. I know they look like something specific, but I can't imagine it from the flag itself.

I wanna see what those Civs look like. I want to wish you the best of luck with this, I'm looking forward to seeing a finished mod. May your bugs not be show-stoppers and may they be easily resolved.
I'd just like to re-iterate ... combat is awesome, please make interesting/fun combat mechanics/ balance a high priority ;)

Also ... are you planning on Planar Travel? (ie. if Civ V allows multiple persistent maps, will I find out by following your mod? xD ... I'd follow ur mod anyways, but still, it'd be great if you were planning on adding multi-map functionality)
When you say 2-3 traits does that mean that your nations won't have unique units/buildings or that they will have a combo of two UU/UB in addition to the traits?

Look forward to more info, especially on the Lewenkai. Good luck.
YAY Naeralith Reborn is active! im loving the flag art there Al :) your artists have done a fantastic job so far :) cant wait to wee your leaders.

(FYI to civ community, leaders will be static 2D images that Alzara has hired artists to do for him :) )

However, we don't need to limit this to just "generals" ... we can also have Flag-Bearers, Magicians, etc. Any intelligent support officer or hero, which isn't mainstream enough to be considered a "military unit".

Basically you can move around generals, magicians, flag-bearers, heroes ... and powerful Commanders which are like a General/Hero/magician superhybrid.

As in ... you could have individualistic characters ... or just faceless support guys ... you can have them physically helpless, or with their own Combat ratings. You can give them spells, bonuses to allied units ... penalties to nearby enemy units (fear rating), etc.

Perhaps by utilizing the "Civilian slot" ... you can add Heroes, Generals, and other RPG-like characters into the military scene (instead of just the lore)

I REALLY like this idea Tasunke, ill definately discuss this in greater depth with Alzara when we get to Unit and Combat design. im making a note :)

Also ... are you planning on Planar Travel? (ie. if Civ V allows multiple persistent maps, will I find out by following your mod? xD ... I'd follow ur mod anyways, but still, it'd be great if you were planning on adding multi-map functionality)

i would love this also, and the Levels of Alzara's Hell could make interesting layered maps, and i can see one civ in particular utilizing a sky layer (Alvacon) and another civ utilizing the under sea layer (Vjasjekii), i also see later technologies around crystal tuning enabling travel into such planes and possibly even city building there.

When you say 2-3 traits does that mean that your nations won't have unique units/buildings or that they will have a combo of two UU/UB in addition to the traits?

Look forward to more info, especially on the Lewenkai. Good luck.

each civ has 2-3 civ abilities/traits like Manifest Destiny in vanilla civ 5, each trait is a hybrid of some of the vanilla ones, new ideas and concepts and some that we will have to create new code for entirely. heres an exaple of traits:

Industrial Prowess: +20% production when building Wonders. Strategic Resources provide +1 production. Iron, copper and Coal provide double quantities.
Isolationists: -33% foreign trade, +1 culture per city. +1 beaker per domestic trade route

+10 points if you can guess who those traits belong to :)

there will definately be Unique Units and buildings for each civ, we have yet to design any of these so you will get more information on this as we design it :) but i can safely say there will be more UUs and UBs per civ than in vanilla Civ 5.

what are you planning on adding as a major setting into the game

Its early days yet but we have some grand designs that we will reveal when the time comes ;)
Its early days yet but we have some grand designs that we will reveal when the time comes ;)

That sounds good but let make you guy's don't abandon the game too soon. I'm plan on making a mod on my own if I could learn how to mod on Civ 5, if I could I might help you guy's out.

What are your idea's on making the policies? It's obvious that your game must have magic if it want to be a fantasy mod. If your adding just a magic Policy, it won't be much in depth, I'm thinking of adding more policy of a specific type of magic, from holy, darkness, fire, water, whatever policy. If you could, make sure that specific policy allows specific use of magical spells. So that nobody be spamming fireballs if they don't got the fire magic policy (and the mana resources).

I also wonder how many ages are you going to include in your game? since it's a fantasy mod, it need to be change abit to make the feel of magic in the game and how revolutionary it can be. are your going as far as from stone to renaissance or from stone to apocalypse, or stone to fantasy sci-fi future?

If it is possible, see if you can make tunnels and new multi-level maps. So we can make tunnels, Portals, Astral Planes to travel from one part of the map to another part... Just think Age of Wonder's or Heroes of Might and Magic. This be a grand, and hopefully this can also happen on generated maps instead of one custom map that is always the same (custom scenario maps from Civ 4 and 3).
That sounds good but let make you guy's don't abandon the game too soon. I'm plan on making a mod on my own if I could learn how to mod on Civ 5, if I could I might help you guy's out.

thanks for the offer, well bear it in mind if we need help.

What are your idea's on making the policies? It's obvious that your game must have magic if it want to be a fantasy mod. If your adding just a magic Policy, it won't be much in depth, I'm thinking of adding more policy of a specific type of magic, from holy, darkness, fire, water, whatever policy. If you could, make sure that specific policy allows specific use of magical spells. So that nobody be spamming fireballs if they don't got the fire magic policy (and the mana resources).

magic is one of our grand designs, and magic in Naeralith is nothing like in any other fantasy world (that ive ever heard of) so its going to be very unique (nothing you describe will help with magic in Naeralith really). Magic will not be in the form of policies i think, we have yet to discuss much on policies at all. Alzara had some good ideas for civics in the civ 4 version of the mod.

I also wonder how many ages are you going to include in your game? since it's a fantasy mod, it need to be change abit to make the feel of magic in the game and how revolutionary it can be. are your going as far as from stone to renaissance or from stone to apocalypse, or stone to fantasy sci-fi future?

Its the Rebirth of Naeralith after Thje Daemon Lord Alzara destroyed a lot of it (i believe, Al can clarrify this better) so itll start slightly after stone age and end in steampunk era with a lot of highly advanced magic technology.

If it is possible, see if you can make tunnels and new multi-level maps. So we can make tunnels, Portals, Astral Planes to travel from one part of the map to another part... Just think Age of Wonder's or Heroes of Might and Magic. This be a grand, and hopefully this can also happen on generated maps instead of one custom map that is always the same (custom scenario maps from Civ 4 and 3).

i think everyone wants this, but it is not a priority of ours. it would be cool however.
A sugestion about policies: They could be used to simulate religion. Each religion branch would be mutualy exclusive with one branch being free religion and one atheist/agnostic (if aplicable). The free religion branch could provide the lesser, initial bonuses of the various religions, while dedicationg your civ to a religion could unlock some fairly powerfull bonuses not availible to others. The problem with this aproach would be policy-bloating if you combine this with the government trees.

I figured it would be a shame to waste the ideas and designwork put inte the religions.
the religions are going to be worked directly into the individual civs i believe :) we might sepparate them in a religion mod later but its unlikely.

so the design wont be going to waste :)
What are your thoughts on the 1 Unit per Tile??

will the "military" be basic mass-infantry units .... while specialty monsters, demons, and commanders take up the "civilian" slot??

Or will there be a Commander slot, Monster slot, AND unit slot for each tile ....

OR ... will Monsters and Mass-infantry use the single "military" slot, while casters and generals use the single "domestic" slot.

Basically, I feel that differentiating what combinations you can have on a single tile will have important significance.

For instance, whats to stop heroes/ generals/ demons to have *commander bonuses* for Mass-Infantry units ... yet ALSO have their own combat ability if their bodyguards (the military unit in their tile) get killed.

For instance ... there is a grid of "military units" which, for sake of argument, is both mass-intantry units and large monsters.

Then, underneath that, the central unit has an Intelligent Demon Commander in a separate slot-> giving commander bonuses to most of the military units on the grid.

Surrounding units get killed ... then finally the central unit is attacked by an enemy military unit. The central unit dies ... but the General is still underneath, with his own combat abilities. Assuming he had spells, he could have cast spells during the entire combat ... but now that he is no longer "protected" by military units, instead of being helpless he has his own combat value (for physical attacks).

The average commander wouldn't be completely helpless, and might even be much stronger than Early units ... however over the course of the game, perhaps about half as strong (or less) than an average military unit.

Not only having sizable (1/3 of normal unit) physical strength .... but also having (perhaps) spells, having high withdrawal rates (to escape wounded), and generally having higher movement than the average unit. Higher movement, greater longevity, etc.

Now, having a physical strength (possibly different Attack vs Defense powers) ... theoretically he could attack military units (even while being civilian). This has the effect of a Naval attacking a Military-in-water (which means its possible) ... but in reality it is the general going on the front-lines and fighting the military directly ... with or without any support from his own military.

Some commanders might have attack bonuses if they have a military unit to "give him cover" or "back him up" ... however generally its the other way around (presence of general increases combat abilities of units)

However, we don't need to limit this to just "generals" ... we can also have Flag-Bearers, Magicians, etc. Any intelligent support officer or hero, which isn't mainstream enough to be considered a "military unit".

Basically you can move around generals, magicians, flag-bearers, heroes ... and powerful Commanders which are like a General/Hero/magician superhybrid.

As in ... you could have individualistic characters ... or just faceless support guys ... you can have them physically helpless, or with their own Combat ratings. You can give them spells, bonuses to allied units ... penalties to nearby enemy units (fear rating), etc.

Perhaps by utilizing the "Civilian slot" ... you can add Heroes, Generals, and other RPG-like characters into the military scene (instead of just the lore)

IE: Demons ...

Military Units: Giant Monster Demons .... + Units of Demon Infantry

Special Units: Demon Casters, Demon Tacticians, Demon Overlord (powerful fighter, caster, and tactician)

IE: Humans

Military Units: Mass-Infantry .... + Cannons .... + Steam Tanks

Special Units: Heroes, Bards, Magicians, Tacticians, Political Leaders

These are some very promising ideas; indeed I will go as far to say that Sorcerers in the game will likely work in a very similar way to this. I hadn't thought of extending it to special generals/monsters/flag bearers, but the more I think about the idea, the more it makes sense. Certainly myself and TheChanger will discuss the potential of these ideas. If you have any further elaborations that you think might work then please share them! I feel that community input is of great importance to any mod! :)

And you are back, Alzara :D

And a warm welcome to you too Seon ;)

I got to ask you, what are you planning on adding as a major setting into the game? Major concepts such as FfH 2 Armeggedon, are you going to add something major into the game that could make the game more fun and interesting? If you can add a special major important element into the game, your mod will be more special instead of just a mod with different packs. Since this is a fantasy mod, that will most likely won't occur, so what are your plans on adding a special feature into your game?

I have plans to include a concept known as "The Great Seal", which is a dimensional barrier introduced after the Daemon Lord Alzara's first defeat. The implementation of this feature is still under consideration but hopefully that will be one of many aspects that should be new and interesting for the game.
Another will be the way magic works. Tiles will have another yield known as "Pigments" and this will accumulate in a similar way to culture to be used in the construction of magical buildings, wonders, projects items etc. It will also determine the effectiveness of 'living' sorcerers that are placed on the tile (undead work slightly differently). This is all due to the way colour defines magic on Naeralith. More will be revealed in relation to this concept.
Other ideas are floating around at the moment and I will let the community know when these are confirmed ;)

The art in the flags is really good. Really evokes the personality of the new civs. I can already guess what a few of them are...but the ones that really intrigue are the ones where I have no idea what their faction looks like. I know they look like something specific, but I can't imagine it from the flag itself.

I wanna see what those Civs look like. I want to wish you the best of luck with this, I'm looking forward to seeing a finished mod. May your bugs not be show-stoppers and may they be easily resolved.

Hehe thanks! I'm glad you like the flag art. I have artists which work on various aspects of my world and flag art was something that was produced a while back. I will be updating the thread with some basic descriptions and design tonight so you will be able to see more of what each civilisation represents :)

And thank you for your blessings on the mod's success. I hope you stick around to see how it develops :)

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