Names -


Hail to the King Baby -DN
Jun 26, 2009
Castle Merlot
My liege,

I noticed recently that our worker on the hill to the east digging a mine simply refers to himself as "Worker." Likewise our glorious warriors further east of him, on the look out for wild animals, simply refer to themselves as "Warrior."

It may lift the spirits of the people of Merlot if you were to give these people names, my Lord.

That way instead of saying, "Move the Worker on the hills to the wheat as we need food" we could say, "Move Bob from the Mine to the Wheat."

Or perhaps give them unit names? Our glorious warriors, for example, could be refered to as, "Slaze's Warriors." We could then say things like, "Have Slaze's warriors look out for wild animals."

And finally - I might be so bold to ask - what is a Mutual? Should we not think of a name more fitting to the awe and splendor of this great empire?

That is all I would say my Lord. I trust in your good word in all things,
I think we could name our workers after our Nobles if it so pleases the King!
Agreed, and I believe we should name our city after its most important feature - Castle Merlot.
But of course lord ash, how did we delay this for so long? It must be the slow moving years!

Since we are a multicultural empire (or will be) a thought is to use names and figures from differnet cultures around the world and not go with one theme.

So in that spirit for our capital I find apropriate the name Midgard which is the AngloSaxon name for the one of the Nine Worlds/realms, the one that humans live in.

Our warrior can be named Methuselah from the biblical person, since he has been around from the beginning of time and is expected to stay with us til the end.

and for our worker a proper name might be Aurobindo from the famous Indian Guru and philosopher, since to be working non stop for thousants of yeras without complaining, you must be a guru.
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