Naming Thread


Looking for the door...
Mar 18, 2002
Behind you
I thought we might want place to discuss naming the units and towns. I realize we already have several names for towns, but we may want more or new ones. Unit names can also be proposed and discussed here.
What We Thought Earlier (Page 3 of "Beginning of Game Update" Thread)
Birds of Prey
Captain John Smith
Lieutenant Morris Schaffer
Colbert City
The Eagles Nest
Harbor of New Rome
AQUILA (latin for eagle)
Ignis Graecus (latin for Greek Fire)
Dolmen, Hafen
Sugar Warrior

Sweet Feather

Little Wing
I'd prefer to number our run-of-the-mill military, and only give names to exploring units, elite (not elite*) and maybe ships. This is so we don't get too attached to our units- elites and explorers are units we don't want to lose anyways. Ships, when we get there, should be named in order to inspire fear in our enemies.

How about Aquila for our second city? Also, can anyone think of a name that somehow relates eagles and elephants for the one near the ivory?
Tuscan Talon?
Didn't like Tuscan Talon, heh? That was the best I had.

How about Soaring Jumbo? Eyes and Ears? Pachyderm Roost? Earspan?
Thanks, Calis.

As our river needs a name, I've been looking at it for possibilities. This last turn confirmed my recent thoughts. When I look at the shape of the river, or the twists and turns, it appears to resemble an eagle's talon. The tips of the claw now seem to curl up onto the mountain South of the capital. What a coincidence.

Borrowed this from the new movie. Thought we could use it as a banner for the team.


  • The Eagle.gif
    The Eagle.gif
    32.4 KB · Views: 311
Yes, excellent, though the Eagle looks a little pudgy. I guess that's good, since I keep seeing 'food is power'.

Don't forget, once the other teams know we are Byzantium, our eagles will have to have two heads.

This is about as close to that as I can bring our new banner. We might have to find some kind of revised edition.


  • 2headed1.gif
    29.9 KB · Views: 272
That reminds me of the flag of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick...not that I'm complaining. :D
:D CommandoBob comes through again.

A double-headed eagle[2] saying "Aye" from one beak and "Nay" from another. Sir Roger recorded that he only learned three things in his two years at Oxford University:

1.That "Aye" might be turned into "Nay" and vice versa if a sufficient quantity of wordage was applied to the matter.
2.In any argument the victor is always right.
3.Though the pen is mightier than the sword, the sword speaks louder and stronger at any given moment...

~ Excerpt from Wikipedia on the national flag of Duchy of Grand Fenwick​
It was a nice little series of books, though the first movie I thought was terrible. I didn't know until yesterday (well, early this morning) that there was a sequel.

I was Professor Kokintz in a high school production of this. Fortunately, that was back in the days 8-tracks and cassettes, so no video record exists! :lol:
So, what shall we call our second city?

Spoiler What We've Come Up With Before :
Birds of Prey
Captain John Smith
Lieutenant Morris Schaffer
Colbert City
The Eagles Nest
Harbor of New Rome
AQUILA (latin for eagle)
Ignis Graecus (latin for Greek Fire)
Tuscan Talon
Eagles' Trumpet
Aquila and Tuscan Talon are the only ones that I've seen recommended twice.
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