Naming Thread

Sounds good. :thumbsup:
When is our next city due?
As we have 8 or nine new cities lined up, I thought I would post some city names.

Ignis Graecus
Winged Spear
Ilium - For most Northern city
Troy and Lagos?
Troy was a suggestion by Eclipse in post #52. It was later shown in #61 by Sparthage I believe. When I saw it last night, I said "Troy?" So I googled it. And Troy was close to where Constantinople located. While reading the history of the region, I noticed that a city named Ilium may have been the precursor to Constantinople. Then just before I closed the article, I saw Lagos, somewhere. Not sure where. I'll have to go back and check. But Troy was very close to Ilium, and suggested as a port city.

EDIT: I found the Port of Lagos, due west of Istanbul. A former Byzantine settlement in Greece at the top of the Aegean Sea. But I don't remember this from the other night.
Have we founded the city on the passage? If not, we could name it "The Roost".

Then again, do eagles even have roosts? Come to think about it, it don believe they do.
Roosts are more associated to chickens than eagles. It basically means someplace for a fowl to perch or rest.
But I think even eagles need some rest at times. I will use that name for the passage town... Thank you!

I am such a nice guy. especially after a half bottle of Whiskey...:)
"The Roost" sounds like a bar or pub. Too bad we can't build one there. +3 happy faces, -5 tax income.
"Ain't found a way to kill me yet
Eyes burn with stinging sweat
Seems every path leads me to nowhere
Wife and kids household pet
Army green was no safe bet
The bullets scream to me from somewhere"

Here's one for the vets. We can all be roosters.
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