Good News Everyone!

The Napoleonic Wars were a series of wars fought during Napoleon Bonaparte's rule over France. They were partly an extension of conflicts sparked by the French Revolution, and continued during the regime of the First French Empire. These wars revolutionized European army and artillery, as well as military systems, and were of a scale never before seen, mainly due to the application of modern mass conscription. French power rose quickly, conquering most of Europe; the fall was also rapid, beginning with the disastrous invasion of Russia, and Napoleon's empire ultimately suffered complete military defeat, resulting in the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France.
For Warlords Expansion Pack only
Yes folks, it's finally done! And best of all, it works

Spoiler Technical Stuff :
Tech Tree

Unit Tree
New Buildings
Elite Barracks - Required for Grenadiers & Lights
Elite Stables - Required for Hussars, Lancers & Dragoons
Public School - +50% research
- Republic (France)
- Constitutional Monarchy (Britain)
- Absolute Monarchy (Everyone else)
- Federal Monarchy (Ottomans)
- Empire (less maintanace, more units)
- Strength (+4 exp)
- Mass (extra free units)
- Thorough (+4 exp)
- Fast (+25% unit production)
- Serfdom (faster workers)
- State Controlled (faster building production)
- Free Market (+1 trade routes)
- Theocracy (+2 happy with state religion, -4 happy with non-SR)
- State Religion (+1 with SR, -2 happy for non-SR)
- Free Religion (no + or - from religions, no state religion)

Unit Tree
Peasants > Militia
Line Inf > Line Inf II (+50% vs Lights)
Light Inf > Light Inf II (+50% vs Grenadiers)
Grenadier > Grenadier II (+50% vs Lines)
Guard Inf > Guard Inf II
Horse Militia
Lancer > Lancer II (+50% vs Inf)
Hussar > Hussar II
Dragoon (+50% vs Cav)
Guard Cav > Guard Cav II
6-Pounder > 9-Pounder
New Buildings
Elite Barracks - Required for Grenadiers & Lights
Elite Stables - Required for Hussars, Lancers & Dragoons
Public School - +50% research
- Republic (France)
- Constitutional Monarchy (Britain)
- Absolute Monarchy (Everyone else)
- Federal Monarchy (Ottomans)
- Empire (less maintanace, more units)
- Strength (+4 exp)
- Mass (extra free units)
- Thorough (+4 exp)
- Fast (+25% unit production)
- Serfdom (faster workers)
- State Controlled (faster building production)
- Free Market (+1 trade routes)
- Theocracy (+2 happy with state religion, -4 happy with non-SR)
- State Religion (+1 with SR, -2 happy for non-SR)
- Free Religion (no + or - from religions, no state religion)
Spoiler Screenshots :

Spoiler Version History :
v1.0 - First Public Version
Still to do: Some religion arts, Leaderheads & their art, unitflags & some unitgraphics.
v1.01 Quick bugfix
Added Open Borders for Austria+Bavaria and Austria+Russia.
v1.1 First working release
Updated to v1.1. Fixed Formations (which were causing crashes if you didn't have single-unit graphics) and also fixed the Great Wall & UN bugs.
v1.15 First working release
Updated to v1.1. Makes the AI much more likely to make deals, build infantry & wage more realistic wars.
v1.2 New Graphics
Adds leaders, their graphics, and new formations! Also, the AI has been tweaked a bit, and a new unit has been created: Recruit. It's trainable before 18th Century Tactics, so the small nations can train something else than militia. It does require barracks though. Also, Spain now gets the Starting Tech to start with.
Still to do: Some religion arts, Leaderheads & their art, unitflags & some unitgraphics.
v1.01 Quick bugfix
Added Open Borders for Austria+Bavaria and Austria+Russia.
v1.1 First working release
Updated to v1.1. Fixed Formations (which were causing crashes if you didn't have single-unit graphics) and also fixed the Great Wall & UN bugs.
v1.15 First working release
Updated to v1.1. Makes the AI much more likely to make deals, build infantry & wage more realistic wars.
v1.2 New Graphics
Adds leaders, their graphics, and new formations! Also, the AI has been tweaked a bit, and a new unit has been created: Recruit. It's trainable before 18th Century Tactics, so the small nations can train something else than militia. It does require barracks though. Also, Spain now gets the Starting Tech to start with.
Spoiler Installation & Tips :
!!!!! If you have a previous version, please delete it before continuing !!!!!
Extract the NapEuro folder into C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods
To play, open Warlords, then click Advanced, then Load a Mod, then load NapEuro
You can also edit the shortcut to Warlords by adding mod= NapEuro into the target field.
The mod currently shows texts only if you play in english.
I've included 2 maps: One goes forward one week per turn, while the other goes by one month per turn.
I don't suggest you start as one of the big nations, unless you want to. Good starting civs might be Sweden, Prussia or Spain. Also, the Ottomans completely differ from the other nations.
Extract the NapEuro folder into C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods
To play, open Warlords, then click Advanced, then Load a Mod, then load NapEuro
You can also edit the shortcut to Warlords by adding mod= NapEuro into the target field.
The mod currently shows texts only if you play in english.
I've included 2 maps: One goes forward one week per turn, while the other goes by one month per turn.
I don't suggest you start as one of the big nations, unless you want to. Good starting civs might be Sweden, Prussia or Spain. Also, the Ottomans completely differ from the other nations.
Spoiler Credits :
AlazkanAssassin for, well, all of the unit graphics
A huge mega-thanks for letting me use his formations.
*reserved for testers & other helpers*

AlazkanAssassin for, well, all of the unit graphics

*reserved for testers & other helpers*
If the new formations cause lag on your PC, get the Performance Pack:

Have fun and please post all suggestions/bugs/comments/strategies you might have.