Natan35's Design Workshop!


Mayor of St. Natansburg
Jul 2, 2014
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Natan35's Wishlist!

Civs that I plan on making in the future.

(Part of an Indonesia split)
Majapahit(Gajah Mada)
UA: Sumpah Palapa
Plantations grant :c5greatperson: Mahapatih points upon construction and yield+1 :c5culture: culture and :c5faith: faith during :c5war: war and peace treatise. Unqiue luxuries may appear on cities and jungle tiles you claim in continents other than your capital's(max. 2 per city).

UU: Mahapatih
Replaces great general and great admiral. Provides bonuses to both naval and land units. when embarked, has no vision penalty, receives +1 :c5moves: movement and grants a higher combat boost(25%). Units within his range the "Palapa oath" promotion, granting them +2% :c5strength: strength on plantations per each one you already own.

UB: Candi
Replaces temple. Yields +1 :c5culture: culture if the city follows a religion, and additional :c5culture: culture and :c5faith: faith per each religion that exerts pressure on the city.

UA: New Order
Gain free ideology tenets and an Aspri per each social policy tree you finish, and gain +1% :c5production: production, :c5food: food, :c5gold: gold, :c5faith: faith and :c5culture: culture per each social policy you adopt after picking an ideology. Must choose the New Order* ideology.

UU: Aspri
Replaces great general. Unlike it, provides a :c5culture: culture boost upon spawning, and grants a higher combat bonus per each social policy tree you finish\ level 3 tenet you adopted.

UU: Kopassus
Replaces paratrooper. Stronger(70 :c5strength:) and more expansive, the Kopassus has the "Red Beret" promotion, granting him a chance to deal damage to adjacent enemy units(increases with each level he has).

*New order tenets:
Spoiler :
Level 1:
Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa(+2 :c5culture: culture per each religion in a city)
Persatuan Indonesia (+25% :c5greatperson: great people generation)
Korpri(-50% :c5unhappy: unhappiness from specialists)
Berdikari(Tourism penalty from differing ideologies other civilizations receive with you increased by 50%).
Golkar(+1 :c5culture: culture from barracks, armories, and military academies.)
BAKIN(your spies are 50% more likely to capture enemy spies stealing technologies)
IGGI(+4 :c5gold: gold from trade routes to other civilizations)
Puskesmas(+2 :c5happy: happiness from each national wonder)

Level 2:
Berkeley Mafia(Receive 3 free great merchants)
REPELITA(+3 :c5production: production in all cities, +1 :c5production: production from mines, oil wells and offshore platforms.)
Act of Free Choice(Units are 50% more effective at intimidating city states and city states are not angered by trespassing units)
Kopkamtib(+1 :c5happy: happiness per each arsenal, military base, constabulary and police station)
Kopassus(6 Paratroops with a foreign lands bonus appear near the capital)
Yassan(+3 :c5gold: gold per each 10 :c5citizen: citizens in a city).

Level 3:
Ilmu kasampurnaning hurip(-33% :c5unhappy: unhappiness from :c5citizen: population)
Dwifungsi(Garrisons boost the gold, food, production and culture output of cities by 30%)
NAM:)c5influence: influence resting point with all CS increased by 15)

Suggestions are welcome.
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Design workshop...
(Looking for feedback..)
I like them all but they are a bit too synergetic... you know what I'm saying?
All civs need to have a couple focuses, like Iceland:

Age of Settlement
Cities founded with Skalds or on terrain types different than the Capital begin with a free Great Work of Writing slot. Earn Great Writer points from discovering Civilizations, or from winning Naval battles.
Everything is about Great writers, but the first part ties in the UU. The two other parts have to do with exploration and naval war. Balanced, and overall ties up all the loose ends of the UU and UB
Skald (Great Writer)
Specialises in scouting across oceans and can found cities on foreign continents.
Makes the whole UA worthwhile.
Thingstead (Amphitheatre)
Forms a City Connection with the Capital over water (if they're not already connected by land). Yields +2 Happiness if Connected to the Capital.
Deals with the problems of colonizing other continents.
Overall, a good and simple civ. A little bit too dependent on the UU.

UA: Homeland Deserters
Trade units sent to\ from your empire grant reveal adjacent tiles and yield +1 science for the owner and +1 gold for the receiver per each 3 tiles they pass. The range of trade routes is increased by certain technologies*.
Good and very unique UA. Good that you added some immediate yields. Quite powerful on a large map.
UB: Traveler's square
Replaces Caravansary. Unlocked at currency, and is more expansive to build. However, it doubles the range of land trade routes from this city. It also contains a writer specialist that provides +1 GW point per each trade route to and from the city when filled.
Very OP unless it has some drawbacks (or crazy high production cost). With the UA, double length can equal crazy amounts of science and gold.
UU: Cartographer
Replaces great writer. Instead of its abilities creates unique maps that provide additional tourism and science instead of culture, and permanently increase the range of trade routes by 5%(to a maximum of 50%).
I like that it creates maps, but that is (probably) impossible to code (does it matter? no. but it is kind of outlandish). I like the trade route incressing part, but instead of empire-wide it should be just for the city it is in for balance reasons.

Okay! finally done. Out of the three I like the first the best by far, although the last is really interesting.
Hmmm... The UB is basically double the effect of Caravansary, which is already pretty expensive...
Maybe I'll end a prerequisite building. Thanks for the constructive feedback.
Welcome to my design workshop!
Spoiler :
Here I'm gonna be posting designs that people ask me to make, designs I might make in the future, and designs that I have no idea where they came from, starting with this trio:

Random Civ I
UA: Homeland Deserters
:trade: Trade units sent to\ from your empire grant reveal adjacent tiles and yield +1 :c5science: science for the owner and +1 :c5gold: gold for the receiver per each 3 tiles they pass. The range of :trade: trade routes is increased by certain technologies*.

UB: Traveler's square
Replaces Caravansary. Unlocked at currency, and is more expansive to build. However, it doubles the range of land :trade: trade routes from this city. It also contains a writer specialist that provides +1 :c5greatperson: GW point per each trade route to and from the city when filled.

UU: Cartographer
Replaces great writer. Instead of its abilities creates unique :greatwork: maps that provide additional :tourism: tourism and :c5science: science instead of culture, and permanently increase the range of :trade: trade routes by 5%(to a maximum of 50%).

*Writing, Philosophy, Physics, and Navigation.

Random Civ 2
UA: Conqueror of the Rings
Cities gain additional territory and start a WLtKD at the :c5capital: capital upon conquest. WLtKDs reduce the cost of acquiring new tiles by a % percentage equal to the city's population and grant +1 :c5culture: culture from military buildings empire wide. The capital may always expand to new tiles.

UU: Cyberlord
Replaces great general. May be consumed to initiate an invasion, granting adjacent military units double movement, ignore terrain costs and enemy ZOC for 5 turns (doubled for units that require iron). During that time, receive no :c5unhappy: unhappiness from conquered\ :c5puppet: puppet cities.

UB: Garrison's Post
Replaces barracks. Yields and additional +1 XP for each conquered city its present in, and +5 per each :c5puppet: puppet its present in. Costs no :c5gold: gold to maintain, and reduces :c5unhappy: unhappiness from population by 1% per each city you conquer(2% from :c5puppet: puppets).

Random Civ 3
UA: Naturally Protected
Upon settling a city, gain :c5production: production towards defensive\ maritime buildings per each coast and mountain tile within the city's range and in your territory. Cities gain +1 :c5strength: strength per each mountain and 2 coasts in their territory, and gain a :c5food: food boost equal to 20% of their :c5strength: strength.

UI: Wooden Camp
Unlocked at construction. May be built on non- hill grassland\ tundra, and not adjacent to each other. +1 :c5food: food, and +1 food and :c5culture: culture if adjacent to mountain or a source of water(bonuses doubled If stack). Generates +2 :c5strength: strength if adjacent to a mountain, and +1 :c5production: production near a coast.

UU: War- Migrant
Replaces warrior. Unlike it, may embark from the start, and receives immunity as well as 20% :c5strength: combat boost in any tile that provide attrition, except for jungle(with ExCE). Heals if ends the turn on a Wooden camp.
Random Civ I: I quite like science and tile reveal. Very original civ design. I myself don't find any part OP. Trade route range isn't all that powerful, vastly increasing doesn't really make a significant difference.
Random Civ 2: The Cyberlord invasion ability seems OP. Extremely powerful, the war might as well be done by the 5 turns the war is over.
Random Civ 3: The War Migrant seems weak (NonExCE). Embarkment is only situationally useful and quite map dependent. Minor thing but all the unique names seem very bland.
Oh, with the Cyberlord, the ability was suppose to be for melee units only. I will add more designs and will change the existing ones...
(About names: well as I said, those are random designs. I basically crafted them from the nonsense in my head, so....)
I think your Majapahit UA has no correlation with the Palapa's oath, sorry.
Palapa Oath is simply a personal ambition of Gajah Mada to unite all of Malay archipelago under one rule, and not always is in tune with the ruler's wish. (Battle of Bubat)

How about a bonus that works in city states instead? e.g Majapahit could demand tributes from CS much easier at more fear, less angry effect... or lower ally threshold, lower ally decay and other civilization less likely to attack Majapahit's ally.. or maybe twice as normal amount of strategic resource gained from CS until Industrial era?

Contrary to widespread opinion, recent research shown that Majapahit do not conquer all kingdom in the archipelago; but more like forming alliance and vassalage. For example, Majapahit and Luwu (biggest pre-Islamic kingdom in Sulawesi) are allied by trading of iron, which is the main material for kris sword (reference is in Indonesian). On the other hand, Adityavarman is installed by Majapahit kingdom as regent in the remnant of defeated and declining Srivijaya kingdom as vassal state (Melayu Kingdom)
Any chance for more suggestions? What you think of Suharto?
Haha I'm thinking to review it one by one.

For Suharto, it's funny that I never heard of Aspri before until you mentioned it. I think your Suharto's civilization sounds too militaristic. I think Suharto's Indonesia should instead characterize the nationalism spirit in Indonesia.

During Sukarno's era, there were 3 great ideology in Indonesia: Nationalism, Islamism and Communism. Sukarno decided to accommodate all in an awkward solution popularly known as "NASAKOM - NASionalistik, Agama, KOMunis", or in English as "Nationalistic, Religious, Communist.".

During Suharto's era, he 'purified' the country from communism ideology and suppressed Islamism ideology; while promoting nationalism, Javanese mysticism etc. I think you could use this fact to explore an alternative idea beside emphasizing on his era's military influence.

Also, while some may not agree with this, during Suharto's era, Indonesia was sort-of known as Asia's tiger (might be biased); because:
1. Economy were booming (especially on his early era. Later on his policy falls into unrecognizable stage due to lots of corruption and nepotism)
2. Neighbors and great powers respected and fears Suharto's Indonesia
3. Abundant resources were fully optimized, such as: Rice, Oil, Minerals. Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in lots of resources, and export the rest - contrary to nowadays where we import lots of resources from outside despite we actually have that resources (but not optimized). This imports play a lot in current economic crisis as US Dollar price increased several thousand in few months and work termination rate start to rise as business can't afford to do business as usual anymore.

I think you shouldn't force the player to choose Order ideology in order to benefit from the UA. How about changing the social policy instead? You could have 8 categories like Maritime, Infrastructure, Health, Art, Industry, Diplomacy, Military, ??? .. with each like:

1. Maritime -> bonus on farm, free work boats, etc
2. Infrastructure -> faster road movement, cheaper railroad cost, lower radio tower cost etc
3. Health -> bonus on health, luxury resource add health, etc
4. Art -> Increased culture, or no change?
5. Industry -> extra hammer for each luxury resources, etc
6. Diplomacy -> CS & foreign relation or no change?
7. Military -> your Kopassus is a great idea, but as promotion unlocked by policy, spy effectiveness, etc
8. ?
Wait: you saw my new tenets, right?
(I'm asking because you called it order instead of new order, which is the name I gave it)

Also: do you think Suharto should be able to gain tenets from other ideologies? I think its an interesting ability, that could fit him.
I did, but I think I was careless on that. This "New Order" ideology is the 4th ideology right?
Yes. Which only Suharto will be able to choose.
(Though creating a few ideology might be a mess)
That sounds a bit constraining for me. What if the player wants to adopt Freedom instead? The UA will then be useless
No, it means I will. Eventually. I have a five year plan to become JFD by 2020.
No, it means I will. Eventually. I have a five year plan to become JFD by 2020.

What stops you from doing that now though sometimes the initiative is better unless your literally going to slam your head in books forever until you get to master levels of coding which if thats the case... man thats a tough road ahead.
What stops you from doing that now though sometimes the initiative is better unless your literally going to slam your head in books forever until you get to master levels of coding which if thats the case... man thats a tough road ahead.

His dad does something with computer I think... so his dad can smash Natan's head on books for him :p.
Yeah... I'm taller than him BTW. :p
But that's not the point. Point is, I can't find a proper guide in order to make mods. Kael's guide is outdated.
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