Nations of The World - The Mighty Mongolians


Apr 22, 2006
Sorry about the last beginning, the save file crashed. This is the real peace, Chapter 1
Chapter 1

At the time, the Mongolian nomads probably didn’t know but they were about to form the beginnings of the greatest civilization ever to touch the face of the Earth. It’s hard to believe that a bunch of Neanderthals that had been roaming the continent of Oropi for generations gathered at the side of the Orop Sea and decided to stay. Whether it was luck, fate or just a coincidence, the settlement they arrived on beyond belief through time; and through time they gained knowledge and commitment and in the year 4000 BC they settled and created Riversea. With the knowledge they had gained the arts of The Wheel and Hunting, two important assets to a civilization’s beginning. In the first few couple of years the people of Riversea lived happily, with not so much as the usual pick pocketing, but as this became more frequent and thieves becoming more and more deadly the Advisor Board felt they had to intervene. The Board went into the Palace and spent a whole 72 hours discussing who should become King. The large mobs of people outside waited patiently and when they saw the flag of Mongolia being raised, they knew they had a new ruler. From the depths of the palace the Board heard the chants, “Long live the King! Long live the King” The whole nation was in celebration, banners strung up everywhere, parades marching through the streets. The new ruler had been chosen and this ruler was Genghis Khan I. Genghis settled in extremely well and in the first year of his reign all remaining protesters were quelled and the Mongolians started to live under the lifestyle of Genghis Khan I. The Advisors also knew though that Riversea needed to start producing something. So Genghis Khan called his first meeting. Here is an extract from the minutes of the meeting:

Genghis Khan: Welcome everyone to the first meeting under my reign, the formalities are over now, we need to start looking to the future. With help from Shadowsong, my military advisor; Ainwood, my Science Advisor; and Vanadorn, my Foreign Advisor I have put together this report for the future. Riversea is not currently producing everything and it was quite an easy choice to produce a Warrior. This warrior will provide security to the people and defend against unfriendly barbarian tribes. Vanadorn says that our scout should explore the regions to the North of Riversea in search for other civilizations. This will mean Riversea will thrive quickly. Ainwood suggests we research Animal Husbandry to improve the resources around Riversea….

The meeting carried on in this way, but these two decisions would firmly introduce the Mongolians to the World and pave the way for Khans to come. So for the first half of Genghis’ rein Riversea set to producing Warrior. They began researching Animal Husbandry and the Scout began its long journey north.

Entry from Scouting Log:
We have been going along the outskirts of Mongolia for 50 years now, with not much success but finally on the very horizon of our sights we can see another tribe. Will they be friendly, barbaric or eager? We will not know for a while as a great forest separates us from their tribe. It will take at least half a century and by that time we will have a new leader among us, Genghis Khan II. I must get on my way; we have a hard day ahead, marching through this forest.

It did take the scouts another 50 years to reach the tribe but what rewards they reaped from it. The tribe was very willing to sacrifice some money for the Scouts but they insisted they were happy where they were and agreed not join the Mongolian Empire. Mongolia still had very little knowledge of it’s surrounding area though and because of the forests slowing the Scouts down another tribe- or even civilization could be right on their doorstep. It was now 120 years after the start of the Mongols and the Scouts were finally clear of the forest and onto the Great Plains to the north. They still had not come across anything else though and Genghis II was becoming frustrated. And then, not thanks to the Scouts but to the expanding borders of Mongolia the first civilization was found. The scout sidled into the palace uneasily. “Sir, he whimpered mighty Montezuma send his greetings, he wishes peace but is prepared for war if you may choose the wrong option.”
“Send him back my greetings and offer him peace from me,” Genghis replied.
That was the first meeting of civilizations, the scout changed path abruptly and scouted east, the direction which the scout came from. Then 50 years later, the last good news Genghis II heard was that the Warrior his dad started work on had been completed and set to fortify in Riversea. In the first few years of Genghis III rein, the Scouts finally showed their worth by providing Mongolia with 58 gold from a friendly tribe to the north-east. Though, they stole this tribe from the Aztecs Mongolia got away with it and word didn’t reach Montezuma’s ear. In the next years life wet on as normal until HALLELUJAH!! Our Scouts spotted the Aztec borders. Joy was evident throughout Riversea. We had found our first civilization!
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