Naval Reform 2: Unit class_Battleship and Amphibious units

Jan 10, 2019
Just finished writing XML codes for my mod. this one is for new unit class. the Battleships. This equivalent to Warfare Expanded series Naval Bombardment Class. but with different promotions.

If Naval ranged and Battleships / Naval Bombardmens are to be separate class.
1. Do you agree with this promotions and civilopedia descriptions i've written (The discussion is viewed through warfare lens and not programming / modding ones so I decided to post it here)
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<!-- ZaabSpicey_PromotionsText -->
<!-- Author: Lonecat Nekophrodite -->
<!-- DateCreated: 2/12/2020 9:39:25 PM -->

       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_SENIOR_CAPTAIN_NAME" /><Text>Senior Captain</Text>                 
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_SENIOR_CAPTAIN_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>+1 sight range. +1 [ICON_Movement] Movement.</Text>
           <Text>Prestigious warships of the Navy, particularly Linear Battleships, (And modern successors; Aircraft Carriers, Missile Cruisers, and Hitech Guided Missiles Destroyers like US Navy Zumwalt class) represents Mights, Prestiges, and Reputations of a polity and its leader as well as economical strenghts to earn (either to build or to buy) and to maintain ones, and thus not for N00b captains at the entry level to assume command (unless neccessary). Preferably these battleships (and aforemented successors) are commandeered by senior captain. The term 'senior' does not only reflects one's age, rather the term denotes ranks a person has earned in the Navy (Commodore, for example), and person's 'place' in the navy. While these ranks are normally earned based on years of service or combat experiences, in some cases (particularly in not so modern soceities) factors like personal connections (AKA, 'friends in higher places',), personal background (social strata; either birthright or family wealths), bureaucratic manipulations (including commission purchases which were once legal) did affect a person's career path in navy--i.e. how fast he can progress towards Senior Officer rank.</Text> </Row>
           <Text>What's make Senior Officer so imprtant? well captains must first know the waters his ship is going, know when is what, seasons that affects navigation ability, when will there be rains, storms, and strong waves that could flip an entire ship. Then know how to make bests uses out of available crew under any situations. how to put them to work, and how to earn respect (or avoid crew mutiny to the least), and know every systems that his ship runs on, and when it comes to combat, to combine all these skills towards tactical manouevers, and actual combat itself. These can be learned from naval cadet schools or maritime academies, but only 'what one should know about' and 'how to run things', nothing better than to learn from real things. Availability of these seasoned captains in each country is correlated to its political stability. Good captains are usually hard to come by in a country that fell into civil war, bloody revolutions, interregnum purges, or disrupting transitions. France and Russia are examples how political instability affects the lack of competent navy captains, Years of bloodbath since 1792 French Revolution had deprived France of capable Navy captains and admirals, the effect was so severe that the new French Navy rebuilt after Napoleon Bonaparte restored natioanl stability could not fight British Royal Navy on equal terms. as seen in Battle of Trafalgar, where British Admiral Horatio Nelson soundly defeated French Navy, French Navy never recovers throughout the tenure of Napoleon Bonaparte and beyond (until the 1830 to say the least). Why this instability has that effect? Because Navy officiers tend to be conservatives. Particularly in the French Revolution, Capable French Captains and Admirals are royalists and thus targeted by republican bloodhounds, some even joined British Royal Navy with the bid to restore their monarchy. Similar situations did happen in Germany during Nazi Era, and Soviets during Stalin's early years of his chairmanship, where several navy officiers were suspected of disloyal to the regime (and in some case, the very leader) and abruptly purged. The same navy conservativism did as well kept the entirety of US Navy firm under the Union Flag when American Civil War eruopts in 1861, the situations that compelled the Confederacy to introduce Ironclads out of neccessary. </Text> </Row>

       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_NAVAL_LOGISTICS_NAME" /><Text>Naval Logistics</Text>                 
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_NAVAL_LOGISTICS_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>Heal outside of friendly territory..</Text>
           <Text>Battleships are huge warships, that requires several hundreads (sometimes, thousands) crews to man every systems; from propulsions (since the days of giant galleys towards the final days of USS Iowa). to weaponry, not counting on-board marines. Immense crews means immense supplies needed to be prepared, and methods to resupply campaigning ships. In some navies with prefabricated warship parts (With Carthage was the first to do so, long before industrial era made replaciable warship parts a norm) shipped for field repairs. The advent of steam-powered warships added fuels and boiler-waters into lists of supplies. On campaign, warships must be resupplied on a high sea with 'ship to ship' operations supplies are shipped by armed transports, with a squadron of lightweight warships to escort, this because these convoys are often raided by swift and lightweight ships, and heavyweight assets are used on the frontlines. By the 20th Century, the advent of torpedo-armed electric submarines (which can operate submerged for several hours or even days), and torpedo warplanes means that these escort ships needed BOTH anti-submarine AND anti-aircraft capabilities as well. In some occasions, certain warships (particularly the obsolete ones) can be converted partially to perform logistic tasks with some on-board weapons retained. Some unusual endeavours were supply submarines, in the Second World War, German Kriegsmarine had converted ten Type IXD submarines s into submarine tender, classified as Type XIV "Milchkuh" (Milk Cows), these swimming milk cows extended German U-Boat operational ranges to the other sides of Atlantic (and even in Pacific Theatre, where two Japanese controlled ports in Southeast Asia were also U-Boat base as well), None of these supply submarines did survive the war however. Today warship resupplies are also done with helicopters.</Text> </Row>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_EXPERT_GUNNERY_NAME" /><Text>Expert Gunnery</Text>     
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_EXPERT_GUNNERY_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>+10  [ICON_Strength] Combat Strengh vs. Naval Units, Land Units and District Defense.</Text>
           <Text>Gunnery has been one of the important aspects of navy since the first cannons had equipped the warships. Gunnery disciplinaries requires synchronized coordinations, and for sergeants, mathematics, just like land-based cannons. But this is not easy as it seems because warships are constantly affected by the tidal waves beneath the very ship, this added difficulties to operate the guns, also recoil shocks did rock the ships considerably, particularly with large bore rifled turret guns first introduced in the latter half of 19th Century. Rookie gun crews would have to ride the learning curves to deal with shaking ship first, while experienced guncrews could operate guns without any real difficulty. Also in the age of rifled large calibre main guns mounted on turrets, experienced gunners could hit long range targets with minimun try, both sea and on land. And also can load these guns faster, and even faster with digitalized automated loading mechanism. While it takes time to train gunners, ICTs did a good assistances nearly well. but technology investments are huge. The earliest computerized fire control system was the device called Rangekeepers jointly developed by British Royal Navy and US Navy in Second World War, while these early computers were still labor intensive (27 men to operate), but main guns can be remotely aimed and fired by pulling the computer's triggers, this fire control system was first fitted on Battleships, and this computerized gunnery system proved advantegeous on November 1942 at the Third Battle of Savo Island when American battleship USS Washington soundly defeated Imperial Japanese Navy Battleship Kirishima in the night attack (Japan did not develop radar nor computers). The most modern Naval gun technology, the Advanced Gun System mounted on US Navy Zumwalt Class Destroyers, which fired its own rounds--the  Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP)-- was deemed so expensive that the LRLAP rounds costs as much as One Million US Dollars EACH. (instead of expecting anyting cheaper than cruise missiles criticized of being about equally expensives), and evenmore modern technology, the Railguns. might put more weight on ICTs and less on gunnery skill. but tech might fails. and maybe railguns may suit the same ol gunnery skills better, who knows? </Text> </Row>

       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_TORPEDO_BELT_NAME" /><Text>Torpedo Belt</Text>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_TORPEDO_BELT_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>+10 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength when defending vs. naval raider attacks. +10 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength when in a formation.</Text>
           <Text>Whitehead Torpedoes had caused so much headaches to Battleship captains since the first successful uses in 1880s-1890s. Various countermeasures against torpedo attacks were devised, both active (Torpedo boat catchers, ancestors to Destroyers), and passives (if enemy torpedoes are launched before the launcher can be intercepted), the first passive torpedo defense was torpedo nets, which intended that torpedoes will explode prematurely when hitting the net. This set the first stage of cat and mouse game with the subsequent generations of torpedoes came with net cutter at its nose. The next solution, Anti-Torpedo Bulges, a water filled (and later other fillings added) compartments fitted on the waterline sponsons of the ships designed to absorb torpedo explosions. Anti torpedo bulged  began in the First World War, the bulge did however slow the ships down and not every ships are refitted with it, also the next generation torpedoes eventually outdid the bulges, soon the bulge evolved into torpedo belts, which worked well in second world war. The belt however became obsolete after that, with naval aviations proved to be very dangerous to any warships afloat, and the advances in electronics eventually produced guided missiles and torpedoes--the anti-ship missiles that flew close to water surface and can evade radars and on-board AA systems before hitting the hull, and deep-dive torpedoes which designed primarily to hit submarines. can also bypass the belt completely, detonating near the keel and can cause a target ship to 'break its back'. </Text>   </Row>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_INTEGRATED_WEAPONS_SYSTEMS_NAME" /><Text>Integrated Weapons System</Text>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_INTEGRATED_WEAPONS_SYSTEMS_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>+10 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength when defending vs. air attacks & ranged attacks. +10 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength when in a formation.</Text>
           <Text>Integrated Weapons Systems began with the developments of RADAR in mid 20th Century (Second World War), the earliest form was anti-aircraft guns hooked to electronic devices called predictors, which, as the namesake, predicts the flightpaths of passing enemy aircrafts to calculate the proximity fuse delays for AA guns, soon the computerized, radar linked AA Battery was first concieved in the USA in 1943, these began on land but quickly fitted onto warships as well, Since 50s automated AAs hooked to radar and computers became a norm, this was the first form of integrated weapons system, The advent of anti ship missiles pushed the Integrated Weapons System further, AA systems soon spun off its variants, the Close In Weapons Systems. In America came the AEGIS Integrated Weapons Systems, which eventually, instead of working on its own platforms, became networks of weapons systems that operates as a fleet, particularly with US Navy Carrier based operations not only escorted with AEGIS warships, but these ships too, needs radar planes boarded on carriers to work properly, to detect incoming threats before these could do real harm. with these threats identified, the entire defensive weapons systems on the fleet came to action. with this, aerial attacks that used missiles could be foiled. not only missiles destroyed before it did the job, but also enemy aircrafts that lauched it.</Text> </Row>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_BATTLE_CARRIER_NAME" /><Text>Battle Carrier</Text>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_BATTLE_CARRIER_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>+14 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength vs. naval raider units. +1 Aircraft slot</Text>
           <Text>Battle Carrier is a term refers to a warship that's a hybrid of Battleship and Aircraft Carrier--Features the same armor platings as any battleship, and a flight deck, hangar and other facilities seen in Aircraft Carrier. Long before humanity invented the first functional aircrafts, Battleships of different types and different eras ruled the sea with few opponents but equally matched warships can contests the almighty mights of these sea giants. And shortly after the first steam powered warships came to be also came the ancestors of aircraft carrier--Ball0on Tender (also called Balloon Carrier), where Austria introduced the first combat use of 'aircraft carrier' in 1849 in the Siege of Venice, where SMS Vulkan being the first. In 1861 during American Civilwar, Both Union and Confederacy also converted some numbers of river barges to have a flat deck, to serve as balloon carriers, however American balloons in this war served reconnaissance and artillery observations only. Values of observation balloons led to the dedicated formal designs of balloon tenders afterwards, around the same time came the first unconventional challenge against battleship supremacy, the Torpedo Boats. The uses of ballons in direct combat had proven unsuccessful however, as proven in Sige of Venice, balloons are susceptible to wind and thus instant changes of wind current had changed course of unmanned bomb balloons away from intended target, Thus this made balloon tenders a kind of reconnaissance unit. The First successful 'Heavier than Air' flights in 1903 had redefined 'aviation' with controllabilities granted by gas combustion engines, and with it, military potentials of flight. Within a span of decade, such potentials became reality, where Italians made the first use of bombers against Libyan enemies, and the first seaplanes came to be, also few years later, torpedoes that can be launched from aircraft had been devised. And this made aircrafts dangerous against warships, In First World War, a dedicated warship designed to be floating base for torpedo seaplanes were devised, and dubbed 'Seaplane Tender', this vessel didn't look anything close to aircraft carrier, these ships did however have catapults to launch these aircrafts. Torpedo bombers of that day did not have long operational range however, this is a challenge towards the serious developments of aircraft carrier, but did not prevent balloon tenders to have airplane launching catapults however. With early warplanes have about same operational range as battleship main gun ranges. Naval aviations didn't earn much attention. Eventually the first 'flat deck' aircraft carriers were created afterwards, most of these are converted from different ships with the same hull leight as the dreadnoughts, with towering bridges and guns were rebult sidewards (Usually on Starboard side) to make rooms for full lenght runway. With Washington Naval Treaty came into effect in 1920s, Battlecruisers--which by then considered obsolete, became favorite materials to convert into aircraft carriers. There also dedicately built aircraft carriers around the same time, the first dedicately designed aircraft carriers were built in Japan-- IJN Hosho (Flying Phoenix). </Text>    </Row>
           <Text>Also during the Interbellum, aircrafts evolved quickly as it beame swifter, faster, more agile, more durable, and can operate further. The overall increases in aircraft performances as reported in 1930s had made naval aviations a serious business like never before. Superpowers of the 1930s began serious investments on  naval airpower to add more offensive capability to the classic battlefleets, with superdreadnought battleships being developed as well to 'hedge the bets'(as naval aviations based on streamlined aircraft designs of the time are yet to be proven its mettle against anti aircraft assets fitted on warships of the contemporary standards), naval airpowers require floating bases to project its offensive capabilities from, yes the Aircraft Carriers, By that time these early carriers were converted battlecruisers, some carriers (particularly USS Lexington) did retain the same main guns of the previous encarnate, also some new carriers did come with sponson mouned 'multi purpose cannons' (large bore cannons capable of shooting AA rounds as well as littoral combat, with calibre around 10 centemeters or slightly larger, basically around the same dimensions as land-based heavy AA cannons) 'just in case'. these cannons were nowhere matched the battleships main guns and thus carriers still needed some escorts, with battleships being built or assigned for that purposes (And so smaller ships like cruisers and destroyers joined the escorts too), in this era the concepts of battleship-aircraft carrier hybrid emerged as well. First Sovlets did propose the designs of Battlecarrier, the "Moskva class" in 1937, and submitted to foreign contractors, this due to the soviet 'lack of' industrial capabilities of the time in their bid to restore navy whcih were ruined by Russian Revolution Wars two decades ago. Soviets decision to use battlecarriers are due to the needs to have 'all rounder' capitol ships since they invested much on army developments to defend their immense landmassed, the endeavour that diverted resources away from navy restorations. Sadly the ship had never been built. The existence of Battlecarrier design might be appealing to smaller countries not capable to maintain BOTH battleship and naval aviation, yet admiring these ships. Theoretically combining ones could solve the two problems. Also around this time, battleships were equipped with seaplane launching and recovery facilities, these planes function primarily as spotters and secondary as flying torpedo boats (just enough torpedo to carry to stay aloft because seaplanes are heavy), such facilities are located to the aft, this doesn't make these battleships a hybrid 'battle carrier', but fitting flight deck and hangars at the aft of exsting battleships will instantly make a battlecarrier. Historically only Imperial Japanese Navy tried this endeavour, and out of neccessary because they lost most of their carrier fleet at Midway in 1943. so two archaic dreadnough-era battleships, the Ise and Hyuga, both belongs to the same class, were rebuilt wth aft main guns removed, flight deck and hangar fitted. and three dive bombers assigned to each. Since these were desperate measures, it didn't work out as hoped, runways were too short and aircraft recovery systems didn't work well. also firepower and protections were diminished. eventually the two Ise Battlecarriers were sunk. </Text>    </Row>
           <Text>Following the end of Second World War. Battleships were declared obsolete after giants were proven an easy prey against naval aviations. which were difficult to counter by on board AAs. thick armored hulls are nothing with dive bombers simply bypassed. cheap aircrafts had proven superior to the top dollar heavily armored sea giants with these guns were outranged by aircraft opertional range. But 'obsolete' doesn't mean 'unusable'. particularly with US Navy invested computer technologies in these top dollar warships. partiularly the Rangekeepers which allowed main guns to fire further, and similar computers hooked with on-board AA weapons system. simply scrapping them wouldn't do. Any possible upgrades to keep these antique giants on par with contemporary warfares are considered. first Regulus nuclear cruise missiles launchers to be fitted on Iowa class battleships, the other proposals were to repeat the same thing IJN did to their two Ise class dreadnoughts. The Battle Carrier. The US Navy came close to operate this hybrid warship, but ultimately US Navy rejected the idea. The Four Iowas however did indeed reborn as Cruise Missile Battleship after Soviet Union launched Kirov Class superheavy missile battlecruiser (which indeed, have the size of superdreadnough battleships, but lack of hull thick armor plating. In practice with hull armors instead of armored engine rooms, the Kirov Class might as well become post WW2 true battleships) in the late 70s. The immense conversion cost, adding to maintenance costs compared to Ticonderogas and other hitech destroyers (which also fitted with cruise missiles) however eventually compelled US Navy to retire all of these in 1992. eventually these became museums. While concepts of hybrid warships were rejected by wealthy industrial empires that capable of maintainig large fleets comprised of warships built for dedicate roles, it appealed to the aspiring contenders, and Soviets took this idea seriously. with Kiev class Aircraft Carrier (official designation was 'Aviation Cruiser'), an aircraft carrier with serious offensive missile capability (something US Navy supercarriers opted not to fit any cruise missile launchers onto its hull). It didn't see any combat action to prove how practical (or lack of) this hybrid 'battle carrier' design could be in the age of guided missiles. With Soviet (And eventually Russia) eventually got their hands on true supercarriers later on, Kiev class 'battle carrier' eventually decommissioned and sold by successor states of the Soviet Union. while Chinese private businessesmen bought two for their amusement parks, India bought the last and overhauled it into dedicated aircraft carrier, i.e. remove missile hardpoints to add more rooms for war planes. While Battle Carriers are deemed impractical in real life, the concept did work out well in science fictions, particularly two animes produced by Yoshinobu Nishizaki's Office Academy studio in 70s did feature the concepts of battle carriers (or battleships that capable of launching jet fighters) prominently; Space Battleship Yamato (1974) , and Space Carrier Blue Noah (1979). The former features a space 'battle ship' of super dreadnough design built out of the wreck of IJN Yamato, equipped with fictional positron main guns and a strategic 'trump card' focus energy weapon-- the Wave Motion Gun, powered by the FTL engine of the same technology gifted by an extraterrestrial benefactor, with some missile launchers, and a number of space fighters launched both from aft dorsal access point, and launch catapults on the aft top, assigned with the missions to retrieve earth-restoration device from a planet in Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy and return to earth within a deadline of ONE YEAR, while fighting the alien invaders of different race along the way.. The Latter features similarly hitech Aircraft Carrier with battleship gun turrets fitted with similar artillery system, tasked with earth defense against extra terrestrial invaders. Even in the days that concepts of battleships (or armored warships) are deemed obsolete in the faces of hypersonic missiles, the advent of railguns and laser weapons might (And in case of British Royal Navy, intended to) reintroduce battleships, as in 2015 British Ministry of Defence hosted a challenge for young engineers and designers aimed to develop a truly hitech 'railgun battleship' the project is dubbed 'Dreadnought 2050', and the term 'battleship' used here came with original definitions of heavily armored combat warships with high survivalibility. With this the scifi concept of Battle Carrier might return as well.  </Text>    </Row>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_FLAGSHIP_NAME" /><Text>Capitol Ship</Text>
       <Row Tag="LOC_PROMOTION_FLAGSHIP_DESCRIPTION" /><Text>+14 [ICON_Strength] Combat Strength when in a formation. +1 additional attack per turn if [ICON_Movement] Movement allows.</Text>
           <Text>Capitol Ship, or Command ship, refers to a warship that is a floating command center of squadron, flottila, fleet, armada, or even entire navy. where its commander has a rank superior to ship captain since he is 'Captain of ship captains' of the same organization. Capitol Ship commander may even have a rank of Admiral, (And can even have an elite background, see 'Senior Captain' promotions entry for more details), alternate names of the capitol ship is 'Flagship' and it came from the use of signal flag back in the days before electric-based telecommunications came to use. Flagship is required to be 'strongest, biggest, most powerful' ship of the given organization, and to represent the country it belongs to, the capitol ships are preferably to have Imperial or National emblem made of cast metal fitted on its prowl or at the bridge facade. Preferrable types of warships to be christened as flagships are Ships of the Line, Ironclads, Battleships (including heavy coastal defense ships, which sometimes referred to as a kind of battleship but with the size of light cruisers or modern destroyers, or even as big as older Pre-Dreadnoughts) if applicable, because these warships are tought and powerful, and the flagships are usually built bigger. and better. Otherwise the 'best ships available' is chosen, either big cruisers, or even tiny torpedo destroyers may become flagships particularly in case of upstart navy or ones belonged to poor countries, this because torpedoes it launched can sink bigger battleships within few hits. The advent of long range streamlined aircrafts in 1930s spurred aircraft carrier arms race amongs industrial superpowers of that time. These are no small warships and purposes to be floating airbases means that aircraft carriers can become flagships as well (And better be! since flagships are usually placed at the center of the fleet formation, also CV commodores can command aircrafts of the other carriers in the same fleet as well.). Japan did this first in Pearl Harbor attack. And almost immediately after the USA joined the war, the US Navy did made aircraft carrier as flagships of the fleet as well. With the tremedeous success of naval aviation in the Second World War (Particularly in Pacific Theatre), Aircraft Carrier became preferred capitol ship choices, but it doesn't mean other warships couldn't be capitol ships either, with Missile Cruisers were still considered capable of such role...</Text> </Row>

BB Promotions.jpg

2. If Coastal Defense Ship (The likes of Sukothai and Thonburi class) / Monitors / Pocket Battleships / Scandinavian Panzerschiffe (Like Sverigs), excluding the relegated Pre Dreadnoughts (Schleswig Holstein which the Armistice treaties signed after the first world war compelled German Navy to keep this outdated BB running even in the Second World War.), which of the two classes (N-ranged and BB) should this cheap alternative belongs to?
3. And if Amphibious Infantry (AKA, Marines) class is to exists
3.1 What should the unit combat options be?
A. Melee
B. Ranged
C. Ranged melee (similar to Persian Immortals)
D: Melee with Ranged attack promotions (similar to naval raiders)
3.2 What should this class promotions be?
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