NDNESVI(Reboot): Myths, Legends, and Gods

Alrighty, my apologies for the issue with the maps. They should be functioning properly now! The front page has been updated with rules for Stage II, but we will have some special rules for this in-between update.

First off, for those of you intending to keep playing as your respective gods OR any newcomers reading this and intending on playing as a god, your guidelines are simple: Simply give me broad goals and actions that you wish to enact during a span of about 300-500 years (hurray for arbitrary amounts of time). Applicants and current players may post these plans and goals in thread, or send them to me via private messaging.

Everyone else (and even God players) will be encouraged to post about cultures that they want to see develop in Creation and the planes connected to it. Feel free to get as detailed as you want; values, location names, and religions are just a few important aspects that you could include. Creation is a massive place, and huge chunks of the world have had very little time in the spotlight, giving you all a large degree of creative freedom. Collaborating with fellow players in encouraged, and it is advised that you read up at least a little bit on the various races of Creation to get a feel for what type of societies might form. And once those societies form, we will get states, groups, and individuals for players to take control of, bringing us into Stage II fully.

Anyway... that's it! I look forward to what you all have in store.
so like "create the concept of memes?"
As per ND's request, I'll be clarifying what has happened with the shape of the world. All with eyes can recognize that the world is now the inside of a sphere. The curvature of the world appears to go upwards, rather than downwards, from the perspective of someone on the surface.

There may be further things worthy of notice, but they'll require looking. I'll answer any questions IC, and hopefully put out a story.
Wouldn't the celestial bodies always be visible then?
So I turned the world into a ball and you made it go outside in?

Wouldn't the celestial bodies always be visible then?
No, because distances get longer and longer the closer you get to the center of the celestial sphere. Eventually the sheer distance of objects further away in the sky leads to their occlusion. Thus, when the sun is on the opposite side of the center from you, it will appear to be night. However, this does cause some strange phenomena, like the end of sunrises (now the sun starts off small in the early morning, grows large during the middle of the day, and shrinks away in the evening).
I feel like I need a diagram.
Also, wouldn't they be sunfalls, since the horizon is now "up"?
Properly speaking, there is no horizon now. The angle of the sun's apparent approach depends on where you are in the world.

I feel like I need a diagram.
I'll make one when I get back from TI6. The basic gist is that an infinite heaven exists, greatly compressed, in the center. The physical world is a ring around that. Outside of that is a region of rock that grows hotter and denser the further out you go. Hidden out there are some of the secret realms. There are also pocket dimensions (areas folded out of small sections of the main physical world) and domains of pure magic, which are almost entirely non-physical.
why did you turn us into a dyson sphere
That is not the sort of question that is easily answered without a great deal of research and adventure.
Deadline for Stage II Cultures and God Orders/Guidelines set for August 26th. Don't you all go rushing in at once to get this stuff done :p

If there are comments, questions, or concerns, please let me know!
Xanthar the mender/Amesjay
Annual Actions: Healing everyone he comes across that is in need as well as mending the land/plants/animals along his way (where possible)


It all started with a sound. An indecipherable miniscule sound. So different from the emptiness around him. He began paying attention to the tiny sound that he could hear but he soon noticed the sound was getting louder. Loud enough that it was a continuous buzz, but it didn’t stop there. The sound kept getting louder and louder until he was finally able to discern what it was. But as the realisation dawned upon him he was overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. The sound was not a single sound; it was the sound of a multitude of cries calling out for help. Wailing about their pain, their loss, their suffering. He had to do something, anything, no matter the cost. He began walking towards the sound, emotion welling up within him, driving him forward. Through the nothingness he travelled for what seemed an eternity all the while the cries and screams grew louder and louder until finally the nothingness gave way to the world and he gazed upon the people whose cries he had heard.

They were a terrible mess. Men, women, and children, some wounded and many others dead. He didn’t know what to do but he acted on instinct. He healed the wounded and comforted those in pain. He desperately tried anything to ease their pain. All the while he listened, hearing them speak of a being called Nital, the one who had caused them such unbelievable suffering. He vowed to seek out this Nital but for now there was work to be done. An untold amount of time passed as he worked and he worked, until at last there was but one person left for him to help. She was the softest of cries so he had left her till last and when he came over to help he saw that she had tiny scratch upon her hand. So he used the last of his energy to seal it back up, restoring and mending what had been broken and at last his work here was finished. He turned to leave to head towards the other distant cries when to his astonishment she said something. But this was different, she seemed to be speaking to him.

“Thank you.” she said. And with that short phrase a wave rolled over him. In that moment he felt such joy and happiness that for that brief moment even the sound of a thousand cries was blocked out and he was content.

“What is your name?” she asked. A name? All this time he had but one purpose and with this one question he had to stop and think. What is my name? I’m not sure.

“I don’t think I have a name.” he replied, the words emanating outwards echoing across this camp.

“Well you’re a really nice person so I shall give you a really nice name.” The girl seemed to be thinking extremely hard but for him time practically stood still. The anticipation building within him until finally, “I shall call you Xanthar.” Once the girl spoke those words, something changed. There was a glow in the air as a form began appearing. Those that he had previously helped turned and gazed up in awe. Some fell to their knees while others stood dumbstruck. Xanthar himself was confused as well but he only had a moment to process that thought before he was filled with energy and happiness many times greater than what he had felt a moment ago. Their collective gratitude replenishing him, giving him strength and the resolve to help others in need. But it only lasted a brief moment before the cries once again filled his head and with that, Xanthar was gone. Travelling towards the next group of cries that he could hear, but he had made a vow to himself, that no matter the cost he would help them all.

Hope all that is okay. Tell me if anything needs to be changed etc. or if you want more detail for my broad actions or something.
Totally spaced on replying to you Amesjay, sorry! Everything looks good! Xanthar is all set for Update 6! Of course, if you wanted to add anything else, feel free :)
Name/Player Name: Carasch, the Horned King/Shadowbound
Age: 38
Possessions: The Crystal Heart
Followers: The Wild Hunt

Listen well, man and lar, for I speak of he who comes
twice dead and thrice born, crowned in antler and bone
and reigning over the storm

A shaman, a druid, who drank too deep of the warp and weft
and left behind his mortality, born once more into a child's form yet
not human, not alari, less than a god but not quite different

He will be the first among the kings in the south and call to him
the great heroes and captains of our kind
to turn back the blight and the cold and the dark and the burning light

Listen well! All that was shall be undone and all that would be
shall be changed by his hand. He is lord of the Hunt, the Red Rider,
the Horned King

and before his second death he will claim the head of a god

OOC: I wish to join as a demigod in the jungle. I think Oruc should contact me?
Welcome aboard Shadowbound! My only question is what tier you're playing; you said a king (which would imply a state) while the application looks like an individual. Either way, we can work out the details in due time :)

And contacting other players is always helpful. If you're on the western continent, Dread would definitely be a good person to contact.
Welcome aboard Shadowbound! My only question is what tier you're playing; you said a king (which would imply a state) while the application looks like an individual. Either way, we can work out the details in due time :)

The King is a title, but I'd like to dive in as an Alari demigod.
“Let Our hearts to beat as one.”
Great Lighthouses, their walls tall and their beacons bright. Great Fortresses, their walls thick and their refuge deep. Great People, their will strong and their faith stronger. Great Dread, the dreams, the dregs, the death.

Location: Coast north of Choral Quorum and Onoqui
Economy: Fishing, farming, trading with Typhans, and Survival
Religion: Strong focus on Harika, as well as the personal justice of Fuku to maintain loyalty within the Bastion.

Description: The Varakash Bastions are the human communities that have survived many decades of battling the outskirts Xanthar’s Dreg Horde. Their civilization centers on great towers, at once light houses, fortresses, cities, and refuges. Around each tower are docks, markets, farmland. Within each towers are deep granaries, armories, and a great drum known as the “Thunderers.” Each drum is unique in construction, history, and sound, and are rarely mistaken for mere thunder.

When Dregs are spotted in force, the local Thunderer sounds, its rumbling traveling through the earth itself through vast distances, and through the sea to warn their Typhan allies. At the call, each Bastion's dependents drop whatever they are doing to flee to safety, while groups of warriors organize to scout the strength of the threat, manage the withdrawal, or arm themselves with the weapons stored within the Bastions.

Meanwhile, special message bowls at neighboring towers would receive the message from the unique vibrations, and they too will prepare. But not only to hide, but also an army to counter attack, and lift the siege on their fellow Varakash. Hopefully, allied Typhan kingdoms would assist as well, raising the tides to fill deep cut motes, and battering and stalling the attacking dregs with storms until reinforcements can arrive.

Although many Bastions have fallen, may more have survived and their walls grow ever higher during times of peace, their people ever watchful for the next undead abomination to wander over the horizon.

(Also attacked by Rulan Spiders and Onoqi ofc, because f*ck them)

Names: Not Yet


Status: Currently Wandering the Northwestern Coast of the Central Continent
Current Members: Trash and debris from everywhere
Current Treasury: More than I need, but Less than I wish.

Unguided “Mages" of Vash. Unlucky “Blessed" of Rios. Yinshung untamed. Ne’er do wells and half-breeds of every stripe. From any society there are outcasts, and The Forsaken Company collects them all, protects them, and forges them to be of some use to the civilizations that despised them.

Alone, they would barely survive. If not death from physical means, then death of the spirit, of loneliness, of persecution, and of desperation. But together, they can stand strong against monsters of the wilderness and of the cities alike, earning gold to survive, and surviving to earn gold.

Their ultimate goal of course… to find a new home. Perhaps one day, the young Vashic mage finally finds a master worth. The Yinshung a monastery. The Rios-blessed a cause. But until then, their chips are in the collective pot, and once the local quests are all cleared out, off they wander to the next region, ready for more.
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