Nearby great works & loyalty


Oct 21, 2016
Is this new? It is pretty much impossible for me to capture cities now. The opponent is flipping the city in 2 turns due to various things. I have the +4 governor near, and the policies for +2 governor, +2 garrison, and even the +3 for other continent. Is there anything else I can do to keep a city?
That's Eleanor's special ability. You can grow your cities, take her cities, or steal her great works. Unfortunately, that last option isn't possible in the current version of the game because of a bug. Try one or both of the first two.

Well, and put a governor in the city. That's +8 by itself. And build or buy a monument for another +1.
Thanks. It was against Eleanor, which made it even worse because she instantly gets the city back when it flips. I did have a governor there. I guess I am stuck just raising just about everything. I have way too many grievances against her to get it neutral.
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