Nebuchadnezzar II: Fantasy Villain

I prefer to think of the Aztecs as just sacrificing for the sake of doing it.

"Hey, Bob, we captured some enemy warriors last raid."
"So we're going to kill them, right?"
"Well DUH, but who should we kill them for?"
"Well, what god controls something we've had issues with lately?"
"Why does it always got to be a god, Bob?"
"Okay... let's sacrifice them too *clicks teeth* the river!?"
"Dude, come on, what's the river going to do differently if we offer it sacrifices?"
"Good point.. hmm."
"Dude, I got it. Isn't there that new priestess you totally want to score with?"
"Oh yeah, her... what about her?"
"We'll sacrifice the people TO HER. That's gotta score some points!"

*A bunch of half naked high fives abound*

I prefer my version of Aztec history.
BTW, I checked, he is actually speaking Akkadian. It's probably why his phrases are so short, though. He also has some difficulty in emoting, he seems angry all the time (although maybe he is, I'm angry too when I run out of beer).
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