Need a little help here.


Dec 29, 2007
New Orleans
I have been working on my modmod (starting with AOD2). One of the things I want to do is make it so that expert planters can "plant" their resources on a suitable tile. Got this from another thread somewhere, and it made sense to me.

I have done this, starting with corn, adding a corn improvement and making that something the expert farmer can build. I have all that worked out. The problem is with the graphic.

I have set this up just by copying the farm improvement and renaming it to corn, leaving all the text keys and the art key the same as farm. When I then add this into a square, I don't get the same graphic as the farm improvement. I get a much bigger barn without the house and fields. Same thing happens if I use a copied corn graphic or just point to the bonus corn art. I get something like corn but not the same as if I put a corn bonus on a tile. The corn bonus covers the whole tile like weeds, but when used like I am you get only a few stalks.

For the life of me, I cannot think why the farm art does not work the same when used for something other than farm. Anyone know the answer to that one?
Did you check for any mesh configuration in Civ4BonusInfos.xml? I haven't myself, but usually you configure the graphic via mesh details in the xml file.
I don't see any mesh infos in BonusInfos unless they are hidden with obscure tags. Nothing that looks like any mesh config. a
And that certainly would not apply to the farm improvement art; there is certainly no mesh info there.

Could mesh info be tucked away somewhere else? Maybe in python or SDK?
Not usually. Take a SS of both and it might twig my memory of something from the last 4 years. :)
Not sure what you mean by SS. Should I send some samples of the xml mods and screen graphics resulting?

What I still don't get, if I just copy the farm improvement and rename it, and add/rename all the other xml objects necessary, but still point the art_def to the farm, how it could be displayed any differently.
SS == screenshot. :)

Hit PRTSC on the keyboard, paste it into paint and save as a jpg.
Yeah. Well, it was pretty late here when I read your post.

I made some screen shots which are attached. Number 1 shows the result of copy/paste farm improvement and rename improvement_farm to improvement_corn, with no other changes. In all SS the original improvement farm is on the left, the results of placing the new improvement corn.

So, #1 is ic with col farm graphic; #2 is ic with medieval farm graphic from Civ4; #3 is ic with col corn graphic copied to art improvements folder; #4 is ic with corn from Civ4.


  • SS1.jpg
    178.8 KB · Views: 145
  • SS2.jpg
    189.7 KB · Views: 72
  • SS3.jpg
    185.2 KB · Views: 60
  • SS4.jpg
    178 KB · Views: 100
I've worked it out. :)

It had to do with Civ4PlotLSystem.xml in XML\Buildings folder. I've attached one that works (when the bonus is called BONUS_CORN2) but you can change it to whatever.

Just search through the file for my sections (search on "Dale:"). There's three sections you need to add for the bonus for it to show as big as the original corn. :)

A pic showing both BONUS_CORN & BONUS_CORN2 next to each other with this file.
Ahh, good on yer mate. I knew I could count on you.

Won't look at it until tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll figger it out.

BTW: I could explain it out like this: vegemite is like Aussie peanut butter.

vegemite >> peanut butter (especially after Kraft was bought out by USA) ;)
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