Need some help with statistics


Dec 29, 2003
Nijmegen - Netherlands
I need some helps with this research project.

The problem is, I need to see if there is a significant correlation between two variables. The two variables are "party voted" and "left-right rating of the respondent on a scale of 0 to 10"

Now I figure that the first variable is the dependent variable on a nominal scale. The second is the independent variable on a ordinal scale.

What correlation coefficient should I use to determine if there is a significant correlation between those two variables? I read that the pearson and spearman correlation efficients are not appropiate when determining a correlation with a nominal variable in it. What should I use then? Chi square, but that doesn't give me an appropiate answer, so that doesn't really help either.

Can someone help me with this? :confused:
Sounds like a 2 sample t would be appropriate to me. Separate by which party they voted for and see if the difference in mean left/right score per party is statistically significant.
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