Need some ideas on (NEW) UN

There were some good posts about the UN in a different thread that I cannot remember for the life of me. Here are some random ideas:
  • Economic Sanctions
  • Peace Keeping Missions
  • UNICEF (I don't really know what they do, but it is important)
The biggest thing is so that Civs do NOT have to follow the UN Resolutions, however, if they don't there needs to be some kind of repercussion. Possibly a lowering of relations with all countries that are part of the UN? There are a lot more ideas, most better than mine, hopefully you'll get some good responses here.
Membership to the UN. Only countries inside the UN can stand for election, and only countries inside the UN have to follow the resolutions. Countries outside the UN have their vote cut in half. All countries inside the UN get +3 with each other and -3 with countries out side the UN. Countries outside the UN get +1 with each other and -3 with countries inside the UN.


That is an excellent idea!!
Thank pap1723. However I need some details to work on it.

--Economic Sanctions (how, what should they do in game?)
--Peace Keeping Missions (would be difficult to an inuitive design of. I think the amount of work put into would be wasted, compare to what we get.)
--UNICEF (I know what they do, but really cant understand why this is so important?)

Following UN Resolutions would be my 1.priority. It should not be so difficult, however the detail should be worker about (I mean WHAT excately should it do, and why, design, people now is the time to be an software designer :D))
Okay thanks.. Nice new idea. It should be possible to stand outside of the UN.

Hmmm, gives new opportunities...
However I still doesnt believe in force in UN terms, if you still are a member, you could still choose NOT to follow the resolution (real world: USA, CHINA, IRAQ, IRAN, ISREAL, MUSLIM WORLD etc.) (NO discussion about who follows what please, it was just an example)
Economic Sanctions could simply mean no trade with that AI Civ. That's pretty much what they are:)
Some Ideas:

1)The ability to leave the UN
2)UN members can build UN units (both infantry, mech infantry or armor). If a UN member is at war (but not the whole UN), the country not at war could send their UN troops to help without entering the conflict.
2)a. Instead of designated UN units, the UN member would be able to convert their units to belong to the UN (like a promotion, but with a monetary cost) and back. Note that this would not mean they lose control of these units, they just now have the ability to fight in a war with other UN players.

Thanks for looking into this!
^^2. on his could be the peacekeeping mission
Lord Olleus said:
What happens to cities captured by UN troops?
I think that they should belong to the player who built the UN BUT he can not use them to build anything, and he gets no revenue from them and no maintenance cost. If the civ that was declared war on dies, then that civ gets all of cities back, but it becomes a vassal of the player who was the UN for 20 turns, before becoming a normal civ again. If the war ends and the civ is not destroyed, then, whatever happens in the peace negotiations, it gets all of its cities back.

Maybe realistic, but too difficult!

I would like to have more and better UN actions. Some ideas:

-"Founding the WHO" gives +2 health in cities with hospitals.
-Allowing to build UN Inspecteurs. They have all the spy abilities except sabotage
And what about the Un Security Council? They're the most important body inside the organization. They can decide exclusively about any sanctions and peacekeeping missions so it may be a good idea to create something of an "inner UN" that would consist of, for example, the countries that have nuclear weapons or those who have the biggest amount of points. Each one of those should also be able to veto any resolution it doesn't like.
The Security council is just a stage for world politics. The decisions and agreements are made somewhere else. The represantants of the member countries are just following the decisons of their governments.
UN troops= have them only defend, they cannot actively be involved in wars, but have them keep a civ safe.

Add resolutions for all civics
Unicef= UN countries pay x-money and gives health and happiness to other civs.
Embargos stop trade. Add WMD's that are very destructive, but can be uncovered by inspectors.
UN members cannot war upon other members.
If the city with the UN is captured by an outsider, the outsider is warred upon by the UN members.

Just some ideas.
As for UN "resolutions" they are routinely ignored so following them should be an option (everything should be optional for the player when it comes to the UN, including paying your dues!). Civs that voted for a resolution will get better relations with other Civs that abide by the resolution, ones that dont get the opposite. Conversly if a Civ votes against a resolution they get better relations with Civs that defy the UN and lower relations with thouse that abide by the resolution. This is ontop of and independent of an obvious bost for voteing in a similar mannor (for votes are happy with other for votes, nays happy with nay votes).

So you could have for example Civ A votes YEA on a resolution and then chooses to obey the resolution (for now), Civ B votes YEA (+1 relations with A) but then the hypocrites defy the resolution (-2 relations with A).
Impaler, I agree taht is probably the best way to represent the resolutions. There are times in the game now when Environmentalism is a Global Civic and despite my best efforts, I am forced to adopt it, which in turn can ruin part of my economy or military.
I went to the real United Nations and went on a tour their. They said that each nation gets 1 vote, no matter what their population, economy, or land size is. They also said that the countries dont need to do what the U.N. votes on but if they don't and it is something serious they will get voted out of the U.N. That is why countries in the U.N. do what is voted on. A new way to call votes to vote people out of the U.N. could be added, but with concequences on the side like getting -2 with all nations if the vote doesnt pass.

Also, a new wonder could be inter-pol, or international police (which is real). It could give +30% commerce in all of the player that built it's cities and +10% commerce in the rest of the world's cities becuase it would help stop corruption.
Also, I like the idea of peace keeping units that could be built, but they shouldn't be able to attack and can only defend in cities, and only in cities owned by a civ in the U.N.

Also, their could be another kind of peacekeeping unit that could help stop unhappiness. The unit wouldnt have any attack or defense, but would be able to to -1 or -2 happiness in a city.

A way to make civs make peacekeeping units is to have all civs in the U.N. have +2 or +3 relationship on them if they are created and used.
What I do know is this:

If it's possible to ignore the UN, if it's possible to stand outside the UN, the UN might as well not exist.

(Am I talking about Civ or am I talking about real life, here?)

Whatever you decide for Civ 4, the core of it has to result in fun choices for the player(s).
dh_epic must agree that forcing civics is not very realistic and either is it very fun to be forced to certain civics. It will only increase the value of the game if it is possible to actually wreak havoc in the international community.
Its very simple NikG, being in the UN gives you voting rights BUT requires you to abide by its resolutions (btw Security Council resolutions, which I believe Civ4 represents, are enforcable once put in place). UN membership should also give you both a trade and diplomacy bonus-along with financial aide if neccessary-with other UN members, something which is lost if you either leave or are forced out (the latter of which should be an option). In addition, UN membership could count as a 'Defensive Pact' with other UN members so, if you get attacked by another nation, the other UN members will come to your aid (alternatively if you are attacked, python could be called to look for UN membership and-if returned true-1 to 2 high strength defensive units would automatically appear in your cities). However, if you are outside of the UN, you are no longer required to abide by its dictates-but you lose all benefits.
This would, IMO, meet both DH_Epics requirement for the UN to MEAN SOMETHING whilst-at the same time-making it fun for players.

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