Need Trainers that work for Civ 3: Complete


The Suggestor
Mar 9, 2006
Louisville, Kentucky
I see a lot of mods that are not compatible with Civilization 3: Complete, and I really need these trainers cause I am getting pissed off cause I cannot get a resource cause one of the AI took it, and I cannot get these wonders to become completed by one turn. I am using the MegaTrainer XL, but it's not good enough, It don't supply me with the resources I need, and It don't give the the always hurry production. I search from many, and they don't say if it's compatible for Civilization 3: Complete. Only conquest, Play the World, and Original.

We need trainers to be updated for Civilization 3: Complete, so I can no longer rant and complain that these trainer prove useless to Complete.
First of all, wrong forum. ALL QUESTIONS BELONG TO THE MAIN FORUM! ;)

Second, EVERYTHING that works for Conquests works for Complete too. :lol: Complete = Vanilla + PTW + Conquests
Hey, it of course only works if they are compatible with Conquests 1.22. Complete is Vanilla 1.29f + PTW 1.14f + Conquests 1.22. So yeah, if it works only for 1.20 it won't work.
Dude heres what you need to do with civ3 complete.Goto your civ3 folder and open the ptw THAT folder is an icon for 2 .exe' is the ptw launcher and one is the ptw editor.If you click the ptw launcher ptw starts with a different screen than you are used to any scenario that is ptw from there...once the game is running use the powerbar and select the ptw setting on have cheats.If you goto the conquests foilder to theres 2 more launcher/editor combo's there too for that version but i havent been able to get the powerbar to work on that one.
Dude heres what you need to do with civ3 complete.Goto your civ3 folder and open the ptw THAT folder is an icon for 2 .exe' is the ptw launcher and one is the ptw editor.If you click the ptw launcher ptw starts with a different screen than you are used to any scenario that is ptw from there...once the game is running use the powerbar and select the ptw setting on have cheats.If you goto the conquests foilder to theres 2 more launcher/editor combo's there too for that version but i havent been able to get the powerbar to work on that one.

This doesn't work for the Steam version of C3C because they remove the PTW exe.

The only solution I've found that works is to replace your "Complete" exe named Civ3Conquests located in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete\Conquests with a cracked C3C 1.22 exe, then you start the game and powerbar works. A other trainers should work too but powerbar is the most powerful. You could also replace the one in the Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete folder and not jump into the Conquest folder, either works. And it's basically backed up already because of that fact.

Hopefully they don't delete my post. Not exactly promoting anything illegal just a way to get around a limitation of what we've already paid for on Steam.
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