NES Diplomacy Game, again?


AKA Panda Judo Eel
Dec 12, 2003
Every 6 months or so, someone brings up the idea of having a game of Diplomacy with NESers. It's time to do that again.

Like me, I suspect many NESers are fascinated by Diplomacy; it's the ultimate strategy game, the best possible proving ground of strategic skill. However, no one's managed to get a game going with NESers, despite lots of interest, because people usually want to play a quick, one-day game.

So I'll try the opposite route. We'll be doing a standard game to start off with. Moves will be 2 days apart, though we can cut that down to 1 if people have time. I'll be using jDip to generate maps, and I highly recommend you download it if you're interested in playing.

If you're interested, please post your interest here, and PM me a list of country preferences from 1 to 7. When I get 7 players, I'll assign countries and we can start!
sounds interesting... i'll work on getting Jdip then
I'm considering it just for the "pure fun" of strategy. If I wont play I will lurk.
I'm right into my Dip kick now; I love the game. (Especially since PBEM and PBPM games don't take a lot of time.) Count me in!

...and I'm actually in a game at lunchtime right now, and we use jDip for adjudication. ;)

EDIT: In relation to the choosing nations: I think that, since this is the only real random element in the game, it should be preserved as purely random. Draw numbers out of a hat or something, but keep it strictly random. The person who gets Italy probably wouldn't want to play as that country, and it wouldn't be on anyone's list, but someone has to do it.
Dachspmg said:
I'm right into my Dip kick now; I love the game. (Especially since PBEM and PBPM games don't take a lot of time.) Count me in!

...and I'm actually in a game at lunchtime right now, and we use jDip for adjudication. ;)

EDIT: In relation to the choosing nations: I think that, since this is the only real random element in the game, it should be preserved as purely random. Draw numbers out of a hat or something, but keep it strictly random. The person who gets Italy probably wouldn't want to play as that country, and it wouldn't be on anyone's list, but someone has to do it.
I'll consider making it random if the others agree.

Everyone, join!
I am...interested. I've never played, though, except for reading all the junk on Wikipedia. It looks fairly interesting.

I support making it random.
So I have Dreadnought, Luckymoose, LightFang, Dachsmpg, and Captain2. Just need 2 more people to start.

If more people are interested, I can start another game. It requires very little work on my part.

EDIT: Oh, and I have 3 sets of country preferences, so the rest of you (LuckyMoose and LightFang) should send them if you care at all what you are.
okay, how does this work? i think i downloaded it but nothing really happened
Jal will you post the map after every turn? With both moves and final version? And this is NOT gunboat right?

Also, I think every two days is good, which means the game will only be like a month at most.
Dreadnought said:
Jal will you post the map after every turn? With both moves and final version? And this is NOT gunboat right?

Also, I think every two days is good, which means the game will only be like a month at most.
Yes, I will. I'll also post the jDip file. It's not gunboat--do all the secret diplo you want. :)

@Captain2: you need to run the installation. Then run jDip.jar. You can create a new game and mess around with possible moves, though it probably isn't useful until you know your country.

Speaking of which, I still need country preferences (Mjm?) and more people to join. If you're one of the first seven to send country preferences, you're in.
I will watch how the first game works and join in the second game if there is one.

I always wanted the game but the problem is getting six people to sit down for several hours to play in my family :)
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