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NESing Tools Database


Rambling and inconsistent
Mar 3, 2007
A Silver Mt. Zion
+NESing Tools Database+​

What is this?

For reference, for the sake of good, for interest in NESing, for development of NESing, for general enjoyment - also for mods, this thread is created for the purpose of finding free tools which you may or may not be able to use when NESing. Tools could be everything from writing programs which you use for draft stories, orders and updates, vary in random number generators and random map makers. Please enjoy!

How do I get a tool onto the list that I want to share?

If you know about a practical tool that is great to use when NESing, post in this thread. Please check the list before posting, it isn't appreciated to spam the thread if the tool is already on the tool list :)

Please note that I will only want freeware to be posted in this thread - NESing shouldn't cost money. That means that even though Fruity Loops is a great music program for writing theme songs (For the few of us who do), it costs money and might not be available for everyone. Free programs are just generally harder to find in good quality, and that's what this thread is for.

The list of tools

Office studios
Office studios are great for many things: Working on updates, orders or stories so that they don't disappear with Internet Explorer melting down, writing out delicious codes and functions in a spreadsheet for easy nation stating, and perhaps even more.
Open Office

Dictionaries & Spellcheckers
Use before posting stories, sending orders, conducting diplomacy, philosophizing about NESing!

Random Name Generators
You've ever found yourself without inspiration for nation names, or names for your rulers or cultures? Use these nifty devices to randomly forge brilliant names for you to use!
Seventh Sanctum
Fantasy Name Generator

Random Number Generators
These tools are also generally practical in many other situations; however, in NESing, they are good at determing battle outcomes, especially for mods.
Random Number Generator

Random Map Generators
These tools are decent for mods for obvious reasons. Inspiration on drawing custom maps is quite important.
Greenfish Relief Map Generator Possibly broken

Image Editors
When designing your nation's flag, banner, or posting a story consisting of a painting, MSPaint doesn't always fulfil the shoes of that size - Good, free programs are included here, for flagmaking, and redrawing of maps.

Guides and Tutorials
For general inspiration, reference or anything else; this section contains a number of interesting texts, homepages, links or anything else that provide useful when playing or modding a NES.
Land Combat Model
Fantasy Carography Guide For Photoshop, may be removed.

Socializing Programs
So, you've got any friends in here, or want to be closer with the community? Or just wanting to chat? Here are some cool programs for that.

Programming Utilities
For the minimalists and programmers that want functionality, good in some situations.

Post 1/2 - thou may not post yet
Well this gets my vote already. I'm really liking the Greenfish Relief Map Generator!
I've been using Paint.NET for image editing. While it lacks some of the advanced settings of GIMP, it is much easier to use and has basically everything you need if you're doing an NES anyway (including the much-needed layers).
For programmers and minimalists who want functionality (or just notepad with proper undo): http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/

One client for all services (AIM and IRC included): http://www.pidgin.im/

Don't be an idiot! Look up every word you use before posting (even while offline)! http://wordweb.info/free/ (<- my fave for its "types," "types of," "similar," "see also," and thesaurus capabilities), http://www.lingoes.net/ and http://stardict.sourceforge.net/ (these two are for more detail/dictionaries)
A very good thread idea
I'll add to notice board soonish ;)
The download at the Greenfish Relief Map Generator link doesn't work.
Numerous tools added :)

tutorial for making maps in photoshop:

(results may vary- see my FFH NES II link in signature for an example of what this will produce).


Does this work with Gimp as well? It's problematic with the thread rules since it is a paid program (Even though it is a great guide).

The download at the Greenfish Relief Map Generator link doesn't work.

No, that's not too good. Sadly I don't have the time right now to check. Can anyone care confirm? I believe you, but I want to be sure before looking for another link. :)
I never even tried GIMP so i have no idea.
Ok Milarqui, can you check if the Photoshop mapping guide works somewhat the same in Gimp? Just say no if you don't want to or don't have the time of course :lol:
There's only one tool I use to do everything. And it's here! *points and is quickly tackled by the decency police*

Seriously though, I just started messing with gimp and I think its pretty cool.
Gimp and Paint.net are both good programs. Like with most programs, once you get enough experience, you can do WONDERFUL things(this goes for MS paint too).

I personally use Gimp, due it is free :P I prefer "free to use" over "buy" or "steal-to-use"...
It can be complicate learning path. There are plenty of guides online, so Google'ing usually gives you an answer, how to do thing you want.

If anyone has any idea how to switch gimp from my native language(Estonian) to English, I'd like to know how, as Estonian translation use words that don't even exist or have been taken over from English...

For Socializing Programs I use a firefox addon called ChatZilla, that is IRC client(like mIRC is), but free...

Edit: You could also add imagehosting places to the list (like ImageShack, what I prefer to use), PhotoBucket etc.
If anyone has any idea how to switch gimp from my native language(Estonian) to English, I'd like to know how, as Estonian translation use words that don't even exist or have been taken over from English...

Is your computer, running in Estonian or English?

Couldn't you just re-download it from an English site?
Is your computer, running in Estonian or English?

Couldn't you just re-download it from an English site?

My windows XP is in English and I prefer it to be in English, I just can't stand Estonian translation. Also the download for gimp is in English and it is English version, there seems to be no option about language-interference in gimp.

By Google'ing I found a small "fix" by creating *bat file, but that does not fix the problem, as it allows me to run gimp in English, but not work in it (menus get translated to Estonian once I open a picture).

It is not THAT significant problem, but thing is that I hate Estonian translation, as it is made quite poorly (IN my humble opinion) and uses translations that go against my language rules and traditions.
Why is it estonian in the first place then?

Simply uninstall and then download from an english website?
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