Netflix Mobile Game Issues


Nov 7, 2005
So I’m thinking of just not playing the new thingie….ever..

So the way I understand it is if you can’t get a classical golden age you should pretty much bag it, and if your classical age is dark it’s more or less hopeless. And if it s normal it’s even worse. Almost all of that depends on how good a start you get. You need a lot of jungle or Forrest, and you need one farmable resource minimum. Not minable, not a potential plantation, FARMABLE. And this is more or less a minimum. A minimum which happens about one in 6 restarts.

There are other limitations: Never do a tech that isn’t boosted, which means doing what you can to boost them, and since some are more-or-less impossible to boost early enough, you give up that path. The start is EVERYTHING. There use to be a gamer joke before the days of computer games “want to play a quick game of risk?
* each person rolls a six sided die with the higher one winning the game *
This feels a lot like that.
Dozens of hit restart, play or do something else while the game loads because it takes so long, take a look at the start and most of the time hit “restart” on turn one.
This is a game?!

There HAS to be something wrong with that. If there isn’t then whole “spend an entire day restarting over and over hoping for a single winnable start wouldn’t happen. Like it did to me. Today. Sometimes I’d actually get up to the end of the ancient era. Not often, but occasionally. That’s it though. And I’m playing on fricken warlord?! About half the time when I DO get a playable start it’s between two volcanoes, and “sorry that tile looks useful but it actually doesn’t exist” because a builder CAN’T DO ANYTHING WITH IT. How is this not a totally pointless thing? “Go for a religious victory”. Yeah it’s the only path that DOESN’T seem like an excercise in futility. It’s so much easier that if you don’t turn it off the AI will beat you with it halfway through the game. How is this fun?
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So the way I understand it is if you can’t get a classical golden age you should pretty much bag it, and if your classical age is dark it’s more or less hopeless. And if it s normal it’s even worse.
Not really? Getting classical dark age can be a real power move, if you are doing early conquest and need a bit of extra strength for your units. And then you get medieval heroic age which is very nice. Nothing particularly wrong with normal classical age either. You can just save your faith/gold and get Monumentalism golden age in the medieval period without much opportunity cost.
Almost all of that depends on how good a start you get. You need a lot of jungle or Forrest, and you need one farmable resource minimum. Not minable, not a potential plantation, FARMABLE. And this is more or less a minimum. A minimum which happens about one in 6 restarts.
A lot indeed depend on the starting position, but not as much as you seem to believe. Some civs have specific bonuses that make inconvential starting locations better. For instance, starting as Russia in tundra with zero farmable tiles but multiple deers is a very good thing. Just make sure to pick up goddess of hunt pantheon and feed the world founder belief. Fishing is also a completely valid strategy for gaining food in the early game.
There are other limitations: Never do a tech that isn’t boosted, which means doing what you can to boost them, and since some are more-or-less impossible to boost early enough, you give up that path.
Yeah, tech boosts turned out to be much less interesting idea than it had initially seemed.
Dozens of hit restart, play or do something else while the game loads because it takes so long, take a look at the start and most of the time hit “restart” on turn one.
This is a game?!
Try playing on true start maps. It would give you more or less viable starting positions and also an opportunity to explore less conventional starts in a controlled environment.
Sometimes I’d actually get up to the end of the ancient era. Not often, but occasionally. That’s it though. And I’m playing on fricken warlord?!
What exactly does prevent you from getting to the end of ancient era? Barbarians? AIs declaring war on you? Your own dissatisfaction with the starting position?
“Go for a religious victory”. Yeah it’s the only path that DOESN’T seem like an excercise in futility. It’s so much easier that if you don’t turn it off the AI will beat you with it halfway through the game.
Personally, I prefer to turn it off as it makes AI less obsessed with focusing religion instead of other things, which is especially problematic on higher difficulty levels where you simply do not have an opportunity to get your own religion, no matter what you do, when the Religious Victory is on. It's also quite boring in my opinion.
I think you are in the wrong forum. This sounds more like civ VI than VII. But then again, VI isn't a new "thingie".
Is civ6 but with a pack whose name I don’t have access to atm. It just came out on Netflix last week. There’s apparently a standard mode and a “use this pack mode” which includes the golden ages. Which are wiping me out. I’m thinking of never using them again.
Moderator Action: Moved to Civ 6 mobile game subforum. The Netflix Mobile version is very new. Cheers - lymond
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