Never Before Seen Civs - Elimination Thread

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Feb 11, 2013
In the same way as "Returning Civs", I think we can also talk about "Never Before Seen Civs". You can give upvotes for civs that you want to see in the game and downvotes for those you don't want.

Most of you already know the rules:

-In each vote, you add a point in the civilization that you want to see and subtract three points in civilization that you would not want to see.
-You can only vote once every 24 hours.
-You must explain your votes.
-You can vote the same option as many times as you want.
- Avoid making comments out of the game, unless it is to correct votes.

Some observations about the selection of civs:
* I have tried to include the most popular options on each continent, through some old researches done here before GS was released. I have thought initially in four civs from each continent, but Asia and Europe have many popular names among the fans, so I have opened
exception to include five civs from these two continents. Some other popular options may have been left out.
* I was initially reluctant to include civs with political or cultural impediments, such as Tibet, Pueblo and Armenia, but I finally decided to include them because this elimination game is based on what we want include,d and not on what we think will happen.


*I chose the two most popular through a poll of civs from North/West African options (Ashanti and Berbers), through, and and from South/East Africa (Swahili and Madagascar).


*I made a synthesis in researches done in the Middle-East (Hebrews), Central Asia (Tibet) and Eastern Asia (Vietnam and Burma). Although Israel here is represented as Hebrews and Armenia here as an Asian civ.


*I chose the most popular options from Western Europe (Italy and Goths) and from Eastern Europe (Romania and Bulgaria). Finally, I chose to include the Gauls because I realize that it is a civil enough requested by the fans.

North America and Mesoamerica:

*I include the most voted Native Americans: Tlingit, Pueblo and Navajo, although Navajo has the same votes as Haida, I opted for Navajo because it seems to me to be more popular with fans. Finally, I decided to include a civ from Mesoamerica, and Olmec was the most voted.

South America and Oceania:
(Gran) Colombia

*Here is a synthesis of civ more voted for another native of South America (Muisca) with the most voted for the islands of the Pacific (Hawaiians). Gran Colombia and Argentina were chosen because they are popular options among modern nations.

I hope that you like the selecetion.

Argentina - 20
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 20
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 20
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 20
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 20
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 20
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 20
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 20
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20

Spoiler :

1. Tibet :trophy:
2. Vietnam :trophy2nd:
3. Navajo :trophy3rd:
4. Ashanti :trophy2:
5. Hebrews :trophy2:
6. Burma :banana:
7. Swahili :dance:
8. Tlingit :love:
9. Madagascar :goodjob:
10. Italy :D
11. Goths :)
12. Armenia :rolleyes:
13. Bulgaria :think:
14. Gauls :huh:
15. Colombia :dunno:
16. Berbers :shake:
17. Pueblo :(
18. Muisca :cry:
19. Argentina :thumbsdown:
20. Hawaiians :mad:
21. Romania :wallbash:
22. Olmecs [pissed]
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Argentina - 20
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 20
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 20
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 20-3=17. Not that I wouldn't mind Hawaii, but they would almost seem kind of redundant with the Maori in terms of abilities.
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 20+1=21 The new Civ I want the most. This is the perfect time for them to arrive with an alt leader system where Rome doesn't have to be the capital.
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 20
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 20
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 20
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 20
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 20
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 20
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 17
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 17 (20-3) No interest, frankly.
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 20
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 21 (20+1) A really fascinating civilization in my opinion, though the Chinese government means it'll probably never happen. They can't stop me from voting on this thread though. :lol:
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 20-3=17. Not a fan of more ex-colonies as civs.
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 20
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 20+1=21. Would be ideal for alternate leaders for Visigoths and Ostrogoths.
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 17
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 17
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 20
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 21
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 17
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 17 (20-3) Bulgaria is a bit low on my priority list at the moment, and I prefer Romania.
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 17
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 17
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 21 (20+1) Add Vlad the Impaler, please.
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 21
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 18 (17+1) well, if we have portugal colony, lets add spanish one too.
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 17
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 14 (17-3) Would be similar to Maori
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 17
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 21Swahili - 20
Tibet - 21
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 18
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 18 (17 + 1) - between Bulgaria and Hungary you can represent pretty much all of the smaller eastern European territories. Simeon would stand up well in a cast of cultural personifications. Probably one of the best remaining European options as far as unique music. And imo the best choice for a unique library.
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 17
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 18 (21 - 3) - has a lot of the same problems as Italy with nowhere near the historical influence to justify stretching for leaders. I like Romania and it would make for a very interesting City-State; I don't think it fits in VI as a civ at all given that it wasn't nearly as regionally influential as Bulgaria, Serbia, or Albania. And I really, really hated The Historian and vampire fiction generally so Vlad does nothing for me.
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 21
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
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Argentina - 18
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 18
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 20
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 17-3=14 not much interest and knowledge about them
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 18
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 21+1=22 often playing on TSL map as India, I miss a mountainous civ in Himalaya.Tibet is very important civ between India and China ,and hold special character to itself,should be in game despite its current status
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 15
Armenia - 20
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 18
Burma - 20
Gauls - 20+1=21 Would love to have a pre-medieval European Civ for a change. Would be a good replacement for the blobby Celts, which are not sufficiently represented by Scotland.
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 14
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 20-3=17 I love learning about them and find them fascinating, but we just don’t know enough about them. We would have to guess at their language (and ultimately use the wrong one) and we don’t have any leader names at all unless you pull from mythologized Mayan king lists. Under any other circumstances, I’d be voting them up right now.
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 18
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 15
Armenia - 20+1=21 They have a long and rich history. Tigranes the Great would be a good leader.
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 18
Burma - 20
Gauls - 21
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 20
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 14-3=11 Too minor for me.
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 18
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 15
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 18
Burma - 21 (20 + 1) - I actually think I slightly prefer them to Vietnam as a new SE Asian civ, though either would be fine
Gauls - 21
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17 (20 - 3) - As an entity, Gran Colombia existed for 12 years, or slightly longer than the Republic of Texas. It seems to me what we really mean here is a Colombian civ with Bolivar as its leader. Now don't get me wrong - that could be cool, and I won't complain about them if the implementation is good, but I don't really see how we need them compared to plenty of others on this list
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20
Muisca - 11
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 18
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 15
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 18-3 = 15 - Well, maybe this one is more of a personal one, but I really have no interest in Bulgaria or even any more European civs at all, barring Portugal. There's enough stuff filling the region that I wonder if we really need to take up another one of the limited civ slots to put in something like Bulgaria. I have a little more interest in Romania but don't plan on upvoting them either over some of these other options.
Burma - 21
Gauls - 21
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 20+1 = 21 - Yess, Madagascar! My top choice for a never-before-seen civ for multiple reasons. I want to see more African civs, and Madagascar not only satisfies that but also fills in a unique spot on TSL Earth. It's got a rich history full of fascinating leaders (with at least one female option, provided you want a murderous tyrant...) and a completely unique culture.
Muisca - 11
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 18
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 20
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 15
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls - 21
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 21
Muisca - 11
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 15 (18 - 3) The Balkans are already represented fairly heavily. This might be a better choice in an edition not featuring Hungary and Macedon.
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 21 (20 +1) An instantly recognizable artistic tradition, a novel region and culture group to the civ series, plenty of fertile ground for unique bonuses.
Vietnam - 20
On one hand I'm glad to see this thread, on the other hand this could be really tough since I'd actually like pretty much all of these civs here.

Argentina - 15
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls - 21
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 21
Muisca - 11
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 15 - 3 = 12 They would be a very cool addition and I don't think anyone here can deny that Vlad (just focusing on the historical stuff, not the vampire stuff) would be a very interesting leader. However, not only is it in an already fairly packed part of the TSL map, but they'd also compete with the very worthy Bulgaria and their intersting leaders like Simeon the Great.
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 21 + 1 = 22 No surprise that I'll be upvoting this one. Representing a previously unrepresented area and being a very notable native NA civ makes it a big yes from me. I don't remember where online it was that I read this (I'm still looking around online to find it so its quite possible that I'm going to butcher this), but I recall someone with credentials of some sort saying that the artistic culture of the Tlingit rivals those of the well-known empires like ancient Egypt, Rome, Japan, etc.
Vietnam - 20
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Argentina - 15
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls - 21 - 3 = 18 Gauls are basically Celts, subdued by Romans and then modified into French. Excluding France from the lineup is a no-no.
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 21
Muisca - 11 + 1 = 12 Save this ancient option for SA. Americas do not really have any pre-medieval civs YET.
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 12
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 22
Vietnam - 20
@Itsjustanick, you can only vote once every 24 hours, you voted 12 hours earlier, wait a few more hours to give your votes. I'll correct the votes.

Argentina - 15
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls 18
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 21
Muisca -12
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 12
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 22
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 15+1=16 I don't mind colonial civs if they are done right and we've never had a Spanish speaking one before. Nothing wrong with adding tango to the game either.
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls 18
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 21
Muisca -12
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17-3=14 Hard to make a civilization out of them when we don't know much about their leaders and the Maya are the far better option for another Mesoamerican civ.
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 12
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 22
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 16-3=13. Not a fan of more European ex-colonies being added, but if we had to have one, Spanish speaking or not, this wouldn't be my choice.
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls 18
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 21+1=22. Long history of multi-ethnic settlement and development separate from mainland Africa makes Madagascar unique.
Muisca -12
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 17-3=14
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 12
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 22
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 13
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls 18
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 17-3=14. I really don't understand the fascination with Gran Colombia as a playable civilization because it existed for such a short timespan, although I do agree that it would fill a nice hole, and I have plenty of friends who are from Colombia/Venezuela, so it wouldn't be a bad choice (and possibly very marketable). I just don't know what else to vote against right now, seems the least viable of any post-colonial civ on this list to me. If you like it, really that's great, and maybe it can be surprising with a good design?
Hawaiians - 14
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 22+1=23. Yes, please! This would be a fantastic new civilization to add, with a unique culture, history, and IIRC, some really cool leaders to build a civ around. Plus, African representation has been pretty bare throughout the series. More, I say!
Muisca -12
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 14
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 12
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 22
Vietnam - 20
Argentina - 14 (13+1) I think Argentina is a bit understated. Anyway, with three former British colonies in the game, Spanish America has become a gap to be filled. And Argentina seems to me to have been the most successful former Spanish colony in the 20th century, although (Gran) Colombia has its credits in the 19th century.
Armenia - 21
Ashanti - 20
Berbers - 20
Bulgaria - 15
Burma - 21
Gauls 18
Goths - 21
Gran Colombia - 14
Hawaiians - 11 (14-3) With Maori newly added, another Pacific nation is not at the top of my priorities right now.
Hebrews - 21
Italy - 21
Madagascar - 23
Muisca -12
Navajo - 20
Olmecs - 14
Pueblo - 20
Romania - 12
Swahili - 20
Tibet - 22
Tlingit - 22
Vietnam - 20
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