Never fail to come to a complete stop in New Mexico

I slowly begin to understand why Americans act so butthurt over getting randomly stopped by police: something any law-abiding citizen in any civilized country would consider a minor inconvenience at most.

I could understand an x-ray. But three(!) enemas and colonoscopy? All because he "appeared to clench his buttocks"? There's GOT to be more to this story!
I slowly begin to understand why Americans act so butthurt over getting randomly stopped by police: something any law-abiding citizen in any civilized country would consider a minor inconvenience at most.
Your police "randomly stop" people? And you are complaining about how a handful of US police act after apparently making a quite legitimate stop?
I doubt that the police (as things currently stand, anyway) would even dare to force such a thing as an enema on someone, in most (or all) EU countries. Maybe in current Britain with the tide of severe anti-speech laws of late and other supposedly anti-hate laws, but even there such an issue would have dire political consequences if brought to light.
I doubt that the police (as things currently stand, anyway) would even dare to force such a thing as an enema on someone, in most (or all) EU countries. Maybe in current Britain with the tide of severe anti-speech laws of late and other supposedly anti-hate laws, but even there such an issue would have dire political consequences if brought to light.
This is perhaps the most egregious example ever of the police overextending their rights to search.

What makes you think that this won't have "dire" consequences? What makes you think it is "political"?
What part of this apparently being the perhaps the most egregious example ever of the police overextending their rights to search people isn't clear?

What makes you think that this won't have "dire" consequences?

Well, has Joe Biden mentioned something along the lines of "Eckert could have been my brother"? :mischief:
Good point. How many EU countries would find someone who stalked and killed an innocent person not guilty of at least manslaughter. How many of them give their citizens the right to shoot people dead they merely think might harm them without even trying to retreat first?
Your police "randomly stop" people?
Not quite.
A law enforcement agency may stop a person and question him or her if there is reason to believe that the person has information necessary for ascertainment or countering of a threat or for elimination of a disturbance or for guaranteeing the safety of a safeguarded person or object, and ascertainment and countering of that threat or elimination of that disturbance is in the competence of the law enforcement agency conducting the questioning.
It may be random for the person concerned, though.
Yet another abuse of police authority. This guy should be getting paid for his trouble, not the other way around.

I could understand an x-ray. But three(!) enemas and colonoscopy? All because he "appeared to clench his buttocks"? There's GOT to be more to this story!

You'd think after the x-ray, probing, and an enema or two they would have figured out he wasn't carrying anything up his butt. But no, they had to keep going.
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