New AI cities culture bonus?


Nov 14, 2003
St. Louis
Do new AI cities get a culture bonus? In my game, Wang settled a new city and on the next turn (or maybe it was two turns), it got its first expansion.

I examined it with the world builder after settling and it seems like his new city started at culture at 10.

Can anyone explain?
I think the AI now builds culture in new cities until the first border pop, he perhaps may also have been using the culture slider, or been in caste and mercantilism with a free artist. Are any of those possible?
They don't get free culture unless you're playing Rhye's and fall of civ mod
Wang does not have Literature or Music.

Here is the save. When you click next turn, Wang settles. You can go into world builder and see that the city starts with 5 culture. If you go to the next turn, it has 10.

Now, he does have Stonehenge, so the city starts with a monument. However, he shouldn't be getting 5 culture per turn from it, should he??
That is a possibility. I wish the world builder would give a little more visibility into cities. You could tell if no food was generated for those two turns.
I just checked, Wang Kon is indeed running Caste System and has employed an artist in the city. Not a bad strategy for a border city btw. So, no hidden AI bonus. :)
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