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New Beta Patch - April 7th (4-7)

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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hey all,

Usually Gazebo would be doing this, but as he's very busy with real life at the moment, I'll do my best to fill in. :)

ilteroi released a new patch which includes a number of bugfixes, tactical AI improvements, improvements to AI management of missionaries and inquisitors, text fixes, very minor balance changes, an adjustment to AI difficulty bonuses, and some substantial improvements from me to the diplomacy AI (including nerfing the wonder spammer penalty).

This patch goes on top of the 3-15-2 hotfix release and includes a new DLL and database changes.

It does not include an auto-installer, so I've included installation instructions:

1. Make sure you have the 3-15-2 hotfix installed: https://mega.nz/#F!2Jdw3aQT!Z49gV7KAyMq6YiG5BD9jaA
2. Download the ZIP archive for the new patch, which is attached to this forum post.
3. Extract the patch folder from the ZIP archive. The folder contents should look like this:
Spoiler :

Instructions (1).png

4. Select the two folders and move them into your MODS folder, then select "Replace the files in the destination" when prompted.
Spoiler :

Instructions (2).png

5. You have succeeded in installing the patch. Give yourself a cookie and enjoy the new patch. :)

Online as of 7:30 AM CST. Not savegame compatible.

UPDATE: 4-10 DLL from ilteroi with additional bugfixes can be downloaded here:



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very minor balance changes
Could you post patch notes w.r.t. these balance changes? It is a very bad use of my time to go sleuthing for them if I need to adjust my own mods
Could you post patch notes w.r.t. these balance changes? It is a very bad use of my time to go sleuthing for them if I need to adjust my own mods

Sure! Highly unlikely any of your mods will need to be rebalanced, though; very minor wasn't an exaggeration.

- Highest warscore bonus from Cult of Personality now only applies if you're actually AT war with a player

- Difficulty bonuses from historic events now apply even if the AI does not have a tourism bonus for achieving that historic event. So, for instance, they will always gain Gold when completing a trade route
or archaeological dig, regardless of what buildings they've constructed or policies they have; they will always gain extra yields upon entering a Golden Age, etc. This should result in more consistent bonuses.
Logging now also differentiates between completing a trade route to a major civ (land or sea), a City-State, and a dig.

- Added 2 extra base unit supply per era for post-Ancient Era starts, to prevent having no unit supply at game start. Equivalent to expending one GG/GA every era.

I'm wondering which version should I install if I want to start a new game? Been gone for a while. Is this Beta stable or should I get a previous one?

I'm wondering which version should I install if I want to start a new game? Been gone for a while. Is this Beta stable or should I get a previous one?

The 3-15-2 beta is stable - not certain of this patch's stability yet, but it should be fine - there haven't been any reported crashes yet.
Should we expect an overall increase/decrease of difficulty with these adjustments, or will they be more inconsequential?

It only really affects trade routes and antiquity site digs (inconsequential, it's just Gold) and Golden Ages (which may be an increase in difficulty, but we'll see).

It's a bugfix for Arabia, though, since completing trade routes will actually trigger the historic event now - thus, they will be buffed a bit.
Thanks for the patch.

I wasn't quite sure why Polynesia denounced me one turn after I accepted a DoF request, but now it makes sense having become aware of the wonder penalty, so I am happy to see that addressed. Excellent work and much appreciated.
I read somewhere here that the AI keeps some values in the memory. My question is if it is safe to make a save so that upon re-loading the save the AI will remember what it was doing ?
@HeathcliffWarriors Did you find the cause of those CTDs?

That was addressed in 3-15.

I read somewhere here that the AI keeps some values in the memory. My question is if it is safe to make a save so that upon re-loading the save the AI will remember what it was doing ?

I mean, that is how save files work, so yes...? The AI records its memory values when the game saves and loads.
Thanks for the patch!

It's a bugfix for Arabia, though, since completing trade routes will actually trigger the historic event now - thus, they will be buffed a bit.
Does that part apply to human Arabia as well: completing a TR will trigger the UA?

That seems like a big change overall, that requires watching out for a possible imbalance.
On paper I don't think I like it much, since we already have many civ benefitting from TR via UA/UB.
Thanks for the patch!

Does that part apply to human Arabia as well: completing a TR will trigger the UA?

That seems like a big change overall, that requires watching out for a possible imbalance.
On paper I don't think I like it much, since we already have many civ benefitting from TR via UA/UB.
He said it's a bugfix, so I assume it was intended behavior not working properly.
Thanks for the patch!

Does that part apply to human Arabia as well: completing a TR will trigger the UA?

That seems like a big change overall, that requires watching out for a possible imbalance.
On paper I don't think I like it much, since we already have many civ benefitting from TR via UA/UB.

Yes, that's correct. They were already receiving the Tourism, though, just not triggering the UA or difficulty bonus.

I believe it was a bug - the UA text does not indicate a difference, and trade routes to City-States were triggering the Historic Event, but not those for major civs - however, the code gave clear indications that the Historic Event for TR completion was meant to be triggered.
Yes, that's correct. They were already receiving the Tourism, though, just not triggering the UA or difficulty bonus.

I believe it was a bug - the UA text does not indicate a difference, and trade routes to City-States were triggering the Historic Event, but not those for major civs - however, the code gave clear indications that the Historic Event for TR completion was meant to be triggered.
Won't that make Arabian UA incredibly powerful? Late game you get a TR completion every 1-2 turns.
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