New BETA Version – 4.18.4 (January 21, 2025)

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Playing 4.17.8 right now for the first time in months. Two observations:

1. Border growth seems to hate cattle/cows. I'm in the Modern Era right now and there is still a cattle/cow tile not claimed by itself. Two of my cities could claim it, but they rather take a forest tile or something else. It took forever for another cattle/cow tile to be mine without purchasing it. Maybe someone else has made a similar observation?
2. I only played one game so far, but I really REALLY like the new supply rules. I was lucky enough to go wide with the Celts (around 20 cities) and the supply felt sufficient. I would've been able to defend my large empire on different fronts and I never had the feeling of having too little supply. I'm in the Modern Era now and things start to get "crazier" with the supply, so late game clutter is still a thing to test for me. But overall my first impression is positive!
Playing 4.17.8 right now for the first time in months. Two observations:

1. Border growth seems to hate cattle/cows. I'm in the Modern Era right now and there is still a cattle/cow tile not claimed by itself. Two of my cities could claim it, but they rather take a forest tile or something else. It took forever for another cattle/cow tile to be mine without purchasing it. Maybe someone else has made a similar observation?
2. I only played one game so far, but I really REALLY like the new supply rules. I was lucky enough to go wide with the Celts (around 20 cities) and the supply felt sufficient. I would've been able to defend my large empire on different fronts and I never had the feeling of having too little supply. I'm in the Modern Era now and things start to get "crazier" with the supply, so late game clutter is still a thing to test for me. But overall my first impression is positive!
Maybe thats also a part of AI feeling a bit tame (and at times getting hammered by barbs) even if they get free supply (do they?) there is no unit carpets.
If the game can detect and display things that can cause crashes during gameplay would it be possible to automate the process of sharing github crash information provided consent is given by the user? I'd be thinking of one of those check boxes that allows the game to send information out to developers to increase quality control. It might dramatically increase the number of reports you'd get and even things like the AI games of Vern could expose many bugs.

Happy new year everyone! Love to see the continuous improvement on this grand project.
Automatically uploading it to GitHub isn't technically feasible. Possibly some other site with an API, but I have no idea how to go about doing that, nor am I convinced that automated reports are necessarily a good thing. I feel like there'd be a lot of duplication.

For the files to be useful you might need to upload your additional mods, which uses up bandwidth on the user's end...and it can't detect changes that the user has made to the base VP files...and the user probably won't respond to any questions from us if the report is submitted automatically...not really a fan of this idea. An interesting thought, though.
I'm somewhat more optimistic about that. I agree that most players wouldn't follow up on their reports, but it'd certainly make it much more easy for the caring players. I doubt duplication would be an issue, Github has to have a system for that. For the bandwith, privacy and security concerns (which are totally valid), I think the players could get four options during install, something like
a) opt-out
b) only create a report (default)
c) create report and upload logs (could also be default)
d) create report, upload logs and modlist (hardcore fan option, with a limit on modlist size). Don't think adding these additional options would need much effort.

I am not definitely not a code wiz, but I can start digging if noone more capable is available. I'm itching to contribute again but coding the internals isn't feasible now (we'd probably need a dll call to a .bat file or sth though)
Without a mod list and a loadable savegame, most error messages are useless.
Hmm, after playing ~20-30 turns with the 4.18.1 version I'm beginning to fear that the version leaves a lot of other mods incompatible. Examples are JFD's Sovereignty where I'm not able to select between different reform trees anymore and Cultural Capitals where the game now seems to open the mod windows even though I have clicked the buttons at certain times. None of these happened with 4.17.x.

I think both examples may be related to lua. With the Sovereignty mod I get an error message in lua.log but haven't been unable to solve it so far (not experienced with lua) but with the Cultural Capitals mod there's nothing in the log (it seems to be connected to other events/pop ups in the game but I can't see why).

I think I'll try clearing cache and see what happens. If not solved I'm not sure what to do.

Hey, i have bug in my game, with spy points getting much more then they should, probably like x15, its for 4.17.8, but the topic is already closed due to new release, im not sure if i should
post it somewhere, or maybe the issue is already known.
Was thinking, maybe there was some scaling adjustments, but the action prices are the same.
Any suggestions what should i do with it ?

PS. Funny enoguht, i hit steal technology, and he immediatelly died :) So kinda problem is contained :)
Thou, the question is, how its work for the AIs

Spoiler screenshots :


Hey, i have bug in my game, with spy points getting much more then they should, probably like x15, its for 4.17.8, but the topic is already closed due to new release, im not sure if i should
post it somewhere, or maybe the issue is already known.
Was thinking, maybe there was some scaling adjustments, but the action prices are the same.
Any suggestions what should i do with it ?

PS. Funny enoguht, i hit steal technology, and he immediatelly died :) So kinda problem is contained :)
Thou, the question is, how its work for the AIs

Spoiler screenshots :
Yields going crazy are often due to incompatible mod mods. As you see in the picture he's got a 20% chance to get killed when you steal so that is not surprising.
Hi! Do I need to report bugs that are already reported by other people? For example, I've got a CTD based on NO_BUILDING error but I see it's been reported as below
CTD, I've made a post on github.

Also, I tried continuing the game with after the CTD but it keeps crashing. Any way it can be resolved so the game progress is not lost? Or should I say RIP to the game? :')
Hi! Do I need to report bugs that are already reported by other people? For example, I've got a CTD based on NO_BUILDING error but I see it's been reported as below

Also, I tried continuing the game with after the CTD but it keeps crashing. Any way it can be resolved so the game progress is not lost? Or should I say RIP to the game? :')
If we get a save compatible patch then you can load it info the patched version and continue.
Hmm, after playing ~20-30 turns with the 4.18.1 version I'm beginning to fear that the version leaves a lot of other mods incompatible. Examples are JFD's Sovereignty where I'm not able to select between different reform trees anymore and Cultural Capitals where the game now seems to open the mod windows even though I have clicked the buttons at certain times. None of these happened with 4.17.x.

I think both examples may be related to lua. With the Sovereignty mod I get an error message in lua.log but haven't been unable to solve it so far (not experienced with lua) but with the Cultural Capitals mod there's nothing in the log (it seems to be connected to other events/pop ups in the game but I can't see why).

I think I'll try clearing cache and see what happens. If not solved I'm not sure what to do.

Could this be due to the new remapping (although this should include modmod stability)?
with the Cultural Capitals mod there's nothing in the log (it seems to be connected to other events/pop ups in the game but I can't see why)
Just to be on the safe side: Events have switched from being enabled to disabled (as a standard setting). I assume you are aware of that but have you checked nonetheless if that could cause some of those issues? (e.g. unique city states requires events to be enabled)
Just to be on the safe side: Events have switched from being enabled to disabled (as a standard setting). I assume you are aware of that but have you checked nonetheless if that could cause some of those issues? (e.g. unique city states requires events to be enabled)
Thx. Cultural Capitals mod has (and have always had) an option to turn it on/off and I've made sure is on in my game.

I also tested with exactly the same mods but 4.17.8 and both mods work there. I'd just like to update to 4.18 so I'll be able to receive future updates.
Playing 4.17.8 right now for the first time in months. Two observations:
2. I only played one game so far, but I really REALLY like the new supply rules. I was lucky enough to go wide with the Celts (around 20 cities) and the supply felt sufficient. I would've been able to defend my large empire on different fronts and I never had the feeling of having too little supply. I'm in the Modern Era now and things start to get "crazier" with the supply, so late game clutter is still a thing to test for me. But overall my first impression is positive!
Also played and finished game as Celts with ~13 cities.
Had problems with unit limit until completed Motherland Calls.
Query whether these are a bug or a feature:

Roman Legion: In my recent games (4.17ish), it seemed that the Roman Legion's Pilum would not kick in, i.e. no damage would be dealt to enemy units. I thought the ability would not be lost on upgrade? Have others seen this as well? And is it supposed to deal damage to units in cities or not? (Surrounding a city with Legions dealing Pilum damage would be OP I guess)
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Query whether these are a bug or a feature:

Roman Legion: In my recent games (4.17ish), it seemed that the Roman Legion's Pilum would not kick in, i.e. no damage would be dealt to enemy units. I thought the ability would not be lost on upgrade? Have others seen this as well? And is it supposed to deal damage to units in cities or not? (Surrounding a city with Legions dealing Pilum damage would be OP I guess)
Pilum does not work on units in Cities and Forts.
I only post here sporadically but I just want to say that I really appreciate the years of effort that have gone into this project. Civ 5 was okay but with VP it has become my favorite game of all time and I keep coming back to find that it keeps getting better. I'm an open source dev myself so I know how much work things like that take.
Thanks so much for the update for the Community Patch Only option. I am probably one of the few heretics that still enjoys the game largely unmodded (just a bit of Policy balance is all I use).

A bit of feedback for the CP-Only. The AI still seems largely incapable of taking cities. I started a game on King and had a pretty bad/boxed in start. So I knew it would be an uphill struggle anyways. My two neighbors eventually DoW'ed me (Japan and Siam). This was the the Medieval Age. I had a single Warrior and a single Bowman for my military and none of my 4 cities had any walls/barracks etc (as I said, I knew it was largely a lost game from the get-go lol).

The AI has been great at hunting down and killing any military units I build. And it's done a great job of utterly trashing my land (everything is pillaged) but it has been unable to take even my most exposed city. At one point it had it in the red with 5 units adjacent (which had all attacked the previous turn to get my city to red status). But the following turn, they all retreated. :/ I know no single one of them could have taken the city but between the 5 of them, they could have done it easily. But they all retreated, my city healed back up, I got walls built and now they just half-heartedly move in, shoot, retreat etc. I can't get peace because I'm obviously losing the war badly but they haven't been able to take anything useful in the war.

Not sure what, if anything, could be done for the AI at this point but figured I'd give some feedback from a CP-only perspective. :)
I messaged Ilteroi the other day and he says he's making some changes to address this!
A quick question: At the end of my game, being first in every category (aside from Approval), I had immense unhappiness problems coming from Poverty, Science and Food/Production. I honestly have no idea what the problem was, because I had all tiles improved, Specialists running and was ahead of everyone by around 5-6 techs at the end. I contained it by spamming public works, but it left me scratching my head over what I was doing wrong or could have done better.

The AI is really good in its usage of citadels and forts, as a sidenote.
A quick question: At the end of my game, being first in every category (aside from Approval), I had immense unhappiness problems coming from Poverty, Science and Food/Production. I honestly have no idea what the problem was, because I had all tiles improved, Specialists running and was ahead of everyone by around 5-6 techs at the end. I contained it by spamming public works, but it left me scratching my head over what I was doing wrong or could have done better.

The AI is really good in its usage of citadels and forts, as a sidenote.

Just like science and culture thresholds unhappiness increases for every non-puppet city. Once you have factories though I think it's fine since they scale extremely well with empire size. Or if you found TwoKay Foods happiness largely becomes a non-issue.
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