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pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Mississippian

pre-release info


Jul 22, 2024
Introducing Mississippian! The Mississippians - named for the river near where their earthen mounds stand - leave no writing behind, but archaeology tells of a complex society, a political system where cities waxed and waned in influence, maize farming, and trade in copper, shells, and hides. But by 1400 CE, whether through natural or political means, the Mississippians had already faded into memory.


Unique Ability:
Goose Societies: All Buildings receive a Food Adjacency for Resources.

Unique Infrastructure:
Potkop: Unique Improvement. Adds Gold. Adds Food for each adjacent Resource. Must be built on a flat tile.

Unique Civilian Unit:
Watonathi: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold per Resource acquired when creating a Trade Route.

Unique Military Unit:
Burning Arrow: Unique Ranged Unit. Has increased Combat Strength against Fortified Districts and Siege Units. Applies the Burning status to tiles for a set number of turns; Burning deals damage to Units that end their turn on the Burning tile.

Associated Wonder:
Monks Mound: Adds Food. Increased Resource Capacity in this City. Must be placed adjacent to a River tile.

Starting Biases:

Check out the full game guide for more info & civic trees: https://civilization.2k.com/civ-vii/game-guide/civilizations/mississippian/


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Ugh. Monks Mound doesn't look like that! The Civ 6 city-state improvement is a better depiction
Unique Military Unit:
Burning Arrow: Unique Ranged Unit. Has increased Combat Strength against Fortified Districts and Siege Units. Applies the Burning status to tiles for a set number of turns; Burning deals damage to Units that end their turn on the Burning tile.

This is really cool. I like that this unit can set tiles on fire offensively. It makes me hopeful for more cool effects like that that can alter the status of tiles. Feels dynamic.
I’m so glad the Mississippians are in! Pre-Colombian America is such an overlooked part of history, especially this far back. The expansionist playstyle seems right up my alley.

This is really cool. I like that this unit can set tiles on fire offensively. It makes me hopeful for more cool effects like that that can alter the status of tiles. Feels dynamic.
Reminds me of the use of fire for forest management, though I can’t recall if the Mississippians specifically engaged in that.
Oh what’s that wonder(?) in the upper left of the full-size screenshot on the 2k site? Have we seen that yet?
It looks like the special abilities are named in Muskogee. Nice.

Oh what’s that wonder(?) in the upper left of the full-size screenshot on the 2k site? Have we seen that yet?
Probably Pyramid of the Sun.
I have a feeling that the process of weighing using space near resources for Potkops versus Urban Districts is going to be secondary to the process of weighing the peaceful economic bonuses versus RANGED PILLAGING RAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I just realized...is this the first civ we've seen that unlocks its wonder in the first unique civic?
Really really good. The Mississippians make me optimistic about more archaeological cultures.
Really really good. The Mississippians make me optimistic about more archaeological cultures.
I don't mind proto-historical cultures like the Mississippians, Minoans, and kind of sort of the Harappans; I wouldn't want to see purely archaeological cultures like Hopewell or Corded Ware or Ubaid personally.
I don't mind proto-historical cultures like the Mississippians, Minoans, and kind of sort of the Harappans; I wouldn't want to see purely archaeological cultures like Hopewell or Corded Ware or Ubaid personally.
I wouldn't group them like that. Minoans had full writing and Harappans had at least some proto-writing. So, I'd say those 2 could be considered historical.
Potkop appears to be the Natchez word for 'mountain.' Nothing found for Watonathi just yet, but I wonder if it's also a Natchez word?
Atassa is Muskogee for "club." Good find on "potkop"; my guess then is that each ability/unit/infrastructure is from a different language. That would explain why "cah-nah-ha" looks Iroquoian (/ka/ is a common Iroquoian noun prefix); I suspect it's Cherokee. "Watonathi" looks Siouan to me, but I couldn't swear to it. Makes me kind of wish the Burning Arrow had a Caddoan name.

Minoans had full writing
Linear A hasn't been deciphered; it may never be deciphered.

Harappans had at least some proto-writing.
That remains debated. Markings have been found that may or may not be writing or proto-writing, but could also be ornamental.

So, I'd say those 2 could be considered historical.
Writing doesn't help if you can't read it. I consider them proto-historical because other people wrote about them, more so regarding the Minoans than the Harappans, who may or may not be referenced in some Sumerian texts.
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