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pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Prussia

pre-release info

Alexander's Hetaroi

On an Elephant with a Ballista
Oct 17, 2017


Prussia - Modern Age Civilization​


Relentless in modernization, rationality, and conquest, Prussia brought Germany under its reign. Externally, Prussia waged war against nearly all of the major European powers of the day. Internally, it was an industrial powerhouse, with rail lines stitching together coal mines and steel refineries. By 1866, Prussia had encompassed most of present-day Germany and part of Poland, leading to its transformation from kingdom to empire.

Unique Ability​

Blood and Iron: Units receive increased Combat Strength for every Unfriendly or worse Relationship with other civilizations.


  • Militaristic
  • Diplomatic

Civic Trees​


  • Tier 1: All Buildings gain a Production adjacency for Navigable Rivers.
  • Tier 2: Increased Science on Resources. Unlocks the 'Coking' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Coking: Increased Production in Cities for every Resource assigned to them.


  • Tier 1: You may establish and keep Trade Routes with Cities you are at War with. Increased Settlement Limit.
  • Tier 2: Increased Trade Yield in Cities connected with a Staatseisenbahn Unique Improvement. Unlock the 'Mediatization' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Mediatization: Increased Production in all Cities while at War.

Ems Dispatch

  • Tier 1: Increased Relationship change from Diplomatic Actions. Unlocks the 'Realpolitik' Tradition and the Brandenburg Gate Wonder.
  • Tradition - Realpolitik: Increased Combat Strength against Land Units.


  • Tier 1: Cavalry Units gain the Skirmish keyword, granting increased Flanking bonuses. Unlocks the 'Iron Cross' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Iron Cross: Increased Combat Strength per Commander Unit with a Commendation.

Unique Infrastructure​

Staatseisenbahn: Unique Improvement. Railroad replacement. Automatically placed via normal Railroad rules when a Rail Station Building is constructed in two connected Cities. Increased Gold and Production on Rural tiles with a Staatseisenbahn Unique Improvement in your territory.

Unique Civilian Unit​

  • None

Unique Military Units​

Hussar: Unique Cavalry Unit; does not replace other Cavalry Units. Has increased Movement, along with increased Combat Strength for every Movement it has remaining.

Stuka: Unique Attack Aircraft Unit. Has increased Combat Strength against Land Units.

Associated Wonder​

Brandenburg Gate: Production Base. This Settlement suffers no Happiness penalty from War Weariness. Increased Happiness in conquered Settlements. Must be built adjacent to a District.

Starting Bias​

  • Niter
To my eternal shame I must admit that at first glance I read a misplaced "l" in the name of that terrain preference, and got a soild "wait, what?!" out of it.

Then I saw my mistake and laughed.

(In my defense, the civ description *had* just mentioned stukas...)
This is the first civ I've seen and my response has been, "I will never play this." Persia and Mongolia are equally warlike, but their cities are so beautiful...
Nice design, though I am still disappointed that we once again get stereotypical militarist design of the modern Germany... Come on, it wouldn't hurt to base it on post ww2 peaceful, democratic, scientific and cultural state and give it Konrad Adenauer instead of cynical militarist leader for once. Germans themselves would certainly love to not be depicted as war obsessed, for obvious reasons.

At least it is not called "Germany", hence giving some chance for the other face of the modern German nation.
Everyone guessing unique general and great people, were very wrong.. I like seeing more unique air units though!
I do find the UU's to be peculiar. The Stuka just because we got a Zero fighter, so I thought they'd want to go for the Panzer or Uboat. But I guess it's a bomber, so it works different.

The Hussar doesn't really scream Prussian/German either. They seem more associated with Frederick's use of them during his wars, but it's not like every other Central European power didn't use them either? :crazyeye:
Prussian Uniques!
Blood and IronAbilityBlut und EisenA speech given by Otto von Bismarck regarding the unification of German territories, arguing that it could only be done so through military action and not diplomatic solutions.
RuhrCivicA region in western Germany that was the industrial heartland of Germany, producing vast amounts of coal and steel.
ZollvereinCivic"customs union"A 19th-century coalition of German states that operated as an economic union, reducing tariffs between states.
Ems DispatchCivicEmser DepescheAn internal telegram that incited the start of the Franco-Prussian War when released to the press by Bismarck.
BewegungskriegCivic"movement war"Maneuver warfare; a military strategy that emphasizes "movement, initiative and surprise." Was the foundation on which the later Blitzkrieg tactic was built.
CokingTraditionThe process of heating coal to produce coke, which burns at a higher temperature. In 1853, 63% of German iron was produce with coke. The first continuously producing coke oven was built at the Royal Prussian Iron Foundry in 1796.
MediatizationTraditionMediatisierungGerman Mediatisation; the redistribution and reshaping of German territories between 1802 and 1814 under the pressure of Revolutionary and Napoleonic France.
RealpolitikTradition"realistic politics"A system of political theory that argues that politics and diplomacy should be based on pragmatic concerns, rather than ideals. Famously espoused by Otto von Bismarck.
Iron CrossTraditionEisernes KreuzA military decoration used from the Kingdom of Prussia through Nazi Germany. Derived from the iconography of the Teutonic Knights, it served as the emblem of several military units including the Prussian Army and the modern Bundeswehr.
StaatseisenbahnInfrastructure"state railway"The Prussian state railways were several individual railway organizations that operated under the control of the Ministry for Trade and Commerce or the later Ministry for Public Works. The Prussian state first started financing railways around 1850: the Royal Westphalian Railway Company and the Prussian Eastern Railway.
HussarMilitaryA light cavalry unit used around the world and the use of which was encouraged by Frederick the Great. Utilized by Prussia for reconnaissance and surprise attacks, they were often highly decorated.
StukaMilitaryshort for "dive bomber"The Junkers Ju 87, a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft that first flew in 1935. Known for their distinctive siren, they participated in many of the German aerial campaigns of World War II.
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The Hussar doesn't really scream Prussian/German either. They seem more associated with Frederick's use of them during his wars, but it's not like every other Central European power didn't use them either? :crazyeye:
Maybe it hints that we will get the Exploration "Austria", instead of the Modern Austria and the Exploration HRE?
I can't wait until Civ 8 where Prussia passes the Hussar baton (which it got from Hungary in 6) to someone else. You get a Hussar, you get a Hussar!

Shame that a hypothetical Austria-Hungary Civ won't get the Hussar. It would have been a perfect fit.
Maybe it hints that we will get the Exploration "Austria", instead of the Modern Austria and the Exploration HRE?
I wouldn't have given Hussars to Austria anyways, even in Civ 5.
I think it points to more likely we won't get a Modern Hungary, but an Exploration Hungary, considering Hussars originated there. But they could get their Black Army again.
I'll say I was expecting at laest a bit more leaning into cultural or scientific. That said, I think It's interesting how Prussia will be able to mantain trade routes up and running even at war. It's so wrong, but, Napoleon Rome/Normans/Prussia might be a fun run of pissing off EVERYBODY and just pushing ahead.
I think the design is a tad too militaristic. Prussia's excellent diplomacy and rise to power via diplomatic inheritances is underrepresented by this design.

I do like the traditions and bonuses given by the unique Civics. But I'm generally less interested in playing such a one-dimensional warlike Civ.
I agree with the sentiment that they're overly militaristic. I was really expecting not only some Culture, but booming industry!
I gotta say, this civ certainly screams "this should have been called Germany"
I gotta say, this civ certainly screams "this should have been called Germany"
Prussia's excellent diplomacy and rise to power via diplomatic inheritances is underrepresented by this design.
I mentioned culture and science, but you are both right, I think more emphasis on diplo could have made it feel more Prussia

Ems Dispatch

  • Tier 1: Increased Relationship change from Diplomatic Actions. Unlocks the 'Realpolitik' Tradition and the Brandenburg Gate Wonder.
This is the only part that seems relevant for diplomacy, I guess it means we could piss off civs, and make them happy faster? could be interesting as long as we can really mess with diplo stances, maybe Machiavelli could be a nice pairing with Prussia if it's strong enough.
Nice design, though I am still disappointed that we once again get stereotypical militarist design of the modern Germany... Come on, it wouldn't hurt to base it on post ww2 peaceful, democratic, scientific and cultural state and give it Konrad Adenauer instead of cynical militarist leader for once. Germans themselves would certainly love to not be depicted as war obsessed, for obvious reasons.

At least it is not called "Germany", hence giving some chance for the other face of the modern German nation.
Wouldn’t make much sense for a post war Germany to be called Prussia.
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