pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Russia

pre-release info


Jul 22, 2024

Introducing Modern Age civ, Russia!​

Imperial Russia was known for many things: its vast span across Europe and Asia, luxury and inequality, art and culture. Caught between the eternal question of Russia's role as part of Europe and the Russian dusha, or soul, the Romanov reign held at the center of its ideology a model of "enlightened absolutism." With orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality at its core, Russia brought this rule to bear on populations from the Volga basin to eastern Siberia.


Unique Ability:
Prosveshchenie: Increased Culture on Urban Districts in Cities. Increased Science on Urban Districts in Cities on Tundra tiles.

Unique Infrastructure:
Obshchina: Unique Improvement. Ageless. Increased Food from adjacent Farms. Increased Culture if built on a Tundra tile. Does not remove Warehouse bonuses on a tile. Cannot be built adjacent to another Obshchina Unique Improvement.

Unique Civilian Unit:

Unique Military Unit:
Cossack: Unique Cavalry Unit; does not replace other Cavalry Units. Has increased Combat Strength in friendly territory.
Katyusha Rocket Launcher: Unique Artillery Unit. Has increased Movement, but decreased Combat Strength. Has the Splash keyword, dealing a small amount of damage to all enemy Units adjacent to the target tile when attacking.

Associated Wonder:
Hermitage: Culture Base. Increased Culture in Cities that have a Great Work slotted. Must be built on a Tundra tile.

Starting Biases:

Check out the full game guide for more info & civic trees:


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So If I'm understading correctly, Russia gets a lof of culture, growth and combat bonuses to settling on tundra, growing said cities and gobbling up tiles, to later turn that growth and culture into science and production in the very late game.
So, no civilian units can be a thing?
Plus, they do get a Soviet era unique unit. :think:
Again, why is the French civilization refered to as "French Empire" when they are using just "Russia" as a name for the Russian civilization? If they really wanted to avoid associating with modern existing countries, I bet that distancing themselves from Russia and using a different term would have been something they wanted to do (especially considering the current war in Europe).

I find it great that they just went with using the name "Russia", as they have done with Spain, Greece, Egypt, America, Mexico, etc. They should really considering renaming the "French Empire" and just go by the name "France"
I'm glad the Cossack isn't a replacement. It's a great unit choice, but having it replace the T-34 would have been tragic.
Again, why is the French civilization refered to as "French Empire" when they are using just "Russia" as a name for the Russian civilization? If they really wanted to avoid associating with modern existing countries, I bet that distancing themselves from Russia and using a different term would have been something they wanted to do (especially considering the current war in Europe).

I find it great that they just went with using the name "Russia", as they have done with Spain, Greece, Egypt, America, Mexico, etc. They should really considering renaming the "French Empire" and just go by the name "France"
The only reason I could think of is maybe they are leaving the door open for an earlier age France, similar to how they are specifically using Meiji Japan as well.
Nice. I miss having a civilian unit, but...still considering this a possibility for an early game. Maybe not first game.
Again, why is the French civilization refered to as "French Empire" when they are using just "Russia" as a name for the Russian civilization? If they really wanted to avoid associating with modern existing countries, I bet that distancing themselves from Russia and using a different term would have been something they wanted to do (especially considering the current war in Europe).

I find it great that they just went with using the name "Russia", as they have done with Spain, Greece, Egypt, America, Mexico, etc. They should really considering renaming the "French Empire" and just go by the name "France"
If you look at the description, the full name is actually Imperial Russia, but like some other names as just Russia works, they use it,

While French Empire, if shortened becomes just French, which sounds like you're talking about the people, and not the country.

That's the reason, I think.
A Modern Age Russia was always likely to have some aspects from the Soviet period, even if the era ends just after WW2.
Again, why is the French civilization refered to as "French Empire" when they are using just "Russia" as a name for the Russian civilization? If they really wanted to avoid associating with modern existing countries, I bet that distancing themselves from Russia and using a different term would have been something they wanted to do (especially considering the current war in Europe).

I find it great that they just went with using the name "Russia", as they have done with Spain, Greece, Egypt, America, Mexico, etc. They should really considering renaming the "French Empire" and just go by the name "France"
1: It's specifically the French Empire, a specific era in French history, while for Russia it's NOT the Russian Empire (which ended in 1917), but the Russian nation across both its imperial and Soviet eras.

2: It potentially opens the opportunity for a "France" 4th era civ.
Nice. I miss having a civilian unit, but...still considering this a possibility for an early game. Maybe not first game.
Sort of a shame that Artifacts are the only Great Works in the Modern Age, because this would have been the prime civ to get unique Great People with a multitude of great works.

The only compromise is the presence of a Soviet era unit, means possibly no future 4th age, but it also doesn't exactly fit with the rest of Imperial Russia bonuses.
it's WILD to get a Russia that isn't expansion oriented. In a good way, because these bonuses are fun and reward players that expanded widely into the Tundra.

So effectively, they're a wide Civ in the sense that you get the most mileage out of them if you already went wide in earlier era's.

Persia => Mongolia => Russia is a very interesting Swords to Plowshares pipeline as such.

I wonder if the Cossack doesn't replace Cavalry SPECIFICALLY so that your Keshiks don't immediately become Cossacks upon entering Modern.
The Katyusha is absolutely baller, I’m a big fan of this Russia design even without a civilian unit
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