pre-release info New Civ Guide: French Empire

pre-release info
It's better than you might think. I mean, if you're into SEA food, you can get a tame variant of it everywhere nowadays. If you ever happen to be in Trier (which isn't at all a bad place to be for someone interested in history), there's a restaurant that cooks food according to Apicius and they also make their own garum.

Woah! Gotta go there sometime. Does the restaurant have a view of the Porta Nigra?
But “United States” isn’t 🙃

I always thought it was weird they specified "Colonial America" in the soundtrack, so their maybe some traction for their being a 4th Age United States of America ; I doubt they would reference the Civil War "Union" or Esperanto and Frank Lloyd Wright's attempt of coining "Usonia"... I wonder what would you call a Post WW2 America...?
Woah! Gotta go there sometime. Does the restaurant have a view of the Porta Nigra?
No, it's on the Hauptmarkt iirc, where there's no view of the roman remains. But Trier inner city isn't big, so it's just a few minutes walk to the Porta Nigra, the imperial baths or Constantine's Basilica. It's also almost in France and thus this conversation not quite as off-topic as you might think.
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Why are their attributes Diplomatic and Militaristic? Just based off the abilities, there's hardly anything diplomatic here. It would be way more appropriate to be Cultural and Militaristic, no?
Diplomatic is also tied to Happiness, Celebrations, and Policy Slots. I think "Political" would get that across better.
Why are their attributes Diplomatic and Militaristic? Just based off the abilities, there's hardly anything diplomatic here. It would be way more appropriate to be Cultural and Militaristic, no?
The diplomatic attribute tree has perks relating to happiness, celebrations and policy slots. It seems appropriate to me.

Edit - ninja’s by @TheGhostEnthusiast :D
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I always thought it was weird they specified "Colonial America" in the soundtrack, so their maybe some traction for their being a 4th Age United States of America ; I doubt they would reference the Civil War "Union" or Esperanto and Frank Lloyd Wright's attempt of coining "Usonia"... I wonder what would you call a Post WW2 America...?
On the other hand, this is not a Colonial America design. If they decided to call it that, it wouldn’t be appropriate. They should name it Industrial America or something similar if they wanted to split America into two, with Contemporary America reserved for Age 4. However, I hope this was just a mistake.
Between the Culture (to get ideology faster), the Jacobins, and the Happiness (to offset war weariness and settlement cap penalties), the French Empire is a military machine
On the other hand, this is not a Colonial America design. If they decided to call it that, it wouldn’t be appropriate. They should name it Industrial America or something similar if they wanted to split America into two, with Contemporary America reserved for Age 4. However, I hope this was just a mistake.
Having a second look at the America guide it does feel like the America announced very much fits the 'Colonial America' title with its description and abilities very blatantly being nods to america's period of colonisation

America announced very much fits the 'Colonial America' title with its description and abilities
Can't say I agree at all. The Western expansion and industrial boom were both 100 years after the colonial period.
Yeah I’ve been thinking they should rename it to that for a while.
The Shawnee Game Guide originally listed the civ as "Political," so perhaps it was once in consideration. Maybe they felt the term had too much baggage in contemporary conversation?
Why are their attributes Diplomatic and Militaristic? Just based off the abilities, there's hardly anything diplomatic here. It would be way more appropriate to be Cultural and Militaristic, no?
Diplo includes political=happiness
Between the Culture (to get ideology faster), the Jacobins, and the Happiness (to offset war weariness and settlement cap penalties), the French Empire is a military machine
Indeed, although I’ve got to say that aside from that France seems disappointingly similar to Mexico in its focuses (traditions/celebrations, commanders, happiness, culture, cities) and uniques (both have GP and UBs). Hopefully they feel significantly different when playing.
Indeed, although I’ve got to say that aside from that France seems disappointingly similar to Mexico in its focuses (traditions/celebrations, commanders, happiness, culture, cities) and uniques (both have GP and UBs)
Mexico feels more like a culture civ that can defend itself; France feels like a civ that weaponizes culture. I think they'll feel more different in practice than at first glance.
Indeed, although I’ve got to say that aside from that France seems disappointingly similar to Mexico in its focuses (traditions/celebrations, commanders, happiness, culture, cities) and uniques (both have GP and UBs). Hopefully they feel significantly different when playing.
France's ability is materially similar to Mexico's except that France will have to earn Ben Franklin's dislike.
will have to earn Ben Franklin's dislike
I thought Ben Franklin and Amina just automatically hated everyone. :mischief: "Ben Franklin leads Mexico" are words that automatically start the world war.
I thought Ben Franklin and Amina just automatically hated everyone. :mischief: "Ben Franklin leads Mexico" are words that automatically start the world war.
Not everyone, just 2/3 of everyone, plus Mexico.
France's ability is materially similar to Mexico's except that France will have to earn Ben Franklin's dislike.
10/10 comment.

French Empire and Mexico are also mechanically different. France is highly focused on quarters and urbanization. Mexico is a wildcard with a strong focus on Traditions. None of the Revolucionarios buff Quarters, while nearly all Jacobins do.

In a sense, they're both Lafayette civs as he compliments both (I wonder if that means he defaults to Spain so he can become Mexico while still remaining viable for the French Empire)
Can't say I agree at all. The Western expansion and industrial boom were both 100 years after the colonial period.
Yeah. I utterly fail to see how anyone can look at an America that's all about the Frontier (Wild West) expansion and mistake that for a Colonial (pre-Revolution) America design. It's very much an Industrial-Far West (ie, late 1800s, around and after the Civil War) America.
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