New Civilization Patch -- Ming Dynasty

Jan 25, 2011
Hangzhou,China PR
Spoiler :

New Civilization for RFC Dawn of Civilization -- Ming Dynasty(by tanxishichao)

It is 1368 AD. A couple years after the invade of the Mongolish.You, ZhuYuanzhang, should defeat the Mongolian and restore the Han People's rule.

Liberate your people from Mongolia's rule, protect Korea from Japanese invasion, and defeat the Jurchen.

For DoC v1.11(English):

For DoC v1.11(Chinese Simplified):

You need first rename your RFCD document to "RFC Dawn of Civilization - Ming", then put corresponding mod into your RFCD mod folder and overwrite, also it's compatible with bluemarble, but it isn't compatible with other civ modpacks such as SWEDEN, HELLAS and so on.

Spawn date: 1368
Capital: Nanjing

-Be the Civ with the most revealed territory on your map in 1520 AD
-Be the most advanced civilization, the most cultural and the most pupolated country by 1640 AD
-Control or vassalize Korea, Manchuria, China, Indochina,and Mongolia by 1750 AD

The commerce and the production of the capital will rise by 40%

Shenji Musketman
Cheaper Musketman, +25% when defense knights

Imperial Edict Prison
Jail only needs Printing Press, 1 spy slot

Flag and Color:
the flag is a Chinese word 明
the color is pink and golden of China in Vanilla BTS

Zhu Yuanzhang

although I'm not the author of this modpack, I will bring your suggestion to tanxishichao. Feel free to make suggestion!

The History of Ming Empire will Be Changed by you...

Spoiler :

Is this a conditional spawn based on Mongolia's stability? Becouse it will cause problems for human players, not to mention AI when playing with mongolia, cuz usually china is conqured fully around 1250-1300 just before the UHV goal, and right a few turns after this civ spawns :confused: Idk if its a good idea, also what about if China AI beats Mongolia AI , then what happens to the spawn?
Is this a conditional spawn based on Mongolia's stability? Becouse it will cause problems for human players, not to mention AI when playing with mongolia, cuz usually china is conqured fully around 1250-1300 just before the UHV goal, and right a few turns after this civ spawns :confused: Idk if its a good idea, also what about if China AI beats Mongolia AI , then what happens to the spawn?

It needs to discuss in different conditions.

1. Human player is China, then in 1368 Ming will not spawn.

2. Human player is Mongolia, then in 1368, if China is destroyed, and the stability of Mongolia is below -20, then Ming Dynasty will spawn. When China still alive, OR stability above -20, Ming will not spawn.

3. Human player is the other civs, then in 1368, if China is destroyed, the Ming Dynasty will surely spawn, if China is alive, the Ming Dynasty will not spawn.

4. Human player is Ming, then there is a mechanic, when autoplay in the year 1350, it will check up whether the China AI is alive or not, if China is alive, this mechanic will force China AI to destroy in 1350, then Ming could spawn normally.

I think this can solve your problem.
It needs to discuss in different conditions.

1. Human player is China, then in 1368 Ming will not spawn.

2. Human player is Mongolia, then in 1368, if China is destroyed, and the stability of Mongolia is below -20, then Ming Dynasty will spawn. When China still alive, OR stability above -20, Ming will not spawn.

3. Human player is the other civs, then in 1368, if China is destroyed, the Ming Dynasty will surely spawn, if China is alive, the Ming Dynasty will not spawn.

4. Human player is Ming, then there is a mechanic, when autoplay in the year 1350, it will check up whether the China AI is alive or not, if China is alive, this mechanic will force China AI to destroy in 1350, then Ming could spawn normally.

I think this can solve your problem.

-20 is far too generous - that's literally as low as you can go before a terminal crisis. I'd probably go with +10 (the threshold for Stable) for preventing the spawn. The "control China" goal is checked in 1300, so it won't interfere with that. If that's too strict for your tastes, then maybe +-0 (the threshold for Shaky) could be used. You should probably make the spawn conditional for AI Mongolia as well; it doesn't make sense for a stable civ to have a revolt on such a large scale, and AI Mongolia will probably have a low enough stability to allow the respawn more often than not anyway. I agree with the forced destruction of China for the player choosing the Ming, though.
Hi there, I just have two things to say.
- The leader is Hongwu on the menu screen. Is that supposed to happen or is it supposed to be Zhu Yuanzhang?

- Will China ever respawn if the Mings are alive? (like if Europeans take some of China or in 1949)
-20 is far too generous - that's literally as low as you can go before a terminal crisis. I'd probably go with +10 (the threshold for Stable) for preventing the spawn. The "control China" goal is checked in 1300, so it won't interfere with that. If that's too strict for your tastes, then maybe +-0 (the threshold for Shaky) could be used. You should probably make the spawn conditional for AI Mongolia as well; it doesn't make sense for a stable civ to have a revolt on such a large scale, and AI Mongolia will probably have a low enough stability to allow the respawn more often than not anyway. I agree with the forced destruction of China for the player choosing the Ming, though.

The mod is based on 1.11v, so -20 seems like not be that low stability. If the mod's development continues to 1.12 and so on, that mechanism can be changed at that time.
-20 is far too generous - that's literally as low as you can go before a terminal crisis. I'd probably go with +10 (the threshold for Stable) for preventing the spawn. The "control China" goal is checked in 1300, so it won't interfere with that. If that's too strict for your tastes, then maybe +-0 (the threshold for Shaky) could be used. You should probably make the spawn conditional for AI Mongolia as well; it doesn't make sense for a stable civ to have a revolt on such a large scale, and AI Mongolia will probably have a low enough stability to allow the respawn more often than not anyway. I agree with the forced destruction of China for the player choosing the Ming, though.

I've bring your suggestion to the author, PLZ Wt.

Hi there, I just have two things to say.
- The leader is Hongwu on the menu screen. Is that supposed to happen or is it supposed to be Zhu Yuanzhang?

- Will China ever respawn if the Mings are alive? (like if Europeans take some of China or in 1949)

In fact, Hongwu is the the title of the emperor's reign, the name of Emperor is Zhu Yuanzhang. In ancient China, people can't call emperor's name.

China will not respawn if Ming's alive, in fact, Ming and China can't appear at the same time according to the mechanic, unless you use worldbuilder.
Oh okay thanks. And another thing, Nanjing doesn't exist for me when I played the 3000 BC spawn. I'm thinking about trying the game without Nanjing but I think you need to update it so that the Mings get one settler just incase Nanjing wasn't founded


(for those who can't see) I have 3 knights, 3 UU units, 2 bombards but no settler/no Nanjing :cry:
Double post, sorry. Mod is great, but it's very easy on Viceroy 3000 BC. I took Beijing, Hanoi, Guangzhou and Shenyang without building any units. Rasa flipped to me but I disbanded it. I think I'm just gonna go for 2/3 UHVs for the Golden Age and build a spaceship. Thanks for the mod!

The mod is based on 1.11v, so -20 seems like not be that low stability. If the mod's development continues to 1.12 and so on, that mechanism can be changed at that time.

Ah, my mistake. Still, -20 seems a bit lenient. Perhaps it should be based on stability level rather than score (i.e. stable up blocks the spawn, shaky and below allows it).
As for Nanjing, first, the author said he'd not add a settler. Players can wait for flipped city become capital automatically. Second, the code of Nanjing flip is based on Mughal's Delhi, sometime Mughal also spawn with no city, because Delhi was destroyed. So the author don't think it's a big problem.

And as for the stability, the author said for the difficulty of emperor, it is almost impossible to keep the stability above -20 when play as Mongolia in 1368, for this sake, he will not change it.
IIRC, if you use the CreateSettler-method in, you will get the amount of settlers defined by that code minus the amount of cities in their core that will flip. With 1 being the least amount of spawning settlers. So if Nanying does exist, 1 fewer settler will spawn.

I don't know if this method does exist in 1.11 of created in 1.12.
IIRC, if you use the CreateSettler-method in, you will get the amount of settlers defined by that code minus the amount of cities in their core that will flip. With 1 being the least amount of spawning settlers. So if Nanying does exist, 1 fewer settler will spawn.

I don't know if this method does exist in 1.11 of created in 1.12.

This mechanic seems be added in some svn revision after v1.11? I can't remember so clearly, but I will tell to the author.
Forgive me if I didn't catch it, but is the Ming civilization implemented as a rebirth of China (using the same civ slot) or another civ?
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