new civs' traits


Sep 14, 2001
I'm making my own civ list. I've decided to include the following civs. But I'm not sure if these traits are in the correct order. Some of them like the Aztecs being religous and militaristic while not being seafaring and scientific make sence. Other civs like France are harder. Anyone have suggestions on how to improve my lists or sites to go to get info on the various civs. After I do this I will find the perfect combonation of 2 or 3 traits such that each set is used. I hope I didn't confuse anybody with that.
P.S Should I use the Iroquois or Sioux? I can't decide.
P.P.S. Should I have just used an attachment or put it inline?

Aztecs: rel, mil, exp, ind, agr, com, sci, sea
Carthaginians: sea, com, mil, exp, agr, rel, sci, ind
Celts: mil, sea, exp, rel, agr, com, ind, sci
Spanish: rel, sea, com, exp, mil, ind, agr, sci
Egyptians: rel, ind, agr, mil, exp, sci, sea, com
English: sea, exp, com, mil, rel, agr, ind, sci
Songhai: com, rel, mil, exp, agr, sea, sci, ind
Sumerians: exp, rel, mil, agr, ind, sci, com, sea
Vikings: sea, mil, com, exp, rel, sci, agr, ind
Zulu: exp, mil, rel, com, ind, agr, sci, sea
Indians: rel, com, exp, agr, ind, sci, sea, mil
Inuit: agr, sea, exp, rel, ind, com, sci, mil
Japanese: rel, exp, mil, sea, agr, ind, com, sci
Khmer: ind, rel, com, agr, exp, mil, sci, sea
Koreans: sea, agr, com, rel, ind, mil, exp, sci
Ottomans: mil, rel, com, exp, sea, ind, sci, agr
Mongols: mil, exp, agr, rel, com, ind, sci, sea
Polynesia: sea, exp, com, ind, agr, sci, mil, rel
Romans: mil, ind, exp, com, sea, rel, sci, agr
Dutch: sea, com, exp, sci, agr, ind, rel, mil
Chinese: mil, sci, exp, ind, rel, agr, com, sea
Germans: mil, ind, exp, sci, agr, com, rel, sea
French: exp, com, mil, sci, agr, rel, ind, sea
Persians: com, ind, rel, sci, agr, mil, exp, sea
Americans: sci, ind, exp, com, agr, sea, rel, mil
Mayans: sci, rel, exp, agr, ind, com, mil, sea
Russians: sci, exp, agr, rel, com, mil, ind, sea
Incans: agr, rel, ind, sci, com, exp, mil, sea
Babylonians: rel, ind, sci, agr, mil, com, exp, sea
Greeks: sci, mil, sea, exp, rel, agr, ind, com
Celts: rel, agr, mil, exp, sea, sci, com, ind.
I can go into detail of my reasons if you like.
I'd choose Sioux/Cheyenne over Iriqouis but thats just personal taste.
English: sea, mil, ind, exp, com, sci, agr, sci, rel?
Russia: exp, mil, rel,agr, sci, ind, com, sea?
Again I can give reasons but not as sure as celts.
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