New Colonization/DaoNE v5.22


Mar 29, 2009
Hello everyone,

This new version comes quite fast.

In this version, I mainly fix a big issue on AI. (you might have detected it)

I have changes also the way to select starting units.
Now you have default values for the two starting units and you can replace them by clicking on their icons.
Other bug fixes have been done too.

Have fun with DoaNE ;)

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Hiya, awesome piece of work mate! Got 1 problem in the game, the culture in my colonies stays on 0/20 all the time... got statesman to produce bells but its not stacking produced bells... got any idea what to do to change it?
Hiya, awesome piece of work mate! Got 1 problem in the game, the culture in my colonies stays on 0/20 all the time... got statesman to produce bells but its not stacking produced bells... got any idea what to do to change it?

Have to ask is this with 5.22 or 5.21?
Is the game a new 5.22 game? Or was it a game continued from 5.21? Or earlier versions?
Is the game a new 5.22 game? Or was it a game continued from 5.21? Or earlier versions?
i just downloaded latest today and started new game as holland... tried few times and got the same problem... now i'm on the english side and lets see... need another 20-30 turns..:)
Hello guys,

On the first era, you will not have any culture. Culture points are directly related to independance points.
So it is just feature. Try to see the next era screen.
With 2 statesmen for each colony and with the printing house, you will see rebellion points increase.
Hello guys,

On the first era, you will not have any culture. Culture points are directly related to independance points.
So it is just feature. Try to see the next era screen.
With 2 statesmen for each colony and with the printing house, you will see rebellion points increase.
Thanks for a quick answer. If that was the problem than... my weekend is gone... :D love colonization with the fresh touch. Good work guys
Fantastic job, I'm sure an updated guide will be very useful for the players (if it doesn't already exist). Just a basic PDF with some of what you've already detailed here and other aspects not on the Civilopedia (or a much detailed Civilopedia oc).

Some feedback (restarting playing since a while) :
- I was confused a lot by the inactivated black flag on EU docks. When you don't know Privateers have been removed and you're a little obsessed ^^... (I wanna be a piraaaaate). Should have a note or something ingame. Privateer is such a cool concept. It was maybe 30% of the fun in the 94 version. Chasing the AI across the sea.
- I can't create muskets on my own on Era 3, this is on purpose as well ? Only swords. Same for cannons.
- Indians are so nice compared to the 94 Col. They're rarely an issue, despite high difficulty. The fact they auto-remove their camps is so OP, first time I was shocked. No really need to put missionary...
- Can't find any congressmen elections and their bonuses. It was a high feature in the 94 version. Short and long-term tactic.
- The idea that manufactured goods are not interesting EU (low prices) is realistic and cool but ingame it's not so cool. Trading with natives those goods is limited, not very appealing compared to the huge amounts of tobacco and stuff you're selling to EU. So all the aspect to specialize colonies with top tiers factories is now useless. It was something very important in 94 version and adding deep to the game.
- The cultural removing tiles system does not work for me.
- I can't find the difference between countries when you're starting. No more big differentiation like in the old game ? (Eng more colons, FR cool natives, Spain +50% attack natives, Dutch better ship and easier economy).
- Sometimes the convoy on auto trades routes is not following the best path, delaying exchanges by 1 or 2 turns. In particular if there is a native town to cross.
- Exploration is boring, no more anxious bet like in the 94 v, when you were asking yourself if it would be a big treasure, a fountain of youth, or.... a sacred natives site ruining potentially the rest of your play by forced war. Ruins are scarce, always the same and when you have a treasure, nobody is trying to steal it (not like 94v again, there was a vicious script about it... escort was necessary).
- Passing turns duration extends quickly after a while, slowing down the game.
- I don't really understand the point of victories limited by Era (so dull). Multiplayer challenge purpose I guess.
- I still have this feeling that it's more boring and empty that the original version, despite all the features included. It's by far the best Civ IV : Col mod but still... I don't know why. On the 94 version, on top difficulty level, AI is always an issue (you're forced to attack FIRST), natives too. You're forced to explore for treasures, and you have the complete possibility to be 100% independent in every aspect (economy, military, naval military). It really gives you the feeling that you're now another country. But yeah, there was too many exploits and illogical aspects (creating colony out of nowhere to exploit Hernan Cortes feature, buying unlimited tools directly on colonies, the customs exploit for prices etc...)
In this version, most of the time you're just asking yourself how many turns before next era... because there is not much to do meanwhile. You can't create a big gap between you and others.

I hope it will useful for Dev. I don't list of course all the very good features (advanced farming, friendly trading system, grouping ships, bargaining with natives, era challenge), you know them already.
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Hello @MorphineCol,
Thank you for your feedback. I will try to answer to all your question.
- A guide to able to start correctly a game is provided here
- The privateer feature has to be well thought before be including in DoaNE. But I agree, I really love playing with Privateer too.
- Cannon and muskets can be produced via the armory management (There is a button in the city screen where you can manage the swords, ammunitions, muskets and cannon production percent)
- I agree it should be harder against Natives.
- Congressmen elections and their bonuses were too much powerful. We want to have a tree of technology (something like that) where you can choose bonuses based on the strategy you want to use.
- He want to have internal consummation of manufactured goods, in order to have a better satisfactions of our citizen. It will be useful to have more incomes from citizen and may be for wars too.
- The cultural removing tiles system should only work from the era 2. You click on tiles that you don't want anymore, they will appear in black. The next turn will not have influences on the selected tiles.
- Indeed, there is no differences between europeans. It was unfair for us to get bonuses for all the game. So we remove them.
- I am not sure that I can do something for the path issue. It is not really on my control.
- I agree for the exploration, we plan to add wild animals and nasty Indians in the map.
- I have to optimise the code. I was aware of this issue.
- Indeed it is for Multiplayer games mostly.
- I am sharing your point of view. One things that will make the game more interesting is the King's missions. It should not be on the next main version but the following one.
Your king will ask you to attack one colony and will lend you some military troops or naval ships. You will rewards or penalties. But it will the same for AI.

Thanks again for your feed back it was really interesting.
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