pre-release info New First Look: Friedrich

pre-release info


Jul 22, 2024

Introducing Friedrich, including his Baroque persona!​

Friedrich, Oblique (Base game)​

Friedrich the Great’s rise to power in militarized Prussia at first seems contradictory. In his youth he was more interested in art and literature than war. Yet upon taking the throne, he revealed a sharp proclivity for military theory and a taste for Prussian aggression. Friedrich vigorously expanded his borders and solidified Prussia’s martial reputation, but never lost his love of the arts, balancing his iron hand with intellectual patronage.

To Arms!: Decrease Relationship by a Medium Amount with the empire that has the least amount of Military Units on the map. Increase Relationship by a Small Amount with the empire that has the most amount of Military Units on the map.

Starting Biases:


Unique Ability:
Berlin Academy: Army Commanders start with the Merit Commendation (increased Command Radius range). Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Science Building.

Friedrich, Baroque (DLC Persona)​

Friedrich the Great’s rise to power in militarized Prussia at first seems contradictory. He had a proclivity for military theory and a taste for Prussian aggression. Yet from youth, Friedrich was drawn to art and literature. He wrote philosophy, composed music, and hosted the leading artists and intellectuals of the day. But he never lost sight of the battlefield, balancing his creative side with the logical rigor requisite for a military leader.

Parisian Sensibilities: Increase Relationship per built Wonder in the Capital by a Medium Amount. Decrease Relationship per Building in the Capital by a Small Amount.

Starting Biases:


Unique Ability:
Hohenfriedberger Marsch: Gain a Great Work upon capturing a Settlement for the first time. Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Culture Building.

Game Guide here:

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Shaman Queen: Decrease Relationship by a Small Amount per Settlement with constructed Science and Gold Buildings. Increase Relationship by a Small Amount per Settlement with Culture and Happiness Buildings.
I think this is wrong Sarah. ;)

Introducing Friedrich, including his Baroque persona!​

Friedrich, Oblique (Base game)​

Friedrich the Great’s rise to power in militarized Prussia at first seems contradictory. In his youth he was more interested in art and literature than war. Yet upon taking the throne, he revealed a sharp proclivity for military theory and a taste for Prussian aggression. Friedrich vigorously expanded his borders and solidified Prussia’s martial reputation, but never lost his love of the arts, balancing his iron hand with intellectual patronage.

To Arms!: Decrease Relationship by a Medium Amount with the empire that has the least amount of Military Units on the map. Increase Relationship by a Small Amount with the empire that has the most amount of Military Units on the map.

Starting Biases:


Unique Ability:
Berlin Academy: Army Commanders start with the Merit Commendation (increased Command Radius range). Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Science Building.

Friedrich, Baroque (DLC Persona)​

Friedrich the Great’s rise to power in militarized Prussia at first seems contradictory. He had a proclivity for military theory and a taste for Prussian aggression. Yet from youth, Friedrich was drawn to art and literature. He wrote philosophy, composed music, and hosted the leading artists and intellectuals of the day. But he never lost sight of the battlefield, balancing his creative side with the logical rigor requisite for a military leader.

Shaman Queen: Decrease Relationship by a Small Amount per Settlement with constructed Science and Gold Buildings. Increase Relationship by a Small Amount per Settlement with Culture and Happiness Buildings.

Starting Biases:


Unique Ability:
Hohenfriedberger Marsch: Gain a Great Work upon capturing a Settlement for the first time. Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Culture Building.

Game Guide here:

The Baroque agenda is copy-pasted from Himiko
I think this is wrong Sarah. ;)
Either that or they are going *really* hard on the "Not exactly Straight Freddie" angle. LOL

(Yes, I know it's a mistake, but it happening to this leader is, well...)
Both abilities look really good. (also this is the kind of persona that feels quite aproppiate)
Will give great praise to whoever actually mod a third Friedrich personna called Shaman Queen Freddy into the game.

Flaming gay (but fully dressed, this is not an adult game) outfit prefered.
Does "Parisian sensibilities" means he count as a French leader?
My only quibbles (and they are very, very minor) are two:

Neither of his personas mention the potato, with which he is closely associated in Germany - people keep leaving potatoes on his memorial plaque at the Sanssouci palace in Potsdam, for example.
This, by the way, is despite the fact that potatoes were grown and eaten in northern Germany since the 16th century, 200 years before Fred. He is still associated in pop history with the spud, to the point where he is sometimes referred to as the Kartoffelkönig - the "Potato King" in Germany.

His 'Oblique' (military) persona rightly shows him in a dull 'Prussian blue' coat, but every portrait of him where he is not in armor shows him wearing the Black Eagle decoration on the coat:


Having the coat bare of any decoration may be appropriate for his no-nonsense personality (he famously said that: "a crown is just a hat that let's the rain in") but it is not accurate for the way he is portrayed both in his own time and afterwards.
I love the characterization on him so much. it's very obvious that he's gay, and barely tolerates your heterosexual nonsense. It's a mood I know all too well <3
Does "Parisian sensibilities" means he count as a French leader?
He wouldn't be here otherwise. We only accept French leaders in this game.
Does "Parisian sensibilities" means he count as a French leader?
He did speak French by preference for most of his public dealings.

Another famous Frederickism was that he said he "only spoke German to his horse."
I feel like Baroque Fred and Revolutionary Napy should switch abilities. Napy was definitely more famous for housing things from conquered cities.
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